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1. After landing, if a crew member is aware that he/she is too fatigued or will be too
fatigued before next landing, what shall he/she do? (Refer to b3/CCOM)
a. Not continue a flight duty.
b. Take medication and continue a flight duty.
c. Report to the purser and continue a flight duty.

2. Who are authorized for travel in the flight deck with permission but without a
possession of a flight deck permit issued by the CAAV or by VNA? (Refer to a/CCOM)
a. Engineers with duties relating to the flight; Flight crew or cabin crew members on
positioning flights; Flight Inspector/Flight Operations Inspector of the CAAV in a
specific function on board.
b. Engineers with duties relating to the flight; Flight crew or cabin crew members on
positioning flights; Flight operations employees on duty.
c. Engineers with duties relating to the flight; Flight crew or cabin crew members on
positioning flights; Air traffic controllers on familiarization flights.

3. Who are permitted to use cabin crew seats: (Refer to

a. Flight crew or cabin crew members on positioning flights; Flight crew trainees as part
of their training program.
b. Vietnam Airlines staffs holding valid VNA air tickets; Flight operations employees on
c. All mentioned

4. According to the requirements for vacant crew seat users, which of the following
requirements shall the persons who have occupied the vacant crew seats be advised?
(Refer to 10.2.c/CCOM)
a. Not to distract and/or interfere with the operation of the flight.
b. Not to disturb flight/cabin crew members in critical phases of the flight or when
pilots are in communication.
c. All mentioned.

5. Which statement is TRUE? (Refer to 3.9.1.d/CCOM)

a. Only cabin crew members who have been trained and certificated for the aircraft type
concerned, and who have been designated for duty on that aircraft shall operate aircraft
doors, and only during the period of his or her duty on that aircraft.
b. Only cabin crew members who have been trained and certificated for the aircraft type
concerned can operate aircraft doors, and only during the period of his or her duty on
that aircraft.
c. Only cabin crew members who have been trained for the aircraft type concerned, and

who have been designated for duty on that aircraft shall operate aircraft doors.

6. According to the sterile flight deck, Interphone contact with the flight deck is
prohibited from after the PA announcement from the flight deck “Cabin crew, seated
for takeoff” until the SEAT BELT sign is switched OFF and …. (Refer to
a. from five (5) minutes after the PA announcement from the flight deck “Cabin crew
prepare for landing” and the SEAT BELT sign is switched ON, until after landing.
b. after the PA announcement from the flight deck “Cabin crew prepare for landing”
and the SEAT BELT sign is switched ON, until after landing.
c. from five (5) minutes after the PA announcement from the flight deck “Cabin crew,
seated for landing” and the SEAT BELT sign is switched ON, until after landing.

7. What kind of information should the communicator report to the Captain in the case
of a cabin fire? (Refer to b2/CCOM)
a. The reaction and state of the passengers.
b. The number of halon fire extinguishers on board.
c. The number of smoke hoods on board.

8. To prevent oven fires, cabin crew shall…

a. Keep an eye on the oven whenever it is switched on.
b. Always check the contents of the oven before switching on.
c. Switch the oven on maximum 10 minutes at a time.

9. If a portable electronic device in the overhead locker is involved in a fire and the
flames have been extinguished by a Halon fire extinguisher, cabin crew will …(Refer
to 4.3.12/CCOM)
a. Leave the device where it is and cool it with copious amounts of water until there are
no signs of fire or smoke.
b. After monitoring for at least 15 minutes, the device should be immersed in water in a
suitable container.
c. All mentioned.

10. In the event of thick smoke in the cabin, what should cabin crew do? (Refer to
4.3.5.d, e/CCOM)
a. Move passengers as far away as possible from the source of smoke, provide wet towels
and instruct them to keep heads low.
b. Move passengers as far away as possible from the source of smoke and instruct them
to lie down on the floor.
c. Immediately inform the cockpit and the commander will manually deploy the fix
oxygen system for passenger to use.

11. In case of cabin decompression, the command which must be announced from cockpit
crew is: (Refer to 4.4.4.c/CCOM)

a. “Cockpit speaking, all passengers and crew seated and fastened”.
b. “Cockpit speaking, Purser is required in the cockpit”.
c. “Cockpit speaking, emergency descent, cabin crew seated and fastened”.

