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It is very difficult to find quiet places in the fast paced life of today.

However, I would like to talk about a place where I go quite often and I find great
peace there. The place I am referring to is an abandoned hill in my village. It’s
about 3 km from my house and I often go there once a week. Because I live in the
countryside, this hill is very quiet. It was around 2 years ago, I found it when I was
lost after having an argument with my mother. In spite of being an abandoned
place, the hill was full of green with a variety of trees. Immediately, I thought I
need this place to be my secret base. I planted some flowers, then, it became
extremely wonderful. I go there whenever I’m in a bad mood or depressed. I only
sit on the top of the hill and feel the fresh air there. Sometimes, I also listen to
music with my earphone or draw some pictures. I mean, I can do whatever I want
in this place. Because people haven’t gone there for a long time except me. And, I
think Im the only one know how beautiful this place is with its picturesque
scenery. I feel really happy and cheerful after going to this hill. I generally go
there on weekends and spend a good two hours over there. To be honest, I must
admit that it’s this place that makes me more positive in my life.

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