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A Fast Analytical Method to Compute Optimum Stiffness of Fixturing Locators

S. Jayaram, 6. S.El-Khasawneh, D. E. Beutel

Center for Manufacturing Excellence, Caterpillar Inc., Technical Center - Bldg. K., Mossville, USA
Submitted by M. E. Merchant ( I ) , Center for Manufacturing Excellence,
Caterpillar Inc., Technical Center - Bldg. K., Mossville, USA
Received on January 6,2000

Machining fixtures are used to rigidly hold and support workpieces during machining. The quality of the
machined part directly depends on the combined stiffness of the workpiece and the fixture. Low fixture
stiffness causes poor quality parts, while large fixture stiffness causes the fixtures to be expensive and
cumbersome. Finite element models can be used to optimize the fixture stiffness; however these
techniques are computationally expensive for complex workpiece geometries. This paper develops a fast
analytical method for optimizing fixture locator stiffnesses for workpieces that are more rigid than the
fixture elements. The developed methodology is validated through finite element simulations and

Keywords: Fixture, Design, Optimization

1 INTRODUCTION is not only time consuming but also difficult and requires
Fixtures are used to accurately and rigidly hold a number of simulation inputs. One way to solve this
workpieces during machining. The quality of the problem is to use error budgeting and allocate a certain
machined part directly depends on the stiffness of the percentage of the tolerance to the fixture stiffness. The
fixturing elements. Low fixture stiffness contributes to low effective stiffness required at the machined surface can
stiffness of the part at the machined surface and thus be translated to the stiffness required for the fixture
poor part quality. Large fixture stiffness causes the fixture elements. The fixture element stiffnesses are passed on
to be bulky and increases the cost to build the fixture and to the fixture builder so that ‘optimum’ dimensions for the
hence increases the manufacturing cost of the part. fixture elements can be selected.
Currently, industrial fixtures are mostly designed using By designing the fixtures using the proposed
ad-hoc methods by an experienced fixture designer. The methodology, the fixtures will not be bulkier than
problem with this approach is that the fixtures are necessary and hence will contribute to reduced costs. In
typically over-designedand not optimal. addition, a proven fixture design eliminates the need for
The current trend in industry is towards making fixtures trial and error methods to solve fixture stiffness problems
that are optimal for a given application. The research on the shop floor thus resulting in reduced ramp-up and
done in the recent past in developing new techniques reduced lead times during manufacturing.
and analytical methods should help in the automated
design and development of good quality flexible fixtures. 2 MODEL FORMULATION
Chou et al. [1] proposed a mathematical approach based
on screw theory for the automatic configuration of This paper develops a fast and efficient analytical
fixtures for prismatic parts. Menassa et al. [2] proposed method to determine locator stiff nesses based on the
rules for the selection of locating points based on stiffness required at the machined surface locations. In
machining practice and accessibility conditions. Asada et order to develop this analytical model, the following
al. [3] developed an automated system for determining assumptions are required:
the optimal layout for reconfigurable fixture elements The workpiece is at least 10 times more rigid than
using robotic manipulators. Shawki et al. [4] determined the fixture elements.
the effect of fixture rigidity on workpiece dimensional There are exactly six locators (such as a 3-2-1
accuracy. Nguyen [5] developed models for stiffness of a location scheme) that ensure kinematic part
grasped object based on virtual springs at the contact restraint.
points. DeMeter [6] presented an algorithm for optimal
layout of locators and clamps and clamp intensities. The contact between the locators and the part is
However, none of these papers discuss the design of frictionless.
fixture stiffnesses based on part quality requirements. Clamps are modeled as force boundary conditions
The objective of this paper is to develop specifications for and do not affect the part stiffness.
the fixture stiffness based on the required part quality. A Only the static stiffness is considered (no dynamic
number of error sources can affect the part quality. For effects).
example, the errors on the part can be due to fixturing Deformations are small and hence linearized
stiffness, thermal variations, deformations due to modeling applies.
machining forces, machine tool errors and the stiffness of
the workpiece. The simulation of all these error sources

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 49/1/2000 317

The stiffness of the workpiece at the machined surface
Machined Surface location, q,, can be determined by applying a unit force at
I7 this location and determining the deflection, Adi, normal
to the machined surface. The unit force is used to
compute the wrench, fG, and Equation 2 is then used to
compute Ax. The dot product of the twist Ax and the
vector [oi qi x oilT is used to compute the deflection, Ad;,
and is given by the following equation:

where, ai = J-'Lqi:Oi] = [ali,A ,aGi]T .