12. What is a prepared emergency landing case? (Refer to 4.5.2.a/CCOM)

a. This is an emergency landing which sufficient time exists to brief the passengers and
crew and prepare the cabin.
b. This is an emergency landing which sufficient time exists to select Able Bodies
c. This is an emergency landing which time available for briefing the passengers and
crew and preparing the cabin is more than 10 minutes.

13. What is an unprepared emergency landing case? (Refer to 4.5.2.b/CCOM)

a. This is an emergency landing which time available for briefing the passengers and
crew and preparing the cabin is less than 10 minutes.
b. This is an emergency landing which there is insufficient time to brief the passengers
and crew.
c. This is an emergency landing which time available for briefing the passengers and
crew and preparing the cabin is less than 05 minutes.

14. Following a command from cockpit “Brace for impact - Brace for impact”, cabin
crew must: (Refer to 4.6.6.b/CCOM)
a. Brace themselves and shout aloud “Heads down - Heads down” until landing.
b. Brace themselves and shout aloud “Brace for impact - Brace for impact” until landing.
c. Brace themselves and shout aloud “Heads down - Stay down” until landing.

15. As soon as it is expected that an emergency landing is required, how will the purser
be summoned to the cockpit? (Refer to 4.6.1.a/CCOM)
a. By the PA announcement “Cockpit speaking, Purser required in the cockpit” and the
Fasten Seatbelt & No Smoking sign ON.
b. By the PA announcement “Cockpit speaking, Purser required in the cockpit”.
c. By the PA announcement “Cockpit speaking, emergency landing, Purser required in
the cockpit” and the Fasten Seatbelt & No Smoking sign ON.

16. In prepared emergency ditching procedure, what are the contents of purser’s
PA announcement to brief the passengers on the required emergency preparation?
(Refer to 4.6.1.a/CCOM)
a. Removal of hard objects – Loosen tight clothing – Identify exit positions –Brace
b. Removal of hard objects – Loosen tight clothing – Identify exit positions – How to
wear life vest – Brace position.
c. Removal of hard objects – Loosen tight clothing – Identify exit positions – How to
wear life vest – Brace position - How to open the door in armed mode.

17. In prepared emergency landing/ditching procedure, what should cabin crew check
on cabin & galley preparation? (Refer to 4.6.5/CCOM)
a. Cabin crew seat belt & harnesses, clear exits, stow loose articles, galley equipment,

slide/ raft.
b. Oxygen and fire extinguishers secure, ensure flash light is available, lock toilet doors,
at night turn cabin lights to their lowest setting.
c. All mentioned.

18. In which case cabin crew can initiate the evacuation without commander’s order
after an emergency landing? (Refer to 4.9.3.c/CCOM)
a. Uncontrollable fire inside or outside threatening the passengers or thick smoke in the
b. Ditching or parts of the aircraft broken.
c. All mentioned.

19. Upon hearing the cockpit crew’s command “Cockpit speaking, cabin crew to your
stations”, cabin crew will: (Refer to 4.9.1.c/CCOM)
a. Go to assigned exit, check outside conditions and await further instructions from the
b. Go to assigned exit, check outside conditions and evacuate passenger immediately.
c. Stay in the assigned station await further instructions from the commander.

20. Following an emergency landing, cabin crew should evacuate passenger immediately
when hearing the command: (Refer to 4.9.3.a/CCOM)
a. “Cockpit speaking, cabin crew to your stations”.
b. “Evacuate, evacuate”.
c. “Open seatbelt and get out”.

21. Following an emergency landing, if the commander decides that an evacuation is not
required, which of the following PA announcements will he make? (Refer to
a. “Cockpit speaking, cabin crew seated and fastened”.
b. “Passengers and crew remain seated”.
c. “Passengers remains seated and await further instructions”.

22. Upon hearing the command “Evacuate, evacuate” from cockpit crew following an
emergency landing, the first action of cabin crew will … (Refer to 4.9.4/CCOM)
a. Give initial command, open usable exits and evacuate passengers.
b. Open usable exits, give initial command and evacuate passengers.
c. Check outside area, open the exit, collect equipment and evacuate.

23. In the event of evacuation, what kinds of equipment cabin crew should collect? (Refer
to 4.9.4(11)/CCOM)
a. Torches, first aid kit, survival kit, megaphones, ELT.
b. Torches, first aid kit, survival kit, oxygen bottle, ELT.
c. Torches, oxygen bottle, survival kit, megaphones, ELT.

