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1. funeral A. very soon
2. exaggerate B. gases from burning fuel
3. exclude C. stopped by the police
4. EPA D. a government agency to protect nature
5. bail out E. to pay money to get someone out of jail
6. will F. $1,000.00
7. no point G. a car whose top goes up and down
8. pulled over H. a ceremony for someone who died
9. momentarily I. to throw out
10. grand J. to say much more than is true
11. emissions K. a document dividing a dead person’s estate
12. convertible L. a waste of time and effort
13. What does the abbreviation EPA stand for?
14. In his _____ ,Charlie's father left Charlie only some rose rushes and a car.
15. There is _____ in arguing with him because he believes he is right and will never
change his mind.
16. When Charlie drove his father's _____, he was _____ by the police, but his father
refused to _____.
17. If the TV show "People's Court" starts momentarily, do you have time to write a letter?
18. Which would most people exclude, peaches or mosquitoes?
19. Please write a sentence that includes an exaggeration.
20. Charlie goes to Cincinnati to attend his father's ______.
21. He lost five _____ playing blackjack.
22. _____ from cars cause a lot of pollution.


___1. ritual A. to leave something to someone in a will
___2. cemetery B. very sad; disgusting
___3. trustee C. a person in charge of a bank account
___4. pitiful D. to block, to make something difficult
___5. burden E. responsibility; a problem
___6. grandiose F. very large; expansive
___7. disturb G. a religious procedure
___8. trust fund H. mentally challenged
___9. autistic savant I. an important matter
___10. routine J. someone who receives money
___11. retarded K. interrupt
___12. Bitterness L. a person with a special type of mental handicap
___13. secrecy M. a place where people are buried
___14. impair N. a schedule that is often repeated
___15. priority O. everything that someone owns
___16. estate P. deep anger
___17. bequeath Q. true friendship
___18. loyalty R. a bank account that you can't use
___19. beneficiary S. privacy
20. My brother is mentally challenged, but we never refer to him as__________________.
He is a high-functioning__________________.
21. After my father died, his entire__________________ was placed in
a__________________ .
22. My uncle was named as the named as the__________________ of the account; my little
brother was named as the__________________. I didn't get anything.
23. Some people need__________________and__________________ in order to feel
comfortable in their daily life. Most people prefer variety in their schedules.
24. Charlie is filled with__________________ because his father did not him any money.
25. She thought the color of the room was ugly. She called it__________________ yellow.
26. Most people in the U.S. are buried in a__________________.
27. __________________ is important between two friends, and__________________ is
also important when one friend tells another something private.
28. Some parents might consider a retarded child to be a__________________ especially
29. Helping their children should be parents' top__________________ .
30. He didn't want to__________________ his son's progress, so he paid his son's college
31. The sign on the honeymooners' hotel door said, "Do not__________________ .”
32. Many believed Harry's plan was__________________ accomplish it, but Harry believe
he could accomplish it.
____ 1. Custody A. a person who sees a doctor
____ 2. fatal B. slap my hand
____ 3. apology C. to speak unclearly
____ 4. memmorize D. very confusing
____ 5.bullshit E. to tell someone you are sorry
____ 6. voluntary F. causing death
____ 7. fruitcake G. a bad word for someone who is mentally challenged
____ 8. give me five H. nonsense
____ 9. patient I. with freedom
____ 10. mistifying J. a bad word for angry
____ 11. pissed K. legal reponsibility for another person
____ 12. retard L. to learn something (like vocabulary)
____ 13. mumble M. a bad word for a crazy person


14. In the expression give me five, what does the five prefer to ?

15. Please list the five nouns from the above list in their plural form

a) b) c) d) e)

16. Her expression was _________________. I couldn’t figure it out.

17. I can’t understand what you are saying. Please don’t _____________.

18. Her illness was _______________. She died last week.

19. When he told her he had gain weight, she was really _____________.

20. I told her I was sorry, but she said I didn’t have to ___________.

21. He could leave the hospital any time he wanted to because his stay there was

22. He was trying to _____________________all the irregular verbs, but he kept forgetting
____ 1. shrink A. bizzare
____ 2. journey B. a doctor for mental illlnes
____ 3. inside joke C. able to do things well
____ 4. sonnet D. a stupid person
____ 5.riddle E. a type of poem written by Shakespeare
____ 6. Neilson Ratings F. slang for psychiatrist
____ 7. throw a fit G. to go scary
____ 8. weird H. to wash quickly
____ 9. dipshit I. measurement for TV programs
____ 10. psychiatrist J. something funny between two friends
____ 11. high functioning K. a long trip
____ 12. rinse L. a verbal puzzle

