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Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API 

For Synchronous Messages
Version 2021.2 | Revision 04
TraceLink Inc.

TraceLink, Inc. (“TraceLink”) owns all right, title to, and interest in TraceLink’s methodologies, processes, Applications, Software Programs and/or the licensed TraceLink
documentation. The documentation is informational in nature and does not constitute a warranty of TraceLink. The licensed use of the TraceLink documentation is solely in
conjunction with the licensed use of applicable TraceLink Applications and/or Software Programs. Any Reproduction or modification of the TraceLink documentation is
prohibited. This documentation is confidential and can only be used by an authorized customer.

TraceLink, Inc. Copyright 2010-2021. All rights reserved.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 2 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Table of Contents
Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 1
Copyright 2
Table of Contents 3

Getting Started 10
Overview 11
Getting Started with SOAP 12
How Integration Works 15
How To Use this Guide 18

Release Information 24
What's New? 25
Known Issues 39

Use Cases 40
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Use Cases 41
CMO Use Cases 47

Messages 52
Delivery Functions 53
Change Delivery Number Overview 54
Change Delivery Number Request Guidelines 55
Change Delivery Number Response Guidelines 56
Change Delivery Number Errors 57
Change Delivery Number Message Examples 58
Delete Order Overview 59
Delete Order Request Guidelines 60

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Delete Order Response Guidelines 61

Delete Order Errors 62
DeleteOrder Message Examples 63
Find Delivery Numbers Overview 64
Find Delivery Numbers Request Guidelines 65
Find Delivery Numbers Response Guidelines 67
Find Delivery Numbers Errors 88
Find Delivery Numbers Message Examples 89
Get Order Overview 93
Get Order Request Guidelines 94
Order Response Guidelines 95
Get Order Errors 108
Get Order Message Examples 109
List Open Orders and Receipts Overview 112
List Open Orders and Receipts Request Guidelines 113
List Open Orders and Receipts Response Guidelines 116
List Open Orders and Receipts Errors 133
List Open Orders and Receipts Message Examples 134
Update Order Receipt Overview 137
Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines 138
Update Order Receipt Response Guidelines 167
Update Order Receipt Errors 168
Update Order Receipt Message Examples 170
Update Order Shipment Overview 175
Update Order Shipment Request Guidelines 176
Update Order Shipment Response Guidelines 200
Update Order Shipment Errors 201
Update Order Shipment Message Examples 207
Void Shipment Overview 211
Void Shipment Request Guidelines 212

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Void Shipment Response Guidelines 214

Void Shipment Errors 215
Void Shipment Message Examples 216
Pack and Repack Functions 218
Aggregate Overview 219
Aggregate Request Guidelines 220
Aggregate Response Guidelines 223
Aggregate Errors 224
Aggregate Message Examples 225
Disaggregate Overview 226
Disaggregate Request Guidelines 227
Disaggregate Response Guidelines 230
Disaggregate Errors 231
Disaggregate Message Examples 232
Aggregation Update Overview 233
Aggregation Update Request Guidelines 234
Aggregation Update Response Guidelines 239
Aggregate Errors 240
Aggregation Update Message Examples 241
Reset Aggregation Overview 243
Reset Aggregation Request Guidelines 244
Reset Aggregation Response Guidelines 246
Reset Aggregation Errors 247
Reset Aggregation Message Examples 248
Query Functions 249
Get Lot Status Overview 250
Get Lot Status Request Guidelines 251
Get Lot Status Response Guidelines 253
Get Lot Status Errors 261

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Get Lot Status Message Examples 262

Fetch Lot Status Result Overview 268
Fetch Lot Status Result Request Guidelines 269
Fetch Lot Status Result Response Guidelines 270
Fetch Lot Status Result Errors 276
Fetch Lot Status Result Message Examples 277
Get Serialized Entity Message Overview 278
Get Serialized Entity Request Guidelines 279
Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines 280
Get Serialized Entity Errors 291
Get Serialized Entity Message Examples 292
Get Serialized Hierarchy Overview 299
Get Serialized Hierarchy Request Guidelines 300
Get Serialized Hierarchy Response Guidelines 303
Get Serialized Hierarchy Errors 309
Get Serialized Hierarchy Message Examples 310
Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Overview 317
Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Request Guidelines 318
Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Response Guidelines 319
Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Errors 323
Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Message Examples 324
Get Receipt Overview 327
Get Receipt Request Guidelines 328
Get Receipt Response Guidelines 329
Get Receipt Errors 356
Get Receipt Message Examples 357
Serial Number Update Functions 361
Commission Overview 362
Commission Request Guidelines 363
Commission Response Guidelines 367

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Commission Errors 368

Commission Message Examples 369
Set Serial Number Status Overview 371
Set Serial Number Status Request Guidelines 372
Set Serial Number Status Response Guidelines 376
Set Serial Number Status Errors 377
Set Serial Number Status Message Examples 378
Release Product Overview 380
Release Product Request Guidelines 381
Release Product Response Guidelines 384
Release Product Errors 385
Release Product Message Examples 386
Take Sample Overview 388
Take Sample Request Guidelines 389
Take Sample Response Guidelines 391
Take Sample Errors 392
Take Sample Message Examples 393
Destroy Overview 394
Destroy Request Guidelines 395
Destroy Response Guidelines 429
Destroy Errors 430
Destroy Message Examples 432
Decommission Overview 434
Decommission Request Guidelines 435
Decommission Response Guidelines 465
Decommission Errors 466
Decommission Message Examples 468
Registration Overview 470
Registration Request Guidelines 471
Registration Response Guidelines 476

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Registration Errors 477

Registration Message Examples 478
Market Release Overview 480
Market Release Request Guidelines 481
Market Release Response Guidelines 485
Market Release Errors 486
Market Release Message Examples 487

Enumerations 489
AggregationInspection 490
BusinessAndLocationId 495
BusinessClassification 497
Business Identifiers by Country 498
RemovalFromCirculationReasonCode 499
CompanyLocationId 500
ContractType 502
CountryDrugCode 503
CurrencyCode 505
DeliveryInspection 512
DestructionMethod 513
Encoding 514
FundingSource 515
IdentifierType 516
ISOCountryCode 518
ISOCurrency 530
PackagingItemCodeType 538
ItemCodeType 539
ItemState 541
ItemStatus Transition Availability 542
LocationId 543

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OrderReceiptType & OrderType 544

Pack Level 545
ReasonCode 546
ReasonCodes 547
ReceiptDistributionType 549
SalesDistType 550
Serial Number Data Examples 551
SerialNumberStatus Transition Availability 552
SNFormat 553
SNState 554
SupplyType 555
TakeSampleReasonCode 556
TransactionId 557

Glossary 558

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 9 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Integrate existing enterprise systems with TraceLink Serialized Operations Manager

The Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API cannot be used until an administrator has configured an API key in the Company Administration
application. If an API Key has not been configured, all Serialized Operations Manager operations will fail.
This guide specifically outlines the call requirements for the Serialized Operations Manager application, which allows users to manage their serialized
inventory. One particular feature of TraceLink's Serialized Operations Manager is the ability to trigger event workflow management reports (for
example, Commission, Sales Shipment, or Return Receipt reports) that can be sent to certain government entities for compliance purposes.
TraceLink facilitates data exchange between existing customer operating systems and the TraceLink Network through a Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) application programming interface (API). This guide contains the SOAP integration information for enabling communication between
your system and the TraceLink Network. Once integrated, operations such as record maintenance and data queries can be performed synchronously.
This communication between your system and TraceLink is conducted via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in Extensible Markup Language (XML).
The information in this guide is specifically directed at IT professionals who are tasked with setting up system integration with the Serialized
Operations Manager application. This document is intended for TraceLink Serialized Operations Manager application Owners1 (Manufacturers or
CMOs). For all Serialized Operations Manager SOAP messages, only Serialized Operations Manager application owners should use the SOAP API to
perform real-time integration with the Serialized Operations Manager application.

Customers/Owners should not let partners access to the SOAP API calls – API functions are very powerful, and if access is given to 3PL or
CMO partners, it gives them the ability to perform any operation on any serial numbers in your system. The SOAP API calls are unlike the
asynchronous messages, which have been specifically designed to be shared with third party partners (CMOs, 3PLs) to communicate operations
performed on your behalf.

1A company that owns and administers an application, usually a TraceLink Customer.

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Getting Started with SOAP

The following information must be obtained prior to implementation:

Development platform installation is required prior to integration.

User Authentication and Identification

A valid TraceLink Network username and password for HTTP basic authentication validation is needed, as well as a user and app look-up to
ensure proper validation of a given request.

To enforce strong security in the TraceLink Life Sciences Cloud, username:password in plain text is not accepted. To successfully
send SOAP calls to TraceLink, Base64 encoding must be used for the username:password and sent in the HTTP Authorization header to
conform with the IETF basic authorization standard (
An HTTP 401 Unauthorized client error status response code occurs in the following scenarios:
l A non-Base64 encoded username:password is sent in the HTTP Authorization header.

l A Base64-encoded or plain text username:password is sent in the Username header.

l The Username header is sent.

For Product Track

Product Track requires basic authentication.

TraceLink uses the pickLocation from the given request in a similar nature to how LocationType and LocationValue are
used for Serialized Operations Manager.

For Serial Number Exchange

Serial Number Exchange requires basic authentication.
For Serialized Operations Manager
Serialized Operations Manager requires basic authentication. TraceLink also allows the caller to pass a username (possibly a
different username from the one used to authenticate), a location type, and location value for the purpose of executing a Serialized

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Operations Manager call. If these values are not provided, TraceLink executes the call at the company level.

Header Usage Sample Value Required

User Use to identify a user making the request User email or GUID. Example: snxpubco1- No. Value defaults to user used in
(for Audit purposes). authentication (basic authentication).

LocationType Use to identify location type executing the SGLN No. If excluded, call is made at the Company
call. level.

LocationValue Use to identify location value executing 12345.678.10 No, unless LocationType is specified.
the call.

For Compliance Reporting

Compliance Reporting requires basic authentication.
WSDL Access
Access to the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), where the XSDs reside along with other functionality information, is needed for
integration. The URL for the WSDL contains the name of the TraceLink environment being accessed, followed by a specified app path. The
following are itest WSDL examples by application:

l Product Track:

l Serial Number Exchange:

l Serialized Operations Manager:

Ensure authentication success before attempting to access the WSDL.

SOAP API Call Limits
Before configuring data, query limitations should be noted. The table below outlines the query limitation details for TraceLink
SOAP messages:

API Call Limit Description of Limit

Serial Number Exchange Messages

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API Call Limit Description of Limit

serialNumberRequestResponse 500,000 The maximum quantity of serial numbers that can be requested is 500,000.

Serialized Operations Manager Messages

Commission 50 The maximum amount of serial numbers that can be commissioned is 50.

Decommission 500 The maximum amount of serial numbers that can be decommissioned is 500.

GetSerialNumberHierarchy 100000 A maximum of 100,000 serial numbers can be returned with a GetSerialNumberHierarchy request.

SetSerialNumberStatus 500 The serial number status can be set for a maximum of 500 serial numbers.

Read Me
It is recommended that the following topics are read before proceeding through this guide:

l How Integration Works

l How To Use this Guide

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How Integration Works

TraceLink communicates with certain operating systems or programs of choice through SOAP (XML-based messaging protocol) integration. As
indicated in the diagram below, the TraceLink applications that use the SOAP API are Serialized Operations Manager, Serial Number Exchange, and
Product Track.

For example, if an internal system needs serial numbers, the SerialNumberRequest SOAP call is sent from that internal system to TraceLink's SOAP
API endpoint, which is the main request-response communication hub. The endpoint simply extracts the XML from the SerialNumberRequest call and
passes it to the TraceLink platform (the Serial Number Exchange app, in this example). Serial Number Exchange waits for the XML response
containing the requested serial numbers, sends the serial number data back through the endpoint where the SOAP response generates, and sends the
response back to the original system. This response also confirms whether the operation is successful or if it fails.
See below for an XML Serial Numbers Request and Response example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

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<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:serialNumbersRequestResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap">

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How To Use this Guide

There are three main sections for each SOAP message that are pertinent to integration (available from the "[App] Messages" side menu):

1. Guidelines Table

2. Errors Table

3. Message Examples

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Guidelines Table
A Guidelines Table contains message requirements for both the message request and response:

Data Element Occurs Format Length Enums Req Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - - - M Soap envelope.

soapenv:Header 0...1 - - - O Not used by TraceLink, therefore the element can be

null or omitted.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - - - M Soap message body.

urn:serialNumbersRequest 1...1 - - - M The serialNumbersRequest message payload.

SendingSystem 0...1 String 1/* - M Identifier for site manager system requesting serial
numbers. This value must match the configured
value for the requesting system in the Serial Number
Exchange configuration. This value will be repeated
in the response message as the ReceivingSystem. 1

ReceivingSystem 0...1 String 1/* - M Identifier for target service that will respond to serial
number requests. This value must match the
configured value for the app in the Serial Number
Manager configuration. This value will be repeated in
the response message as the SendingSystem. 2

IdType 0...1 String 1/* IdType O Specifies the type of serial numbers requested. 3

EncodingType 0...1 String 1/* EncodingType M Specifies the encoding format for the type of serial
numbers requested. SGTIN is used for both GTIN-14
and NTIN numbers. 4


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The following columns are included in the Guidelines Table:

Data Element
This column indicates the source/element name included in the API call.

Hovering over a linked footnote in the Data Element column displays sample data for that element. When using the printed version of
the document, simply refer to the matching footnote at the bottom of the screen.

This column indicates the minimum and maximum amount of times that the particular element can occur within the API call (note that
repeating elements are indicated in the "Description" column). In the example above, the urn:serialNumbersRequest element must occur a
minimum of once and can only occur up to once for the maximum occurrence as indicated by the "1...1". If "*" is indicated, the element has an
unbounded maximum occurrence.

This column indicates the element's data format type (such as String, Integer, Boolean, Date, or Time).

This column indicates the length of the element. For the SendingSystem example element above, the value must have at least one
character, but does not have a maximum restriction (therefore can be any length). However, be mindful of the description column, as further
criteria may be indicated that impacts the field length (such as serial number formatting).

Certain elements are restricted to a list of specified enumeration values. A link to the enumerations and their definitions is provided in this
column. For example, EncodingType links to the available enumerators.

Each table indicates if the field is required for the message. Use the key below to interpret the information in this column:

l C = Conditionally: A "C" indicates that this element is contingent on other factors. For example, an element could be required

for the US but not for any other country. Therefore the element's requirement is contingent on location. Another conditional

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scenario is that an element may be mandatory, but only if another related parent element is populated.

If indicated as "C", read the "Description" column as conditional values may still be mandatory in certain cases.

l M = Mandatory: An "M" indicates the element must be included in the message.

l O = Optional: An "O" indicates that an element may be included in the message but is not required.

Any important notes regarding this section of the API call are included here (required countries, formatting notes, etc.) along with a brief
description of the element/attribute.

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Errors Table
The Errors Table displays all potential errors that may be encountered for a certain message. The Error Code and the actual error message (Error
Message) are provided to assist in troubleshooting:

Error Code Error Message

500 CN-Subtype identifier [CN-Subtype] is not in the permitted serial number request list.

500 Encoding type requested is not correct type for product [ObjectKey/Name] [ObjectKey/Value] and service [Serial Number Exchange Service

500 Filter value [FilterValue] or Company Prefix [CompanyPrefix ObjectKey] is not valid.

500 GTIN-14 identifier [GTIN-14] is not in the permitted serial number request list.

500 More than one Code Level found for [CN_SUBTYPE_LEVEL_RATIO]. PackagingRatio must be specified to disambiguate request.

500 NTIN identifier [NTIN Value] is not in the permitted serial number request list.

500 Product ID [ObjectKey/Name] [ObjectKey/Value] is not valid for products in service [Serial Number Exchange ServiceID].

500 Quantity requested for [Object Identifier] exceeds the maximum quantity allowed: [Maximum Quantity for Serial Number Requests].

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Message Examples
The Message Examples section is where fully populated message examples for both the request and response are located. Select the drop-down
option associated with the example you wish to view and the example displays:

Line numbers and syntax highlights are only available in the online version of the guide.

The following is a fully populated EDMC Case List Request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

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What's New?
Release Turing 2
Messages Updated in Turing 2:
Revision 04 | 12 Aug 2021
Get Serialized Entity
l Updated the Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines to add the CryptoAcquisitionDate element.

l Updated the Get Serialized Entity Response Example including Russia crypto codes to add the

CryptoAcquisitionDate element.

Revision 03 | 09 Jul 2021

l Updated the Aggregate Request Guidelines to:

l Add the LocationType element.

l Update the Location element description to account for additional supported location types.

l Updated the Aggregate Request message example to add the LocationType element.

l Updated the Decommission Request Guidelines to:

l Add the LocationType element.

l Update the Location element description to account for additional supported location types.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 25 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l Updated the Decommission Request message example to add the LocationType element.

l Updated the Destroy Request Guidelines to:

l Add the LocationType element.

l Update the Location element description to account for additional supported location types.

l Updated the Destroy Request message example to add the LocationType element.

l Updated the Disaggregate Request Guidelines to:

l Add the LocationType element.

l Update the Location element description to account for additional supported location types.

l Updated the Disaggregate Request message example to add the LocationType element.

Revision 02 | 25 Jun 2021

Updated the FundingSource enumeration list to add the following values:
l EXTRABUDGETFUNDS – Extra budget funds.

l MIXEDBUDGETFUNDS – Mixed budget funds.

Revision 01 | 13 Jun 2021

Get Serialized Entity
Updated the Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines to add the following elements:

l Location

l CountryMarketCode

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 26 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l InternalMaterialNumber

l ManufacturingDate

Get Serialized Hierarchy

Updated the Get Serialized Hierarchy Response Guidelines to add the following elements:

l SerialNumberHierarchy | Location

l SerialNumberHierarchy | CommissionDateTime

l SerialNumberHierarchy | ManufacturingDate

l ChildSerialNumber | Location

l ChildSerialNumber | CommissionDateTime

l ChildSerialNumber | ManufacturingDate

Update Order Receipt

Updated the Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines to add the following elements:

l DeliveryInspection

l DeliveryInspectionDate

l DeliveryInspectionNote

l AggregationInspection

Update Order Shipment

Updated the Update Order Shipment Request Guidelines to add the following elements:

l DeliveryInspection

l DeliveryInspectionDate

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 27 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l DeliveryInspectionNote

l AggregationInspection

Updated the TransactionId enumeration list to replace NOTAFISCAL with NOTA_FISCAL_ELETRONICA.

Messages Added in Turing 2:

Revision 01 | 13 Jun 2021
Added the AggregationInspection and DeliveryInspection enumeration lists.

Release Turing 1
Messages Updated in Turing 1:
Revision 05 | 25 Jun 2021
Update Order Receipt
l Updated the Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines to add the RegisterUnknownSNs element.

l Updated the Update Order Receipt Request message example to add the RegisterUnknownSNs element.

Revision 04 | 28 May 2021

Get Serialized Hierarchy
Updated the Get Serialized Hierarchy Request Guidelines to add the asynchronousMode element.

Revision 03 | 09 Apr 2021

Updated the note in the Decommission Overview to clarify DisaggregateFromParent must be set to true to allow items
to be disaggregated from the new parent container before decommissioning.

Revision 02 | 02 Apr 2021

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Get Order Errors

Updated the Get Order Errors to:

l Remove WRONGORDERTYPE – Cannot receive against outbound Delivery [delivery number].

l Add DELIVERYNOTFOUND – [delivery number] does not match to any outbound Delivery.

Get Receipt Errors
Updated the Get Receipt Errors to:

l Remove INTERNALERROR – Internal error from server: %s.

l Add RECEIPTNOTFOUND – [delivery number] does not match to any inbound Receipt.

Revision 01 | 21 Feb 2021

l Updated the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list to add the following:

l AM_TIN – Armenia Taxpayer Identification Number

l BY_TIN – Belarus Taxpayer Identification Number

l CN_CHINA_ID – China Identifier (alphanumeric)

l CN_FOREIGN_MAH – China Foreign MAH ID

l CN_FOREIGN_MFR – China Foreign Manufacturer ID

l CN_USCID – China Unified Social Credit Identifier

l IN_GSTN – India Goods and Services Tax ID

l IN_MFR – India Manufacturer Code

l IN_MRCH – India Merchant Exporter Code

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 29 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l KG_TIN – Kyrgyzstan Taxpayer Identification Number

l KZ_BIN – Kazakhstan Business Identification Number

l Updated the SupplyType enumeration list to add CLINICALTRIAL – Supply for a clinical trial.

Update Order Shipment

Updated the Update Order Shipment Request Guidelines to:

l Add the following elements to the OrderReceiptRequest element group:

l RemovalFromCirculation

l EntryPort

l ExitPort

l Add the following optional elements to the SoldFromParty, ShipFromLocation, SoldToParty, ShipToLoca-

tion, and TransportationCarrier element groups:

l TaxRegistrationCode

l PremisesCode

l Village

l HouseNumber

l Township

l CorporateFax

Update Order Receipt

Updated the Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines to:

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 30 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l Add the following elements to the OrderReceiptRequest element group:

l RemovalFromCirculation

l EntryPort

l ExitPort

l Add the following elements to the ReceiptFromParty, ReceiptFromLocation, ReceiptToParty,

ReceiptToLocation, and TransportationCarrier element groups:

l TaxRegistrationCode

l PremisesCode

l Village

l HouseNumber

l Township

l CorporateFax

l Updated the Decommission Request Guidelines to add the SampledArchival and SampledSelectiveControl


l Updated the Decommission Message Examples to add SampledArchival and SampledSelectiveControl to

the request example.

l Updated the Destroy Request Guidelines to add the SampledArchival and SampledSelectiveControl ele-


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 31 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l Updated the Destroy Message Examples to add SampledArchival and SampledSelectiveControl to the

request example.

Get Serialized Entity

l Updated the Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines to add the SampledArchival and SampledSelect-

iveControl elements.

l Updated the Get Serialized Entity Message Examples to add SampledArchival and SampledSelect-

iveControl to all of the response examples.

Messages Added in Turing 1:

Revision 01 | 21 Feb 2021
Added the RemovalFromCirculationReasonCode enumeration list.

Release Edison 4
Messages Updated in Edison 4:
Revision 03 | 12 Mar 2021
Updated the Aggregation Overview to include a note recommending the use of the Aggregation Update message when
sending multiple aggregation events (i.e. aggregations, disaggregations, or a combination thereof) at the same time.