24. How can cabin crew recognize rejected take-off or abort take-off? (Refer to
a. The sudden deceleration of the aircraft after the take-off has commenced.
b. The sudden acceleration of aircraft during take-off roll.
c. The PA announcement: “Cockpit speaking, cabin crew to your stations”.

25. To request access to the flight deck the Purser shall activate the flight deck call
system and…(Refer to 2.11.3.d/CCOM)
a. Request entry to the flight deck using the phrase “Captain, I must come to cockpit”.
b. Request entry to the flight deck using the phrase “This is … (password). Please
unlock the door” with an agreed password.
c. request entry to the flight deck using an agreed password and signal.

26. When can the aircraft passenger entry doors be closed in preparation for taxi or
pushback? (Refer to 2.16.1.f /CCOM)
a. At least one required crew member has verified that each article of baggage has
been properly stowed in overhead racks with approved restraining devices or doors, or
in approved locations aft of the bulkhead.
b. All passengers have boarded and all documents are on board.
c. All mentioned.

27. Which of the followings is true about Transmitting Portable Electronic Devices (T-
PEDS)? (Refer to 2.20.1.d/CCOM)
a. All restricted TPEDS are prohibited during refueling.
b. All restricted TPEDS are prohibited during taxi, take-off, land ing and flight
operations below 10,000 feet.
c. All restricted TPEDS are permitted for use during taxi, take-off, cruise, approach and

28. (PCA) What kinds of Transmitting Portable Electronic Devices (T-PEDS) must be
unplugged, switched off and stowed properly during taxi, take-off, approach and
landing? (Refer to 2.20.1. d2/CCOM)
a. Laptops and notebooks.
b. Portable DVD players.
c. All mentioned.
29. How do cabin crew perform the cabin safety equipment check? (Refer to 3.5.2.b. d2.
a. Cabin crew use Emergency Equipment Location as a checklist to check equipment
including fire extinguishers, smoke hoods, oxygen bottles …
b. Cabin crew will check galley circuit breakers are in ON position, trolley brakes are in
good condition, the unserviceable carts are stowed and tagged for identifying and
c. All mentioned.

30. Cabin crew member may seat a person in a passenger exit seat if: (Refer to
a. That person lacks the ability to read and understand instructions required by this section
and understand oral crew commands.

b. That person lacks of sufficient mobility, strength, or dexterity in both arms and hands,
and both legs.
c. That person is more than 15 years of age and has the ability to read and understand
instructions required by this section and understand oral crew commands.

31. After hearing the command “Cabin crew, arm slides and cross-check”, what shall cabin
crew do? (Refer to 3.9.2.b/CCOM)
a. The assigned cabin crew member shall arm and then cross-check that the slides for which
he/she is responsible. A "thumbs-up" sign is to be made and the word “Check” said to
confirm slides armed and cross-checked.
b. The two cabin crew members who are responsible for arming and cross-checking slides
will take turns to read “arming procedures” and arm the slides.
c. The assigned cabin crew member shall arm the slide and then report to the purser via the
interphone system.

32. After hearing the command “Cabin crew, disarm slides and cross-check”, what shall
cabin crew do? (Refer to 3.17.2.b/CCOM)
a. The assigned cabin crew member shall disarm and then cross-check that the slides for
which he/she is responsible. A "thumbs-up" sign is to be made and the word “Check”
said to confirm slides disarmed and cross-checked.
b. The two cabin crew members who are responsible for disarming and cross-checking
slides will take turns to read “disarm procedures” and disarm the slides.
c. The assigned cabin crew member shall disarm the slide and then report to the purser via
the interphone system.

33. Following a purser PA announcement: “Cabin crew, check cabin and galleys for take-
off/landing”, cabin crew shall carry out the following cabin and passenger safety
checks as follows: (Refer to a2,5/CCOM)
a. Passengers are advised to comply with the policy of Portable Electronic Devices.
b. Baggage is correctly stowed in the overhead bins or under the seats in front of
passengers. All overhead bins are properly closed and latched.
c. All mentioned.

34. Which of the following questions are included in the “Silence review checklist”? (Refer
a. What is the evacuation plane? How does the escape slide operate? Where are the fire
b. How does the door exit open? What is the brace for impact commands and positions?
What should cabin crew do in case of pilot incapacitated?
c. What is the evacuation plan? How is the smoke hood used? What should cabin crew do
in case of rapid decompression?

