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General Provisions

1. Quarry sand and gravel, guano, and gemstone resources in private and/or public lands may be
extracted, removed, disposed and/or utilized
2. In large-scale quarry operations involving cement raw materials, marble, granite and sand and gravel
and construction aggregates
a. any Qualified Person may apply for a Mineral Agreement
b. Subject to the provisions on Mineral Agreement (Chapter VI)
c. Large-scale quarry operation, including a sand and gravel operation, during the
development/construction/ operating period under a mineral agreement, shall involve a
mechanized operation

Final mining area for Large-Scale Quarry Operation

Final mining area - the contract area or portion/s properly delineated and surveyed by the mining
applicant/contractor for development and actual quarrying/mining operation, including sites for
support/ancillary facilities

Qualified Persons Sand and Gravel Marble, Granite and/or Cement Raw Materials
(including lahar) construction aggregates (limestone, shale, and silica)
Individuals 40 ha 200 ha 1,000 ha
Corporations, partnerships, 100 ha 500 ha 2,000 ha
associations, or cooperatives

Conditions for Quarry Operations:

1. That the mining applicant/contractor may file/declare more than 1 final mining area in its applied
area/contract area
a. That for sand and gravel, each additional final mining area shall further require the approval
by any 2 of the Sanggunian concerned through a formal Resolution
2. Each final mining area shall be covered by:
a. Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility supported by a Mining Project Feasibility Study,
b. Development/ Utilization Work Program
c. Application for survey
3. That the aggregate of the final mining areas for all Mineral Agreements held by the Contractor and
areas covered by Mineral Agreement applications, if any, shall not exceed the maximum areas of a
mineral agreement (Sec. 33)
Qualified Onshore Onshore Offshore EEZ
Persons (in any one province) (in the entire Philippines) (in the entire
Philippines, beyond
500m from the mean
low tide level)
Individuals 10 blocks or 810 ha. 20 blocks or 1,620 ha. 50 blocks or 4,050 ha -
Corporations, 2,000 ha for non- 5,000 ha per final 500 blocks or 40,500 larger area to be
partnerships, metallic minerals per mining area subject to ha determined by
associations, or final mining area Sec. 69 the Secretary
cooperatives subject to Sec. 69 upon the
of the Director

4. That for sand and gravel/lahar deposits, the Mineral Agreement shall exclude the Exploration Period
and immediately proceed to the Development and/or Operation Periods, subject to compliance with
the applicable requirements
a. Mineral Agreement applicants concerned shall, within 6 months, amend their applications to
conform with this Section.

Provincial/City Mining Regulatory Board (P/C Mining Regulatory Board)

1. Accept, process, and evaluate applications
2. Determine administrative charges and fees for Quarry, Sand and Gravel, Guano, Gemstone
Gathering and Small-Scale Mining
3. Composition:
Chair: Regional Director or duly authorized representative
Vice: Governor/Mayor or representative
Members: Small-scale mining representative
Large-scale mining representative
Department-duly accredited environmental NGO representative
Technical Secretariat: Regional Office

Mandatory Requirements for Quarry/Sand and Gravel/Guano/Gemstone Permit Application

Quarry/SAG Guano Gemstone

1. Application Form ✓ ✓ ✓
2. For corporation/ partnership/ association/ cooperative: ✓ - -
SEC/CDA-certified true copies of Certificate of Registration,
Articles of Incorporation/ Partnership/Association and By-
3. Certification from the Barangay Captain that the applicant - ✓ -
has established domicile in the area applied

4. Location Map/Sketch Plan (1:50,000 NAMRIA topographic ✓ ✓ ✓

map) showing coordinates/boundaries (in tabulated form)
with major environmental features/other projects (prepared,
sealed and signed by a deputized Geodetic Engineer)