Aggregation Update
Updated the Aggregation Update Overview to include a note recommending the use of the Aggregation Update message
when sending multiple aggregation events (i.e. aggregations, disaggregations, or a combination thereof) at the same


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Updated the Disaggregation Overview to include a note recommending the use of the Aggregation Update message when
sending multiple aggregation events (i.e. aggregations, disaggregations, or a combination thereof) at the same time.

Set Serial Number Status

Updated the Set Serial Number Status Overview to include a note specifying that the Set Serial Number Status message
should only be used to resolve exceptions when an action cannot be undone using any other method..

Release Product
l Updated the Release Product Request Guidelines to add the following elements:

l ProductionQuantities

l LongRunningRestSupport

l IncludePackageLevelQuantities

l IncludePartialRecallSerialNumber

l IncludePartialMarketReleaseSerialNumbers

l asynchronousMode

l Updated the Release Product Message Examples to include ProductionQuantities.

Revision 02 | 10 Jan 2021

Use Cases
Updated Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Use Cases to include the new Aggregation Update message.

Revision 01 | 15 Nov 2020

Update Order Receipt
Updated the Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines to add the TransferWithoutShipment element.

Messages Added in Edison 4:

Revision 02 | 10 Jan 2021
Aggregation Update

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 33 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Added the Aggregation Update message:

l Aggregation Update Request Guidelines

l Aggregation Update Response Guidelines

l Aggregation Update Errors

l Aggregation Update Message Examples

Revision 01 | 15 Nov 2020

No messages were added in this release.

Release Edison 3
Messages Updated in Edison 3:
Revision 03 | 11 Dec 2020
Updated the following messages to include the not used LongRunningRestSupport element to correctly reflect the

l Decommission Request Guidelines

l Destroy Request Guidelines

l Get Lot Status Request Guidelines

l Registration Request Guidelines

l Release Product Request Guidelines

l Set Serial Number Status Request Guidelines

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 34 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines

l Update Order Shipment Request Guidelines

Added an important note to the Destroy Overview stating that once a serial number is destroyed, it is permanently

Find Delivery Numbers

Added an important note to the Find Delivery Numbers Overview stating that this message retrieves only inbound
delivery messages.

Updated the Commission Request Guidelines to remove a duplicate instance of the Location element.

Revision 02 | 12 Nov 2020

Updated the Commission Request Guidelines to add the not used LongRunningRestSupport element to correctly reflect
the WSDL.

Messages Added in Edison 3:

No messages were added in this release.

Release Edison 2
Messages Updated in Edison 2:
Revision 05 | 16 Oct 2020
Updated the Decommission Request Guidelines to correct the Sampled by Authorities element to now be


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Updated the Destroy Request Guidelines to correct the Sampled by Authorities element to now be

Revision 04 | 18 Sep 2020

Get Serialized Entity
Updated the Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines to add the new Registered element.

Revision 03 | 07 Aug 2020

Take Sample
Updated the Take Sample Request Guidelines to:

l Update InspectionCountryCode from optional to conditionally required in order to generate the Russia 552 -

Withdrawal report.

l Update the spelling of the SamplingPartyID element.

Revision 02 | 30 Jul 2020

Updated the Commission Request Guidelines to specify valid values for ItemCodeType.

Revision 01 | 31 May 2020

Use Cases
l Updated Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Use Cases to include the new Market Release and Get Receipt mes-


l Updated CMO Use Cases to include the new Get Receipt message.

Release Product
Updated the Release Product Request Guidelines to:

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l  Add the following valid values to the description for ItemType:

l CIVILCIRCULATION – Number of the document from a government agency for introduction of medi-

cine into circulation used for immunobiological medicine only.

l STATECONFIRMATION – Number of the document confirming the medicine compliance with state

registration requirements.

l Update Transaction | Date to optional and removed the conditional requirement note.

Get Lot Status

Updated the Get Lot Status Response Guidelines to:

l Add the following:

l MarketReleaseStatus element.

l MarketReleaseEvent element group.

l Updated the PartialProductRecallSerialNumberList element to update the occurs from "0...1" to "1...1",

from conditional to mandatory, and removed the conditional requirement note.

Get Serialized Entity

Updated the Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines to add the following elements:

l MarketReleased

l MarketReleaseMarket

Messages Added in Edison 2:

Revision 01 | 31 May 2020
Market Release
Added the Market Release message.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 37 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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l Market Release Request Guidelines

l Market Release Response Guidelines

l Market Release Errors

l Market Release Message Examples

Get Receipt
Added the Get Receipt message.

l Get Receipt Request Guidelines

l Get Receipt Response Guidelines

l Get Receipt Errors

l Get Receipt Message Examples

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Known Issues
Release Turing 2
Known Issues in Turing 2:
There are no known issues in this release.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 39 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Use Cases

TraceLink Roles
TraceLink API Guides group messages by application. Each API Guide contains all messages available within that application. Your company's
business type (e.g. CMO, Wholesale Distributor, 3PL) and role in the TraceLink Network (Owner or Partner1) determine which of these messages to
develop (i.e. not all messages within this guide may fulfill your business or compliance needs).
See below to confirm which messages you should develop based on your role in the supply chain and/or the TraceLink Network.

Configure and exchange (send or receive) each message separately as a best practice.

1See Glossary for details on Owners and Partners.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 41 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Serialized Operations Manager Owners

Serialized Operations Manager Owners use all of the messages within this API Guide to communicate with internal warehouse systems.

Only Serialized Operations Manager Owners should use the Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API to perform real-time integration into their
Serialized Operations Manager application. Owners should never allow partner access to the SOAP API messages in order to avoid unintended
manipulation of serial numbers within the system.

Delivery Functions

Change Delivery Number

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Change Delivery Number to update the delivery number that uniquely identifies the shipment for a
receipt or order.
Delete Order
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Delete Order to remove an erroneous order from the system for a receipt or order. A deleted order:
l Requires a delivery number.

l Cannot be restored.

l Disassociates "picked" serial numbers from the delivery.

Find Delivery Numbers

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Find Delivery Numbers to provide a list of orders and order receipts based on optional parameters for
delivery number, sales order, and/or open. If no parameters are provided, all delivery numbers are returned.
Get Order
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Get Order to provide details of a delivery number (SoldFromParty, ShipFromLocation, SoldToParty, and
ShipToLocation), as well as serial numbers and sales information about the order.
List Open Orders and Receipts
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use List Open Orders and Receipts to provide a list of a delivery's open orders and receipts that are not yet
marked as "complete."
Update Order Receipt

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 42 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Update Order Receipt to:

l Create receipts.

l Report the transfer, purchase, and/or return receipt confirmation.

l Set the status of all serial numbers to "Available."

Update Order Shipment

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Update Order Shipment to communicate shipment details and mark all serial numbers as either
"Shipped" for sales/returns or "Pending Receipt" for transfers when no change of ownership occurs, such as between warehouses or with a
Upon shipment confirmation, the system communicates the products that are picked/packed for the shipment using the delivery number to
link order details to the picked items. The message may also be used to correct a voided shipment.

Void Shipment
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Void Shipment to void a "Submitted" outbound delivery and to update the status of serial numbers from
"Shipped" to "Available." Serial numbers already received may be transferred back to the original location.
A voided delivery is still accessible as either "Voided - Canceled" or "Voided - Not Corrected." If corrected, the status updates to "Voided -
Pack and Unpack Functions

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Aggregate to record the serial number of a container along with the serial numbers of its contents (e.g.
item to existing container, inner pack to case, case to pallet). New aggregation requests keep existing child serial number associations in the
main container.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Disaggregate to remove products or containers from a parent container (e.g. item or inner pack from
case or case from pallet). The serial numbers of the contained product or container are disassociated from the parent.
Aggregation Update
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Aggregation Update to report aggregation and disaggregation actions in a single message to account for
warehouse packing activities (e.g. removing an item from container and then placing that item back into the container, the inner pack to case,
and the case to pallet). Each message can contain multiple aggregations or disaggregations.
Reset Aggregation

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 43 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Reset Aggregation to reduce scans by disaggregating commissioned child serial numbers from a con-
tainer and then aggregating new items to that container. This is often done as a way of managing exceptions after packaging is complete.
Updating aggregation requires access to the container serial number and any child serial numbers.
Query Functions

Get Lot Status

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Get Lot Status to query the repository for data about a product code and lot, including packaging codes,
expiration date, quality release status, repackaging details, and quantity of serial numbers associated with the lot. The Get Lot Status query
response also includes the product recall and market withdrawal status of the lot and if applicable, relevant recall and market withdrawal
Fetch Lot Status Result
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Fetch Lot Status Result to provide the lot status of high-volume lots containing 100,000 or more serial
numbers. The RequestId value returned in the original Get Lot Status request supports this asynchronous operation.
Get Receipt
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Get Receipt to retrieve receipt details for SOM sales, transfers, and returns.
Get Serialized Entity
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Get Serialized Entity to provide the integrating system with full visibility of a serial number, including
state, attributes, status, and aggregation, to perform warehouse operations. If applicable, the query response also includes a list of Target
Markets in which the requested serial number is in a recalled or withdrawn state.
Get Serialized Hierarchy
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Get Serialized Hierarchy during rework to provide the hierarchy data of a serial number, such as a list of
all child serial numbers within a specific container. By redoing the entire hierarchy, the system can reset aggregation.
Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result to provide the hierarchy data of 100,000 or more serial numbers.
The RequestId value returned in the original Get Serialized Hierarchy request supports this asynchronous operation.
Serial Number Update Functions

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Commission to associate a serial number (or a list of serial numbers) and its attributes to a product or
container using a 2D barcode.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 44 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Registration to record the serial number and attributes in their Serialized Operations Manager repos-
itory, and then perform serialized operations against the serialized product.
Set Serial Number Status
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Set Serial Number Status to update the status of the serial number, item, and attributes. This enables a
Serialized Operations Manager owner to:
l Manage exceptions.

l Correct a serial number status that is incorrect or out of sync (e.g. a case is reported as shipped but later found in the ware-

house, for example).

l Change the status from "Shipped" to "Available."

Changing a serial number status does not undo triggered operations, such as reports sent in Government Reporting or Product Track.

Release Product
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Release Product to:
l Trigger government reporting workflows for commissioning serial numbers after a quality hold is released from a specified lot.

l Verify serial numbers for pick/ship operations to ensure that product on quality hold is not picked for shipment.

Line management systems must send commission data to TraceLink before communicating the sampled status.

Take Sample
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Take Sample to update item status to "Sampled" when quality personnel remove serialized product for
sampling purposes. This enables a Serialized Operations Manager Owner to:
l Disaggregate items from the container if already packed.

l Trigger government reporting for the sampling of serial numbers.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Destroy to disassociate a serial number from a product or container that is physically destroyed so that
it is no longer tracked. Destroyed serial numbers cannot be reused, whereas decommissioned serial numbers can be reused.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 45 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Decommission to disassociate a serial number from a product or container so that it is no longer tracked.
Decommissioned serial numbers can be reused, whereas destroyed serial numbers cannot be reused.
Market Release
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers use Market Release to designate that a full or partial lot of imported product is released for circulation and
that all required registration is complete.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 46 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

CMO Use Cases

TraceLink Roles
TraceLink API Guides group messages by application. Each API Guide contains all messages available within that application. Your company's
business type (e.g. CMO, Wholesale Distributor, 3PL) and role in the TraceLink Network (Owner or Partner1) determine which of these messages to
develop (i.e. not all messages within this guide may fulfill your business or compliance needs).
See below to confirm which messages you should develop based on your role in the supply chain and/or the TraceLink Network.

Configure and exchange (send or receive) each message separately as a best practice.

1See Glossary for details on Owners and Partners.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 47 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Serialized Operations Manager Owners

Serialized Operations Manager Owners use all of the messages within this API Guide to communicate with internal warehouse systems.

Only Serialized Operations Manager Owners should use the Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API to perform real-time
integration into their Serialized Operations Manager application. Owners should never allow partner access to the SOAP API mes-
sages in order to avoid unintended manipulation of serial numbers within the system.

Delivery Functions

Change Delivery Number

CMOs use Change Delivery Number to update the delivery number that uniquely identifies the shipment for a receipt or order.
Delete Order
CMOs use Delete Order to remove an erroneous order from the system for a receipt or order. A deleted order:
l Requires a delivery number.

l Cannot be restored.

l Disassociates "picked" serial numbers from the delivery.

Find Delivery Numbers

CMOs use Find Delivery Numbers to provide a list of orders and order receipts based on optional parameters for delivery number, sales
order, and/or open. If no parameters are provided, all delivery numbers are returned.
Get Order
CMOs use Get Order to provide details of a delivery number (SoldFromParty, ShipFromLocation, SoldToParty, and ShipToLocation), as well
as serial numbers and sales information about the order.
List Open Orders and Receipts
CMOs use List Open Orders and Receipts to provide a list of a delivery's open orders and receipts that are not yet marked as "complete."
Update Order Receipt

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 48 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

CMOs use Update Order Receipt to:

l Create receipts.

l Report the transfer, purchase, and/or return receipt confirmation.

l Set the status of all serial numbers to "Available."

Update Order Shipment

CMOs use Update Order Shipment to communicate shipment details and mark all serial numbers as either "Shipped" for sales/returns or
"Pending Receipt" for transfers when no change of ownership occurs, such as between warehouses or with a CMO/3PL.
Upon shipment confirmation, the system communicates the products that are picked/packed for the shipment using the delivery number to
link order details to the picked items. The message may also be used to correct a voided shipment.

Void Shipment
CMOs use Void Shipment to void a "Submitted" outbound delivery and to update the status of serial numbers from "Shipped" to "Available."
Serial numbers already received may be transferred back to the original location.
A voided delivery is still accessible as either "Voided - Canceled" or "Voided - Not Corrected." If corrected, the status updates to "Voided -
Pack and Unpack Functions

CMOs use Aggregate to record the serial number of a container along with the serial numbers of its contents (e.g. item to existing container,
inner pack to case, case to pallet). New aggregation requests keep existing child serial number associations in the main container.
CMOs use Disaggregate to remove products or containers from a parent container (e.g. item or inner pack from case or case from pallet).
The serial numbers of the contained product or container are disassociated from the parent.
Reset Aggregation
CMOs use Reset Aggregation to reduce scans by disaggregating commissioned child serial numbers from a container and then aggregating
new items to that container. This is often done as a way of managing exceptions after packaging is complete. Updating aggregation requires
access to the container serial number and any child serial numbers.
Query Functions

Get Lot Status

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 49 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

CMOs use Get Lot Status to query the repository for data about a product code and lot, including packaging codes, expiration date, quality
release status, repackaging details, and quantity of serial numbers associated with the lot. The Get Lot Status query response also includes
the product recall and market withdrawal status of the lot and if applicable, relevant recall and market withdrawal information.
Fetch Lot Status Result
CMOs use Fetch Lot Status Result to provide the lot status of high-volume lots containing 100,000 or more serial numbers. The RequestId
value returned in the original Get Lot Status request supports this asynchronous operation.
Get Receipt
CMOs use Get Receipt to retrieve receipt details for SOM sales, transfers, and returns.
Get Serialized Entity
CMOs use Get Serialized Entity to provide the integrating system with full visibility of a serial number, including state, attributes, status, and
aggregation, to perform warehouse operations. If applicable, the query response also includes a list of Target Markets in which the reques-
ted serial number is in a recalled or withdrawn state.
Get Serialized Hierarchy
CMOs use Get Serialized Hierarchy during rework to provide the hierarchy data of a serial number, such as a list of all child serial numbers
within a specific container. By redoing the entire hierarchy, the system can reset aggregation.
Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result
CMOs use Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result to provide the hierarchy data of 100,000 or more serial numbers. The RequestId value
returned in the original Get Serialized Hierarchy request supports this asynchronous operation.
Serial Number Update Functions

CMOs use Commission to associate a serial number (or a list of serial numbers) and its attributes to a product or container using a 2D bar-
CMOs use Registration to record the serial number and attributes in their Serialized Operations Manager repository, and then perform seri-
alized operations against the serialized product.
Set Serial Number Status
CMOs use Set Serial Number Status to update the status of the serial number, item, and attributes. This enables a Serialized Operations
Manager owner to:

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 50 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

l Manage exceptions.

l Correct a serial number status that is incorrect or out of sync (e.g. a case is reported as shipped but later found in the ware-

house, for example).

l Change the status from "Shipped" to "Available."

Changing a serial number status does not undo triggered operations, such as reports sent in Government Reporting or Product Track.

Release Product
CMOs use Release Product to:
l Trigger government reporting workflows for commissioning serial numbers after a quality hold is released from a specified lot.

l Verify serial numbers for pick/ship operations to ensure that product on quality hold is not picked for shipment.

Line management systems must send commission data to TraceLink before communicating the sampled status.

Take Sample
CMOs use Take Sample to update item status to "Sampled" when quality personnel remove serialized product for sampling purposes. This
enables a Serialized Operations Manager Owner to:
l Disaggregate items from the container if already packed.

l Trigger government reporting for the sampling of serial numbers.

CMOs use Destroy to disassociate a serial number from a product or container that is physically destroyed so that it is no longer tracked.
Destroyed serial numbers cannot be reused, whereas decommissioned serial numbers can be reused.
CMOs use Decommission to disassociate a serial number from a product or container so that it is no longer tracked. Decommissioned serial
numbers can be reused, whereas destroyed serial numbers cannot be reused.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 51 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Delivery Functions
Delivery (or "Shipment") functions allow the tracking of outbound warehouse movements for sales, transfers, and return shipments. The Update Order
Sales delivery function is found in the "Outbound Movement" operations group under the "View Deliveries". Once a Delivery number is selected, the
option to update that delivery displays.
l Change Delivery Number

l Delete Order

l Find Delivery Numbers

l Get Order

l List Open Orders and Receipts

l Update Order Receipt

l Update Order Sales

l Void Shipment

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 53 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Change Delivery Number Overview

The Change Delivery number message updates the delivery number that uniquely identifies an order and its associated details. This function can be
used with both shipments and receipts.
Both the old and new delivery numbers are needed to successfully process this request. If the new delivery number entered is already recognized in
the system, an error is thrown.
Main Topics
l Change Delivery Number Request Guidelines

l Change Delivery Number Response Guidelines

l Change Delivery Number Errors

l Change Delivery Number Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 54 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Change Delivery Number Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Header. Not used by TraceLink.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:ChangeDeliveryNumber 1...1 - Required. ChangeDeliveryNumber request message.


ChangeDeliveryNumberRequest 0...1 - Required. ChangeDeliveryNumber request message to update/change a delivery number.


OldDeliveryNumber 0...1 String Required. The existing delivery number that is currently in the system. This number is assigned to uniquely identify a shipment.1

NewDeliveryNumber 0...1 String Required. The new delivery number in which to change/update the existing delivery number to. Once updated, this will be the delivery
1/* number recognized in the system.2


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 55 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Change Delivery Number Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Format Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns2:ChangeDeliveryNumberResponse 1...1 - Required. Change Delivery Number response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. The TraceLink response.


Success 0...1 Boolean Required. Indicates if the Change Delivery Number request processed successfully.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e ; omitted otherwise. Error information.


CallException 1...* - Required. Error information including the error code and the error message, if
- available.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code.


ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if error condition is available. Message that further describes
0/* error condition.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 56 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Change Delivery Number Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Change Delivery Number message:

Exception Code Exception Message

DELIVERYALREADYEXISTS Delivery <delivery number> already exists.

ORDERNOTFOUND Delivery <delivery number> not found.

VALIDATION The parameter OldDeliveryNumber is missing or had an invalid value.

VALIDATION The parameter NewDeliveryNumber is missing or had an invalid value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 57 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Change Delivery Number Message Examples

ChangeDeliveryNumber request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

ChangeDeliveryNumber response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:ChangeDeliveryNumberResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 58 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Delete Order Overview

The Delete Order message removes an erroneous order from the system based on the specified delivery number. Only orders in an Unsubmitted state
can be deleted.
After the delete request is submitted successfully, the delivery is deleted from the system. Any serial numbers associated with the delivery number
that are in a Picked state are reverted to their previous state and disassociated from the specified delivery.

Use extreme care to verify the need to delete a delivery order before submitting this message. A deleted delivery cannot be restored; all
information must be re-entered.

Main Topics
l Delete Order Request Guidelines

l Delete Order Response Guidelines

l Delete Order Errors

l Delete Order Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 59 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Delete Order Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following table outlines the Delete Order Request message guidelines.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used by TraceLink. SOAP Message Header.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:DeleteOrder 1...1 - Required. Delete Order request.


DeliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. Delivery number is required for a Delete Order request message. Any serial numbers associated with this
1/* Delivery Number that are in a "Picked" state will be returned to their previous state and disassociated with the


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 60 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Delete Order Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns2:DeleteOrderResponse 1...1 - Required. Delete Order response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response for the Delete Order request.

Success 0...1 Boolean Required. Indicates if the Delete Order request successfully processed.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted.


CallException 1...* - Required. Contains any available exception information.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Indicates the error exception code. See Delete Order Errors for full list of
0/* potential errors and error codes.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if an error occurred for which an exception message is provided.
0/* Message that further describes error condition. See Delete Order Errors for full list of
potential errors and error codes.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 61 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Delete Order Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Delete Order message:

Exception Code Exception Message

CANNOTDELETECOMPLETEDORDER Delivery <delivery number> could not be deleted. Only orders in the unsubmitted state may be deleted

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

ORDERNOTFOUND Delivery <delivery number> not found.

SNNOTFOUND Serial number <serial number> does not exist.

VALIDATION The parameter Delivery Number is missing or had an invalid value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 62 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

DeleteOrder Message Examples

DeleteOrder request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

DeleteOrder response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:DeleteOrderResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 63 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Find Delivery Numbers Overview

The Find Delivery Numbers message provides a list of inbound receipts queried by delivery number. The response includes delivery and receipt details
based on query parameters.
No information is mandatory for this message; if all fields are omitted, all delivery numbers are returned.

This message retrieves only inbound delivery messages.

Main Topics
l Find Delivery Numbers Request Guidelines

l Find Delivery Numbers Response Guidelines

l Find Delivery Numbers Errors

l Find Delivery Numbers Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 64 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Find Delivery Numbers Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:FindDeliveryNumbers 1...1 - Required. Queries for a list of Order and Order Receipt instances.