13. If you are despressed, should you make an appointment with a dipshit or a shrink?

14. Is the expression bigb functioning an adjective, a verb, or a noun?

15. Would most people prefer to rinse or to throw a fit?

16. In the Uniited States, the television quiz game Wheel of Fortune always gets high

17. In this question - How far is a five-mile race? - a riddle or an inside joke?

18. What is the plural of sonnet?

19. She has been seeing a _________________________ for three years and she is still

20. What is the plural of journey?

21. He has a very __________________ snese of humor. Sometimes I don’t understand

____ 1. greedyy A. a serious crime
____ 2. slippery B. stop worrying for now
____ 3. high roller cardinal sin C. wanting many things for oneself
____ 4. cardinal sin D. stop bothering me
____ 5. hooker E. a romantic meeting; given without cost
____ 6. let it sit F. without charge
____ 7. silly G. slick
____ 8. give me a break H. a person who uses a lot of money to gamble
____ 9. comped I. not serious
____ 10. date J. prostitute
11. One adjective that describes Charlie is______________.

12. The infinitive form of comped is to __________________.

13. Which of the following is not slippery? a) ice, b) grease, c) sand.

14. What might you say if you wanted someone to leave you alone?

15. What might you see on a corner in a poor neighborhood?

16. If I were afraid of pencils, you might call me _____________________.

17. The cost of the room is $100. How much will you pay if it is comped?

18. Stop bugging me about what I said_____________________________.

19. In Las Vegas casinos, counting cards is considered a _______________.

20. Jack always takes 100 grand with him to the casino. He is considered a

21. Jacqueline asked Mario out on a________________ but he said no.

_____1. outburst A. mentally challenged
_____2. interfere B. not thinking clearly
_____3. devotion C. to steal a person
_____4. kidnap D. a type of car
_____5. irrational E. wanting a lot for yourself
_____6. Will F. deep anger
_____7. convertible. G. legal responsibility
_____8. Bitterness H. deep, long-lasting love
_____9. Trust fund I. to say you are sorry
____10. beneficiary J. bizarre
____11. estate K. a sudden expression of emotion
____12. Autistic L. a document to leave money when you die
____13. apologize M. a psychiatrist
____14. mumble N. to get involved when you are not wanted
____15. voluntary O. a bank account that you control for someone
____16. custody P. causing death
____17. fatal Q. someone who receives money
____18. shrink R. to speak unclearly
____19.Weird S. of your own choice
____20. greedy T.everything that a person owns
21. Who in this film is greedy?

22. Who is autistic?

23. Who has bitterness?

24. Who bequeaths his estate?

25. Who is a beneficiary?

26. Who is a trustee?

27. Who drives a convertible?

28. Who wants someone to apologize and to whom?

29. Who has an outburst in an airport?

30. Who has an outburst and leaves a hotel?

31. Who has an outburst in a desert?

a) EPA e) Explode i) Convertible
b) Emissions f) No point k) Exaggerate
c) Grand g) Funeral l) Pulled over
d) Momentarily h) Will (n) m) Bailed out