5. Area Status and Clearance from government agencies/LGUs ✓ ✓ ✓

concerned that may be affected by the permit application or
written permission from the landowner(s) and surface
owner(s) of the area applied for
6. Work Program (prepared, sealed and signed by a licensed ✓ - -
Mining Engineer or Geologist)
7. Declaration of the approximate quantity of mineral resources - ✓ ✓
available in the permit area applied
8. Certificate of Environmental Management and Community ✓ - -
Relations (CEMCRR)
9. Environmental Compliance Certificate prior to extraction, ✓ ✓ -
removal and/or disposition

10.Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program ✓ ✓ -

11.Proof of technical competence in the form of: ✓ - -

a. CV and track records in exploration/ environmental
b. Sworn statement of the technical person(s) who will
undertake the implementation of the Work Programs or
employment contract/proof of availed service(s)
12.Proof of financial capability: ✓ - -
a. For an individual:
i. Sworn Statement of Assets and Liabilities
ii. ITR for the preceding 3 yrs.
iii. Credit lines/bank guarantees/deposits
b. For corporation/ partnership/ association/ cooperative:
i. Latest audited Financial Statements
ii. Annual Report for the preceding year
iii. Credit lines/bank guarantees/deposits
13.Proof(s) that the Notice of Application was: ✓ ✓ ✓
a. Posted for 2 consecutive weeks on the bulletin boards of

i. MGB Regional Office(s)
iii. Province(s) and/or
iv. Municipality(s)/City(s)
14.Proof of payment of Filing Fee to the MGB/P/C Mining ✓ ✓ ✓
Regulatory Board
15. Other supporting papers as the MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory ✓ ✓ ✓
Board may require or the applicant may submit

Filing of Application
1. By the applicant personally or
2. Through its duly authorized representative

Venue of Application: Regional Office/ P/C Mining Regulatory Board concerned

If application transcends 2 or more regions/provinces/cities: apply with Regional Office/P/C Mining
Regulatory Board with largest area covered, cc: other Regional Office/ P/C Mining Regulatory Board by

Area Status and Clearance for a Quarry or Sand and Gravel Permit Application
1. Within 15 working days from receipt of the permit application
a. MGB shall check in the control maps if the area is free/open for mining applications
b. MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board concerned shall transmit a copy of the location
map/sketch plan of the applied area to the Regional Office concerned/pertinent Department
sector(s) affected by the permit application for area status, copy furnished:
i. LGU concerned
ii. Other relevant offices or agencies of the government for their information
2. Upon notification of the applicant by MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board as to the transmittal of
documents to the MGB/Department sectors/Government agencies concerned, the applicant shall
secure the necessary area status/consent/clearance from said MGB/Department sectors/Government

3. Within 30 working days from receipt of notice, the MGB/Department sector/s Government agencies
concerned must submit the area status/consent/clearance on the proposed permit area
a. That the Department sector(s) concerned cannot unreasonably deny area clearance/consent
without legal and/or technical basis
b. If the area applied for falls within the administration of two (2) or more Regional Offices/ P/C
Mining Regulatory Boards, the Regional Office(s)/P/C Mining Regulatory Boards concerned
which has/have jurisdiction over the lesser area(s) of the application shall follow the same

Permit Area is Open for Mining Applications

MGB shall give written notice to applicant to

pay the clearance fee Consent/Clearance is denied

MGB within 15 working days from

receipt of written notice shall exclude Remedy: Appeal to Sec.
Only a portion of the area applied is open
the area from the coverage of EP

In cases of overlapping claims, conflicts,

MGB shall exert all efforts to resolve complaints
(from landowners, NGOs, LGUs, and other
concerned stakeholders)

*P/C Mining Regulatory Board is the approval authority for guano and gemstone gathering permit