FindDeliveryNumbersRequest 0...1 - Required. Mandatory for a FindDeliveryNumbers request.


Keyword 0...1 String The delivery number against which to query.1


OrderSubType 0...1 Boolean Limits the results to deliveries that are flagged as Sales Orders.2
l If set to t r u e , the results only display deliveries that have an order receipt type of S A L E S O R D E R .

l If set to f a l s e , the results display deliveries with all order receipt types (see the

OrderReceiptType/OrderType enumeration list).

IsOpen 0...1 Boolean Limits the results to Orders and Receipts that are considered complete (flagged in the
1/5 OrderComplete/ReceiptComplete fields).3

l If set to true, the results only display deliveries that have ReceiptComplete and OrderComplete

set to f a l s e .


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 65 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Data Element Type Description

l If set to false, the results only include deliveries with ReceiptComplete/OrderComplete set to

t r u e (meaning that order/receipt will receive no further edits).

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 66 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Find Delivery Numbers Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. The SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. The SOAP Message Body.


ns2:FindDeliveryNumbersResponse 1...1 - Required. The Find Delivery Numbers response message with
- included query results.

OrderListResponse 0...1 - Required. The TraceLink response for the Find Delivery Numbers
- request message.

Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if the Find Delivery Numbers request

- successfully processed.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted.

- Contains error information.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains any available exception information.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Indicates the error exception code. See
0/* FindDeliveryNumbers Errors for full list of potential errors and error

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if an error occurred for which an exception
0/* message is provided. Message that further describes the error


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 67 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

condition. See FindDeliveryNumbers Errors for full list of potential

errors and error codes.

OrderList 0...1 - Required. List of Order and Order Receipt instances.


Orders 0...1 - Required. Parent element for a Find Delivery Numbers response.

Order 0...* - Required. Representation of an order (e.g. Sales). Contains just the
- basic identifier for the order or receipt, which is the delivery number.

@orderType 0...1 String Identifier that can be associated with a given order.

@deliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. The delivery number that was submitted in the request
1/* message, which links the order information to the serialized pick
information for this customer order.1

OrderDate 0...1 Date The date of the business transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. If
10/10 omitted, the system reflects the date and time that the request was

EventDateTime 0...1 Time Date and time of the event in XSD Date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-
- DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system reflects the date and time
that the request was submitted.3

OrderComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. The OrderComplete flag instructs the system to process
- the outbound delivery, updates the status of all serial numbers and
sub-child aggregations, and triggers generation of regulatory
reporting messages based on customer configuration.4

l If set to t r u e , all of the information (order detail and

picked serial numbers) is provided in a single message.

l If only partial information was provided in the message


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 68 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Data Element Type Description

(e.g. order detail only, picked items sent incrementally) the

OrderComplete flag should be set to f a l s e for all

intermediate messages, and then will be set to t r u e when

the delivery is complete and all information has been

communicated to TraceLink.

ShipFromCountryCode1 0...1 String Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Two-

2/2 letter ISO country code for ship from country. This value is referenced
to advise regulatory reporting if it is required for the specified country
market. Setting this value alone does not trigger regulatory reporting.
Actual triggering of regulatory reporting is governed by customer
administrative configuration in the TraceLink application.

ShortShip2 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short picks when verifying the
0/* quantities of what is expected to be picked (in OrderItems) against
the each quantities of actual scanned serial numbers (in

l If set to f a l s e , other errors are still flagged, such as

incorrect product/lot and over picks.

l If not specified, default value is f a l s e .

SaleType 0...1 String Indicates the nature of the order.

1/* See the SalesDistType enumeration list for valid values.

SoldFromParty 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

- Represents the From Business Party in the transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the From Business
- Party.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the from business entity.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 69 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Mandatory for regulatory reporting.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the BusinessId identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - The Business identifier value.1


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.2

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.3

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.4


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The city.5

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.7

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter

2Kendall Pharma
3300 Trade Center
4Suite 7690

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 70 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and
- address information from master data when set to t r u e .2

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are

needed for the system to perform the look-up in master

data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before

OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipFromLocation 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

- Represents the ShipFromLocation in the transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the

- ShipFromLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Conditionally required for US. Populated with the

- ShipFromLocation identifier.

See the Business Identifiers by Country enumeration list for valid


@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

- set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street1 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The city.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 71 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and
- address information from master data when set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are

needed for the system to perform the look-up in master

data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before

OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This
- element may be repeated to include as many license numbers as
required (e.g. state and federal license).

LicenseNumber 1...1 String Required. License number value.1


State 0...1 String Required. The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed,
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviations specified in ISO 3166-
2:1998 country sub-division code. This attribute is used to give
additional context to the license number.2


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 72 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Agency 0...1 String The agency that granted the license (e.g. Florida DOH, NABP). This
1/* attribute is used to give additional context to the license number.1

Contact 0...1 - Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify
- the transaction information.

Name 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company.2

Telephone 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company. This must begin with the + character followed by the
Country Calling Code.3

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company4.

Should be included if available.

Title 0...1 String The title of the individual if a person was provided in Name.5

Url 0...1 String The Web address to facilitate authentication.6


SoldToParty 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

- Represents the To Business Party in the transaction.

Business Identifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the To Business
- Party.

Business Identifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the To Business Party entity.
- See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the Business Identifier.

2Customer Service
5Customer Service Representative

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 73 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Data Element Type Description

See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Business Identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required.Instructs the system to look up the business name and
- address information from master data when set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are

needed for the system to perform the look-up in master

data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before

OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipToLocation 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

- Represents the ShipToLocation in the transaction.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 74 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the ShipToLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required.Populated with the ShipToLocation identifier.

- See the Business Identifiers by Country enumeration list for valid

@identifierType 1...1 String Required.The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and
- address information from master data when set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 75 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

needed for the system to perform the look-up in master

data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before

OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This
- element may be repeated to include as many license numbers as
required (e.g. state and federal license).

LicenseNumber 1...1 String Required. License number value.


State 0...1 String Required. The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed,
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
2:1998 country sub-division code. This attribute is used to give
additional context to the license number.

Agency 0...1 String Required. The agency that granted the license (e.g. Florida DOH,
1/* NABP). This attribute is used to give additional context to the license

Contact 0...1 - Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify
- the transaction information.

Name 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company.

Telephone 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company. This must begin with the + character followed by the
Country Calling Code.

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company.

Should be included if available.

Title 0...1 String The title of the individual if a person was provided in Name.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 76 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Url 0...1 String The Web address to facilitate authentication.


TransportationCarrier 0...1 - Conditionally required if ShipToCountryCode = B R . Represents the

- transportation partner that is transporting the order.

This is used only for Brazil and must be populated before

OrderComplete set to t r u e .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the transportation
- carrier.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the transport carrier
- business entity. This value is required for regulatory reporting.
Different countries require different values as noted below:

For Brazil: Provide the BR_PROF_REG, CNPJ, CNES, or

CPF. CNPJ is the value preferred by ANVISA if the company
has one.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 77 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-

letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and
- address information from master data when set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are

needed for the system to perform the look-up in master

data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before

OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

DropShipment 0...1 Boolean Flag that indicates if the order is a drop shipment:1
l If set to t r u e , indicates order is a drop order.

l If not set, or set to f a l s e , the system treats as a standard


Attempt Disaggregation 0...1 Boolean When set to t r u e , instructs the system to disaggregate the picked
0/* serial number from the parent container, if it is aggregated.2
If not set, or set to f a l s e , the system will operate in default mode
which is to generate an error if attempting to pick serial number for
an item or container that is aggregated to a parent.

Transactions 0...1 - Conditionally required if OrderComplete is set to t r u e . The

- transaction identifier associated with the order.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 78 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Transaction 0...* - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.


OrderID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the order, for
1/* regulatory reporting and business tracking purposes. At least one is
required, and depending on country, more than one transaction ids
may be required.1

Country requirements:

l For Argentina, provide Packing Slip Number.

l For Brazil provide , PO Number, ASN Number and

Invoice Number if available.

l For China, provide Sales Order Number.

l For US, provide PO Number, ASN Number and

Invoice Number if available.

OrderType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type using the supported
1/* enumeration values.2
See theTransactionId enumeration list for valid values.

Date 0...1 String Required. The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format.
1/* This value is used for regulatory reporting of the transaction Date.3

PickedItem - - Contains list of items picked for that order as well as the Warehouse
- operator information.

WarehouseOperator 0...1 String Conditionally required for China. Name of the person responsible
0/* for warehouse operations. This element can be communicated at any
time (e.g. with, before or after the order details or picked items have
been communicated).4

4John Smith

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 79 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Data Element Type Description

Items - - Required. List of items picked for that order.


@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format specified in the request.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not used. See Serial Number Data Examples.
1/* See the Encoding enumeration list for valid values.

OrderItems 1...1 - Optional list of items expected to be in the order.

l Option 1: If provided, the system will verify the picked

serial numbers against the expected items in the order and

generate an error if incorrect products were picked against

the order.

l Option 2: If OrderItems are not provided, the system will

accept the serial numbers against the order and only verify

that the serial numbers are in a shippable state.

OrderItem 0...* - Required. Order item group is a repeating element that captures the
- item code, lot number, and quantity for each item that will be picked
for the order. Each unique item code and lot number is communicated
in a separate order item group.

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Option 1 in OrderItem: Use to identify the product using the internal
1/* material number configured in Product Master Data.2
Populated only if PackagingItemCode is not present.

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Option 2 in OrderItem: Use to identify the product using the
1/* packaging level item code (e.g. GTIN-14) configured in Product
Master Data.3
Populated only if InternalMaterialCode is not present.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 80 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is present. Identifies

1/* the packaging level item code type.
See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

Quantity 1...1 Int Required. The quantity of items at the Each (unit) level of the item
- code and lot if specified to be picked.1

Lot 0...1 String The lot or batch code for the items to be picked (if available) in an
1/* alphanumeric string.2

CDEntries 0...1 - A customer-defined name/value pair. Use to store customer-visible

- data and meta data that is outside the processing path of the API.

CDName 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined name.


CDValue 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.

Order 0...* - Required. Representation of an order (e.g. Sales). Contains the basic
- identifier for the order or receipt, which is the delivery number.

@orderReceiptType 0...1 String Required. Identifier that can be associated with a given receipt.
1/* See the OrderReceiptType/OrderType enumeration list for valid

@deliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. The delivery number that was submitted in the request
1/* message, which links the order/receipt information to the serialized
pick information for this customer order.

ReceiptDate 0...1 Date The date of the business transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. If
10/10 omitted, the system will reflect the date and time that the request
was submitted.

EventDateTime 0...1 Time Date and time of the event in XSD Date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-
- DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will reflect the date and time
that the request was submitted.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 81 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ReceiptComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates whether the receipt can be considered complete
- and all editing is finished (t r u e = complete).

ReceiptFromCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Two-letter

2/2 ISO country code for receipt from country. This value will be
referenced to advise regulatory reporting if it is required for the
specified country market. Setting this value alone does not trigger
regulatory reporting. Actual triggering of regulatory reporting is
governed by customer administrative configuration in the TraceLink

ShortShip 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short picks when verifying the
0/* quantities of what is expected to be picked (in OrderItems) against
the each quantities of actual scanned serial numbers (in

l If this value is set to f a l s e , other errors will still be

flagged, such as incorrect product/lot and over picks. If not

specified, value of f a l s e is assumed.

ReceiptFromParty 0...1 - Conditionally required if OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

- Represents the From Business Party in the transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the From
- Business Party.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the from business entity.
- See the Business Identifiers by Country enumeration list for valid

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the BusinessId identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The business name of the receipt from business party
(the company who is sending the receipt).

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 82 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and
- address information from master data when set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are

needed for the system to perform the look-up in master

data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before

ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

ReceiptToParty - - The business to party (receiving the order) of the original shipment.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the To Business
- Party.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the To Business Party entity.

See the Business Identifiers by Country enumeration list for valid

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 83 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the Business identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The business name of the receipt To Business Party
party (the company getting the receipt).

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is not set or is

1/* set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and
- address information from master data when set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are

needed for the system to perform the look-up in master

data to populate the remaining fields.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 84 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before

ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

Transactions 0...1 - Conditionally required if OrderComplete is set to t r u e . The

- transaction identifier associated with the order.

Transaction 0...* - List of one or more transaction identifiers.


OrderID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the order, for
1/* regulatory reporting and business tracking purposes. At least one is
required, and depending on country, more than one transaction ids
may be required.

l For Argentina: provide Packing Slip Number.

l For Brazil: provide PO Number, ASN Number, and

Invoice Number if available.

l For China: provide Sales Order Number.

l For the US: provide PO Number, ASN Number, and

Invoice Number if available.

OrderReceiptType 0...1 String Required. Identifier that can be associated with a given receipt.
1/* See the OrderReceiptType/OrderType enumeration list for valid

Date 0...1 String The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is
1/* used for regulatory reporting of the transaction Date.

ReceiptItem - - Contains list of items for that order as well as the Warehouse
- operator information.

WarehouseOperator 0...1 String Conditionally required for China. Name of the person responsible
0/* for warehouse operations. This element can be communicated at any
time (e.g. with, before or after the order details or picked items have

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 85 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

been communicated).

Items 1...1 - Required. List of items included in order.


Item - - Required. Item information.


@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format specified in the request. See
1/* Serial Number Data Examples.

@namespace 0...1 String Not used by TraceLink.

1/* See the Encoding enumeration list for valid values.

OrderReceiptItems 1...1 - Optional list of items expected to be in the order.

- If provided, the system will verify the picked serial numbers against
the expected items in the order and generate an error if incorrect
products were picked against the order.

If OrderReceiptItems are not provided, the system will accept the

serial numbers against the order and only verify that the serial
numbers are in a shippable state.

OrderReceiptItem 0...* - Required. Order receipt item group is a repeating element that
- captures the item code, lot number and quantity for each item that
will be picked for the order. Each unique item code and lot number is
communicated in a separate order item group.

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is not present. Option

1/* 1 in OrderReceiptItem: Use to identify the product using the internal
material number configured in Product Master Data.

Populated only if PackagingItemCode is not populated.

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is not present. Option

1/* 2 in InternalMaterialCode: Use to identify the product using the
packaging level item code (e.g. GTIN-14)configured in Product Master

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 86 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Populated only if InternalMaterialCode is not populated.

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is present. Identifies

1/* the packaging level item code type.
See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

Quantity 1...1 Int Required. The quantity of items at the Each (unit) level of the item
- code and lot if specified to be picked.

Lot 0...1 String Required. The lot or batch code for the items to be picked (if
1/* available) in an alphanumeric String.

CDEntries 0...1 String Customer-defined name.


CDName 0...1 String Customer-defined name used to annotate serial numbers.


CDValue 0...1 String Customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 87 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Find Delivery Numbers Errors

There are no potential errors for the Find Delivery Number message:

Exception Code Exception Message

- -

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 88 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Find Delivery Numbers Message Examples

Find Delivery Numbers request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Find Delivery Numbers response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:FindDeliveryNumbersResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Order xsi:type="ns2:OrderType" deliverynumber="RM072619" quantity="5" xmlns:xsi="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 89 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="SGLN" identifiervalue="741085.296374.0"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GCP" identifiervalue="031028"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="7410852963741"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="COMPANYID" identifiervalue="RMPHARMA"/>
<BusinessName>RM Pharma</BusinessName>
<Street1>1 Concord St</Street1>
<City>North Reading</City>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="SGLN" identifiervalue="741085.296385.0"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="7410852963852"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="COMPANYSITEID" identifiervalue="RMPHARMA-MFG"/>
<BusinessName>RM Pharma - Manufacturing</BusinessName>
<Street1>2 Concord St</Street1>
<City>North Reading</City>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 90 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="SGLN" identifiervalue="060606.060606.0"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="DUNS" identifiervalue="444555666"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="COMPANYSITEID" identifiervalue="RMWS2"/>
<BusinessName>RMWholesale 2</BusinessName>
<Street1>3 Wholesale St</Street1>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="SGLN" identifiervalue="060606.060606.0"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="COMPANYSITEID" identifiervalue="RMWS2"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="DEA" identifiervalue="RM9876543"/>
<BusinessName>RMWholesale 2</BusinessName>
<Street1>3 Wholesale St</Street1>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 91 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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<Item sn="010031028800200921100000000000818"/>
<Item sn="010031028800200921100000000000819"/>
<Item sn="010031028800200921100000000000820"/>
<Item sn="010031028800200921100000000000821"/>
<Item sn="010031028800200921100000000000822"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 92 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Get Order Overview

The Get Order message requests order details for a specified outbound purchase, transfer, or return shipment (based on delivery number).
This message is often used to determine an order’s current status and content. Order details returned include contact and shipping information (e.g.
SoldFromParty, ShipFromLocation, SoldToParty, ShipToLocation), transaction and warehouse information, as well as sales and other order details
(e.g. serial numbers included in the order).
Main Topics
l Get Order Request Guidelines

l Get Order Response Guidelines

l Get Order Errors

l Get Order Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 93 Confidential with No Further Distribution

TraceLink Inc.

Get Order Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 – Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 – Not used.

soapenv:Body 1...1 – Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:GetOrder 1...1 – Required. Queries for order details.

FindDeliveryNumbersRequest 0...1 – Required. Get Order request.

DeliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. Delivery number for the Get Order request message.1


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Order Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 – Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 – Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns2:GetOrderResponse 1...1 – Required. Get Order response message.

TLResponse 0...1 – Required. TraceLink response for the Get Order request message.

Success 0...1 – Required. Indicates whether the Get Order request processed successfully.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 – Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Contains error information.

CallException 1...* – Required. Contains any available exception information.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Indicates the error exception code.

0/* See Get Order Errors for full list of potential errors and error codes.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Required. Message that further describes error condition.


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Data Element Type Description

See Get Order Errors for full list of potential errors and error codes.

Order 0...1 – Required. Required element for Get Order response that contains order information attached to the submitted delivery
– number (from the request message).

@deliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. The delivery number that was submitted in the request message, which links the order information to the
1/* serialized pick information for this customer order.1

OrderDate 0...1 Date The date of the business transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. If omitted, the system will reflect the date and time
10/10 that the request was submitted.2

EventDateTime 0...1 String Date and time of the event in XSD Date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will reflect the
– date and time that the request was submitted.3

OrderComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to process the outbound delivery and update the status of all serial numbers and sub-
– child aggregations, and triggers generation of regulatory reporting messages based on customer configuration.4

l Is set to t r u e if all of the information (order detail and picked serial numbers) is provided in a single


l Is set to f a l s e if only partial information was provided in the intermediate message(s) (e.g. order detail

only, picked items sent incrementally), and then will be set to t r u e when the delivery is complete and all

information has been communicated to TraceLink.

ShipToCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Two-letter ISO country code for ship to country. This
2/2 value will be referenced to advise regulatory reporting if it is required for the specified country market. Setting this value
alone does not trigger regulatory reporting. Actual triggering of regulatory reporting is governed by customer
administrative configuration in the TraceLink application.5

ShortShip 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short picks when verifying the quantities of what is expected to be picked (in
0/* OrderItems) against the each quantities of actual scanned serial numbers (in PickedItem).6


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Data Element Type Description

l If this value is set to f a l s e , other errors will still be flagged, such as incorrect product/lot and over picks.

l If not specified, value of f a l s e is assumed.

SaleType 0...1 String Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . This value is referenced to advise the application of sale
1/* (change of ownership of the product) and transfer (no change of ownership of product, but physical movement of
product) for application and regulatory reporting purposes. Setting this value alone does not trigger regulatory reporting.
Actual triggering of regulatory reporting is governed by customer administrative configuration in the TraceLink

See the SalesDistType enumeration list for valid values.

SoldFromParty 0...1 – Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Represents the From Business Party in the transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the From Business Party.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. The identifier associated with the from business entity. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the BusinessId identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 – Required. Business identifier value.1

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.2

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.3

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.4

2Kendall Pharma
3300 Trade Center
4Suite 7690

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 97 Confidential with No Further Distribution

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Data Element Type Description

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.1

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the
1/* standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.2

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.3

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
1/* abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.4

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1– Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.5

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated, and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipFromLocation 0...1 – Represents the ShipFromLocation in the transaction.

If this is to be populated, must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the ShipFromLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Conditionally required for US. Populated with the ShipFromLocation identifier. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 – Required. Business identifier value.


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Data Element Type Description

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the
1/* standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
1/* abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

– l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated, and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* – List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This element may be repeated to include as many
– license numbers as required (e.g. state, federal license).

LicenseNumber1 1...1 String Required. License number value.


State2 0...1 String The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO
1/* 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code. This attribute is used to give additional context to the license number


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Data Element Type Description

Agency1 0...1 String The agency that granted the license (e.g. Florida DOH, NABP). This attribute is used to give additional context to the
license number.

Contact 0...1 – Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify the transaction information.

Name2 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the company.

Telephone3 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the company. This must begin with the + character
1/* followed by the Country Calling Code.

Email4 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the company. Should be included if available.

Title 0...1 String The title of the individual if a person was provided in Name.

Url5 0...1 String The Web address to facilitate authentication.


SoldToParty 0...1 – Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Represents the To Business Party in the transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the To Business Party.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. The identifier associated with the To Business Party entity.
– See the BusinessIdentifiersByCountry enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the BusinessId identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

2Customer Service

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 100 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Type Description

@identifierValue 1...1 – Required. Business identifier value.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the
1/* standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
1/* abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipToLocation 0...1 – Represents the ShipToLocation in the transaction.

If this is to be populated, must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the ShipToLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. Populated with the ShipToLocation identifier.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 101 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

See the BusinessIdentifiersByCountry enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 – Required. Business identifier value.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the
1/* standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
1/* abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* – List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This element may be repeated to include as many
– license numbers as required (e.g. state, federal license).

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 102 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Type Description

LicenseNumber 1...1 String Required. License number value.


State 0...1 String The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO
1/* 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code. This attribute is used to give additional context to the license number.

Agency 0...1 String The agency that granted the license (e.g. Florida DOH, NABP). This attribute is used to give additional context to the
1/* license number.

Contact 0...1 – Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify the transaction information.

Name 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the company.

Telephone 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the company. This must begin with the + character.

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the company. Should be included if available.

Title 0...1 String The title of the individual if a person was provided in Name.

Url 0...1 String The Web address to facilitate authentication.