1. What city is shown in the opening of the film?

2. Who is the director of the film?
3. What kind of cars does Charlie import?
4. What kind of business is Charlie in?
5. How much money will Charlie make on his deal?
6. Where is he going for a weekend vacation?
7. What does Susanna complain about in the car?
8. What news does Lenny give to Charlie on the car phone?
9. Why does Charlie stop his vacation?
10. Where do he and Susanna go?
11. What does Susanna notice about Charlie’s farther’s property?
12. What kind of car is in the garage?
13. What story does Charlie tell about his father?
14. Who is the “ Rain man” ?
A. Do you like Charlie? Why or why not?
B. Is Charlie right to be bitter about his father?
C. Tell us about your father
a) bitterness f) estate k) pitiful p) routine
b) grandiose g) beneficiary l) retarded q) priority
c) bequeath h) secrecy m) autistic avant r) disturb
d) trust fund i) burden n) impair s) cemetery
e) trustee j) loyalty o) ritual
15. What does Charlie get from his father's will?
His father car and rosebushes
16. Why doesn't he get more?
17. In your opinion, why does Susanna like Charlie?
She likes charli is subjective but give charlie’s offensive personality. It might be little mỏe
than his good looks
18. What is Wallbrook?
A residental facilaty for mentally challenged clients
19. What TV show does Raymond like?
‘The people court’ with Judge Wapner
20. Who is the beneficiary of Charlie's father's will?
21. What does Raymond do when he is nervous?
Whenenver he gets nervous, he recites the comedy routine made famous by About and
Costallo entilled ‘who is first?
22. What does Charlie do that makes Raymond anxious?
Because Charlie touches his book
23. Who is Raymond's main man?
Vern – a hospital attendant named Vern
24. What other TV show does Raymond like?
It’s Jeopardy
25. How long is Raymond allowed to be away from Wallbrook?
He has to be back in two hours
26. How does Charlie convince Raymond to go with him to Los Angeles?
to see the LA Dodgers play basebal
27. What does Raymond do as they are driving across the metal bridge?
He imitates the hum of the tires
28. What does Raymond like for dessert?
Tapioca pudding
29. What does Raymond have for dinner every Monday night?
He gets pepperoni pizza for dinner every Monday night
30. What other TV show does Raymond like?
Wheel of Fortune
31. What does Raymond hear in the hotel room?
Ray hears the sound they’re having sex
A.Why does Susanna like Charlie?
B. Do you think he's a good boyfriend for her Explain


a) apologize d) mumble g) voluntary j) fatal
b) bullshit e) memorize h) patient k) give me five
c) pissed f) retard i) custody l) fruitcake
m) mystifying

32. What does Charlie want from Raymond?

He wants a half of the inheritance from Raymond

33. What does Susanna say about Charlie’s character?

34. How much does Raymond remember from the phone book?

35. What does Ray want at the table in the restaurant?

36. What does Raymond write in his book?

37. How many toothpicks were left in the box after they were spilled?
38. What is Ray’s favorite answer to question?

39. What does Ray know about air travel?

40. According to Raymond, what airline has never had crash?

41. What does Ray do at the accident on the interstate highway?

42. Why can Charlie no longer drive on the interstate?

43. What time must Ray go to bed?


A. What are Raymond’s habits?
B. Do you know anyone with autism? Tell us about him or her?


a) sonnet d) dipshit g) weird j) journey
b) psychiatrist e) inside joke h) Neilson Ratings k) riddle
c) shrink f) high functioning i) throw a fit l) rinse

44. What does Raymond never do when it rains?

45. Where does Raymond buy his boxer shorts?

46. Why does Raymond stop when he is walking across the street?

47. What special ability does Charlie discover Raymond has?

48. What does Ray do in the phone booth?

49. Why do they stop at the farmhouse?

50. Where does Ray like to have his bed?

51. What does Charlie come to understand when Ray is brushing his teeth?

52. What song did Raymond sing to Charlie when he was a small boy?

53. Why does Raymond get upset when Charlie is running the bath water?


A. Explain Charlie and Raymond's family history.

B. Do you see any signs of Charlie and Raymond changing in their personalities? Explain.


a) let it sit d) cardinal sin g) greedy                         
b) slippery e) comped h) date
c) give me a break f) high roller i) hooker
j) silly

54. What does Charlie buy for Ray?

55. Where is Tucumcari?
56. What problem does Charlie have with his business?
57. What does Charlie put on Raymond's face?
58. What is the symbol on Ray's tee shirt?
59. What does Charlie notice Ray can do when they are in the diner?
60. What is very bad to do in a casino?
61. How does Charlie get money to gamble?
62. What card game do they play in the casino?
63. Why does Raymond leave the card table?
64. How much do they win at cards?
65. What does Ray say about the girl at the bar?
66. What does Charlie tell Raymond about K-Mart?
67. What does Ray say about the view from the hotel window in Vegas?
68. What does Charlie teach Ray?
69. What does Raymond say about Iris?
70. What do the security officers of the casino tell Charlie?
71. What happens in the elevator?
72. How does Raymond describe the kiss?

SECTION 5, page 2

73. What does Ray say about his driving?

74. What video does Charlie buy for Raymond?


Why does Susanna come back to Charlie?