Publication Requirements of Permit Application

Cost of publication: at the expense of the applicant

Requirements of Approval for Permit application

1. Publication
2. Resolution of adverse claim, protest, opposition,

Issuance of Notice of Application

Within 15 working days from receipt of necessary area clearances, the MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory
Board shall issue the Notice of Application for Permit to the applicant, containing:
1. Name and complete address of the applicant
2. Duration of the permit applied for
3. Extent of exploration activities to be undertaken
4. Area location
5. Geographical coordinates/meridional block(s) of the proposed permit area
6. Location map/sketch plan with index map relative to major environmental features and projects and to
the nearest municipalities

Posting of Notice
The MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board shall cause the posting of the notice for 2 consecutive weeks, in a
language generally understood in the concerned locality where it is posted
1. MGB Bulletin board

2. P/CENRO Bulletin board
3. Provincial/Municipal/City LGU
4. Copy furnished the barangay(s) where the proposed permit area is located

Certification of Compliance
1. Issued by authorized officer/s within 30 calendar days from the last date of posting
2. Stating that the posting have been complied with

Filing of Adverse Claim, Protest or Opposition

1. Within 30 calendar days from last date of posting, file with
a. Directly with POA
b. MGB Regional Office for endorsement and transmittal to POA
c. Through P/CENRO for referral to MGB RO for endorsement and transmittal to appropriate

Filing of Adverse Claim, Protest or Opposition

If no adverse claim, protest, or If with adverse claim, protest, or

opposition opposition

POA will resolve

Within 5 working days from Within 5 working days from

receipt of request date of finality of resolution

POA issues certification POA issues certification

Processing/Registration/Issuance of a Quarry/Sand and Gravel/Guano and Gemstone Gathering Permit

1. Upon evaluation that all the terms and conditions are in order and that the subject area has been
cleared from any conflict
2. MGB RD/Governor/Mayor concerned shall approve and issue the Permit within thirty (30) calendar
days from evaluation
3. MGB RD/Governor/Mayor shall notify the Permit Holder to cause the registration of the permit within
15 working days from receipt of written notice
4. Registration is effected upon payment of required fees
5. MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board shall release the Permit to the Permit Holder after registration
*P/C Mining Regulatory Board is the approval authority for guano and gemstone gathering permit

Rights and Obligations of the Quarry or Commercial/Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit Holder
1. Quarry or Sand and Gravel Permit Holder
2. Its heirs
3. Successors-in-interest

1. Exclusively extract, remove, dispose and/or utilize quarry or sand and gravel resources within the
permit area with full rights of ingress and egress

2. Right to occupy the contract area
3. All other rights provided for in the Mining Laws and IRR

1. Fully comply with the terms and conditions of the permit

General Terms and Conditions of a Quarry/Commercial or Industrial Sand and Gravel/ Government
Gratuitous/Guano/ Gemstone Gathering Permit

1. No extraction, removal and/or disposition of materials shall be allowed within 1 km from:

a. Boundaries of reservoirs established for public water supply
b. Archaeological Sites
c. Historical sites or
d. Any public or private works or structures
e. unless the prior clearance of the Government agency concerned, or owner is obtained
2. No extraction, removal and/or disposition of materials shall likewise be allowed in offshore areas
a. within 500m distance from the coast and
b. 200m from the mean low tide
3. The extraction, removal and/or disposition of materials under the Permit shall be confined within
the area specified, the boundaries, according to the application, are established on the ground with
prominent marks
4. The Permit Holder shall assume full responsibility and be liable for damages to private and/or
public property(ies) that may be occasioned by its operations under the Permit
5. The Permit Holder shall manage its operations in a technically and environmentally responsible
manner to achieve a safe, non-polluting, and self-sustaining post disturbance landform
6. The Permit Holder shall conduct its operations in accordance with the Mining Laws and IRR
7. The Permit Holder shall not discriminate based on gender and that the Permit Holder shall respect
the right of women workers to participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting their
rights and benefits
8. The Permit Holder shall conform to laws, rules and regulations regarding, among others, labor,
safety, and health standards; level along the beach;
9. The Permit Holder shall not interfere with the rights of other Permit Holders/ Operators/
10. The Permit Holder shall recognize and respect the rights, customs and traditions of local
communities, particularly ICCs;
11. The Permit Holder shall immediately stop digging and extracting materials the moment man-made
articles or artifacts are found. It shall notify the Director of the National Museum of such findings, in
which case, the digging shall be under the supervision of the National Museum until said artifacts
are recovered
12. The Permit shall be subject to cancellation, revocation and termination as provided in Sec. 100.