TransportationCarrier 0...1 – Conditionally required for orders made into and within Brazil (where ShipToCountryCode = B R ). Must be populated
– before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Represents the transportation partner that is transporting the order.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the ShipToLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. The identifier associated with the transport carrier business entity. This value is required for regulatory
– reporting. Different countries require different values as noted below:

For Brazil: Provide the BR_PROF_REG, CNES, CNPJ, or CPF. CNPJ is the value preferred by ANVISA if the
company has one.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 103 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 – Required. Business identifier value.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the
1/* standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter
1/* abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to true.

DropShipment 0...1 Boolean Flag that indicates if the order is a drop shipment:1
l If set to t r u e , indicates order is a drop order.


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Data Element Type Description

l If not set or set to f a l s e , the system treats as a standard order.

AttemptDisaggregation 0...1 Boolean Flag that indicates whether to disaggregate the picked serial number from the parent container:
l If t r u e , the system disaggregates the picked serial number from the parent container, if it is aggregated.

l If not set or set to f a l s e , the system will operate in default mode which is to generate an error if

attempting to pick serial number for an item or container that is aggregated to a parent.

Transactions 0...1 – Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .The transaction identifier associated with the order.

Transaction 0...* – Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.

OrderID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the order, for regulatory reporting and business tracking purposes.
1/* At least one is required, and depending on country more than one transaction ids may be required.1

Country requirements:

l Argentina: provide Packing Slip Number.

l Brazil: provide PO Number, ASN Number, and Invoice Number if available.

l China: provide Sales Order Number.

l US: provide PO Number, ASN Number, and Invoice Number if available.

OrderType 0...1 String Conditionally required if cmn:TransactionIdentifier is populated. The transaction identifier type using the supported
enumeration values.2
1/* See the TransactionId enumeration list for valid values.

Date 0...1 String Required. The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting of the
1/* transaction date.3


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Data Element Type Description

PickedItem – – Contains list of items picked for that order as well as the warehouse operator information.

WarehouseOperator 0...1 String Conditionally required for China. Name of the person responsible for warehouse operations. This element can be
0/* communicated at any time (e.g. with, before, or after the order details or picked items have been communicated).1

Items – - List of items picked for that order.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format specified in the request.2

@namespace 0...1 String Not used.


OrderItems 1...1 – Optional list of items expected to be in the order.

l If provided, the system will verify the picked serial numbers against the expected items in the order and

generate an error if incorrect products were picked against the order.

l If not provided, the system will accept the serial numbers against the order and only verify that the serial

numbers are in a shippable state.

OrderItem 0...* – Required. A repeating element that captures the item code, lot number, and quantity for each item that will be picked for
– the order. Each unique item code and lot number is communicated in a separate order item group.

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is not populated. Option 1 in OrderItem: Use to identify the product using
1/* the internal material number configured in Product Master Data3

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if InternalMaterialCode is not populated. Option 2 in OrderItem: Use to identify the product
1/* using the packaging level item code (e.g. GTIN-14) configured in Product Master Data.4

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is populated. Identifies the packaging level item code type.
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

1John Smith

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Data Element Type Description

Quantity 1...1 int Required. The quantity of items at the each(unit) level of the item code and lot if specified to be picked.

Lot 0...1 String Required. The lot or batch code for the items to be picked (if available) in an alphanumeric string.1

CDEntries 0...1 – A customer-defined name/value pair. Use to store customer-visible data and metadata that is outside the processing
– path of the API.

Note, TraceLink does not do anything with this data currently. Though if input by the customer, the values (as entered)
will be available in the response.

CDEntry 0...* – Required. CDEntry item group is a repeating element that captures a list of customer-defined values.

CDName 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined name.


CDValue 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.


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Get Order Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Get Order message:

Exception Code Exception Message

DELIVERYNOTFOUND [delivery number] does not match to any outbound Delivery.

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Get Order Message Examples

Get Order request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Get Order response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:GetOrderResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">
<Order deliverynumber="D12345">
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028677"/>
<BusinessName>Kendall Pharma</BusinessName>
<Street1>300 Trade Center</Street1>
<Street2>Suite 7690</Street2>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 109 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028655"/>
<BusinessName>Rx Logistics</BusinessName>
<Street1>1 Distribution Drive</Street1>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="3333331013655"/>
<BusinessName>RX Wholesale</BusinessName>
<Street1>555 Needlan Road</Street1>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="3333331013677"/>

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<WarehouseOperator>John Smith</WarehouseOperator>

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List Open Orders and Receipts Overview

The List Open Orders and Receipts message returns a list of open or unsubmitted shipments and receipts (i.e. those not yet marked as complete)
according to the query parameters.
Main Topics
l List Open Orders and Receipts Request Guidelines

l List Open Orders and Receipts Response Guidelines

l List Open Orders and Receipts Errors

l List Open Orders and Receipts Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 112 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

List Open Orders and Receipts Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:ListOpenOrdersAndReceipts 1...1 - Required. Finds and lists orders and receipts.


ListOrderRequest 1...1 - Required. Required field for a List Open Orders and Receipts request.

DeliveryNumber 0...1 String Delivery number of the receipt that is being requested.1

Keywords 0...1 String Words to search for in the following fields of open orders and receipts:
l Sold or returned to business name and identifiers

l Sold or returned from business name and identifiers

l Sold or returned to business name and identifiers

l Sold or returned from business name and identifiers

l Transaction identifier

IncludeSalesOrders 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates whether to include orders where the Sales Distribution Type is one of the following:


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 113 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Sale - Export

l Sale - In Country

l Purchase - Import

l Purchase - In Country

IncludeReturnOrders 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates whether to include orders where the Sales Distribution Type is one of the following:






ReceiptType 0...1 String The order receipt type. Valid values:







saleType 0...1 String The order sale type. Valid values:





Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 114 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Type Description



DateOnOrAfter 0...1 Date The response includes the order and receipts that occurred on or after the specified date.1

DateOnOrBefore 0...1 Date The response includes the order and receipts that occurred on or before the specified date.2


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 115 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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List Open Orders and Receipts Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. The SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. The SOAP Message Body.


ns3:ListOpenOrdersAndReceiptsResponse 1...1 - Required. The List Open Orders and Receipts response message with included query results.

OrderListResponse 1...1 String Required. The TraceLink response for the List Open Orders and Receipts request message.

Success 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates if the List Open Orders and Receipts request successfully processed.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Populated with error information only if Success = f a l s e .
- Otherwise, it is omitted.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains any available exception information.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Indicates the error exception code. See List Open Orders and Receipts Errors for full list of potential
0/* errors and error codes.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Message that further describes the error condition. See List Open Orders and Receipts Errors for full list of
0/* potential errors and error codes.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 116 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

OrderList 1...1 - Required. List of order and receipt instances.


Orders 0...1 - Required. Required element for a List Open Orders and Receipts response.

Order 0...* - Required. Representation of an order (e.g. Sales). Contains just the basic identifier for the order or receipt,
- which is the delivery number.

@deliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. The delivery number submitted in the request message, which links the order information to the
1/* serialized pick information for this customer order.1

@quantity 1...1 Integer Required. Total serial number count for this receipt.

OrderDate 0...1 Date The date of the business transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. If omitted, the system will reflect the date
10/10 and time that the request was submitted.2

EventDateTime 0...1 Time Date and time of the event in XSD Date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will
- reflect the date and time that the request was submitted.3

OrderComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to process the outbound delivery, updates the status of all serial numbers and
- sub-child aggregations, and triggers generation of regulatory reporting messages based on customer

l If all of the information (order detail and picked serial numbers) is provided in a single message,

the OrderComplete flag is set to t r u e .

l If only partial information was provided in the message (e.g. order detail only, picked items sent

incrementally), the OrderComplete flag should be set to f a l s e for all intermediate messages

and then will be set to t r u e when the delivery is complete and all information has been

communicated to TraceLink.

ShipToCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Two-letter ISO country code for ship to
2/2 country. This value will be referenced to advise regulatory reporting if it is required for the specified country


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Data Element Type Description

ShortShip 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short picks when verifying the quantities of what is expected to be
0/* picked (in OrderItems) against the each quantities of actual scanned serial numbers (in PickedItem).2

l If this value is set to f a l s e , other errors will still be flagged, such as incorrect product/lot and

over picks.

l If not specified, value of f a l s e is assumed.

SaleType 0...1 String Indicates the nature of the order. See the SalesDistType enumeration list for valid values.

SoldFromParty 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Represents the From Business Party in the
- transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the From Business Party.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the from business entity. This value is required for regulatory
- reporting. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the business identifier. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid
1/* values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - The business identifier value.3


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the
1/* trading partner.4

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street
1/* address.5

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.6


4Kendall Pharma
5300 Trade Center
6Suite 7690

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 118 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.1

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.2

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.3

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.4

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and address information from master data when
- set to t r u e .5

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are needed for the system to perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipFromLocation 0...1 - Represents the Ship From Location in the transaction.


If this is provided, it must be populated before OrderComplete set to t r u e .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the ShipFromLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Conditionally required for US. Populated with the ShipFromLocation identifier. See Business Identifiers by
- Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - The business identifier value.



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 119 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the
1/* trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street
1/* address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and address information from master data when
- set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are needed for the system to perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This element may be repeated to include as
- many license numbers as required (e.g. state, federal license).

LicenseNumber 1...1 String Required. License number value.1


State 0...1 String Required. The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-letter
1/* abbreviations specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code. This attribute is used to give additional
context to the license number.2


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 120 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Agency 0...1 String The agency that granted the license (e.g. Florida DOH, NABP). This attribute is used to give additional context
1/* to the license number.1

Contact 0...1 - Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify the transaction information.

Name 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the company.2

Telephone 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the company. This must begin with the +
1/* character followed by the Country Calling Code.3

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the company. Should be included if available.4

Title 0...1 String The title of the individual if a person was provided in Name.5

Url 0...1 String The Web address to facilitate authentication.6


SoldToParty 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . Represents the To Business Party in the
- transaction.

Business Identifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the To Business Party.

Business Identifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the To Business Party entity. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the Business Identifier. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid
1/* values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Business identifier value.


2Customer Service
5Customer Service Representative

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 121 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the
1/* trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street
1/* address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and address information from master data when
- set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are needed for the system to perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipToLocation 0...1 - Represents the ShipToLocation in the transaction.


If this is provided, it must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the ShipToLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. Populated with the ShipToLocation identifier. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 122 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@identifierValue 1...1 - Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the
1/* trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street
1/* address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and address information from master data when
- set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are needed for the system to perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This element may be repeated to include as
- many license numbers as required (e.g. state and federal license).

LicenseNumber 1...1 String Required. License number value.


State 0...1 String Required. The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-letter
1/* abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code. This attribute is used to give additional
context to the license number.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 123 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Agency 0...1 String Required. The agency that granted the license (e.g. Florida DOH, NABP). This attribute is used to give
1/* additional context to the license number.

Contact 0...1 - Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify the transaction information.

Name 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the company.

Telephone 0...1 String The title of the individual, if a person was provided in Name.

Email 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the company. This must begin with the +
1/* character followed by the Country Calling Code.

Title 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the company. Should be included if available.

Url 0...1 String The Web address to facilitate authentication.


TransportationCarrier 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e for orders made into and within Brazil.
- Represents the transportation partner that is transporting the order. This is used only for Brazil and is required
for orders where ShipToCountryCode = B R .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the transportation carrier.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the transport carrier business entity. This value is required for
- regulatory reporting. Different countries require different values as noted below:

For Brazil: Provide the BR_PROF_REG, CNES, CNPJ, or CPF. CNPJ is the value preferred by ANVISA
if the company has one.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 124 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street
1/* address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and address information from master data when
- set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are needed for the system to perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

DropShipment1 0...1 Boolean Flag that indicates if the order/receipt is a drop shipment:
l If set to t r u e , indicates order is a drop order.

l If not set, or set to f a l s e , the system treats as a standard order.

Attempt Disaggregation2 0...1 Boolean When set to t r u e , instructs the system to disaggregate the picked serial number from the parent container, if
0/* it is aggregated. If not set, or set to f a l s e , the system will operate in default mode, which is to generate an
error if attempting to pick a serial number for an item or container that is aggregated to a parent.

Transactions 0...1 - Conditionally required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e . The transaction identifier associated with the


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 125 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


Transaction 0...* - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.


OrderID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the order, for regulatory reporting and business tracking
1/* purposes. At least one is required, and depending on country more than one transaction ids may be required.1

Country requirements.

l Argentina: provide Packing Slip Number.

l Brazil: provide PO Number, ASN Number and Invoice Number if available.

l China: provide Sales Order Number.

l US: provide PO Number, ASN Number and Invoice Number if available.

OrderType 0...1 String Conditionally required if cmn:TransactionIdentifier is present. The transaction identifier type using the
1/* supported enumeration values.2
See the TransactionId enumeration list for valid values.

Date 0...1 String Required. The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting
1/* of the transaction Date.3

PickedItem - - Contains list of items picked for that order as well as the warehouse operator information.

WarehouseOperator 0...1 String Conditionally required for China. Name of the person responsible for warehouse operations. This element
0/* can be communicated at any time (e.g. with, before, or after the order details or picked items have been

Items - - Required. List of items picked for that order.


4John Smith

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 126 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format specified in the request.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not used. See Serial Number Data Examples.

OrderItems 1...1 - Optional list of items expected to be in the order.

l If provided, the system will verify the picked serial numbers against the expected items in the

order and generate an error if incorrect products were picked against the order.

l If OrderItems are not provided, the system will accept the serial numbers against the order and

only verify that the serial numbers are in a shippable state.

OrderItem 0...* - Required. Order item group is a repeating element that captures the item code, lot number and quantity for
- each item that will be picked for the order. Each unique item code and lot number is communicated in a
separate order item group.

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is not present. Option 1 in OrderItem. Use to identify the
1/* product using the internal material number configured in Product Master Data.2

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if InternalItemCode is not present. Option 2 in OrderItem. Use to identify the product
1/* using the packaging level item code (for example, GTIN-14) configured in Product Master Data.3

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is present. Identifies the packaging level item code type. See
1/* the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

Quantity 1...1 Int Required. The quantity of items at the Each (unit) level of the item code and lot if specified to be picked.4

Lot 0...1 String The lot or batch code for the items to be picked (if available) in an alphanumeric string.5

CDEntries 0...1 - A customer-defined name/value pair. Use to store customer-visible data and metadata that is outside the
- processing path of the API.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 127 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CDName 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined name.


CDValue 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.

Order 0...* - Required. Representation of an order (e.g. Sales). Contains the basic identifier for the order or receipt, which
- is the delivery number.

@orderReceiptType 0...1 String Identifier that can be associated with a given receipt. See the OrderReceiptType & OrderType enumeration
1/* lists for valid values.

@deliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. The delivery number that was submitted in the request message, which links the order/receipt
1/* information to the serialized pick information for this customer order.

ReceiptDate 0...1 Date The date of the business transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. If omitted, the system will reflect the date
10/10 and time that the request was submitted.

EventDateTime 0...1 Time Date and time of the event in XSD Date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will
- reflect the date and time that the request was submitted

ReceiptComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates whether the receipt can be considered complete and all editing is finished (t r u e =
- complete).

ReceiptFromCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e . Two-letter ISO country code for receipt from
2/2 country. This value will be referenced to advise regulatory reporting if it is required for the specified country
market. Setting this value alone does not trigger regulatory reporting. Actual triggering of regulatory reporting
is governed by customer administrative configuration in the TraceLink application.

ShortShip 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short picks when verifying the quantities of what is expected to be
0/* picked (in OrderItems) against the each quantities of actual scanned serial numbers (in PickedItem).

l If this value is set to f a l s e , other errors will still be flagged, such as incorrect product/lot and

over picks.

l If not specified, value of f a l s e is assumed.

ReceiptFromParty 0...1 - Conditionally required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e . Represents the From Business Party in the
- transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the From Business Party.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 128 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the from business entity. This value is required for regulatory
- reporting. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the BusinessId identifier. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid
1/* values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the
1/* receipt from business party (the company who is sending the receipt).

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street
1/* address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and address information from master data when
- set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are needed for the system to perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

ReceiptToParty - - The business "to" party (receiving the order) of the original shipment.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - A list of one or more identifiers associated with the To Business Party.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 129 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the To Business Party entity. This value is required for regulatory
- reporting. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The type of the Business identifier. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid
1/* values.

@identifierValue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The business name of the
1/* receipt ToBusinessParty party (the company getting the receipt).

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street
1/* address.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address.


City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region
1/* using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The country, using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system to look up the business name and address information from master data when
- set to t r u e .

l If set to t r u e , only the Business Identifier and type are needed for the system to perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

Transactions 0...1 - Conditionally required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e . The transaction identifier associated with
- the order.

Transaction 0...* - List of one or more transaction identifiers.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 130 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

OrderID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the order, for regulatory reporting and business tracking
1/* purposes. At least one is required, and depending on country more than one transaction ids may be required.

l Argentina: provide Packing Slip Number.

l Brazil: provide PO Number, ASN Number and Invoice Number if available.

l China: provide Sales Order Number.

l US: provide PO Number, ASN Number and Invoice Number if available.

OrderReceiptType 0...1 String Required. Identifier that can be associated with a given receipt. See the OrderReceiptType & OrderType
1/* enumeration lists for valid values.

Date 0...1 String The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting of the
1/* transaction Date.

ReceiptItem - - Contains list of items for that order as well as the warehouse operator information.

WarehouseOperator 0...1 String Conditionally required for China. Name of the person responsible for warehouse operations. This element
0/* can be communicated at any time (e.g. with, before, or after the order details or picked items have been

Items 1...1 - Required. List of items included in order.


Item - - Required. Item information.


@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format specified in the request. See Serial Number Data Examples.

@namespace 0...1 String Not used by TraceLink.


OrderReceiptItems 1...1 - Optional list of items expected to be in the order.

l Option 1: If provided, the system will verify the picked serial numbers against the expected items

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 131 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

in the order and generate an error if incorrect products were picked against the order.

l Option 2: If OrderReceiptItems is not provided, the system will accept the serial numbers against

the order and only verify that the serial numbers are in a shippable state.

OrderReceiptItem 0...* - Required. Order item group is a repeating element that captures the item code, lot number and quantity for
- each item that will be picked for the order. Each unique item code and lot number is communicated in a
separate order item group.

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is not present. Option 1 in OrderItem: Use to identify the
1/* product using the internal material number configured in Product Master Data.

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if InternalMaterialCode is not present. Option 2 in OrderItem: Use to identify the
1/* product using the packaging level item code (for example, GTIN-14) configured in Product Master Data.

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is present. Identifies the packaging level item code type. See
1/* the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

Quantity 1...1 int Required. The quantity of items at the Each (unit) level of the item code and lot if specified to be picked.

Lot 0...1 String Required. The lot or batch code for the items to be picked (if available) in an alphanumeric string.

CDEntries 0...1 String Customer-defined name.


CDName 0...1 String Customer-defined name used to annotate serial numbers.


CDValue 0...1 String Customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 132 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

List Open Orders and Receipts Errors

There are no potential errors for the List Open Orders and Receipts message:

Exception Code Exception Message

- -

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 133 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

List Open Orders and Receipts Message Examples

List Open Orders and Receipts request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Keywords>Kendall Pharma</Keywords>

List Open Orders and Receipts response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:ListOpenOrdersAndReceiptsResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">
<Order xsi:type="ns3:OrderType" deliverynumber="D12345" xmlns:xsi="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 134 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028677"/>
<BusinessName>Kendall Pharma</BusinessName>
<Street1>300 Trade Center</Street1>
<Street2>Suite 7690</Street2>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028655"/>
<BusinessName>Rx Logistics</BusinessName>
<Street1>1 Distribution Drive</Street1>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="3333331013655"/>
<BusinessName>RX Wholesale</BusinessName>
<Street1>555 Needlan Road</Street1>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="3333331013677"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 135 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<WarehouseOperator>John Smith</WarehouseOperator>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 136 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Receipt Overview

The Update Order Receipt message creates or updates the items and details of an inbound purchase, return, or transfer receipt of serialized product
(based on delivery number). Serial numbers for the outermost handling units (e.g. pallets, cases) are specified and TraceLink retrieves the full
aggregation hierarchy. Serial numbers for individual units can also be specified.
Applicable shipments include intra-company transfers, where there is no change of ownership (e.g. goods transferred from plant to warehouse or
from warehouse A to warehouse B within the same company). It also includes transfers with third-party partners such as CMOs or 3PLs.
Serialized products can be received only if they are in the Shipped state or Pending Receipt state (e.g. the delivery has arrived at the receiving site but
is not yet received). If receiptComplete is set to true and a successful response is received, then all associated serial numbers will be set to Available.

If called with larger volumes, the response might time out, but processing should complete.

Main Topics
l Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines

l Update Order Receipt Response Guidelines

l Update Order Receipt Errors

l Update Order Receipt Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 137 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Receipt Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used. SOAP Message Header.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:UpdateOrderReceipt 1...1 - Required. Creates or updates a Receipt request message.


OrderReceiptRequest 1...1 - Required. The Receipt request message that communicates pertinent details such as the business transaction
- identifiers, date, sender and recipient information. This element is required before the receipt complete flag can be set.
However, it can be communicated at any time.

@deliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. Delivery number that links the order information/receipt.1

ReceiptDate 0...1 Date The date of the business transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. If omitted, system will set to current date.2

ReceiptTime 0...1 Time Conditionally required for China. The time of the transaction in XML HH:MM:SS format.3


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 138 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

EventDateTime 0...1 String Date and time of the event in XSD Date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will record the
- current date time.1

ReceiptComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates whether the receipt can be considered complete and all editing is finished (t r u e = complete).

ReceiptToCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if both ReceiptFromParty and ReceiptToParty are empty or null. The two-letter ship from
2/2 country code from the original shipment. Provides application with the information needed to trigger regulatory reporting
in response to relevant events.2

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

ReceiptFromCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if both ReceiptFromParty and ReceiptToParty are empty or null. Two-letter ship to ISO country
2/2 code from the original shipment. This value will be referenced to advise regulatory reporting if it is required for the
specified country market. Setting this value alone does not trigger regulatory reporting. Actual triggering of regulatory
reporting is governed by customer administrative configuration in TraceLink.3

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

IsPendingReceipt 0...1 Boolean Indicates if the receipt is pending (t r u e = pending).