35. How do cabin crew report to the purser upon completion of the safety check before
takeoff/landing? (Refer to
a. Via interphone: “CA (…) speaking, ready for takeoff/landing”.
b. By giving thumb up to purser.
c. Via interphone: “CA (…) speaking, cabin secure”.

36. Following a light turbulence situation, after checking passenger and securing galleys,
how shall the assigned cabin crew member report to Purser that cabin is secured?
(Refer to
a. “CA (…) speaking, cabin secured”.
b. “CA (…) speaking, cabin ready”.
c. “CA (…) speaking, passenger strapped in”.

37. Which command is announced from the flight deck when the aircraft experiences
unexpected severe turbulence? (Refer to
a. “Please fasten your seat belt”.
b. “Cockpit speaking, turbulence, cabin crew seated and fastened”.
c. “All passengers and crew fasten seat belts”.

38. What do cabin crew do in an unexpected severe turbulence situation? (Refer to
a. Stop all duties, sit down with seatbelts fastened and make a PA announcement to
b. Stop all duties, do not serve hot drinks and make a PA announcement to passengers.
c. Make a PA announcement, visually check passengers are seated with seatbelts
fastened, secure the galleys and lock all lavatories.

39. What should cabin crew do when the FASTEN SEATBELTS sign is OFF and ground
staff knocks the door after landing? (Refer to 3.18.1/CCOM)
a. Check the door is disarmed and open the door under supervision of another cabin crew
b. Check the door is disarmed, the FASTEN SEATBELTS sign is OFF and open the
c. Check the door is disarmed, the outside conditions and open the door.

40. What procedure must be followed during refueling with passengers on board? (Refer
to 3.20.1. a5,6/CCOM)
a. At least one main exit door forward should be remained open with a jet bridge/mobile
stair in position.
b. The main right rear exit should be remained closed with the mode selector set to
c. All mentioned.

41. What are additional normal procedures carried out in case of an emergency
exit inoperative? (Refer to 3.21.3/CCOM)
a. In the event of a prepared emergency landing/ditching t he purser must no t ice
passengers about the unavailability of the unserviceable exit.
b. In the event of an evacuation, the cabin crew member with the assigned responsibility
for the particular exit must stand adjacent to the unserviceable exit to re-direct
c. All mentioned.

42. How to activate the PURITAN BENNETT hood after don? (Refer to

a. Grasp two straps and pull forward firmly to activate, then backward to seal the
cone over the nose and mouth.
b. Grasp two straps and pull downward firmly to activate, then backward to seal
the cone over the nose and mouth.
c. Grasp the start toggle and pull forward firmly to activate, then backward to seal
the cone over the nose and mouth.

43. How to operate the OXYCREW PBE? (Refer to

a. Don the hood - Fit oral-nasal mask to nose and mouth - Pull down quick start toggle
to activate - Tie straps around the waist.
b. Don the hood - Grasp two straps and pull forward firmly to activate, then backward
to seal the cone over the nose and mouth.
c. Don the hood - The oxygen will start automatically - Tie straps around the waist.

44. To operate the HALON fire extinguisher type 1, you must: (Refer to,

a. Pull out the ring pin - One hand supports the bottom - Hold the extinguisher with the
fingers of one hand under the handle and the thumb on the top of the lever - The other
hand should be placed on the bottom of the bottle to steady it - Aim the extinguisher
at the base of the fire and press the lever down with the thumb.
b. Press down the safety latch to break the wire seal - One hand supports the bottom -
Hold the extinguisher with the fingers of one hand under the handle and the thumb
on the top of the lever - The other hand should be placed on the bottom of the bottle
to steady it - Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire and press the lever down with
the thumb.
c. Pull out the safety pin - Raise safety catch on back of operating head by pushing up
with thumb - Grasp the operating handle and put forefinger through loop provided, at
same time firmly pressing the trigger to the back of the handle with the heel of the
hand - Aim at the base of the fire and firmly squeeze the actuation trigger.