Is Susanna right to kiss Raymond? Explain your answer.



a) outburst b) interfere c) devotion d) kidnap e) irrational

75. What does Dr. Bruner offer Charlie?

76. Why doesn't Charlie take it?

77. Who does Ray call for when the smoke alarm goes off?

78. What is the meeting with the doctors about?

79. What does Raymond say when the doctor asks him if he wants to stay with Charlie?

80. What does he say when the doctor asks him if he wants to go back to Wallbrook?

81. What does Charlie tell Raymond after the meeting?

82. Who is Raymond's "main man" at the end of the film?

83. What does Ray say about K-Mart?

84. How does Ray describe the train?

85. What are Ray's last words to Charlie?

1. momentarily 2. exaggerate
3. funeral B. a document to bequeath things
4. will C. daily habits
5. bitterness D. a doctor for mental illness
6. trustee E. someone in charge of a bank account
7. estate F. a long trip
8. beneficiary G. to speak unclearly
9. routine H. mentally unclear
10. disturb I. very soon
11. mumble J. a romantic meeting
12. memorize K. everything that you own
13. custody L. to interrupt; to bother
14. psychiatrist M. deep love
15. weird N. burial ceremony
16. journey O. freaky
17. greedy P. to learn
18. date Q. someone who receives money
19. devotion R. filled with desire to get things
20. irrational S. deep, long-lasting anger
A. to overstate T. legal responsibility for a child
IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS - Write the correct letter in front of the number
A. cardinal sin H. throw a fit O. pulled over
B. comped I. Neilson ratings P. bailed out
C. high roller J. give me five Q. trust fund
D. hooker K. fruitcake R. high functioning
E. give me a break L. EPA S. bullshit
F. shrink M. grand T. let it sit
G. inside joke N. no point
21. At first Charlie thinks Raymond is a _____.
22. In his business, Charlie is having problems with the_____.
23. If his deal goes through, Charlie will make 75_____.
24. Raymond is the beneficiary of a_____.
25. Counting cards is the _____ in a Las Vegas casino.
26. "K-Mart sucks," is an _____ between Charlie and Raymond.

27. Dr. Bruner is a _____.

28. When Charlie keeps asking Susanna why she's leaving, she tells him to _____.
29. Charlie meets a _____ in a Las Vegas bar.

30. Their hotel room was _____ because they won so much money.

31. If you touch Raymond, he will _____.

32. Charlie thinks that his father's will is _______________________.

33. Raymond is a _____ autistic savant.

34. At first, Charlie believes there is _____ in caring about Raymond's feelings.

35. Charlie was _____ when he borrowed his father's car.

36. But when Charlie went to jail, he was not _____ by his father.

37. When Raymond keeps repeating his underwear problem, Charlie says, _____.

38. Charlie tells Raymond, " ______," but Raymond doesn't like touching.

39. Charlie gets a free hotel room because he is a _____.

40. Charlie tells the family in the farmhouse that they can become part of the _____.


41. The city at the opening of the film is a) Cincinnati, b) Los Angeles, c) Denver, d) New
42. This film is directed by a) Francis Ford Coppola, b) Kevin Costner, c) Barry Levinson,
d) Dustin Hoffman.

43. Charlie's job is a) an EPA official, b) a car salesman, c) a policeman, d) a lawyer.

44. He and Susanna decide to go to which city for a weekend vacation? a) Palm Springs, b)
Palm Beach, c) Miami, d) Las Vegas.