ShortShip 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short picks when verifying the quantities of what is expected to be picked (in
0/* OrderItems) against the each quantities of actual scanned serial numbers (in PickedItem). If this value is set to f a l s e ,
other errors will still be flagged, such as incorrect product/lot and over picks. If not specified, value of f a l s e is assumed.

ReceiptType 0...1 String Conditionally required if ReceiptComplete = t r u e and ReceiptType was not provided in a previously saved incomplete
1/* or pending receipt for the delivery number. The types of regulatory reporting may be triggered based on the nature of the
transaction. Can send the ReceiptType in a previously saved incomplete or pending receipt for the delivery number.

See the ReceiptDistributionType enumeration list for valid values.

TransferWithoutShipment 0...1 Boolean Indicates that the serial numbers are already in an Available state because there is no associated shipment event. Valid
0/* values:

l t r u e – Serial numbers are in the Available state.

l f a l s e (default) – Serial numbers are in the Pending Receipt state.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 139 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Only use when ReceiptType = I N C O U N T R Y _ T R A N S F E R or I M P O R T _ T R A N S F E R .

ContractType 0...1 String Conditionally required if ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y R E T U R N .

0/* Identifies the type of contract for the sale of goods using one of the permitted values.

See the ContractType enumeration list for valid values.

SupplyType 0...1 String Conditionally required when:

l ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y R E T U R N

l For Brazil, populate only if performing a Collection, Donation, or SampleDistribution.

Identifies the type of supply that is being performed using one of the permitted values. All values except for
C o l l e c t i o n apply. For regulatory use.

See the SupplyType enumeration list for valid values.

ContractNumber 0...1 String Identification number of the contract.1


FundingSource 0...1 String Source of the funding.2

1/* See the FundingSource enumeration list for valid values.

RemovalFromCirculation 0...1 String Reason the product in the delivery is taken out of the supply chain.3
1/* See the RemovalFromCirculationReasonCode enumeration list for valid values.

Comments 0...1 String Optional remarks or comments associated with delivery.


ReceiptFromParty 0...1 - Conditionally required if:

l Transfer or sale involving non-EU FMD countries.

l Transfer or sale export from an EU FMD country to US, CN, KR, or RU because of country compliance


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 140 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


l The source was not provided in a previously saved incomplete or pending receipt for the delivery number.

Optional if:

l Transfer or sale within EU FMD countries.

l Transfer or sale import into an EU FMD country.

l Transfer or sale export from an EU FMD country to a country other than US, CN, KR, or RU.

Information about the business party that sent the shipment being received. This selection governs whether master data
look-up will be used to populate the address, license, and contact elements. Can send the ReceiptFromParty in a
previously saved incomplete or pending receipt for the delivery number.

BusinessIdentifiers - - Conditionally required if no master data look-up is desired. Full ReceiptFromParty business address field data that will
- be populated by the customer directly in the interface.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the ReceiptFrom entity. This value is required for regulatory reporting. Different
- countries require different values as noted below.1

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the sold from party are provided.

l Brazil: The CNPJ number associated with the sold from party is provided.

l China: The company identifier registered with China SFDA used to identify the sold from party is


l Turkey: The GLN associated with the sold from party is provided.

l US: A DEA, GLN, or HIN identifier associated with the sold from party is provided.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. Valid values:2



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 141 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description













@identifiervalue 1...1 - Business identifier value.1


BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina or if ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and ReceiptDistributionType =
0/* I N C O U N T R Y R E T U R N . The business type of the TraceLink customer or trading partner.

Valid values for Argentina:








Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 142 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Valid values if ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y R E T U R N :




BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The business name of the TraceLink Customer or
1/* Trading Partner.1

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address for the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.2

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address for the company indicated in the BusinessName field.3

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The city of the company indicated in the
1/* BusinessName field.4

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.5

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The standard two-letter abbreviation specified in
1/* ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code. The state, province, or region of the company specified in the BusinessName

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The zip or other postal code of the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.7

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . Two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-

1Kendall Pharma
2300 Trade Center
3Suite 7690

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 143 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System
0/* (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.2


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai
0/* that internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.3

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.4

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in
0/* China. For all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.5

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.6

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.7


4Lianyi Village
6Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 144 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data
- (defaults to f a l s e ).

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

ReceiptFromLocation 0...1 - Conditionally required if ReceiptFromLocation was not provided in a previously saved incomplete or pending receipt
0/* for the delivery number. Information about the business party location that sent the shipment being received. This field
contains the full ReceiptFrom business address field data that will be populated by the customer directly in the interface.
Populate this element fully only if no master data look-up is desired. Can send the ReceiptFromLocation in a previously
saved incomplete or pending receipt for the delivery number.

BusinessIdentifiers 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the ReceiptFrom location. This value is required for regulatory reporting.
- Different countries require different values as noted below.

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the sold from party are provided.

l Brazil: The CNPJ number associated with the sold from party is provided.

l China: The company identifier registered with China SFDA used to identify the sold from party is


l Turkey: The GLN associated with the sold from party is provided.

l US: A DEA, GLN, or HIN identifier associated with the sold from party is provided.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the receipt from location. This value is required for regulatory reporting.
- Different countries require different values as noted below.

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the sold from party are provided.

l Brazil: The CNPJ number associated with the sold from party is provided.

l China: The company identifier registered with China SFDA used to identify the sold from party is

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 145 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


l Turkey: The GLN associated with the sold from party is provided.

l US: A DEA, GLN, or HIN identifier associated with the sold from party is provided.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. Valid values:














@identifiervalue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The business name of the ReceiptFrom location
1/* business entity.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address for the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 146 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address for the company indicated in the BusinessName field.

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The city of the company indicated in the
1/* BusinessName field.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region of the company
1/* specified in the BusinessName field. Use the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country
subdivision code.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The zip or other postal code of the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The country code of the company indicated in the
1/* BusinessName field.

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System
0/* (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 147 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.2

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in
0/* China. For all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.3

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.4

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.5


DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data
- (defaults to f a l s e ).

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before ReceiptComplete.

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This element may be repeated to include as many
- license numbers as required (e.g. state and federal license).

LicenseNumber 0...* String Conditionally required for US. The license number of the ReceiptTo or ReceiptFrom facility. This element may be
0/* repeated to include as many license numbers as required (e.g. state and federal license).6

State 0...1 String The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO
0/* 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code.7

Agency 0...1 String Additional context for the LicenseNumber field. The agency that granted the license to the facility (e.g. Florida DOH,
0/* NABP).8

2Lianyi Village
4Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 148 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ContactInfo 0...1 String Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to authenticate (i.e. verify) the transaction information
- recorded on the pedigree with the sender party. This field must contain a name and telephone number but could also
include an individual's title, email and/or URL.

Do not include for ReceiptFromLocation.

Name 0...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the designated company.1

Title 0...1 String The job title of the individual indicated in the Name field. Title information is optional within the ContactInfo field.2

Telephone 1...1 String Required. The phone number of the contact department or individual at the designated company. This value must begin
1/* with the + character followed by the ReceiptTo or ReceiptFrom facility Calling Code.3

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the designated company.4

Should be included if available.

Url 0...1 String The designated company’s web address that facilitates authentication.5
0/* URL information is optional within the ContactInfo field.

ReceiptToParty 0...1 - Conditionally required if:

l Transfer or sale involving non-EU FMD countries.

l Transfer or sale export from an EU FMD country to US, CN, KR, or RU because of country compliance


l The source was not provided in a previously saved incomplete or pending receipt for the delivery number.

Optional if:

1Customer Service
2Customer Service Representative

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 149 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Transfer or sale within EU FMD countries.

l Transfer or sale import into an EU FMD country.

l Transfer or sale export from an EU FMD country to a country other than US, CN, KR, or RU.

Information about the supply chain partner that is receiving the receipt. This selection governs whether master data look-
up will be used to populate the address, license and contact elements. Can send the ReceiptToParty in a previously
saved incomplete or pending receipt for the delivery number.

BusinessIdentifiers - - Required. Full ReceiptToParty business address field data that will be populated by the customer directly in the
1/* interface.

Populate this element fully only if no master data look-up is desired.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the ReceiptToParty. This value is required for regulatory reporting. Different
- countries require different values as noted below.

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the sold from party are provided.

l Brazil: The CNPJ number associated with the sold from party is provided.

l China: The company identifier registered with China SFDA used to identify the sold from party is


l Turkey: The GLN associated with the sold from party is provided.

l US: A DEA, GLN, or HIN identifier associated with the sold from party is provided.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. Valid values:





Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 150 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description










@identifiervalue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina or if ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and ReceiptDistributionType =
0/* I N C O U N T R Y R E T U R N . The business type of the TraceLink customer or trading partner.
Valid values for Argentina:







Valid values if ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y R E T U R N :




Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 151 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to false. The business name of the TraceLink Customer or
1/* Trading Partner.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to false. The first line of the street address for the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address for the company indicated in the BusinessName field.

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to false. The city of the company indicated in the
1/* BusinessName field.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to false. The standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO
1/* 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code. The state, province, or region of the company specified in the BusinessName field.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to false. The zip or other postal code of the company indicated
1/* in the BusinessName field.

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to false. Two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-
1/* 2:1997 country code. The country code of the company indicated in the BusinessName field.

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System
0/* (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 152 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai
0/* that internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.2

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.3

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in
0/* China. For all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.4

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.5

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.6


DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data
- (defaults to f a l s e ).

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

ReceiptToLocation - - Conditionally required if ReceiptToLocation was not provided in a previously saved incomplete or pending receipt for
1/* the delivery number. Full ReceiptToLocation business address field data that will be populated by the customer directly
in the interface. Can send the ReceiptToLocation in a previously saved incomplete or pending receipt for the delivery

BusinessIdentifiers 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with either the sold from business entity or the sold to business entity. This value is
- required for regulatory reporting. Different countries require different values as noted below.

3Lianyi Village
5Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 153 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the sold from party are provided.

l Brazil: The CNPJ number associated with the sold from party is provided.

l China: The company identifier registered with China SFDA used to identify the sold from party is


l Turkey: The GLN associated with the sold from party is provided.

l US: A DEA, GLN, or HIN identifier associated with the sold from party is provided.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the receipt to party location. This value is required for regulatory reporting.
- Different countries require different values as noted below.

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the sold from party are provided.

l Brazil: The CNPJ number associated with the sold from party is provided.

l China: The company identifier registered with China SFDA used to identify the sold from party is


l Turkey: The GLN associated with the sold from party is provided.

l US: A DEA, GLN, or HIN identifier associated with the sold from party is provided.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. Valid values:






Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 154 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description









@identifiervalue 1...1 - Business identifier value.


BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The business name of the ReceiptToLocation
1/* business entity.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address for the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address for the company indicated in the BusinessName field.

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The city of the company indicated in the
1/* BusinessName field.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region of the company
1/* specified in the BusinessName field. Use the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country
subdivision code.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The zip or other postal code of the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 155 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The country code of the company indicated in the
1/* BusinessName field.

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System
0/* (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai
0/* that internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.2

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.3

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in
0/* China. For all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.4

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.5

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.6


3Lianyi Village
5Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 156 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data
- (defaults to f a l s e ).

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This element may be repeated to include as many
- license numbers as required (e.g. state and federal license).

LicenseNumber 0...* String Conditionally required for US. The license number of the ReceiptTo or ReceiptFrom facility. This element may be
0/* repeated to include as many license numbers as required (e.g. state and federal license).

State 0...1 String The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO
0/* 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code.

Agency 0...1 String This attribute is used to give additional context to the LicenseNumber field. It indicates the agency that granted the
0/* license to the facility (e.g. Florida DOH, NABP).

ContactInfo 0...1 String Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to authenticate (i.e. verify) the transaction information
- recorded on the pedigree with the sender party.
This field must contain a name and telephone number but could also include an individual's title, email and/or URL.

Name 0...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the designated company.

Title 0...1 String The individual's job title who is indicated in the Name field.

Telephone 1...1 String Required. The phone number of the contact department or individual at the designated company. This value must begin
1/* with the + character followed by the ReceiptTo or ReceiptFrom facility Calling Code.

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the designated company.

Url 0...1 String URL information is optional within the ContactInfo field. The URL refers to the designated company’s web address that
0/* facilitates authentication.

transportationCarrier 0...1 - Conditionally required for shipments made into and within Brazil (where ShipToCountryCode = BR). Information about
- the transportation partner that is transporting the shipment. This is used only for Brazil.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 157 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessIdentifiers - - Required. Full transportationCarrier business address field data that will be populated by the customer directly in the
1/* interface.

Populate this element fully only if no master data look-up is desired.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with either the sold from business entity or the sold to business entity. This value is
- required for regulatory reporting. Different countries require different values as noted below.

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the sold from party are provided.

l Brazil: The CNPJ number associated with the sold from party is provided.

l China: The company identifier registered with China SFDA used to identify the sold from party is


l Turkey: The GLN associated with the sold from party is provided.

l US: A DEA, GLN, or HIN identifier associated with the sold from party is provided.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. Valid values:












Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 158 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description



@identifiervalue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessClassification 0...1 String The business type of the carrier party.

0/* Valid values:







Valid values for South Korea:




Do not populate for Brazil.

BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The business name of the transportation carrier
1/* business.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address for the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.

Street2 0...1 String The second line of the street address for the company indicated in the BusinessName field.

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The city of the company indicated in the

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 159 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessName field.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard
1/* two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code. The state, province, or region of the
company specified in the BusinessName field.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The zip or other postal code of the company
1/* indicated in the BusinessName field.

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is set to f a l s e . The country code of the company indicated in the
1/* BusinessName field using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System
0/* (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai
0/* that internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.2

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.3

3Lianyi Village

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 160 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in
0/* China. For all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.1

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.2

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.3


DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data
- (defaults to f a l s e ).

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the

look-up in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before ReceiptComplete is set to t r u e .

EntryPort 0...1 String Name of the shipment's port of entry into a country (e.g. an airport, maritime port, border checkpoint).4

ExitPort 0...1 String Name of the shipment's port of exit from a country (e.g. an airport, maritime port, border checkpoint).5

Transactions 0...* - Conditionally required before ReceiptComplete is set to true. The transaction identifier associated with the shipment.

Transaction 0...1 - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.


OrderID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the shipment, for regulatory reporting and business tracking
1/* purposes. At least one is required and, depending on country, more than one transaction ids may be required.6

Country requirements:

2Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 161 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Argentina: provide Packing Slip Number.

l Brazil: provide PO Number, ASN Number and Invoice Number if available.

l China: provide Sales Order Number.

l US: provide PO Number, ASN Number and Invoice Number if available.

OrderReceiptType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type using the supported enumeration values.
1/* See the TransactionId enumeration list for valid values.

Date 0...1 String Required. The Date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting of the
1/* transaction Date.

ReceiptItem - - -

WarehouseOperator 0...1 String Conditionally required for China. Name of the person responsible for warehouse operations. This element can be
0/* communicated at any time (e.g. with, before or after the order details or picked items have been communicated).1

DeliveryInspection 0...1 String The inspection status of the physical delivery against the delivery documentation.
1/* See the DeliveryInspection enumeration list for valid values.

DeliveryInspectionDate 0...1 Date The date of the physical delivery against the delivery documentation in XML YYYY-MM-DD format.2

DeliveryInspectionNote 0...1 String Comments about the physical delivery inspection against the delivery documentation.

AggregationInspection 0...1 String The inspection status of the aggregation hierarchy of the container.
1/* See the AggregationInspection enumeration list for valid values.

RegisterUnknownSNs 0...1 Boolean Determines whether the serial numbers that are unknown to Serialized Operations Manager should be registered. Valid
0/1 values:

1John Smith

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 162 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l t r u e – register all serial numbers that do not currently exist in Serialized Operations Manager in an

available state.

l f a l s e – (default) reject all serial numbers that do not currently exist in Serialized Operations Manager.

Items 0...1 - Contains the serial numbers in the receipt. Can provide serial numbers in a previously saved incomplete or pending
- receipt for the delivery number.

Item 0...* - Repeating element capturing the serial numbers.


@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format specified in the request.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not used by TraceLink. See Serial Number Data Examples. See the Encoding enumeration list for valid values.

@orderItemNumber 0...1 String Reference to the Order Item. This enables the association of Unit Price, VAT, and Gross Price to specific serial numbers.

OrderReceiptItems 0...1 - Order item list group is populated to communicate the expected pick quantities for each item code at the EACH (unit)
- level. This information is used in verification of the actual serial number picked to verify the correct product, correct lot
number (if provided) and correct each quantity.

OrderReceiptItem 1...* - Conditionally required to have at least one OrderReceiptItem group if ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and
- ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y R E T U R N . A repeating element that captures the item code, lot number and
quantity for each item that will be picked for the order. Each unique item code and lot number are communicated in a
separate order item group.

OrderItemNumber 0...1 String Serial number reference allowing serial numbers to be tracked to OrderItems.2

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is not populated. Use to identify the product using the internal item code
1/* configured in Product Master Data.3

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if InternalItemCode is not populated. Use to identify the product using the packaging level item


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 163 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is populated. The product code type for the packaging item code using the
0/* supported enumeration values.
Valid values:


l GTIN-14


Quantity 1...1 Integer Required. The quantity of items at the EACH (unit) level of the item code and lot if specified to be picked.2

Lot 0...1 String The lot or batch code for the items to be picked (if available) in an alphanumeric string.3

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date The expiration date of the items to be picked, if available. Date is in format "YYYY-MM-DD".

UnitPrice 0...1 Decimal Conditionally required if:

l ShipFromCountry = K R (Korea) and Sales Distribution Type = E X P O R T S A L E or I N C O U N T R Y S A L E .

l ShipToCountryCode = R U .

Unit price of item.4

CurrencyCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if UnitPrice is populated. Currency ISO code using ISO 4217-2015 format.
0/3 See the ISOCurrency enumeration list for valid values.

GrossPrice 0...1 Decimal Unit price of the item including all taxes and fees.5

GrossPriceCurrencyCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if UnitPrice is populated. Currency ISO code using ISO 4217-2015 format.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 164 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

See the ISOCurrency enumeration list for valid values.

VAT 0...1 Decimal Value Added Tax per unit.1


VATCurrencyCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if VAT is populated. Currency ISO code using ISO 4217-2015 format.
0/3 See the ISOCurrency enumeration list for valid values.

Serialized 0...1 Boolean Indicates if item is not serialized. If omitted, defaults to t r u e .2


OrderReceiptItemTransactions 0...1 - The transaction identifier associated with the individual order receipt items.

OrderReceiptItemTransaction 1...* - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.


OrderId 1...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the shipment. This is for regulatory reporting and business tracking
1/* purposes. At least one identifier is required.3

OrderType 1...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type.

1/* Valid values:4





l PO


Date 0...1 String The date of the transaction in XML YYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting of the transaction


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 165 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.


CDEntries 0...1 - A customer-defined name/value pair. Use to store customer-visible data and metadata that is outside the processing path
- of the API. Note, TraceLink does not do anything with this data currently. Though if input by the customer, the values (as
entered) will be available in the response.

CDEntry 0...* - Required. A repeating element that captures a list of customer-defined values.

CDName 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined name.


CDValue 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.

TransactionExchangeId 0...1 String Internal use only – indicates the Transaction Exchange GUID that is associated with the SOM Receipt.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 166 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Receipt Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns3:UpdateOrderReceiptResponse 1...1 - Required. UpdateOrderReceipt response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if the receipt request successfully processed.1


ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Contains error information.


CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details such as exception code and error message, if available.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code. See Update Order Receipt Errors for the full list of potential error exception codes and
0/* error messages.2

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception message exists. Message that further describes the error condition. See
0/* Update Order Receipt Errors for the full list of potential error exception codes and error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 167 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Receipt Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Update Order Receipt message:

Exception Code Exception Message

QTYERROR Expected %s for Item %s, Lot %s but %s item serial numbers were found.

BADITEMSTATE Cannot perform operation on serial number <serialNumber> with item state <state>. This operation can only be
performed when the serial number is <state>.


DELIVERYINFONOTMATCH For Delivery <deliveryNumber>, OrderInfo already provided.

INTERNALERROR Found more than one serial number for "Internal error from server: <server>."

NONSERIALIZEDQTYERROR Serial Numbers are not to be provided for <packCode> when IsSerialized = false.

NOPICK No picked item information found for Delivery %s.

NORECEIPTDETAILS For Receipt <order or deliveryNumber>, receipt details was not found.

NOSHIPFOUND No shipment was found corresponding to this receipt serial number: %s %s.

NOTCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serialNumber> is not commissioned.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <locationId> was not valid for serial number <serialNumber>.

ORDERCOMPLETE Cannot modify already completed order.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 168 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

VALIDATION CurrencyCode is required when UnitPrice is specified.Contract Type is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

CurrencyCode is required when UnitPrice is specified.

Delivery <DeliveryNumber> could not be processed. Only one Transaction identifier can exist for OrderType:
<Duplicated ID Type(s), comma separated>.

Delivery <DeliveryNumber> could not be processed. OrderItemTransactions cannot exist for OrderType <Invalid
ID Type(s), comma-separated>.

Funding Source is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

Gross Price is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

GrossPriceCurrencyCode is required if GrossPrice is specified.

Order Item Transaction Identifier Date is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

ReceiptFromParty is mandatory when the source was not provided in a previously saved incomplete or pending
receipt for the delivery number.

ReceiptToCountryCode and ReceiptFromCountryCode are required if ReceiptFromParty and ReceiptToParty are


ReceiptToParty is mandatory when the source was not provided in a previously saved incomplete or pending
receipt for the delivery number.

Supply Type is required if Ship To Country Code= RU.

The parameter <deliveryNumber, Address Information, or receiptDate) is missing or had an invalid value.