Equation 3 can be simplified to the following equation:

Figure 1: Schematic of the Workpiece Fixture System.
Adi = a ; / k l i h i a , $ / k 6 . (4)
Figure 1 shows a graphical schematic representation of
the workpiece and fixturing locators. The positions and Hence, if the stiffnesses of the locators, and the positions
the surface normals of the locators and machining and normals of the machined surface are known, then
surfaces are denoted by pj, nj, Qi and 0, respectively, the stiffness at the machined surface, IIAd,, can be
where j=lto number of locators (6) and i=l to number of computed.
points on the machined surface (m). The stiffness of the
2.2 Inverse Problem (Optimization)
jth locator along y is denoted by k?. The effective
stiffness normal to the workpiece surface is given by: The inverse problem of computing the optimum
k j = k T / ( v j . nJ2
stiffnesses of the locators will be solved in this section.
This is based on the minimum stiffness required at the
The objective of this paper is to optimize the stiffnesses machined surface, kmjn (or the maximum compliance of
of locators such that the stiffness of the workpiece at the Cmax = 1 lkmin).
machined surface is at least kmjn. For example, if the
For each point, i=l to m, on the machined surface, the
maximum machining force acting on the workpiece is
following constraint should be satisfied:
fmax, the tolerance requirement on the machined surface
is to/ and 25% of the tolerance is assigned to fixture 2
deformations, then kmin = fmaJ(0.25foI). Adi = a$Cl iA ia& 5 C,,, , (5)

2.1 Forward Problem where, c j = I l k j , is the compliance of the jth locator.

The forward problem of determining the stiffness at the This equation has an infinite number of solutions. The
machined surface locations based on known stiffnesses objective of this problem is to obtain a solution that
of the fixturing locators will now be formulated. provides the smallest values of stiffness for each of the
The instantaneous kinematic relationship between the locators. Hence, the optimization problem can be posed
locator deviations, A/ , and the resulting part twist, A x , as the maximization of the product of the compliances
for a rigid part is given by: subject to the inequality constraint shown in Equation 5.
This problem can be formulated as the following
AI=JAx, (1) unconstrained optimization problem using the Lagrange
where, A1 = [611,A ,6/6p and 6/j is the deviation of the jth multiplier, h:

locator, & = [6x,6y,6z,~,.sy,apand &, Sy, 62, M , .sy,

and EZ are the rigid body translations and rotations of the
part in the x, and z directions, and j=l j=1

J=[ n1 n6 ]is the Jacobian matrix. The solution of Equation 6 is obtained by using
Plxnl hP6Xn6 agi / acj = 0 for j = ?,A ,6 and agi / ah = 0 . This leads
The force acting on the locators is denoted by to the following solution:
fL = [f,,A ,f61T , where fj is the normal force acting on
the jth locator. The combined force and moment acting cj s 9
j ky 2 Siaji(vj
2 .nj)2k,in, (7)
on the part is called a wrench and is denoted by
f, = [ f x , f y , f z . ~ x . m y , m,zwhere
lT fx, fy, fz, m,, my, and where, Ti is the number of non-zero terms in ai . If one
mz, are the forces and moments acting on the part in the of the a j i ' s is equal to zero, then the corresponding
x, y and z directions. Using the principle of virtual work, value of cj does not affect the optimization problem and
f[Al = fJAx , the following equation is obtained:
can be selected based on other constraints.
Equation 7 is used to compute the minimum stiffness for
each locator at different points along the machined
f, = J ~ K J A X , (2) surface. The maximum of these minimums is the
where, fL = KAI = KJAx and K = diag(k1,* , k 6 ) . optimum stiffness of that locator.

3 MODEL VALIDATIONS 3.2 Finite Element Simulations
The models developed in the previous sections are A finite element model of the ANClO1 workpiece was
validated in this section using finite element simulations developed using 6836 solid tetrahedral elements. The
and experiments. boundary conditions for locators were modeled by
attaching a spring normal to the surface of contact. As a
3.1 Experimental Setup
frictionless contact is assumed, there are no constraints
The experimental setup used for validations is shown in in the plane of the surface at the locators. The clamps
Figure 2. The workpiece used in the validation was were modeled as force boundary conditions. The
aluminum ANCIOI block. The minimum stiffness of the stiffness at the machined surface was determined by
workpiece, excluding the fixture, was computed using applying a unit load at each of the machined points (MI-
finite element analysis (FEA) to be 100 N/pm. The M4) and then computing the inverse of the deformation
analytical model was developed for the case in which the at those points.
fixture is weaker than the workpiece. Hence, in this The initial measured stiffness of the locators are
experimental setup, the fixture elements were designed k l = 0.98 N/pm, k2 = 1.08 N/pm, k3 = 0.95 N/pm,
to be weaker than 10 N/pm. To validate the model with k4 = 10 N/pm, k5 = 10 N/pm, and k6 = 8 N/pm. The
different values of fixture stiffnesses, the fixture elements
analytical model, finite elements and experiments were
were designed with an ability to control the stiffness of used to estimate the stiffness at each of the four
individual locators. The bottom three locators were machined surface points (MI-M4). These are shown in
designed using a cantilever arm with steel pads placed
Table 2.
underneath. By changing the location of the pads, the
stiffnesses of the individual locators can be controlled. To
ensure kinematic restraint, a 3-2-1 location scheme was
used to locate the workpiece. Three locators were placed
on the bottom surface, two locators on the secondary
side surface and one locator on the tertiary side surface.
There were two clamps on the top surface and one
clamp on the side surface. The positions and normals of
each of these fixture elements are shown in Table 1. To
ensure that each of the fixture elements had a frictionless
point contact with the workpiece, a 5 mm steel ball was
attached to each fixture element between the fixture
element and the workpiece. In order to ensure that the
clamp stiffnesses do not affect the results, a rubber pad
was placed between the clamp and the steel ball.
The machining surface of interest is the top surface of
the ANC101 block. Four representative points on the
machined surface (MI -M4) were selected for analysis as Figure 3: Finite Element Model of ANC101 Block.
shown in Figure 3. The positions and normals of these
points are also shown in Table 1. Based on the part
quality requirements of 250 microns and the maximum
machining force of 90 N that acts on the top surface, the
top surface had a stiffness requirement of 1.5 N/pm in
the Z direction.
Experimental impact hammer tests using a soft tip
hammer and a capacitance gage were used to estimate
the transfer function of the structure at each of the fixture
elements and the machined surface points. The low
frequency portion of the transfer function was used to
compute the value of the static stiffness.

