Enterprise Task 2a

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PROBLEM 1 – Capital
I figured out everything and got to know that I will need approximately 4000 inr for buying
the materials needed to make the diy product. So, I can ask my parents to give me some
money. And some amount of money I will take from my personal savings. Or else I can ask
my friends and family. I can also find ways to reduce the amount by buying cheaper
products. But the product will not turn out to be a good one. So, reducing the amount will
not work. I can make a presentation of my business which will give an idea that this business
might become successful in future. So, there are high chances that I will get my capital.

PROBLEM 2 – Making the product

As diy products are very complicated to make, so I need to make sure that everything is
properly done or not. And I will also need one person to help me a bit while making the
products. I will also need to keep the products in a clean and safe place, to reduce the
chances of the getting destroyed. It will also take time to make the product but I will also
have to manage to do my school assignments at the same time.



1. Buying the materials 2 days 7 April
2. Making the products 6 to 8 days 14 April
3. Keeping the 3 days 17 April
products aside
4. Making a site to sell 1 day 18 April
5. Marketing of the 4 days 22 April

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