Unit Price is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

VATCurrencyCode is required if VAT is specified.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 169 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Receipt Message Examples

Update Order Receipt request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<OrderReceiptRequest deliverynumber="4610044" quantity="500">
<Comments>Relevant note about delivery</Comments>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="88882028777"/>
<BusinessName>Kendall Pharma</BusinessName>
<Street1>300 Trade Center</Street1>
<Street2>Suite 7690</Street2>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 170 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="HIN" identifiervalue="454545000"/>
<BusinessName>Kendall Pharma</BusinessName>
<Street1>200 Trade Center</Street1>
<Name>Customer Service</Name>
<Title>Customer Service Representative</Title>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="3333331013600"/>
<BusinessName>Rx Logistics</BusinessName>
<Street1>11 Distribution Ave</Street1>
<Street2>Suite 45</Street2>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="SGLN" identifiervalue="8888882.02865.0"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 171 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessName>Rx Logistics</BusinessName>
<Street1>11 Distribution Drive</Street1>
<Street2>Suite 27</Street2>
<Name>Customer Service</Name>
<Title>Customer Service Representative</Title>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028677"/>
<BusinessName>Kendall Pharma</BusinessName>
<Street1>300 Trade Center</Street1>
<Street2>Suite 7690</Street2>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 172 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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<WarehouseOperator>John Smith</WarehouseOperator>
<Item sn="010088202501033821100000770001" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Update Order Receipt response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 173 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<ns3:UpdateOrderReturnResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 174 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Shipment Overview

The Update Order Shipment message creates or updates the items and details of an outbound purchase, return, or transfer shipment of serialized
product (based on delivery number). Serial numbers for the outermost handling units (e.g. pallets, cases) are specified and TraceLink retrieves the full
aggregation hierarchy. Serial numbers for individual units can also be specified.
Applicable shipments include intra-company transfers, where there is no change of ownership (e.g. goods transferred from plant to warehouse or
from warehouse A to warehouse B within the same company). It also includes transfers with third-party partners such as CMOs or 3PLs.
Upon ship confirmation, the system communicates the products picked/packed for the shipment and other order details. It also sets the status of all
serial numbers to either Shipped (for sales/returns) or Pending Receipt (for intra-company transfers).
This message also supports the ability to correct a shipment that has been voided with the opportunity to correct (status is Voided - Not Corrected).

If called with larger volumes, the response might time out, but processing should complete.

Main Topics
l Update Order Shipment Request Guidelines

l Update Order Shipment Response Guidelines

l Update Order Shipment Errors

l Update Order Shipment Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 175 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Shipment Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 - Not used.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:UpdateOrderShipment 1...1 - Required. Creates or updates a shipment request message.

OrderRequest – - Includes all elements for the request.

@deliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. Delivery number that links the order information to the serialized pick information for this customer delivery.1

OrderDate 0...1 Date The date of the business transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. If omitted, system will set to current date.2

EventDateTime 0...1 DateTime The date and time of the event in XSD Date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ). If omitted, the system will record
– the current date time.

OrderComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. The order complete flag instructs the system to process the outbound delivery, update the status of all serial


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 176 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l If all of the information (order detail and picked serial numbers) are provided in a single message, the order

complete flag is set to t r u e .

l If only partial information is provided in the message, (e.g. order detail only, picked items sent incrementally, etc.),

the order complete flag is set to f a l s e for all intermediate messages, and then set to t r u e when the delivery is

complete and all information has been communicated to TraceLink.

ShipToCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if SoldFromParty and SoldToParty are omitted. Two-letter ISO country code for ship to country. This
0/3 value will be referenced to advise regulatory reporting if it is required for the specified country market. Setting this value alone
does not trigger regulatory reporting. Actual triggering of regulatory reporting is governed by customer administrative
configuration in the TraceLink application.2

Must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

ShipFromCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required when:

l shipment type is set to either S a l e - E x p o r t , R e t u r n - E x p o r t, or T r a n s f e r - E x p o r t ; otherwise, it is auto-

populated with the ShipToCountryCode value.

l SoldFromParty and SoldToParty are omitted.

The two-letter ISO country code for the ship from country. Provides application with the information it needs to trigger
regulatory reporting in response to relevant events.

Must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

ShortShip 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short picks when verifying the quantities of what is expected to be picked (in OrderItems)


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 177 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


If set to f a l s e , other errors will still be flagged, such as incorrect product/lot and over-picks. Defaults to f a l s e .

SaleType 0...1 String This value will be referenced to advise the application of sale (change of ownership of the product) and transfer (no change of
1/* ownership of product, but physical movement of product) for application and regulatory reporting purposes. Setting this value
alone does not trigger regulatory reporting. Actual triggering of regulatory reporting is governed by customer administrative
configuration in the TraceLink application.

Must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

See the SalesDistType enumeration list for valid values.

ContractType 0...1 String Conditionally required if ShipFromCountryCode = K R and SalesDistributionType = E X P O R T S A L E or I N C O U N T R Y S A L E .

0/* Identifies the type of the contract for the sale of goods using one of the permitted values.

See the ContractType enumeration list for valid values.

SupplyType 0...1 String Conditionally required if ShipFromCountryCode = K R and SalesDistributionType = E X P O R T S A L E or I N C O U N T R Y S A L E .

0/* Identifies the type of supply that is being performed using one of the permitted values.

Country requirements:

l For Korea: all values except for C o l l e c t i o n apply.

l For Brazil: populate only if performing a C o l l e c t i o n , D o n a t i o n , or S a m p l e D i s t r i b u t i o n .

See the SupplyType enumeration list for valid values.

ContractNumber 0...1 String Identification number of the contract.2


RemovalFromCirculation 0...1 String Reason the product in the delivery is taken out of the supply chain.3
1/* See the RemovalFromCirculationReasonCode enumeration list for valid values.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 178 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

FundingSource 0...1 tring Conditionally required if the ShipFromCountry = R U . Source of the funding.1
1/* See the FundingSource enumeration list for valid values.

Comments 0...1 String Optional remarks or comments associated with the delivery.

SoldFromParty 0...1 - Conditionally required for:

l transfer or sale involving non-EU FMD countries.

l transfer or sale export from an EU FMD country to US, CN, KR, or RU due to country compliance requirements.

Represents the FromBusinessParty in the transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the FromBusinessParty.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the from business entity. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The type of the BusinessId identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.2

BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina, or if ShipFromCountry = K R and SalesDistributionType = E X P O R T S A L E or

This field classifies the business type of the TraceLink customer or trading partner.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.3

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

3Kendall Pharma

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 179 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.1

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.2

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The city.3

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.4

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country
subdivision code.5

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e .The ZIP or other postal code.6

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.7

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

1300 Trade Center

2Suite 7690

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 180 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai that
0/* internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.2

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.3

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in China. For
0/* all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.4

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.5

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.6


DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.7

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the look-up

in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipFromLocation 0...1 - Represents the ShipFromLocation in the transaction.

If provided, must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

3Lianyi Village
5Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 181 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the
– ShipFromLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. Populated with the ShipFromLocation identifier. See

– Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 - Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

– to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina. This field classifies the business type of the TraceLink customer or trading partner.
0/* See the BusinessClassification enumeration list for valid values.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The city.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country
subdivision code.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 182 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai that
0/* internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.2

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.3

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in China. For
0/* all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.4

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.5

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.6


3Lianyi Village
5Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 183 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the look-up

in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. This element can
– be repeated to include as many license numbers as required (e.g. state and federal license).

LicenseNumber 1...1 String Required.

1/* License number value.1

State 0...1 String The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-
1/* letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code. Provides additional context to the license number.2

Agency 0...1 String The agency that granted the license (e.g. National Association of Boards of
1/* Pharmacy [NABP]). Provides additional context to the license number.3

Contact 0...1 - Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify the
– transaction information.

Name 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company.4

Telephone 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the company. This
1/* must begin with the + character followed by the Country Calling Code.5

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the company. Should

4Customer Service

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 184 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

be included if available.1

Title 0...1 String The title of the individual if a person was provided in Name.

Url 0...1 String The Web address for the business contact. 2

SoldToParty 0...1 - Conditionally required if:

l transfer or sale involving non-EU FMD countries.

l transfer or sale export from an EU FMD country to US, CN, KR, or RU due to country compliance requirements.

Represents the ToBusinessParty in the transaction.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the
– ToBusinessParty.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the ToBusinessParty

– entity. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The type of the BusinessId identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.

BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina, or if ShipFromCountryCode = K R and Sales Distribution Type = E X P O R T S A L E or
0/* I N C O U N T R Y S A L E . This field classifies the business type of the TraceLink customer or trading partner.

See the BusinessClassification enumeration list for valid values.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 185 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The city.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country
subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 186 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai that
0/* internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.2

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.3

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in China. For
0/* all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.4

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.5

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.6


DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the look-up

in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

ShipToLocation 0...1 - Represents the ShipToLocation in the transaction.

If populated, must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the ShipToLocation.

3Lianyi Village
5Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 187 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. Populated with the ShipToLocation identifier. See Business Identifiers by Country.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.

BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina. This field classifies the business type of the TraceLink customer or trading partner.
0/* See the BusinessClassification enumeration list for valid values.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The city.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country
subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 188 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1


PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai that
0/* internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.2

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.3

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in China. For
0/* all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.4

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.5

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.6


DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

3Lianyi Village
5Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 189 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the look-up

in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

License 0...* - List of zero or more license numbers associated with the facility. Can be repeated to include as many license numbers as
– required (e.g. state and federal license).

LicenseNumber 1...1 String Required. License number value.


State 0...1 String The state or region in which the trading partner is licensed, using the standard two-
1/* letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country sub-division code. Gives additional context to the license number.

Agency 0...1 String The agency that granted the license (e.g. National Association of Boards of
1/* Pharmacy [NABP]). Gives additional context to the license number.

Contact 0...1 - Contact information for use by downstream trading partners to verify the
– transaction information.

Name 1...1 String Required. The name of the contact department or individual at the
1/* company.

Telephone 0...1 String The phone number of the contact department or individual at the company. This
1/* must begin with the + character followed by the Country Calling Code.

Email 0...1 String The email address of the contact department or individual at the company. Should
1/* be included if available.

Title 0...1 String The title of the individual if a person was provided in Name.

Url 0...1 String The Web address for the business contact.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 190 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

TransportationCarrier 0...1 - Conditionally required for shipments made into and within Brazil
– (ShipToCountryCode = B R ). Represents the transportation partner that is transporting the shipment.

If populated, must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 - Required. A list of one or more identifiers associated with the
– ShipToLocation.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* - Required. The identifier associated with the transport carrier business entity. This value is required for regulatory reporting.
– Different countries require different values as noted below.

Brazil: Provide the B R _ P R O F _ R E G , C N E S , C N P J , or C P F . C N P J is the value preferred by ANVISA if the company has

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The type of the location identifier.

1/*  See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 - Required. Business identifier value.

BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina. This field classifies the business type of the TraceLink customer or trading partner.
0/* See the BusinessClassification enumeration list for valid values.

BusinessName 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The business name of the trading partner.

Street1 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 191 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

to f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The city.

District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. District Code only for India.

Must be a 3-digit numeric code.

StateOrRegion 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The state, province, or region using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998 country
subdivision code.

PostalCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set

1/* to f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for generating the 541 – Move Destruction
0/* Report for Russia. The global identifier assigned by Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the Russian Federation Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

TaxRegistrationCode 0...1 String Tax registration code.1



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 192 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Type Description

PremisesCode 0...1 String Internal identifier a company uses for a specific location. For example, a company with 4 locations in the city of Mumbai that
0/* internally refers to the 4th location as MUM4.1

Village 0...1 String Name of the village in which the company is located.2

HouseNumber 0...1 String Building, house, or unit number of the company. House numbers are usually only separated from the street address in China. For
0/* all addresses outside of China, continue to enter the building, house, or unit number in Street1.3

Township 0...1 String Name of the township in which the company is located.4

CorporateFax 0...1 String Company fax number.5


DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to look up the business name and address information from master data.

l If set to t r u e , only the BusinessIdentifier and type should be populated and the system will perform the look-up

in master data to populate the remaining fields.

l If set to f a l s e , the other fields are required before OrderComplete is set to true.

DropShipment 0...1 Boolean l If set to t r u e , indicates shipment is a drop shipment.

l If not set, or set to f a l s e , the system treats as a standard shipment.

EntryPort 0...1 String Name of the shipment's port of entry into a country (e.g. an airport, maritime port, border checkpoint).6

ExitPort 0...1 String Name of the shipment's port of exit from a country (e.g. an airport, maritime port, border checkpoint).7

AttemptDisaggregation 0...1 Boolean l When set to t r u e , instructs the system to disaggregate the picked serial number from the parent container, if it is

2Lianyi Village
4Licheng Town

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 193 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


l If not set, or set to f a l s e , the system will operate in default mode, which is to generate an error if attempting to

pick serial number for an item or container that is aggregated to a parent.

CorrectiveShipment 0...1 Boolean Indicates that a new Serialized Operations Manager shipment is correcting a
0/* previously voided Serialized Operations Manager shipment transaction. Default value is f a l s e , which indicates that it is not a
corrective shipment.

OriginalDeliveryNumber 0...1 String Original delivery number. Records the original delivery number that is replaced
0/* when a shipment is voided and corrections are made to that delivery.

Transactions 0...1 - The transaction identifier associated with the shipment.

Must be populated before OrderComplete is set to t r u e .

Transaction 0...* - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.

OrderId 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the shipment, for regulatory reporting and business tracking purposes. At
1/* least one is required and, depending on country more than one transaction ids may be required.1

Country requirements:

l Argentina: provide Packing Slip Number.

l China: provide Sales Order Number.

l Brazil: provide PO Number, ASN Numbe,r and Invoice Number if available.

l US: provide PO Number, ASN Number, and Invoice Number if available.

OrderType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type using the supported enumeration values.
1/* See the TransactionId enumeration list for valid values.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 194 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Date 0...1 String Required. The Date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format.
1/* This value is used for regulatory reporting of the transaction Date.

PickedItem 0...1 - Supports incremental picking, which adds serial numbers to the delivery while the
– delivery is still open. Each time new serial numbers are submitted against the delivery, the system will add these serial numbers
to the set of picked serial numbers associated with the delivery.

WarehouseOperator 0...1 String Conditionally required for China. Name of the person
0/* responsible for warehouse operations. This element can be communicated at any time (e.g. with, before, or after the order
details or picked items have been communicated).1

DeliveryInspection 0...1 String The inspection status of the physical delivery against the delivery documentation.
1/* See the DeliveryInspection enumeration list for valid values.

DeliveryInspectionDate 0...1 Date The date of the physical delivery against the delivery documentation in XML YYYY-MM-DD format.2

DeliveryInspectionNote 0...1 String Comments about the physical delivery inspection against the delivery documentation.

AggregationInspection 0...1 String The inspection status of the aggregation hierarchy of the container.
1/* See the AggregationInspection enumeration list for valid values.

Items 0...1 - The list of serial numbers in the shipment. Can be a top-level container serial
– number if the items are aggregated and/or are loose items.

Item 0...* - Repeating element capturing the serial numbers.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format specified in the request.
1/* 3

1John Smith

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 195 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@namespace 0...1 String Not used by TraceLink.


@orderItemNumber 0...1 String Reference to the Order Item. This enables the association of Unit Price, VAT, and
1/* Gross Price to specific serial numbers.

OrderItems 1...1 - Conditionally required if ShipFromCountry = K R . List of items expected to be in the shipment.

l If provided, the system will verify the picked serial numbers against the expected items in the shipment and

generate an error if incorrect products were picked against the order.

l If not provided, the system will accept the serial numbers against the order and only verify that the serial numbers

are in a shippable state.

OrderItem 0...* - Conditionally required if ShipFromCountry = K R and salesDistributioType = E X P O R T S A L E or I N C O U N T R Y S A L E . Order

– item

group is a repeating element that captures the item code, lot number and quantity for each item that will be picked for the order.
Each unique item code and lot number is communicated in a separate order item group.

OrderItemNumber 0...1 String Serial number reference allowing serial numbers to be tracked to OrderItems.
1/* 1

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Option 1 in OrderItem: Use to identify the product using the internal material number configured in Product Master Data.2

Populated only if PackagingItemCode is not populated.

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Option 2 in OrderItem: Use to identify the product using the packaging level item code (e.g. GTIN-14) configured in Product
1/* Master Data.3

Populated only if InternalMaterialCode is not populated.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 196 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is populated. Identifies the packaging level item code type.
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

Quantity 1...1 Integer Required. The quantity of items at the EACH (unit) level of the item code and lot if specified to be picked.

If multiple GTINs at the same packaging level are associated with the same Internal Material Code, the system
automatically combines quantities from those GTINs and provides a single quantity for the Internal Material Code.

Lot 0...1 String Required. The lot or batch code for the items to be picked (if available)
1/* in an alphanumeric string.1

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date The expiration date for the items to be picked (if available). Date is in xsd:date
10/10 format YYYY-MM-DD.2

UnitPrice 0...1 Decimal Conditionally required if:

l ShipToCountryCode = K R and SalesDistributionType = E X P O R T S A L E or I N C O U N T R Y S A L E .

l ShipToCountryCode = R U .

The unit price of the item.

CurrencyCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if UnitPrice is populated. Currency ISO code using ISO 4217-2015 format.
3/3 See the CurrencyCode enumeration list for valid values.

GrossPrice 0...1 Decimal Conditionally required if ShipToCountryCode = R U .

– Unit price of the item including all taxes and fees.3

GrossPriceCurrencyCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if UnitPricePlus is populated. Currency ISO code using ISO 4217-2015 format.
0/3 See the ISOCurrency enumeration list for valid values.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 197 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

VAT 0...1 Decimal Value Added Tax per unit.1


VATCurrencyCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if VAT is populated. Currency ISO code using ISO 4217-2015 format.
0/3 See the ISOCurrency enumeration list for valid values.

Serialized 0...1 Boolean Indicates if item is not serialized. If omitted, defaults value to t r u e .

OrderItemTransactions 0...1 - The transaction identifier associated with the individual order receipt items.

OrderItemTransaction 1...* - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.

OrderId 1...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the shipment. This is for regulatory reporting and business tracking
1/* purposes. At least one identifier is required.2

OrderType 1...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type.

1/* Valid values:3





l PO


Date 0...1 String Conditionally required if ShipToCountryCode = R U .

1/* The date of the transaction in XML YYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting of the transaction date.4


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 198 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CDEntries 0...1 - A customer-defined name/value pair. Use to store customer-visible data and
– metadata that is outside the processing path of the API. TraceLink does not do anything with this data currently. Though if input
by the customer, the values (as entered) will be available in the response.

CDEntry 0...* - Required. A repeating element that captures a list of customer-

– defined values.

CDName 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined name.


CDValue 0...1 String Required. Customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.

LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 199 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Shipment Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns2:UpdateOrderShipmentResponse 1...1 - Required. UpdateOrderShipmentResponse message.

TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response.

Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if UpdateOrderShipment had success in processing.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted. Contains error information.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code. See Update Order Shipment Errors for all potential error codes and exception
0/* messages.2

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception messages exist. Message that further describes error condition. See
0/* Update Order Shipment Errors for all potential error codes and exception messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 200 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Update Order Shipment Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Update Order Shipment message:

Exception Code Exception Message

BADSTATETRANSITION Cannot perform operation on serial number <serial number> to change item state/serial number state from <item state> to <item state>. The
allowed new states are <item states>.

DELIVERYINFONOTMATCH For Delivery <Delivery Number>, OrderInfo already provided.

This occurs in the case of incremental receiving, where the data given does not match the previously passed in data.

INTERNALERROR Internal error from server: <server information>.

SerialNumberState for <serial number> is null. did not load correctly. did not load correctly.

MULTIPLE_EACH_PKGCODE_FOR_ Packaging Code not specified and more than one EACH packaging codes found associated to internal Material Code <internal material code>.

NO_EACH_PKGCODE_FOR_ Packaging Code not specified and no EACH packaging codes found associated to internal Material Code <internal material code>.

NOPICK No picked item information found for Delivery <delivery number>.

NOPKGCODE_AND_BAD_INTERNAL Packaging Code not specified and Internal Material Code <internal material code> does not exist in master data.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

ORDER_MD_LOOKUP_LOCATION_ The BusinessIdentifier <identifier type> <identifier value> for the ShipToLocation or ShipFromLocation does not exist in Company or Partner
FAILED Master Data for any Company or Location.

ORDERCOMPLETE Cannot modify already completed order.

PARK_AND_RETRY Delivery <delivery number> could not be processed. Expected <quantity> for Item <item number>, Lot <lot number> but 0 item.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 201 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

This exception message serves as a "hint" to the user that they have the option to implement their own park and retry logic. The error encountered is of a class that
can recover if the caller repeats the call at a later point in time. This does not mean that the API performs park and retry, only that the program making the call has the
option to retry calling the UpdateOrderShipment on its own end. Customers wishing to implement the park and retry functionality may contact TraceLink for a
recommended approach to using the functionality.

QTYERROR Expected <serial number> for Item <item number> Lot <lot number> but <serial number> item serial numbers were found.

SOMDUPLICATESNS The following serial numbers were listed more than once: <serial numbers>.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 202 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

VALIDATION Contract Type is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 203 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

CurrencyCode is required when UnitPrice is specified.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 204 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

Delivery <DeliveryNumber> could not be processed. Only one Transaction identifier can exist for OrderType: <Duplicated ID Type(s), comma

Delivery <DeliveryNumber> could not be processed. OrderItemTransactions cannot exist for OrderType <Invalid ID Type(s), comma-separated>.

Funding Source is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

Gross Price is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

GrossPriceCurrencyCode is required if GrossPrice is specified.

Neither the PackagingItemCode nor the InternalItemCode was specified. At least one is required.

Order Delivery Number is required.

Order Item Transaction Identifier Date is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

Request failed validation; one or more fields is missing or invalid.

Sale type is required.

ShipFromCountryCode and ShipToCountryCode are required if SoldFromParty and SoldToParty are omitted.

SoldFromParty is required when ShipToCountryCode is <ShipToCountryCode> and ShipFromCountryCode is <ShipFromCountryCode>.

SoldToParty is required when ShipToCountryCode is <ShipToCountryCode> and ShipFromCountryCode is <ShipFromCountryCode>.

Supply Type is required if Ship To Country Code= RU.

The parameter ORDER.addressInformation is missing or had an invalid value.

The parameter businessName is missing or had an invalid value.

The parameter City is missing or had an invalid value.

The parameter CountryCode is missing or had an invalid value.

The parameter PostalCode is missing or had an invalid value.

The parameter StateOrRegion is missing or had an invalid value.

The parameter Street1 is missing or had an invalid value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 205 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

The parameter Transactions is missing or had an invalid value.

The parameter OrderDate is missing or had an invalid value.

Unit Price is required if Ship To Country Code = RU.