10 MI 90 49 -45 (0,0,1)
11 M2 85 125 -45 (0,0,1)
12 M3 145 50 -45 (0,0,1)
13 M4 145 125 -45 (0,0,1)

Stiffness Goal = 1.5 N/pn

3 M3 1.5 1.4 1.4 -9.3 -7.8
4 M4 1.5 1.6 1.9 9.3 20.9
Figure 2: Experimental Setup for ANC101 Block.

From Table 2, it can be seen that the correlation between In the above analysis, only the locator stiffnesses were
the values predicted by the analytical model and the optimized. By including the stiffnesses of the clamps and
finite element simulations are within 15% and between using a pseudo inverse of the Jacobian in Equation 3, it
the analytical model and the experiments are within 30%. is also possible to optimize the clamping stiffnesses.
Since some of the machined surface points did not meet The computation time required for each of the three
the design goal of 1.5 N/pm, a redesign of the fixture was methods to optimize the fixture stiffnesses for the
needed. Equation 7 is now used to solve the inverse ANC101 block is shown in Table 4. The solution time for
problem of optimizing the fixture stiffnesses based on the the analytical model only depends on the number of
design requirement of a minimum stiffness of 1.5 N/pm at fixture elements, is independent of the model size and
the machined surface. Since all the machined surface solves both the forward and the inverse problems. The
points are on a single surface normal to the z-axis, the solution time for the finite element analysis depends on
analytical solution indicates that only the stiffnesses of the complexity of the finite element model and could
the three bottom locators contribute to the machined require a large time to obtain a solution. In addition, a
surface stiffness requirement. The solution of the inverse number of iterations are required to solve the inverse
problem is k l = 2.6 N/pm, k2 = 1.8 N/pm, and problem. The trial and error experimental method of
determining the fixture stiffnesses can be expensive as it
k3 = 1.4 N/pm. If all the values of the stiffnesses are
requires machine down time for setup and testing and
greater than these values, then the minimum stiffness
does not guarantee an optimal solution.
requirement can be achieved.
In order to validate the results of the inverse solution, the
positions of the steel pads on the three bottom locators I # I Method I Time (sec) I
were adjusted to modify the stiffness to k l = 2.6 N/pm, 1 I Analytical 0.1
k2 = 2.1 N/pm, k3 = 1.4 N/pm. The results of the
stiffnesses at the four measurement points for the
modified setup are shown in Table 3. From this table, it 3 1Experiment - trial & error I 14400.0
can be seen that the stiffnesses at all the measurement Table 4: Comparison of Computation/Solution Times.
points are greater than 1.5 N/pm. Hence, the inverse
solution procedure was successful in achieving the
design goal of a minimum stiffness of 1.5 N/pm. 5 SUMMARY
This paper develops an analytical solution for
determining the stiffnesses of the fixture locators for a
given stiffness requirement of the workpiece at the
machining surfaces. This methodology can be used to
optimize the fixture stiffnesses for workpieces that are
more rigid compared to the fixture elements. The
analytical method is very fast compared to performing
finite element simulations or performing testing on the
shop floor. The developed analytical model was validated
using finite element analysis and experiments.
Table 3: Stiffness Measurements - Modified Setup.
We extend our sincere thanks to Dr. Eugene Merchant
The discrepancy between the finite element analysis and for reviewing and sponsoring this paper.
the analytical model is attributed to the error in mapping
the positions of the fixture elements to the closest grid
point on the finite element model. For the experimental REFERENCES
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Nguyen, V.-D., 1989, Constructing Stable Grasps,
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