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Essay about it’s okay not to be okay

“It`s okay not to be okay”

This webinar has made a big realization in some mental aspects in our lives—as a
student and as an individual. These days, we got stressed because of the pressures in our
study and deadliest deadline, plus there are some teachers who are very inconsiderate on
us. We felt so weak because of some stress in school, family and financial—personally.
The realization of mine is that, it`s okay not to be okay. I know that right now, things
seem chaotic. Anxiety seems eating me but I`m dealing with a lot. Like me, everyone has
their own struggles, their own issues to work through, and sometimes things don’t turn out
the way you want them to. It’s okay to say that you’re not okay. And that means our
feelings and emotions are valid, no matter what they are. Let us not judged a person just
because they are weak or uncapable to cope with their problems. Their mentality is not
same as ours. The important is let us stop this stigma. The topic 1 has made a big
realization on how people present happily or okay to other people but the truth is they
faced a big problem in their own—this called the “Duck syndrome”

People tend to kill their self and think of suicide because sadness killing them. This
feeling of vulnerability usually become anxiety—that leads to—depression and now think of
suicide. It may treat by diagnosis and it can cope up by being optimistic in everything.
Trying to look at the brighter side is not bad or crazy. It`s just thinking positively to ease
the pain. But also, it`s important to seek out the support of people who love you. Take the
time you need to rest, recharge, and breathe. Take care of yourself the best way you know
how. You know yourself better than anyone.

It`s okay to worked out and cope up by our own. I realized that expressing your
emotions is never a bad thing, and if you’re not okay, it’s okay to say so. We all have our
limits, and sometimes those responsibilities push us over the edge of those limits.
Sometimes things don’t go our way. Sometimes we are not okay. It’s okay to feel negative
emotions; those negative emotions balance out our positive ones. It’s okay to be different;
it’s okay to feel things. It’s okay to want to cry, to be angry, to feel negative emotions. All
those feelings are normal, we all go through this sometimes.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for
evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11. Let us all remember that God is in
control. Do not be dismayed for He is with us wherever we go. “We aren’t guaranteed a life
without pain, but we have hope that He will make everything right again. Just because
you’re struggling does not mean you’re doing something wrong or don’t have enough faith, it
simply means you are fighting a battle.” — Alicia N.

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