45. How to operate the HALON fire extinguisher type 2? (Refer to

a. Pull out the ring pin - One hand supports the bottom - Hold the extinguisher with the
fingers of one hand under the handle and the thumb on the top of the lever - The other
hand should be placed on the bottom of the bottle to steady it - Aim the extinguisher
at the base of the fire and press the lever down with the thumb.
b. Press down the safety latch to break the wire seal - One hand supports the bottom -
Hold the extinguisher with the fingers of one hand under the handle and the thumb
on the top of the lever - The other hand should be placed on the bottom of the bottle
to steady it - Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire and press the lever down with
the thumb.
c. Pull out the safety pin - Raise safety catch on back of operating head by pushing up

with thumb - Grasp the operating handle and put forefinger through loop provided, at
the same time firmly pressing the trigger to the back of the handle with the heel of the
hand - Aim at the base of the fire and firmly squeeze the actuation trigger.

46. How to operate the HALON fire extinguisher type 3? (Refer to

a. Pull out the ring pin - One hand supports the bottom - Hold the extinguisher with the
fingers of one hand under the handle and the thumb on the top of the lever - The other
hand should be placed on the bottom of the bottle to steady it - Aim the extinguisher
at the base of the fire and press the lever down with the thumb.
b. Press down the safety latch to break the wire seal - One hand supports the bottom -
Hold the extinguisher with the fingers of one hand under the handle and the thumb
on the top of the lever - The other hand should be placed on the bottom of the bottle
to steady it - Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire and press the lever down with
the thumb.
c. Pull out the safety pin - Raise safety catch on back of operating head by pushing up
with thumb - Grasp the operating handle and put forefinger through loop provided, at
the same time firmly pressing the trigger to the back of the handle with the heel of the
hand - Aim at the base of the fire and firmly squeeze the actuation trigger.

ATR 72 ATR 72 ATR 72

1. On ATR.72-500, how to report an emergency situation to the cockpit by

using cabin handset? (Refer to ATR72)
a. Press the “EMER” key, press and hold “Push-to talk” button.
b. Press the “CALL” key, press and hold “Push-to talk” button.
c. None are correct.

2. On ATR.72-500, what are the portable oxygen bottles for? (Refer to 4.8/CCPM
a. Protecting cabin crew's breathing in case of decompression.
b. Supplying oxygen for ill passengers or unconscious ones in case of decompression.
c. Protecting cabin crew from noxious or toxic smoke.

3. On ATR.72-500, when "AFT SMK" on cockpit warning panel is

illuminated, accompanying with an audible warning signal, what
happened in the rear cabin? (Refer to 2.9.1.b/CCPM ATR72)
a. Front cargo compartment smoke.
b. Rear overhead bin smoke.
c. Rear cargo compartment smoke.

4. On ATR.72-500, what signals indicate toilet smoke or fire? (Refer to 2.5.3/CCPM

a. “SMOKE LAV” will illuminate on the purser's panel and an audible and
visible warning signal in the flight deck.
b. “SMOKE LAV” will illuminate on the purser's panel accompanied by an alarm in
the rear cabin.
c. Three HI-LO chimes via all the loudspeakers.

5. On ATR 72- 500, the oxygen in the cabin fixed-oxygen system is available to
cabin passenger seat station when….(Refer to ATR72)
a. The cabin altitude is over 10.000ft, the main supply valve in the cockpit is open and
the mask above passenger seating station is pulled down.
b. The main supply valve in the cockpit is open and the mask above passenger
sitting station is pulled down.
c. Mask drops down automatically and the mask is pulled down.

A321 A321 A321

1. On A321, to close and lock the main door, you must…(Refer to
a. Grasp door assist handle, pull the gust lock, pull the door fully close to the
door frame, lower the door control handle.
b. Grasp door assist handle, pull the door fully close to the door frame, lower the
door control handle.
c. Grasp door assist handle, press the gust lock, pull the door fully close to the
door frame, lower the door control handle.

2. On A321, which one of the following statements is correct? …(Refer to A321)
a. The exits 2 and 3 are always opened in disarmed mode for the emergency water
b. Opening the main door from outside will make the escape slide inflate.
c. The exits 2 and 3 cannot be used in the event of ditching.

3. On A321, when the door control handle is lifted, the white “slide armed”
indicator light illuminates. This indicates that …(Refer to A321)
a. the door is in disarmed position.
b. the door is in armed position.
c. the cabin pressure still remains.

4. If there is smoke in a certain lavatory on A.321, the following visible and audible
signals will be recognized: …(Refer to A321)
a. Repetitive triple low chimes every 30 seconds and the amber light on the toilet
wall and on the concerned area call panel are flashing.
b. The red indicator light flash and the name of affected toilet is shown clearly on
all AIPs, SMOKE DETECT page come on automatically on FAP.
c. All are correct.