Records of Extracted/Removed/Disposed Quarry/Sand and Gravel/Guano/Gemstone Resources

1. Permit Holder shall keep books of accounts
a. Daily record of quantity removed or extracted from the area
b. Daily record of quantity of disposed/sold
c. Selling prices
d. Names and addresses of the persons or parties to whom minerals were sold or disposed
2. All mandated books of accounts and records shall be always open for the inspection of the
representatives of the MGB/Governors/Mayor

3. The refusal of the Permit Holder during inspection without justifiable reason shall be sufficient ground
for the cancellation of the Permit
Renewal of Quarry/Commercial or Industrial Sand and Gravel/Guano/Gemstone Gathering Permit
1. Within 60 calendar days prior to expiration
2. Submit Application for Renewal
3. Submit to MGB
4. Field verification by MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory at the expense of the Permit Holder
5. Granting of renewal

Mandatory Requirements for Renewal:

1. Justification of renewal
2. Comprehensive and validated technical report prepared, signed, and sealed by a licensed Mining
Engineer or Geologist
a. Outcome of operations
b. Environmental effects
3. Audited report of expenditures incurred during the operations period
4. Work Program duly prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed Mining Engineer or Geologist.
5. EPEP as provided in Sec. 169
6. Other supporting papers as the MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board concerned may require or the
applicant may submit

Transfer or Assignment of Quarry/Commercial or Industrial Sand and Gravel/ Guano/Gemstone

Gathering Permit
1. To qualified person/s
2. Subject to approval of MGB/Governor/Mayor

Cancellation/Revocation/Termination of a Quarry/Sand and Gravel/Gratuitous/Guano/ Gemstone

Gathering Permit
1. After due process
2. MGB/Governor/Mayor
3. Grounds:
a. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit and ECC, if applicable
b. Violation of Mining Laws and IRR
c. Failure to pay excise tax for 2 consecutive years
d. Any misrepresentation in any statement made in the application or those made later
e. If the commodity stipulated in the Permit has been exhausted before the expiry date
f. When national interest and public welfare so require or for environmental protection or
ecological reasons.

Effect of Cancellation/ Revocation/Termination of a Quarry/Sand and Gravel/

Gratuitous/Guano/Gemstone Gathering Permit
1. Upon cancellation, the permit areas shall automatically be reverted back to its original status
2. Not release the Permit Holder from all obligations it may have, particularly regarding ecological
management, to the public or private party(ies) at the time of cancellation/revocation/ termination.

Withdrawal from a Quarry/Sand and Gravel/Gratuitous/Guano/ Gemstone Gathering Permit

1. Give due notice
2. Any time during the term of permit
3. Apply withdrawal of the permit with MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board

4. Cause: continued mining operations no longer feasible or viable
5. Within 30 calendar days, MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board shall consider the notice and issue
6. The Permit Holder has met all its financial, fiscal, environmental, and legal obligations at the time of


Quarry Permit
1. Applica : Any qualified person
2. Approva : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
l Authority
3. Purpose : Extraction, removal, and disposition of quarry resources
4. Area : Not more than 5 ha.
5. Producti : Not more than 50,000 tons/annum
on rate
6. Project : Not more than 10M
7. Term : 5 years from issuance, renewable for 5 years, not to exceed 25 yrs.