VATCurrencyCode is required if VAT is specified.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 206 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Update Order Shipment Message Examples

Update Order Shipment request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<OrderRequest deliverynumber="D12345">
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028677"/>
<BusinessName>Kendall Pharma</BusinessName>
<Street1>300 Trade Center</Street1>
<Street2>Suite 7690</Street2>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028655"/>
<BusinessName>Rx Logistics</BusinessName>
<Street1>1 Distribution Drive</Street1>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 207 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="3333331013655"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="DEA" identifiervalue="RF10009"/>
<WarehouseOperator>John Smith</WarehouseOperator>
<Item sn="00008820200000047506"/>
<Item sn="00008820200000047513"/>
<Item sn="00008820200000047520"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 208 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Update Order Shipment Complete response example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<OrderRequest deliverynumber="D12345">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 209 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Request Pick example:

The following example demonstrates how to update an order with newly picked items:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<OrderRequest deliverynumber="D12345">
<WarehouseOperator>John Smith</WarehouseOperator>
<Item sn="00008820200000047506"/>
<Item sn="00008820200000047513"/>
<Item sn="00008820200000047520"/>

Request Order Complete response example:

The following example demonstrates how to complete an order after incremental picking is used:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:UpdateOrderShipmentResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 210 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Void Shipment Overview

The Void Shipment message voids an outbound shipment that is in a Submitted state. After a delivery is voided, its serial numbers are reverted from a
Shipped to Available state.
If this operation is for an internal transfer, the void must be processed before the serial numbers are received at the new location. If the serial numbers
have already been received, they can be transferred back to the original location to process the request.
Voided deliveries are still accessible in the system with a status of either Voided - Canceled (for canceled orders) or Voided - Not Corrected (for orders
that are not canceled and can be corrected at a later time). If the voided delivery is subsequently corrected, it assumes the status of Voided -
Main Topics
l Void Shipment Request Guidelines

l Void Shipment Response Guidelines

l Void Shipment Errors

l Void Shipment Message Example

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 211 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Void Shipment Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 - Not used.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:VoidShipment 1...1 - Required. Create void shipment request message. Communicates the location, delivery number, order cancel status,
– transaction date, and reason of a void shipment message. The system validates the delivery in order to ensure that it
is a valid shipment and that the serial numbers are in a Shipped status.

The Order Cancel status determines whether the delivery is voided and canceled such that the delivery may not be
corrected or whether the delivery is voided and not corrected such that the delivery may be updated at a later time.

LocationId 0…1 - Optional location associated with the original delivery.

@identifiervalue 1...1 String Specifies identifier of facility/warehouse to scope the void shipment. This is intended to provide access control for the
0/* void message. When the transaction is updated, the location of the original delivery will be used to return the serial
numbers to an available state. 1

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. Location identifier type.2



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 212 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

See the LocationId enumeration list for valid values.

DeliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. Delivery number that refers to a previously submitted delivery (Serialized Operations Manager Sales
1/* Shipment). The system will validate that:1

l This original delivery is a sales shipment and not a transfer order.

l The original delivery is in a submitted state.

l The serial numbers for the original delivery are in a shipped status.

PartnerId 0…1 - Optional Partner ID associated with the original delivery.

TransactionDate 1...1 Date Date of void transaction in partner's business system.2


OrderCancelled 1...1 Boolean Required. Represents the status of the order/delivery in the ERP system.3
l If the order/delivery is canceled ( t r u e ), the original order is voided and canceled. Cannot be corrected.

l If the order/delivery is not canceled ( f a l s e ), the original order is voided and can be corrected a later


ReasonCode 1...1 String Required. Code identifying reason for the void or correction.4
1/* See the ReasonCodes enumeration list for valid values.

ReasonText 0…1 String Text description of reason code.5


5Customer cancelled order.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 213 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Void Shipment Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns2:VoidShipmentResponse 1...1 - Required. Void Shipment Response Message.

TLResponse 1...1 - Required. Response.

Success 0…1 - Indicates if Void Shipment processing succeeds.1

ExceptionReturn 0…1 - Populated with error information only if Success =

– false,

otherwise omitted.

CallException 1…* - Required. Contains error details.

ExceptionCode 0…1 String Required. Error code.


ExceptionMessage 0…1 String Message that further describes error condition.



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 214 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Void Shipment Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Void Shipment message:

Exception Code Exception Message

DELIVERY_NUMBER_MISSING Delivery number must be specified for Void Shipment transaction.

INVALID_ORDER_CANCELED_STATUS Delivery [Delivery Number]: The Order Cancelled field must be true or false.

INVALID_REASON_CODE Delivery [Delivery Number]: A valid void reason [Reason] must be specified.

INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER_STATUS Delivery [Delivery Number]: The serial numbers for the specified deliver must be in a Commissioned - Shipped state.

INVALID_SHIPMENT_STATUS Delivery [Delivery Number]: Shipment transaction for specified delivery number has not been submitted.

INVALID_SHIPMENT_TYPE Delivery [Delivery Number]: Shipment transaction for specified delivery number must be a sales shipment. Transfer shipment
may not be voided.

NO_SHIPMENT_FOUND_FOR_COMPANY Delivery [Delivery Number]: No shipment found for specified delivery number in specified company [CompanyID].

NO_SHIPMENT_FOUND_FOR_LOCATION Delivery [Delivery Number]: No shipment found for specified delivery number in specified location [LocationID].

REASON_CODE_MISSING Delivery [Delivery Number]: A void reason must be specified.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 215 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Void Shipment Message Examples

Void Shipment request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<LocationId identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="8888882028655"/>
<ReasonText>Order cancelled by customer.</ReasonText>

Void Shipment response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:VoidShipmentResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Void Shipment error response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:VoidShipmentResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 216 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<ExceptionMessage>Invalid delivery number. Delivery number not found.</ExceptionMessage>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 217 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Pack and Repack Functions

The Aggregate, Disaggregate, and Reset Aggregation messages correlate to functions in the "Pack and Repack" operations group in Serialized
Operations Manager where the aggregations of serialized inventory are updated to match the packaging of the physical inventory.
l Aggregate

l Disaggregate

l Reset Aggregation

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 218 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregate Overview
The Aggregate message requests that child serial numbers be added/associated to a parent container. This can be used to add items to an existing
container, add an item or inner pack to a case, and/or add a case to a pallet. It has no effect on items that are already in the container and any existing
child serial number associations in the main container are maintained.

Aggregation operations can only be performed if the serial numbers are in a Commissioned serial number state with an item state of Available,
Selected, or Blocked.

By default, TraceLink does not perform this operation if any of the secondary serial numbers are already attached to a container. Set Strict to
false to disaggregate items from other containers before adding them to the new parent.
When sending multiple aggregation events (i.e. aggregations, disaggregations, or a combination thereof) at the same time, use the Aggregation
Update message instead of individual Aggregation or Disaggregation messages.

Main Topics
l Aggregate Request Guidelines

l Aggregate Response Guidelines

l Aggregate Errors

l Aggregate Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 219 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregate Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Header. Not used by TraceLink.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:Aggregate 1...1 - Required. Aggregate Message.


AggregateRequest 0...1 - Required. The aggregate request message to associate child serial numbers to a parent container. See the Strict element at the bottom of the
- table for important configuration information.

l If t r u e , then the aggregated item(s) must not already have a parent. If they do, an error is returned.

l If f a l s e , items are re-associated to the new parent and the previous aggregations are adjusted (the system performs an implicit

disaggregation and then aggregates the items).

Container 1...1 - Required. Parent container serial information. If the container is specified, all items must currently be a child of the specified container.

@sn 1...1 String Required. The parent container's serial number. See Serial Number Data Examples.

@namespace 0...1 String Not currently supported by TraceLink. Leave this field blank.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 220 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Items 1...1 - Required. Child serial information.


Item 1...* - Required. A list of one or more child serial numbers to aggregate to the parent container's serial number.

@sn 1...1 String Required. A child serial number. See Serial Number Data Examples.

@namespace 0...1 String Not currently supported by TraceLink. Leave this field blank.

EventDateTime 0...1 Date The date and time of the aggregation event in XSD Date format in GMT. If omitted, the system will record the current date-time.

LocationType 0...1 String The type of location where the event occurred. Valid values:














Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 221 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Location 0...1 String The site-level location identifier where the event occurred.

In most cases, this value is an SGLN, the format for which must be the numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped (e.g.
8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).

Strict 1...1 Boolean Required. A flag that determines if the system performs an implicit disaggregation and then aggregates the items:
l If t r u e , then the aggregated item(s) must not already have a parent. If they do, an error will be returned.

l If f a l s e , then the items are re-associated to the new parent and the items' previous aggregations are adjusted.

ResetAggregation 0...1 Boolean A flag indicating to disaggregate all existing items in a container and aggregate the new set of items into that container.
l If t r u e , TraceLink disaggregates all existing items in the specified container and aggregates the new set of items into that


l If f a l s e (default), TraceLink does not disaggregate all existing items in the specified container.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 222 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregate Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns2:AggregateResponse 1...1 - Required. Aggregate response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. The TraceLink response.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if the Aggregation request successfully processed.1


ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e ; omitted otherwise. Error information.


CallException 1...* - Required. Error information including the exception code and error message if available.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code. See Aggregate Errors Table for all exception codes and messages.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if error condition is available. Message that further describes error condition. See Aggregate Errors Table for all
0/* exception codes and messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 223 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregate Errors
The following errors may be encountered with the Aggregate message:

Exception Code Exception Message

AGGREGATIONUOMFAILURE Cannot aggregate serial number <serial number> with UOM <unit of measure> into serial number <serial number> with UOM <unit of measure>.

ALREADYAGGREGATED Serial number <serial number> is already aggregated to <serial number>.

BADAGGREAGTEDATE Operation could not be performed because event time stamp is earlier than the commission date for serial number <serial number>.

BADITEMSTATE Cannot perform operation on serial number <serial number> with item state <item state> This operation can only be performed when the serial
number is <item state>.

EVENTTIMEAFTERNOW Event time stamp must not be in the future.

EVENTTIMEBEFORELASTEVENT Event time stamp is earlier than the last event for serial number <serial number>.

INTERNALERROR Found more than one serial number for <serial number>.

INTERNALERROR Internal error from server: <server information>.

NOTCOMMISSIONED Serial Number <serial number> is not commissioned.

NOTCOMMISSIONEDLOCATION Serial Number <serial number> was not commissioned at this location.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

SNNOTFOUND Serial Number <serial number> does not exist.

SOMDUPLICATESNS The following serial numbers were listed more than once: <serial number>.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 224 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregate Message Examples

Aggregate request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Container sn="00008820200000047506"/>
<Item sn="015088202503022521100000090109"/>
<Item sn="015088202503022521100000090110"/>

Aggregate response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:AggregateResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 225 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Disaggregate Overview
The Disaggregate message disassociates child serial numbers from a parent container. This is used to remove an item or inner pack from a case or to
remove a case from a pallet.

Aggregation operations can only be performed if the serial numbers are in a Commissioned serial number state with an item state of Available,
Selected, or Blocked.

By default, TraceLink requires the parent container to be specified and that it must be the parent of all of the serial numbers in the list. Set
Strict to false to remove these requirements and instead have all child serial numbers be implicitly disaggregated from their parent containers.
When sending multiple aggregation events (i.e. aggregations, disaggregations, or a combination thereof) at the same time, use the Aggregation
Update message instead of individual Aggregation or Disaggregation messages.

Main Topics
l Disaggregate Request Guidelines

l Disaggregate Response Guidelines

l Disaggregate Errors

l Disaggregate Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 226 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Disaggregate Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 - Not used by TraceLink.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:Disaggregate 1...1 - Required. Disaggregate message.

DisaggregateRequest 0...1 - Required. The disaggregate request message to disassociate child serial numbers from a parent container.

Container 0...1 - The parent container's serial number. If Container is specified, all items must currently be a child of the specified container. If omitted,
– Strict must be set to f a l s e .

@sn 1...1 String Required. The parent serial number. See Serial Number Format Examples.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not currently supported by TraceLink. Leave this field blank.

Items 1...1 - Required. Child serial information.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 227 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Item 1...* - Required. A list of one or more child serial numbers to disaggregate from the parent container serial number.

@sn 1...1 String Required. A child serial number. See Serial Number Format Examples.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not currently supported by TraceLink. Leave this field blank.

EventDateTime 0...1 Date The date and time of the disaggregation event in XSD GMT date format. If omitted, the system will record the current date-time.2

LocationType 1...1 String The type of location where the event occurred. Valid values:















Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 228 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Location 1...1 String The site-level location identifier where the event occurred.1

In most cases, this value is an SGLN, the format for which must be the numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped
(e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).

Strict 1...1 Boolean l If t r u e , the parent container must be specified.2

l If f a l s e , the parent container is not specified and the child serial numbers are implicitly disaggregated from their parent



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 229 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Disaggregate Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns2:DisaggregateResponse 1...1 - Required. Disaggregate response message.

TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response.

Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if the disaggregate request successfully processed.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted. Contains error information.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details such as exception code and error message, if available.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code. See Disaggregate Errors for a full list of potential error exception codes and error messages.2

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception message exists. Message that further describes the error condition. See Disaggregate Errors
0/* for a full list of potential error exception codes and error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 230 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Disaggregate Errors
The following errors may be encountered with the Disaggregate message:

Exception Code Exception Message

BADITEMSTATE Cannot perform operation on serial number <serial number> with item state <item state>. This operation can only be performed when
the serial number is <item state>.

EVENTTIMEAFTERNOW Event time stamp must not be in the future.

EVENTTIMEBEFORELASTEVENT Event time stamp is earlier than the last event for serial number <serial number>.

INTERNALERROR Found more than one serial number for Internal error from server: <server information>.

NOSOMSERVICE No Serialized Operations Manager service found.

NOTAGGREGATED Serial number <serial number> is not aggregated to any container.

NOTAGGREGATEDTOPARENT Serial number <serial number> is not aggregated to <parent serial number>.

NOTCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> is not commissioned.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

SNNOTFOUND Serial number <serial number> does not exist.

SOMDUPLICATESNS The following serial numbers were listed more than once: <serial number>.

THROUGHPUT_EXCEEDED Throughput has been exceeded. Please retry your message again. If this error continues, consider reducing the size of your operation or
contact TraceLink support.

VALIDATION The parameter <Container> is missing or had an invalid value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 231 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Disaggregate Message Examples

Disaggregate request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Container sn="00008820200000047506"/>
<Item sn="015088202503022521100000090109"/>
<Item sn="015088202503022521100000090110"/>

Disaggregate response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:DisaggregateResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 232 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregation Update Overview

The Aggregation Update message allows Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Owners to report aggregation and disaggregation actions in a single message
to account for warehouse packing activities. Each message can contain multiple aggregations or disaggregations.

Aggregation operations can only be performed if the serial numbers are in a Commissioned serial number state with an item state of Available,
Selected, or Blocked.

By default, TraceLink does not perform an aggregation action if any of the secondary serial numbers are already attached to a container. Set
Aggregation | Strict to false to disaggregate items from other containers before adding them to the new parent.
Additionally, for disaggregation, TraceLink requires the parent container to be specified and that it must be the parent of all of the serial numbers
in the list. Set Disaggregation | Strict to false to remove these requirements and instead have all child serial numbers be implicitly
disaggregated from their parent containers.
When sending multiple aggregation events (i.e. aggregations, disaggregations, or a combination thereof) at the same time, use this message
instead of individual Aggregation or Disaggregation messages.

Main Topics
l Aggregation Update Request Guidelines

l Aggregation Update Response Guidelines

l Aggregation Update Errors

l Aggregation Update Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 233 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregation Update Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The MDLP Bulk API currently has a limit of 20 events per message.

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Elements Type Notes

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. The SOAP envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used. The SOAP message header.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. The SOAP message body.


urn:AggregateUpdate 1...1 - Required. Aggregation Update message.


AggregationUpdateRequest 0...1 - Required. Aggregate request to associate child serial numbers to a parent container.

Aggregations 0...* - Aggregation group element.


Aggregation 0...* - Required. Aggregation event. See the Aggregation | Strict element for important configuration
- information.

Container 1...1 - Required. Parent container serial information. If the Aggregation | Container is specified, all items
- must currently be a child of the specified container.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 234 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Elements Type Notes

@sn 1...1 String Required. Parent container's serial number.1


@namespace 0...1 String Not used.


Items 1...1 - Required. Child serial information.


Item 1...* - Required. List of one or more child serial numbers to aggregate to parent container's serial
- number.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Child serial number in one of the following formats:
l AI(01)+AI(21) formatted numbers are: 01 + [GTIN14] + 21 + [serial number]

Ex: 0 1 5 0 8 8 2 0 2 5 0 3 0 2 2 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 9

l AI(00) formatted numbers are: 00 + [SSCC18 code]

Ex: 0 0 0 0 8 8 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 5 0 6

l CN-EDMC formatted serial numbers are: 20 digit China EDMC code

Ex: 8 1 5 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 1 9 3 5 1

@namespace 0...1 String Not used.


EventDateTime 0...1 Date Timestamp of the date and time of the aggregation event with the UTC time zone indicator in YYYY-
- MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ format. If omitted, the system will record the current date and time.2

Location 0...1 String Site-level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. The SGLN format is the numeric
1/* component only, with urn prefix stripped (e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of
u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).3

Strict 1...1 Boolean Required. Flag that determines if the system performs an implicit disaggregation and then
- aggregates the items.

Valid values:


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 235 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Elements Type Notes

l If t r u e , the aggregated item(s) must not already have a parent. If they do, an error will

be returned.

l If f a l s e , the items are re-associated to the new parent and the items' previous

aggregations are adjusted.

ResetAggregation 0...1 Boolean Flag indicating to disaggregate all existing items in a container and aggregate the new set of items
- into that container.

Valid values:

l If t r u e , TraceLink disaggregates all existing items in the specified container and

aggregates the new set of items into that container.

l If f a l s e (default), TraceLink does not disaggregate all existing items in the specified


ParentCompanyPrefix 0...1 String Conditionally required if the container serial number is unknown to TraceLink and must be
- commissioned. The GS1 Company Prefix used in GTIN-14 and SSCC serial numbers.

ParentFilterValue 0...1 String The filter value used in GTIN-14 and SSCC serial numbers.

ParentFormat 0...1 String Conditionally required if the container serial number is unknown to TraceLink and must be
- commissioned. The format of the parent serial numbers.

Valid values:

l AI(01)+AI(21)

l AI(00)


ParentPackagingLevel 0...1 String The packaging level of the commissioned item using the supported enumeration values.1
0/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 236 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Elements Type Notes

Disaggregations 0...* - Disaggregation group header.


Disaggregation 1...* - Required. Disaggregation event.


Container 0...* - Conditionally required if Disaggregation | Strict is set to t r u e . Parent container serial number. If
- Disaggregation | Container is specified, all items must currently be a child of the specified
container. If omitted, Disaggregation | Strict must be set to f a l s e .

@sn 1...1 String Required. Parent serial number.1


@namespace 0...1 String Not used.


Items 1...1 - Required. Child serial numbers.


Item 1...* - Required. List of one or more child serial numbers to disaggregate from the parent container serial
- number.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Child serial number in one of the following formats:
l AI(01)+AI(21) formatted numbers are: 01 + [GTIN14] + 21 + [serial number]

Ex: 0 1 5 0 8 8 2 0 2 5 0 3 0 2 2 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 9

l AI(00) formatted numbers are: 00 + [SSCC18 code]

Ex: 0 0 0 0 8 8 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 5 0 6

l CN-EDMC formatted serial numbers are: 20 digit China EDMC code

Ex: 8 1 5 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 1 9 3 5 1

@namespace 0...1 String Not used.


EventDateTime 0...1 Date Required. Timestamp of the date and time of the disaggregation event with the UTC time zone
- indicator in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ format. If omitted, the system will record the current date


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 237 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Elements Type Notes

Location 0...1 String Required. Site-level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. SGLN format is the numeric
1/* component only, with urn prefix stripped (e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of
u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).2

Strict 1...1 Boolean Flag that determines whether Disaggregation | Container must be provided.
l If t r u e , the parent container must be specified.

l If f a l s e , the parent container is not specified and the child serial numbers are

implicitly disaggregated from their parent containers.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 238 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregation Update Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

The MDLP Bulk API currently has a limit of 20 events per message.

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. The SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. The SOAP Message Body.


ns2:AggregateResponse 1...1 - Required. The Aggregation Update response message.


TLResponse 1...1 - Required. The TraceLink response.


Success 1...1 - Required. Indicates if the Aggregation Update request successfully processed.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Populated with error information only if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error information including the exception code and error message, if available.

ExceptionCode 1...1 String Required. Error code.


ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if an error occurred. Message that further describes error condition, if available.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 239 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregate Errors
The following errors may be encountered with the Aggregate message:

Exception Code Exception Message

VALIDATION Serial number <Serial Number> does not exist.

Cannot aggregate Serial number <Serial> with UOM <PackagingLevelUOM> into Serial Number <ParentSerial> with UOM <PackagingLevelUOM>.

Serial number <Serial Number> is already aggregated to <Actual Parent Serial Number>.

Cannot perform operation on serial number [Serial Number] with item state [Serial Number Status]. This operation can only be performed when the serial
number is Available or Blocked or Picked.

Serial Number <Serial> cannot be disaggregated because it was not previously aggregated to <ParentSerial>.

Event timestamp is earlier than the aggregation date for serial number <Serial>.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 240 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Aggregation Update Message Examples

Aggregation Update request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Container sn="016862905203607821100000000030"/>
<Item sn="018862905202566321100000000005"/>
<Container sn="016862905203607821100000000030"/>
<Item sn="018862905202566321100000000005"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 241 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Aggregation Update response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:AggregateUpdateResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 242 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Reset Aggregation Overview

The Reset Aggregation message resets a container’s aggregation to a new set of child items. This operation disaggregates all current items from the
container and then aggregates the new set of specified child items. Serial numbers must already exist in the Serialized Operations Manager

Aggregation operations can only be performed if the serial numbers are in a Commissioned serial number state with an item state of Available,
Selected, or Blocked.

By default, TraceLink does not perform this operation if any of the secondary serial numbers are already attached to a container. Set Strict to
falseto disaggregate items from other containers before adding them to the new parent.

Main Topics
l Reset Aggregation Request Guidelines

l Reset Aggregation Response Guidelines

l Reset Aggregation Errors

l Reset Aggregation Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 243 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Reset Aggregation Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 - Not used by TraceLink.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:ResetAggregation 1...1 - Required. Reset Aggregation Message.