5. On A321, the slide/raft will inflate when …………(Refer to;

a. Open the door in disarmed mode or pull the Manual Inflation Handle after the
door is opened in emergency evacuation.
b. Open the door once the aircraft completely stop or pull the Manual Inflation
Handle after the door is opened in emergency evacuation.
c. Open the door in armed mode or pull the Manual Inflation Handle after the
door is opened in emergency evacuation.

6. On A321, to open the main door, you will ……(Refer to,4,5/CCPM A321)
a. Grasp and hold one of the frame assists handles, fully lift up the door control
handle, push the door outwards and forwards until the gust lock engages.
b. Grasp and hold one of the frame assists handles, fully lift up the door control
handle, push the door outward and rearward until the gust lock engages.
c. Lift the door control handle fully up, push the door outward and forward until
the gust lock engages.

7. On A321, to request a normal cockpit entry during flight, cabin crew will pick
up the cabin handset.....
a. push the “CAPT” key on the handset and say the correct password.
b. push the “EMER” key on the handset and say the correct password.
c. push the “#” key on the keypad and wait for the flight deck door to be opened.

A350 A350 A350 A350

1. On A350, how to disarm the door? …(Refer to A350)

a. Remove the safety pin from its stowed position, open the plastic cover, move the slide
arming lever into the fully aft position towards the DISARMED, fully insert the
safety pin, close the plastic cover.
b. Raise the plastic cover, remove the safety pin with red flag and push the arming
lever fully to DISARMED position.
c. Remove the safety pin from its stowed position, open the plastic cover, lift the
arming lever fully up then install the safety pin.

2. On A350, how to open the cabin door in normal situation from inside? …(Refer to,6,7)/CCPM A350)

a. Grasp and hold one of the frame assists handle, fully lift up the door control handle,
the door mechanical flags change from LOCKED to UNLOCKED, push the door
outwards and forwards with the door assist handle until the gust lock engages.
b. Depress the button on assist handle to lift the door control handle fully up, push the
door outwards and forwards until it locks in open position.
c. Lift the door control handle fully up then push the door upwards until the gust
lock engages.

3. On A350, how to fully disconnect the slide/raft in case of ditching? …(Refer to,2,3)/CCPM A350)
a. Unsnap the girt extension flap, pull the girt release handle and cut the mooring
line with a raft knife.
b. Unsnap the girt extension flap, pull the manual inflation handle on the top of the raft
or cut the mooring line with a raft knife.
c. Pull the manual inflation handle on the right-hand side of the raft, then cut the
mooring line with a knife immediately.

4. On A350, the slide/raft will inflate when: …(Refer to,2,3)/CCPM A350)

a. Open the door in disarmed mode or pull the Manual Inflation Handle after the door
is opened in emergency evacuation.
b. Open the door once the aircraft completely stop or pull the Manual Inflation
Handle after the door is opened in emergency evacuation.
c. Open the door in armed mode or pull the Manual Inflation Handle after the door
is opened in emergency evacuation.

5. On A350, the slide armed indicator light at the door observation window will comes
ON steady white and the buzzer sounds when…… (Refer to,2,3)/CCPM
a. The slide arming lever is in the ARMED position and the door control handle is lifted.
b. The slide arming lever is in the DISARMED position and the door control handle
is lifted.
c. The slide arming lever is in the ARMED position.

6. On A350, how to open the cabin door in emergency situation? (Refer to
a. Hold on a door assist handle, ensure that the slide arming lever is in the
DISARMED position, check through the observation window that the outside
conditions are safe, rapidly lift the door control handle up.
b. Hold on a door assist handle, lift the door control handle fully up, push the door
outwards and forwards until it locks in open position.
c. Hold on a door assist handle, ensure that the slide arming lever is in the
ARMED position, check through the observation window that the outside
conditions are safe, rapidly lift the door control handle up.

7. On A350, you must make sure the door in closed and locked status by checking: (Refer
to A350)

a. Check the DOOR MECHANICAL FLAGS indicate locked.

b. Check the DOOR MECHANICAL FLAGS indicate unlocked.
c. Check the DOOR CONTROL HANDLE at lower position.

8. On A350, when the smoke is DETECTED in the CCRC/FCRC, the Audible smoke
alert signals in the CCRC or FCRC are: (Refer to A350)

a. A sequence of 4 low chimes sounds for 30 seconds (WAKE UP chime).