Requirements for Renewal:

1. Application for renewal
2. Filed before the expiry date of the Permit
3. Permit Holder has complied with all the terms and conditions of the Permit as provided
4. Permit Holder has not been found guilty of violation of Mining Laws and IRR
5. No Quarry Permit shall be issued or granted on any area covered by a MA or FTAA
a. Except on areas where a written consent:
i. granted by the Mineral Agreement or FTAA Contractor

Sand and Gravel Permits

1. Commercial Sand and Gravel Permit (CSAG)
a. Applic : Any qualified person
b. Appro : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
val Authority
c. Purpo : Extraction, removal, and disposition of sand and gravel, and other
se loose or unconsolidated materials which are used in their natural state
without undergoing processing
d. Area : Not more than 5 ha.
e. Produ : As specified in permit
ction rate
f. Projec : As specified in permit
t cost
g. Term : 1 yr. from issuance, renewable for 1 yr.
h. Limitat only 1 permit shall be granted to qualified person in a municipality at any
ion/s one time

2. Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit (ISAG)

a. Applic : Any qualified person
b. Purpo : Extraction, removal and disposition of sand and gravel and other loose
se or unconsolidated materials that necessitate the use of mechanical
c. Produ : As specified in permit
ction rate
d. Projec : As specified in permit

t cost
e. Term : 5 years from issuance, renewable for 5 years, not to exceed 25 yrs.
f. Limitat only 1 permit shall be granted to qualified person in a municipality at any
ion/s one time
g. Appro Governor/Mayor through the P/C MGB Regional Director
val Authority Mining Regulatory Board
h. Area Not more than 5 ha. at any one More than 5 ha., not to exceed 20
time ha. at any one time
3. Exclusive Sand and Gravel Permit
a. Applic : Any qualified person
b. Appro : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
val Authority
c. Purpo : Extraction, removal, and utilization of sand and gravel and other loose
se or unconsolidated materials from public land for its own use
d. Area : Not more than 1 ha.
e. Maxim : 50 cu m
um volume
f. Term : Nonrenewable period, not exceeding 60 calendar days
g. Limitat : No commercial disposition

Gratuitous Permits
1. Government Gratuitous Permit
a. Applic : Any government entity/instrumentality
b. Appro : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
val Authority
c. Purpo : Need of quarry, sand, and gravel or loose/unconsolidated materials in
se the construction of building(s) and/or infrastructure for public use or
other purposes
d. Area : Not more than 2 ha.
e. Term : Coterminous with the construction stage of the project but not to
exceed 1 year in public/private land/s
f. Requir : Submit project proposal indicating:
ement 1. Where the materials shall be used
2. Estimated volume needed

2. Private Gratuitous Permit

a. Applic : Any landowner
b. Appro : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
val Authority
c. Purpo : Extraction, removal, and utilization of quarry, sand and gravel or
se loose/unconsolidated materials from his/her land
d. Term : Nonrenewable period of 60 calendar days
e. Requir : Adequate proof of ownership
f. Limitat : Materials shall be for personal use

Surety Bond for Sand and Gravel Operations

1. Indemni : Applicant, except gratuitous and exclusive sand and gravel permit
2. Purpose : Answer for/guarantee payment for whatever actual damages that may be
incurred during operations
3. Amount : Php 20,000

Quarry Fee and Taxes to be Paid

1. Taxpay : Permit Holders, except gratuitous permits
2. Type : Quarry Fees Excise Tax on Mineral Products
3. Jurisdict : LGU Treasurer, (Prov/Municipal : Concerned agent of government or
ion LGU may enter in a MOA to provide representative of BIR
for direct remittance of the share
due to municipality or barangay

Specific Terms and Conditions of a Quarry or C/ISAG or Government Gratuitous Permit

In addition to the general terms, the following are the specific terms and conditions:

