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Individual Assignment - 1

1. Schematic Diagram

2. Mathematical model: The model for Goal Programming

Decision Variables:
i – represents school
j – represents slum
Xij – Binary variable;
Xij = 1; if ith school is mapped to jth slum
= 0; otherwise.

1. Hard constraints:

∑X i1 <= 1 ; i=1,2,3,4

∑X i2 <= 1 ; i=1,2,3,4

∑X i3 <= 1 ; i=1,2,3,4

∑X i4 <= 1 ; i=1,2,3,4
∑X i5 <= 1 ; i=1,2,3,4

∑X i6 <= 1 ; i=1,2,3,4

∑X 1j = 1 ; j=1,2,..6

∑X 2j = 1 ; j=1,2,..6

∑X 3j = 1 ; j=1,2,..6

∑X 4j = 1 ; j=1,2,..6
2. Soft constraints:
Let Demand (based on slums) be represented By D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
Demand in meals/ year
D1 24*365 8760
D2 27*365 9855
D3 25*365 9125
D4 26*365 9490
D5 27*365 9855
D6 29*365 10585

Let Supply (based on schools) be represented by S1, S2, S3, S4

Supply in meals/year
S1 520*2*12 12480
S2 450*2*12 10800
S3 557*2*12 13368
S4 723*2*12 17352

(∑ D jX1j) = S1- Y1+ + Y-1 ; j= 1,2,..6

(∑ D jX2j) = S2- Y2+ + Y-2 ; j= 1,2,..6

(∑ D jX3j) = S3- Y3+ + Y-3 ; j= 1,2,..6

(∑ D jX4j) = S4- Y4+ + Y-4 ; j= 1,2,..6

3. Non-negativity constraints:
Xij, Yi>=0; for all i,j.

Objective Function:
Minimize Z=Y4+ +Y+3 +Y+2+Y1++Y4-+Y-3 +Y-2+Y1-
3. Optimal school-to-slum assignment and the donation flow quantities

The mapping is as follows:

From To Quantity
School 1 Slum 6 10585
School 2 Slum 5 9855
School 3 Slum 4 9490
School 4 Slum 2 9855

The optimal Value (pool) = 14215

The left-over supply from schools are as follows
School 1 1895
School 2 945
School 3 3878
School 4 7497

4. Flexible Levers available for decision-making process:

Slum 1 and 3 aren’t assigned to any school. So, there is flexibility in adjusting the supply
to these.
Demand of slum 1 = 8760
Demand of slum 3 = 9125
Total demand of slum 1 and 3 = 17885
After distribution to slums 2,4,5,6 the remaining goes into pool = 14215
We can see that demand>supply.
So, we can see that the current supply can’t fulfil the demand.

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