54. A triple low chime sounds every 30 seconds.
55. All are correct.

9. On A350, before entering the FCRC/CCCRC the first occupant should: (Refer to A350)

a. Inform one cabin crew.

b. Inform Chief Purser.
c. All are correct.

10. On Airbus A350, Cabin attitude at 13.800ft, the oxygen masks drop down, what
is cabin crew immediate action? (Refer to 4.4.4(a)/CCOM or Basic
Safety Training Manual)
a. Pull a free mask, secure the body, demonstrate to passenger to don the mask.
b. Secure the body, pull a free mask, demonstrate to passenger to don the mask.
c. Remain in position, secure the body, don a free mask.

11. On Airbus A350, what shall cabin crew do when the evacuation system activated?
(Refer to 5.18.5/Basic Safety Training Manual)

a. Check outside condition, open the exit, shout the commands, evacuate passenger.
b. Shout the initial command, check outside condition, open the exit, evacuate passenger.
c. Shout the initial command, evacuate passenger immediately.

12. On Airbus A350, what shall cabin crew do if the unoccupied CCRC get a big fire? ……
(Refer to 5.7.2/Basic Safety Training Manual)
a. Follow the fire drill, check the heat of the door, fights the fire immediately.
b. Turn off the electrical involved, check the heat of the door, fights the fire immediately.
c. Follow the fire drill, open the door with caution, fights the fire immediately.

B787 B787 B787 B787

1. On B 787, when smoke is detected in a lavatory…… (Refer to B787)

a. The lavatory call light/reset switch above the lavatory door flashes amber, a
continuous cabin chime sounds near the lavatory and the SMOKE DETECTED
pop- up window is displayed on the cabin attendant panels (CAPs).
b. The lavatory call light/reset switch above the lavatory door comes on amber,
Repetitive triple low chime from all cabin loudspeakers every 10 seconds and
the SMOKE DETECTED pop-up window is displayed on the cabin attendant
c. The lavatory call light/reset switch above the lavatory door comes on (illuminates),
a continuous cabin chime sounds near the lavatory and the SMOKE DETECTED
pop- up window is displayed on the cabin attendant panels.

2. On B787, which statement is FALSE? (Refer to 2.8.5/CCPM B787)

a. With the flight deck crew select EVAC panel in ARM position, press EVAC
COMMAND switch on ASPs will activate the evacuation signals in the flight
deck only.
b. With the flight deck crew select EVAC panel in OFF position, press EVAC
COMMAND switch on ASPs will activate the evacuation signals to the hold
c. With the flight deck crew select EVAC panel in ARM position, press EVAC
COMMAND switch on ASPs will activate the evacuation signals in the flight
deck and in the cabin.

3. On B787, how to make a Pilot alert to the cockpit crew? (Refer to
a. Pick up the handset, press “4 *” on the handset, then wait for pilot’s answer.
b. Pick up the handset, press “31” on the handset, then wait for pilot’s answer.
c. Pick up the handset, press “* *” on the handset, then wait for pilot’s answer.

4. On B787, what is the priority order of the cabin alert messages when
being displayed on CAP? (Refer to B787)
a. Smoke Detection, Waste Tank Full or INOP, Reduced Power.
b. Reduced Power, Waste Tank Full or INOP, Chiller Too Warm.
c. Waste Tank Full or INOP, Smoke Detection, Chiller Too Warm.

5. On B.787, when the cabin door is opened in AUTOMATIC (ARMED) mode for
an emergency evacuation and the slide / raft does not inflate, cabin crew will…
Refer to B787)
a. One hand holds the assist handle; another hand pulls the manual inflation
handle located on the right side of the door sill.
b. Lift flap and pull the manual inflation handle located on the right side of the door sill.
c. Redirect passengers to the nearest usable exit.

6. On B.787, to close and lock a door from inside, you will: Refer to
a. Press the gust lock, pull the door toward to its frame, rotate the door handle to
lock position, verify the locked indicator is illuminated.
b. Pull the gust lock, pull the door toward to its frame, rotate the door handle to
lock position, verify the locked indicator is illuminated.
c. Pull the gust lock, pull the door downward to its frame, and rotate the door handle
to lock position.