1. For Quarry or C/ISAG Permit:

a. The Permit shall be for the exclusive use and benefit of the Permit Holder and shall not be
transferred or assigned without prior written approval by the MGB RD/Governor/Mayor
b. Unless otherwise renewed or amended, the Permit shall ipso facto terminate after the whole
quantity and kind of materials specified therein have been removed or taken
c. The Permit Holder shall submit to the MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board:
i. Quarterly - Sworn statement
i. Quantity of materials extracted, removed and/or disposed
ii. Amounts of fees paid
ii. Final report
i. Detailed list of activities
ii. Corresponding expenditures
d. The Permit Holder shall furnish the Government records of accounting and other relevant data
from its operations and that book of accounts and records shall be open for inspection by the
e. The Permit/permit area can be inspected and always examined by the MGB RD/Governor/
f. The Permit Holder shall not, by virtue of the Permit, acquire any title over the permit area,
without prejudice to its acquisition of the land/surface rights through any mode of acquisition
provided by law
g. The Permit Holder shall pay fees, taxes, and other obligations in accordance with existing
laws, rules, and regulations
h. The Permit Holder shall comply with its obligations under its ECC, EPEP and AEPEP,
including the allocation of the prescribed annual environmental expense pursuant to Sec. 171
i. The term of the Permit shall be for the specified period indicated from date of issuance
(1) No renewal shall be allowed unless:
i. Permit Holder has complied with the terms and conditions of the Permit
ii. Permit Holder not found guilty of violation of the Mining Laws and IRR
j. The Permit Holder shall comply with provisions of the law, IRR and Act, other terms, and
conditions consistent with the Constitution, and those which the MGB RD/Governor/Mayor

concerned may deem for the national interest and public welfare

2. For Government Gratuitous Permit:

1. The period of the Permit shall be coterminous with the term of the construction stage of the
project but not to 1 year
2. The Government office concerned shall, whenever practicable, use and utilize its own
vehicle(s) and equipment in extracting, hauling, and transporting the materials
(1) The Permit Holder may enter into a contract with a private person/entity for the
purpose of hauling and transporting such materials
3. The materials authorized to be removed shall be strictly for infrastructure project and not for
commercial disposition, otherwise, persons responsible shall be liable for prosecution
4. Unless otherwise amended, the Permit shall ipso facto terminate after the whole quantity and
kind of materials specified therein have been removed or taken
5. The Permit Holder shall submit to the MGB/P/C Mining Regulatory Board:
i. Quarterly - Sworn statement
1. Quantity of materials extracted, removed and/or disposed
2. Amounts of fees paid
ii. Final report
1. Detailed list of activities
2. Corresponding expenditures
6. The Permit/permit area can be inspected and always examined by the MGB RD
7. The Permit Holder shall comply with its obligations under its ECC and EPEP, including the
allocation of the prescribed environmental expense pursuant to Sec. 171
8. The Permit Holder shall comply with pertinent provisions of the law, IRR and other terms and
conditions with the Constitution, and those the MGB RD/Governor/ Mayor may deem to be for
the national interest and public welfare


1. Applica : Any qualified person, domicile within the municipality where permit area is
nt located
2. Approva : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
l Authority
3. Purpose : Extraction, removal, disposition, and/or utilization of loose unconsolidated
guano and other organic fertilizer deposits in specific caves and/or confined
4. Area : Not more than 5 ha.
5. Quantity : As specified in the permit
6. Term : 1 year or upon extraction of the quantity specified
7. Limitatio : Only 1 guano permit for the same cave or area
n/s : Only 1 permit shall be granted to qualified person in a municipality at any
one time

1. Gratuitous Guano Permit

a. Applic : Any individual/government agency
b. Appro : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
val Authority
c. Purpo : Personal use
d. Quanti : Not more than 2,000kg
e. Term : As specified in the permit

2. Commercial Guano Permit

a. Applic : Qualified Person
b. Appro : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
val Authority
c. Purpo : For sale or commercial disposition
d. Quanti : As specified in the permit
e. Term : As specified in the permit