45. They stop their vacation to go to a) Chicago, b) Los Angeles, c) Cincinnati, d) Denver.
46. What does Susanna notice about Charlie's father's home? a) the large size, b) the
flowers, c) the beautiful crystal, d) the uncomfortable bed.
47. The car in the garage is a) a Mercedes Benz, b) a BMW, c) a Cadillac, d) a Buick.
48. The car was made in a) 1949, b) 1954, c) 1959, d) 1962.
49. Charlie's father bequeaths him a) crystal and a car, b) a car and roses, c) the house and
some money, d) clothing and a car.
50. Which of the following is not a TV show that Raymond likes? a) Jeopardy, b) Wheel of
Fortune, c) The Simpsons, d) The Peoples' Court.
51. When Charlie meets Raymond, who is Raymond's main man? a) Vern, b) Dr. Bruner, c)
Mr. Babbitt, d) Susanna.
52. Raymond is permitted to be away from Wallbrook for how long? a) 10 minutes, b) 2
hours, c) 2 days, d) 2 weeks.
53. Charlie convinces Raymond to leave Wallbrook to see a) the Reds, b) the Dodgers, c)
the Giants, d) the Yankees.
54. For dessert, Raymond likes a) peach ice cream, b) Dutch apple pie, c) tapioca pudding,
d) pepperoni pizza.
55. Every Monday night, Raymond has what kind of food? a) Italian, b) Chinese, c)
Japanese, d) French.
56. When Raymond reads the phone book, he memorizes all the information until halfway
through a) the Bs, b) the Gs, c) the Ms, d) the Zs.
57. What two things does Raymond want on the table at the restaurant?
a) ketchup & pudding, b) maple syrup and toothpicks,
c) pizza & chopsticks, d) pencils and paper.
58. According to Raymond, what airline has never had a crash? a) Delta, b) Swiss Air, c)
Continental, d) Qantas.
59. Raymond must go to bed at exactly a) 10:45, b) 11:00, c) 11:45, d) midnight.
60. Where does Raymond buy his underwear?
a) Wal-Mart, b) Sears, c) K-Mart, d) Salvation Army Thrift Store.
61. They stop at a farmhouse to watch
a) Jeopardy, b) Wheel of Fortune, c) The Crocodile Hunter, d) Judge Wapner.

62. What song did Raymond sing to Charlie as a child? a) I Saw Her Standing There, b)
Margaritaville, c) Satisfaction, d) Hotel California.
63. Charlie buys Raymond a) a camera, b) a TV, c) a car, d) toothpicks.
64. Tucumcari is in what state? a) Ohio, b) Nevada, c) Colorado, d) New Mexico.
65. The symbol on Raymond's tee shirt is for what baseball team? a) Cincinnati, b) Los
Angeles, c) Cleveland, d) New York.
66. What should you never do in a casino? a) count cards, b) go with a hooker, c) drink
alcohol, d) play the wheel of fortune.
67. In the casino, they play a) blackjack, b) scrabble, c) poker, d) monopoly.
68. Who kisses Raymond? a) Charlie, b) Susanna, c) Iris, d) the card dealer.
69. How does Raymond describe the kiss? a) passionate, b) terrific, c) wet, d) sparkly.
70. What video does Charlie buy for Raymond? a) Who's on First, b) the Three Stooges, c)
Judge Wapner, d) the Gladiator.
71. Dr. Bruner offers Charlie a) $100,000, b) $250,000, c) $1 million, d) $3 million.
72. When the smoke alarm goes off, Raymond calls for a) Charlie, b) Vern, c) Susanna, d)
73. When the doctors ask Raymond if he wants to stay with Charlie, what does Raymond
say? a) Who's on first?, b) I don't know, c) K-mart, d) yeah.
74. Who is Raymond's main man at the end of the film? a) Vern, b) Charlie, c) the Rain
Man, d) Susanna.
75. Whose photos are shown at the end of the film? a) Raymond's, b) Iris's, c) Susanna's, d)
a newspaper's.
76. When they are driving to their weekend vacation, Susanna complains that Charlie
doesn't talk to her.
77. Charlie learns about his father's death in a hotel room.
78. Charlie tells Susanna that when he was in jail his father didn't get him out.
79. After Charlie left home, he never spoke or wrote to his father.
80. Susanna likes Charlie because he is rich.

81. Wallbrook is a hospital for crazy people.

82. When Raymond is nervous, he becomes completely silent.

83. Charlie makes Raymond nervous by throwing popcorn at the ducks.

84. When they drive across the metal bridge, Raymond closes his eyes.

85. In the hotel room Raymond imitates Susanna's sounds during love-making.

86. Charlie wants half of Raymond's money.

87. Susanna says that Charlie uses people.

88. Raymond has a book in which he writes how people hurt him.

89. After the toothpicks were spilled, there were five left in the box.

90. Raymond is an excellent driver.

91. Raymond's favorite answer to questions is "Who's on first?"

92. Raymond never goes outside when it rains.

93. Raymond stops walking across the street because the signs say “Don’t Walk”

94. He likes to have his bed close to the door.

95. Raymond is the Rain Man.

96. Raymond gets upset when Charlie runs water in the bath because he is afraid Charlie
will be hurt.

97. Raymond has excellent reasoning ability.

98. Raymond teaches Charlie to do mat

99. Raymond says that K-Mart sucks.

100. Charlie changes more throughout the film than Raymond.

WRITING: Explain your answer to Question 100.

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