7. On B.787, To open a door from inside in normal case, you will: (Refer to B787)

a. Check the slide in manual mode, rotate the door handle fully aft to the OPEN
position. Push the door fully open to engage the gust lock.
b. Check the slide in automatic mode, rotate the door handle fully aft to the
OPEN position. Push the door fully open to engage the gust lock.
c. Rotate the door handle fully aft to the OPEN position. Push the door fully open
to engage the gust lock.

8. On B787, when the smoke is DETECED in the OFCR/OFAR, the Warning signals
in the cabin are: (Refer to B787)

a. The AMBER smoke alarm/call light switch on the door flashes, a pop-up window
is displayed on CAPs.
b. The AMBER light on the master call light flashes, a continuous chime sounds in
the cabin.
c. All of the above.

9. On B787, when the Oxygen masks drop during cruising because of decompression,
what should crew rest occupant do? (Refer to B787)

a. Immediately move to an unoccupied position, don the nearest oxygen mask, fasten
the bunk lap belt.
b. Immediately move to the cabin and take the nearest cabin oxygen mask.
c. None of the above.

10. How to check all doors in auto (armed) mode or manual (disarmed) mode? Refer to B787)
a. Check the AUTO or MANUAL indicator on ACP illuminates.
b. Check DOOR STATUS indicator on ACPs illuminates GREEN.
c. Check the AUTO or MANUAL indicator on ASP illuminates.

11. On B787, which statement is CORRECT for cockpit emergency door access?
Refer to B787)

a. When the AMBER light on the door keypad is illuminated indicating that the
CORRECT emergency password has been entered. The GREEN light is
illuminated indicates that the cockpit is UNLOCKED.
b. Cockpit door system has no emergency unlocking system.
c. None are correct.

12. On B787 when the Crew Rest Compartment is on fire and Crew Rest Compartment
is OCUPIED: Refer to B787

a. The crew member is fighting the fire must don smoke hood, push the HORN SHUT
OFF switch in the entrance area to silence the smoke alarm horn, locate and fight
the fire. While the crew members not fighting the fire are to EVACUATE the crew
rest, establish communications with flight deck and assist the crew member in the
crew rest area as required.

b. Crew must evacuate themselves from crew rest area and activate the crew rest
firefighting system.
c. All of the above.

13. On B787, Press “* *” keys on the cabin handset to... (Refer to B787)
a. Inform cockpit crew an emergency situation.
b. Report “Cabin Ready”.
c. Ask for the normal cockpit entry.

14. On B.787, when the cabin door is opened in AUTOMATIC (ARMED) mode for an
emergency evacuation and the slide / raft does not inflate, cabin crew will… Refer to B787)

a. One hand holds the assist handle; another hand pulls the manual inflation handle
located on the right side of the door sill.
b. Lift flap and pull the manual inflation handle located on the right side of the door
c. Redirect passengers to the nearest usable exit.

15. On B.787, how to fully detach the slide/raft from the door sill when all passengers
have been boarded the raft? (Refer to B787)
a. Lift the flap, pull the detachment handle.

b. Lift the flap, pull detachment handle, then cut the mooring line with the raft knife.
c. Pull the manual inflation handle, then pull detachment handle.

16. On B787, when the smoke is DETECED in the OFCR/OFAR, the Warning signals
in the cabin are: (Refer to B787)
a. The master caution light illuminates, an aural caution alarm sounds, SMOKE REST
UPPER DR1 (or DR 4) caution message is displayed on EICAS.
b. The master caution light illuminates, SMOKE REST UPPER DR 4 caution
message is displayed on EICAS.
c. Non are correct.

17. On B787, when the decompression occurs during cruising, what should crew rest
occupant do? (Refer to B787)
a. Immediately move to an unoccupied position, don the nearest oxygen mask, fasten
the bunk lap belt.
b. Immediately move to the cabin and take the nearest cabin oxygen mask.
c. None of the above.

18. On B787, how does the cockpit crew operate the cockpit emergency hatch? (Refer to B787)
a. Remove the protective cover from escape hatch, pull and rotate the door locking
handle to OPEN position, grasp the decent device from its stowage and throw it out.
b. Climb to the escape hatch, push the door locking handle to OPEN position, grasp
the decent device from its stowage and throw it out.
c. None is correct.

19. How to alert all crew (include cockpit crew) in an emergency case? (Refer to B787)
a. Press the “55” on the cabin handset.
b. Press the “54” on the cabin handset.
c. Press the “**” on the cabin handset.


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