Specific Terms and Conditions of a Guano Permit

In addition to the general terms, the following are the specific terms and conditions:

1. For Guano Permit:

a. The Permit shall be for the exclusive use and benefit of the Permit Holder and shall not be
transferred or assigned without prior written approval by the Governor/Mayor
b. No explosives shall be used in extracting and/or removal of guano.
c. The Permit Holder shall submit to the P/C Mining Regulatory Board:
i. Quarterly - Sworn statement
i. Quantity of materials extracted, removed and/or disposed
ii. Amounts of fees paid
ii. Final report
i. Detailed list of activities

ii. Corresponding expenditures
d. The Permit/permit area can be inspected and always examined by the MGB RD/Governor/
e. The Permit Holder shall not, by virtue of the Permit, acquire any title over the permit area,
without prejudice to its acquisition of the land/surface rights through any mode of acquisition
provided by law
f. The Permit Holder shall pay fees, taxes, and other obligations in accordance with existing
laws, rules, and regulations
g. The Permit Holder shall comply with its obligations under its ECC, EPEP and AEPEP,
including the allocation of the prescribed annual environmental expense pursuant to Sec. 171
h. The term of the Permit shall be for a period of 1 year from the date of issuance or upon the
extraction of the quantity as specified in the permit
i. The Permit Holder shall comply with provisions of the law, IRR, other terms, and conditions
consistent with the Constitution, and those which the Governor/Mayor concerned may deem
for the national interest and public welfare


1. Applica : Any qualified person

2. Approva : Governor/Mayor through the P/C Mining Regulatory Board
l Authority
3. Purpose : Extraction, removal, and utilization of loose stones useful as gemstones
4. Quantity : As specified in the permit
5. Term : 1 year from issuance, renewable for 1 year
6. Renewa : Application for Renewal filed before expiry
l Req’t 1. Permit holder complied with terms and conditions of original
2. Not been found guilty of the Mining Laws and IRR

Specific Terms and Conditions of a Gemstone Gathering Permit

In addition to the general terms, the following are the specific terms and conditions:

a. The Permit shall be for the exclusive use and benefit of the Permit Holder and shall not be
transferred or assigned without prior written approval by the Governor/Mayor
b. Gemstone gathering shall be allowed in rivers and other locations except in areas which are
expressly prohibited by law.
c. The removal/gathering of gemstones shall be conducted manually without the aid of any tools or
mechanized equipment
d. No explosives shall be used in extracting and/or removal of gemstone.
e. Unless otherwise renewed or amended, the Permit shall ipso facto terminate after the whole
quantity of gemstones specified in the permit have been removed or taken
f. The Permit Holder shall submit to the P/C Mining Regulatory Board:
i. Quarterly - Sworn statement
i. Quantity of materials extracted, removed and/or disposed
ii. Amounts of fees paid
iii. Quantity/volume of gemstones sold or disposed during the reporting period
iv. Quantity/volume of materials left in stock
ii. Final report
i. Detailed list of activities
ii. Corresponding expenditures
g. The Permit/permit area can be inspected and always examined by the MGB RD/Governor/ Mayor
h. The Permit Holder shall not, by virtue of the Permit, acquire any title over the permit area, without
prejudice to its acquisition of the land/surface rights through any mode of acquisition provided by
i. The Permit Holder shall pay fees, taxes, and other obligations in accordance with existing laws,
rules, and regulations
j. The term of the Permit shall be for a specified period indicated from issuance.
k. No renewal shall be allowed unless:
i. Permit Holder has complied with the terms and conditions of the original permit
ii. Permit Holder as not been found guilty of the provision of the Mining Laws and IRR
l. The Permit Holder shall comply with provisions of the law, IRR, other terms, and conditions
consistent with the Constitution, and those which the Governor/Mayor concerned may deem for the
national interest and public welfare


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