ResetAggregationRequest 0...1 - Required. The request message that resets the specified container aggregation to the new set of specified child items, and disaggregates any
– previous children that were originally aggregated, but not in the new set.

See the Strict data element at the bottom of the table for important configuration information.

Container 1...1 - Required. Parent container's serial information.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Parent container's serial number. See Serial Number Data Examples.

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.


Items 1...1 - Required. Child serial information.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 244 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Item 1...* - Required. List of one or more child serial numbers to aggregate or disaggregate (action contingent on the Strict data element setting) to parent
– container's serial number.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Child serial number. See Serial Number Data Examples.

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.


EventDateTime 0...1– Date Date and time of the reset aggregation event in XSD Date format in GMT. If omitted, the system records the current date and time.1

Location 0...1 String Site-level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. SGLN format is the numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped (for example,
1/* 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).

If it is not specified and the API credentials used in the call are specific to a company location, TraceLink attempts to default the location based upon
the corresponding company location master data entry.2

Strict 1...1 Boolean Required.

l If t r u e , the call fails if any of the items specified are children of another container.

l If f a l s e , the child is removed from any existing parent container before being aggregated into the specified container.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 245 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Reset Aggregation Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

ResetAggregationResponse 1...1 - Required. Reset Aggregation response.

TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response.

Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates whether the Reset Aggregation request successfully processed.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted. Contains error information.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code. See Reset Aggregation Errors for full list of potential exceptions.2

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception message exists. Message that further describes the error condition. See Reset Aggregation
0/* Errors for full list of potential error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 246 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Reset Aggregation Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Reset Aggregation message:

Exception Code Exception Message

AGGREGATIONUOMFAILURE Cannot aggregate serial number <serial number> with UOM <unit of measurement> into serial number <parent serial number> with UOM <unit of

ALREADYAGGREGATED Serial number <serial number> is already aggregated to <parent serial number>.

BADITEMSTATE Cannot perform operation on serial number <serial number> with item state <item state>. This operation can only be performed when the serial
number is <item state>.

EVENTTIMEAFTERNOW Event time stamp must not be in the future.

EVENTTIMEBEFORELASTEVENT Event time stamp is earlier than the last event for serial number <serial number>.

INTERNALERROR Found more than one serial number for <serial number>.

INTERNALERROR Internal error from server: <server information>.

NOSOMSERVICE No Serialized Operations Manager service found.

NOTCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> is not commissioned.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

SNNOTFOUND Serial number <serial number> does not exist.

VALIDATION The parameter Container is missing or had an invalid value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 247 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Reset Aggregation Message Examples

Reset Aggregation request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Container sn="015088202503022521100000001180" namespace="?"/>
<Item sn="0100882025030220216370871" namespace="?"/>

ResetAggregation response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:ResetAggregationResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 248 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Query Functions
The Get Lot Status, Get Serialized Entity, and Get Serial Number Hierarchy messages correlate to the "Queries" operations group in Serialized
Operations Manager that displays status, history, and (if applicable) parent container and child item information for a serial number.
l Fetch Lot Status Result

l Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result

l Get Lot Status

l Get Serial Number Hierarchy

l Get Serialized Entity

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 249 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Lot Status Overview

The Get Lot Status message queries the Serialized Operations Manager system for data on a product code and lot, including packaging codes,
expiration date, quality release status, repackaging details, and quantity of serial numbers associated with the lot. The response also includes product
recall and market withdrawal status of the lot and if applicable, other relevant recall and market withdrawal information.

This message is recommended for low-volume lots (i.e. less than 100,000 serial numbers). To retrieve the status of a lot containing more than
100,000 serial numbers, set asynchronousMode to ENABLED. This allows TraceLink to asynchronously return the requested lot status. The
returned RequestId value can then be used in the Fetch Lot Status Result request to return the full lot status when available.

Main Topics
l Get Lot Status Request Guidelines

l Get Lot Status Response Guidelines

l Get Lot Status Errors

l Get Lot Status Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 250 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Lot Status Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used by TraceLink. SOAP Message Header.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:GetLotStatus 1...1 - Required. Queries for the status of the Lot.


LotQueryRequest 0...1 - Required. Mandatory for Get Lot Status message.


ItemCode 1...1 String Required. Packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14, CN-ResCode or GS1
1/* Company Prefix value).1

ItemCodeType 1...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging level item code type.2
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

Lot 1...1 String Required. Lot Number for the query.3


LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.


IncludePackageLevelQuantities 0...1 Boolean Determines if the response includes quantities for each packaging level for the
1/* product or lot.4


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 251 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

IncludePartialRecallSerialNumbers 0...1 Boolean Determines if the response includes serial numbers included in partial lot
1/* recalls.1

asynchronousMode 0...1 String If requesting the status of a lot containing more than 100,000 serial numbers, it
1/* is recommended to send the message asynchronously. A RequestId token
returns in the Get Lot Status response. Use the RequestId value in the
FetchLotStatusResult call to retrieve the full lot status when available.Valid

l D I S A B L E D - (default) enables synchronous processing.

l E N A B L E D - enables asynchronous processing.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 252 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Lot Status Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:ES:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns3:GetLotStatusResponse 1...1 - Required. Get Lot Status Response Message.


LotStatusReturnResponse 0...1 - Required. Response.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if Get Lot Status request message processed successfully.

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if an error occurred, otherwise omitted. Populated with error
- information if Success = f a l s e .

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error Code. See Get Lot Status Errors for all potential error exceptions and
0/* exception codes.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if an error occurred for which an exception message is provided.
0/* Message that further describes error condition, if available.

LotStatusReturn 1...1 - Required. Return from the Get Lot Status message.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 253 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ItemCode 0...1 String Packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14, CN-ResCode or GS1 Company Prefix
1/* value).1

packagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Identifies the packaging level item code type. 2
1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

PackagingCodes 0...1 String The packaging level item code(s) associated with the serial numbers commissioned against
- the lot.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging level item code type.3
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

ItemCode 0...1 String Required. Packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company
1/* Prefix value).4

LotNumber 0...1 String Required. Lot Number that was queried against.5

QualityReleased 0...1 Boolean Indicates if the Lot has been released.


ProductRecallStatus 1...1 String Required. Lot recall status. Valid values:6

l Yes

l No

l Partial

ProductRecallEvent 0...* - Conditionally required if ProductRecallStatus = Y e s or P a r t i a l . Group containing lot

- recall information.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 254 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l If the lot is fully recalled (ProductRecallStatus = Y e s ), one Product Recall

Event is present.

l If the lot is partially recalled (ProductRecallStatus = P a r t i a l ), one or

more Product Recall Events are present.

l If the lot is not recalled (ProductRecallStatus = N o ), no Product Recall

Events are present.

ProductRecallMarketList 1...1 - Required. List of one or more Target Market countries where the product lot is recalled.

ProductRecallMarket 1...* String Required. Country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1/* 1alpha-2:1997 country code.1
See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

ProductRecallEffectiveDate 1...1 Date Required. Recall effective date in MM/DD/YYYY format.2


ProductRecallReasonDescription 1...1 String Reason for the recall and any relevant information.

PartialProductRecallSerialNumberList 1...1 - Required. List of one or more serial numbers in the recall event.

SerialNumber 1...* - Required. Recalled serial number.


@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial number in one of the following formats:3
l AI(01)+AI(21)

l AI(00)



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 255 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@namespace 0...1 String Serial number format. Valid serial number formats:1
l AI(01)+AI(21)

l AI(00)


See the Encoding enumeration list for valid values.

MarketWithdrawalStatus 1...1 Boolean Required. Lot withdrawal status.2


MarketWithdrawalEvent 0...1 - Conditionally required MarketWithdrawalStatus = t r u e . Group containing market

- withdrawal information.

MarketWithdrawalMarketList 0...1 - Required. List of one or more Target Market countries where the product lot is withdrawn.

MarketWithdrawalMarket 1...* String Required. Country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1/* 1alpha-2:1997 country code.3
See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

MarketWithdrawalEffectiveDate 0...1 Date Market withdrawal effective date in MM/DD/YYYY format.4


MarketWithdrawalReasonDescription 0...1 String Reason for the withdrawal and any relevant information.

MarketReleaseStatus 1...1 String Required. Market release status of the lot.

1/* Valid values:5

l Y e s – Lot is fully market released in one or more markets.

l N o – Lot is not released in any market.

l P a r t i a l – Part of the lot is released in one or more markets.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 256 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

MarketReleaseEvent 0...* - Conditionally required if MarketReleaseStatus = Y e s or P a r t i a l . Contains information

- relevant to the market release.

l If MarketReleaseStatus = Yes or Partial, one or more MarketReleaseEvent must

be present.

l If MarketReleaseStatus = No, MarketReleaseEvent is not used.

MarketReleaseMarket 1...1 String Required. Country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1/* 1alpha-2:1997 country code.1
See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

Transactions 0...1 - Transaction identifier associated with the market release.


Transaction 1...* - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.


ItemId 0...1 String Required. Transaction identifier associated with the status update, for regulatory reporting
1/* and business tracking purposes.2

ItemType 0...1 String Required. Transaction identifier type.3

1/* Valid values:

l C I V I L C I R C U L A T I O N – Number of the document from a government agency for

introduction of medicine into circulation. Used for immunobiological medicine only.

l S T A T E C O N F I R M A T I O N – Number of the document confirming the medicine

complies with state registration requirements.

Date 0...1 String The date of the transaction in YYYY-MM-DD format.4


PartialMarketReleaseSerialNumberList 1...1 - Required. List of one or more serial numbers in the market release event.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 257 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

SerialNumber 1...* - Required. Released serial number.


sn 1...1 String Required. Serial number in one of the following formats:1

1/* AI(01)+AI(21)

l Format: 01 + [GTIN_14] + 21 + [serial number]

l Example: 015088202503022521100000090109


l Format: 00 + [SSCC18]

l Example: 00008820200000047506


l Format: 20-digit China EDMC code

l Example: 81530070000022519351

InternalMaterialCode 0...1 String Use to identify the product using the internal material number configured in the Product
1/* Master Data. Specifying an internal material number will update all serial numbers at all
packaging levels (e.g. item or case) that are linked to the internal material number and lot

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Expiration date associated with queried serial number. Date format YYYY-MM-DD.3

BarcodeExpirationDate 0...1 String The new lot barcode expiration date reflecting the expiration date on the barcode of the
8/8 product in YYYYMMDD format. This supports a DD value of "00".

Quantity 1...1 Integer Required. The quantity of serial numbers at the lot level.4

Pallets 0...1 Integer The quantity of the pallet-level serial numbers at the lot level.5


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 258 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Cases 0...1 Integer The quantity of the case level serial numbers at the lot level.1

Innerpacks 0...1 Integer The quantity of the inner pack-level serial numbers at the lot level.2

Eaches 0...1 Integer The quantity of the each-level serial numbers at the lot level.3

Primaries 0...1 Integer The quantity of the primary-level serial numbers at the lot level.

RepackSourceLotAggregateReturn 0...1 - Identifies the source (original) product details at the lot level when the request specifies the
- repacakged product/lot information.

LotNumber 1...1 String Required. The original lot number from the repackaging activity.4

ItemCode 0…1 string Identifies the item code and type for the original product.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Identifies the packaging level item code type.Valid values:5
l GTIN_14


See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

ItemCodeValue 0...1 String The original packaging-level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 or GS1 Company Prefix value).6

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String Identifies the original product using the internal material number configured in the Product
1/* Master Data. Specifying an internal material number updates all serial numbers at all


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 259 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

RepackDestinationLotAggregateReturn 0...* - Identifies the repackaged (output) product lot(s) (could be one or more) when the request
- specifies the source product/lot in the repackaging activity.

LotNumber 1...1 String Required. The repackaged lot number from the repackaging activity.2

ItemCode 0…1 string Identifies the item code and type for the repackaged product.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Identifies the packaging level item code type. Valid values:3
l GTIN_14


See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

ItemCodeValue 0...1 String The repackaged product packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 or GS1 Company
1/* Prefix value).4

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String Identifies the repackaged product using the internal material number configured in the Product
1/* Master Data. Specifying an internal material number updates all serial numbers at all
packaging levels (e.g. item or case) that are associated with the internal material number and
lot number.5

RequestId 0...1 String Identifies the id for asynchronous mode requests. Use this id in the FetchLotStatusResult call
1/* for lot status. The asynchronous call is recommended for high-volume lots of more than
100,000 serial numbers.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 260 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Lot Status Errors

There are no potential errors for the Get Lot Status message:

Exception Code Exception Message

- -

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 261 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Lot Status Message Examples

Get Lot Status request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Get Lot Status query results (response) example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:GetLotStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 262 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Get Lot Status request example with asynchronous mode enabled:

The request returns a token (RequestId), instead of the fully populated lot status results, which is used to call Fetch Lot Status Result to get the full
results asynchronously once available.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 263 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Get Lot Status response example with asynchronous mode enabled:

This is an example of the response with the RequestId.

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:GetLotStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">
<LotStatusReturnResponse xsi:type="ns2:LotStatusReturnAsyncResponse" xmlns:xsi="">

Get Lot Status query results (response) example including product recall details:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:GetLotStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 264 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<ProductRecallReasonDescription>Recall Test 1</ProductRecallReasonDescription>
<ProductRecallReasonDescription>Second Partial</ProductRecallReasonDescription>

Get Lot Status query results (response) example including product market withdrawal details:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:GetLotStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 265 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<MarketWithdrawalReasonDescription>Damaged Product</MarketWithdrawalReasonDescription>

Get Lot Status query results (response) example including product repack details:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:GetLotStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 266 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 267 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Lot Status Result Overview

The Fetch Lot Status Result message supports the asynchronous return of a Get Lot Status request for high-volume lots. This message is
recommended for use when the requested lot contains more than 100,000 serial numbers. If the response contains less than 100,000 serial numbers,
use Get Lot Status.
The RequestId value returned in the original Get Lot Status request (where asynchronousMode was set to ENABLED) is all that is required to submit
this request.

If this request is submitted before processing is complete, the same RequestId returns in the response, indicating the request is still processing.
Continue to submit the token until the system returns the entire results.

Main Topics
l Fetch Lot Status Result Request Guidelines

l Fetch Lot Status Result Response Guidelines

l Fetch Lot Status Result Errors

l Fetch Lot Status Result Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 268 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Lot Status Result Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Occurs Type Description


soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 - Not used by TraceLink.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:FetchLotStatusResult 1...1 - Required. Queries for the reference id that returns the asynchronous lot status request.

RequestId 1...1 String Required. Identifies Id for asynchronous mode requests to be used in fetch calls for lot status.1

This value is returned in the Get Lot Status Response.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 269 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Lot Status Result Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

If the response contains less than 100,000 serial numbers, use the Get Lot Status request.

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:ES:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns3:FetchLotStatusResultResponse 1...1 - Required. FetchLotStatusResultResponse Response Message.

Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates whether FetchLotStatusResult request message processed successfully.

LotStatusReturn 1...1 - Required. Return from the FetchLotStatusResultResponse API call when asynchronous API call is
– completed.

ItemCode 0...1 String Packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company Prefix value).1

packagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Identifies the packaging level item code type.2
1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

PackagingCodes 0...1 String The packaging level item code(s) associated with the serial numbers commissioned against the lot.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging level item code type.3


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 270 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

ItemCode 0...1 String Required. Packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company Prefix value).1

LotNumber 0...1 String Required. Lot Number that was queried against.2

QualityReleased 0...1 Boolean Indicates if the lot has been released.


ProductRecallStatus 1...1 String Required. Lot recall status. Valid values:3

l Yes

l No

l Partial

ProductRecallEvent 0...* - Conditionally required if ProductRecallStatus equals Y e s or P a r t i a l . Group containing lot recall
– information.

l If the lot is fully recalled (ProductRecallStatus = Y e s ), one product recall event is


l If the lot is partially recalled (ProductRecallStatus= P a r t i a l ), one or more product

recall events are present.

l If the lot is not recalled (ProductRecallStatus = N o ), no product recall events are


ProductRecallMarketList 1...1 - Required. List of one or more target market countries where the product lot is recalled.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 271 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ProductRecallMarket 1...* String Required. Country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997
1/* country code.1
See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

ProductRecallEffectiveDate 1...1 Date Required. Recall effective date in MM/DD/YYYY format.2


ProductRecallReasonDescription 1...1 String Reason for the recall and any relevant information.

PartialProductRecallSerialNumberList 0...1 - Conditionally required if the Get Lot Status request element includePartialRecallSerialNumbers =
– t r u e . List of one or more serial numbers in the recall event.

Only present for partial recalls.

SerialNumber 1...* - Required. Recalled serial number.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial number in one of the following formats:3
l AI(01)+AI(21)

l AI(00)


@namespace 0...1 String Serial number format. Valid serial number formats:4
l AI(01)+AI(21)

l AI(00)


MarketWithdrawalStatus 1...1 Boolean Required. Lot withdrawal status.5



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 272 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

MarketWithdrawalEvent 0...1 - Conditionally required if MarketWithdrawalStatus = t r u e . Group containing market withdrawal

– information.

MarketWithdrawalMarketList 0...1 - Required. List of one or more Target Market countries where the product lot is withdrawn.

MarketWithdrawalMarket 1...* String Required. Country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997
1/* country code.1
See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

MarketWithdrawalEffectiveDate 0...1 Date Market withdrawal effective date in MM/DD/YYYY format.2


MarketWithdrawalReasonDescription 0...1 String Reason for the withdrawal and any relevant information.

InternalMaterialCode 0...1 String Identifies the product using the internal material number configured in the Product Master Data. Specifying
1/* an internal material number updates all serial numbers at all packaging levels (e.g. item or case) that are
linked to the internal material number and lot number.3

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Expiration date associated with the queried serial number in YYYY-MM-DD format.4

Quantity 1...1 Integer Required. The quantity of serial numbers at the lot level.5

Pallets 0...1 Integer The quantity of the pallet-level serial numbers at the lot level.6

Cases 0...1 Integer The quantity of the case level serial numbers at the lot level.7

Innerpacks 0...1 Integer The quantity of the inner pack-level serial numbers at the lot level.8


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 273 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Eaches 0...1 Integer The quantity of the each-level serial numbers at the lot level.1

Primaries 0...1 Integer The quantity of the primary-level serial numbers at the lot level.

RepackecSourceLotAggregateReturn 0...1 - Identifies the source (original) product details at the lot level when the request specifies the repacakged
– product/lot information.

LotNumber 1...1 String Required. The original lot number from the repackaging activity.2

ItemCode 0…1 string Identifies the item code and type for the original product.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Identifies the packaging level item code type.3
1/* Valid values:

l GTIN_14


ItemCodeValue 0...1 String The original packaging-level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 or GS1 Company Prefix value).4

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String Identifies the original product using the internal material number configured in the Product Master Data.
1/* Specifying an internal material number updates all serial numbers at all packaging levels (e.g. item or case)
that are associated with the internal material number and lot number.5

RepackecDestinationLotAggregateReturn 0...* - Identifies the repackaged (output) product lot(s) (could be one or more) when the request specifies the
– source product/lot in the repackaging activity.

LotNumber 1...1 String Required. The repackaged lot number from the repackaging activity.6


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 274 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ItemCode 0…1 string Identifies the item code and type for the repackaged product.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Identifies the packaging level item code type.1
1/* Valid values:

l GTIN_14


ItemCodeValue 0...1 String The repackaged product packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 or GS1 Company Prefix value).2

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String Identifies the repackaged product using the internal material number configured in the Product Master Data.
1/* Specifying an internal material number updates all serial numbers at all packaging levels (e.g. item or case)
that are associated with the internal material number and lot number.3


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 275 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Lot Status Result Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Fetch Lot Status Result message:

Exception Code Exception Message

RequestId cannot be null RequestId cannot be null.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 276 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Lot Status Result Message Examples

Fetch Lot Status Result request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Fetch Lot Status Result response:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:FetchLotStatusResultResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">
<TLResponse xsi:type="ns2:LotStatusReturnResponseType" xmlns:xsi="">

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Get Serialized Entity Message Overview

The Get Serialized Entity message requests snapshot data of a specified serial number. The response includes complete serial number status
information, including state, attributes, operational status, and aggregation information (immediate parent and children). If applicable, it also includes
a list of target markets in which the serial number is in a recalled or withdrawn state. Additional information can be returned based on query
parameters (e.g. repackaging information).
By default, this message provides visibility only to the immediate parent and immediate children of a serial number. Set WithManifest to true to
include summary information for each of the lowest items in a container aggregation hierarchy. This can be used to provide additional information
about the items in a pallet.
Main Topics
l Get Serialized Entity Request Guidelines

l Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines

l Get Serialized Entity Errors

l Get Serialized Entity Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 278 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Get Serialized Entity Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used by TraceLink. SOAP Message Header.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:GetSerializedEntity 1...1 - Required. Queries for a serial number to determine its states, attributes, parent, and children.

SerialNumberSpace 0...1 String Not currently supported and therefore should be omitted or set to n u l l .

SerialNumber 0...1 String Required. Serial Number for the query. See Serial Number Data Examples.

WithManifest 1...1 Boolean If set to t r u e , includes the manifest data structure in the response. There is a performance cost to
- calculating the manifest, so should only be set when needed.1


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Get Serialized Entity Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Format Description

S:ES:Envelope 1...1 - Required.The SOAP envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. The SOAP message body.


ns2:GetSerializedEntityResponse 1...1 - Required. The Get Serialized Entity response message.


SerializedEntityResponse 0...1 - Required. Contains the response.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates whether the Get Serialized Entity request message processed successfully.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Contains error information.


CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. The error code. See Get Serialized Entity Errors for list of potential exception codes and error
0/* messages.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String A message that further describes the error condition. See Get Serialized Entity Errors for list of potential
0/* exception codes and error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 280 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Format Description

SerializedEntity 0...1 - Contains the successful response to the request.1


@sn 1...1 String Required. The serial Number that was requested.

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink. See Serial Number Data Examples.

ItemCode 0...1 String The country drug code associated with the serial number at time of commissioning.2

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is present. The country drug code type.3
1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

ProductDescription 0...1 String The product description from Product Master Data.4

Not populated for SSCCs.

ProductName 0...1 String The product name from Product Master Data.5

Not populated for SSCCs.

Strength 0...1 String The product strength from Product Master Data.6

Not populated for SSCCs.

DosageForm 0...1 String The product dosage from Product Master Data.7

Not populated for SSCCs.

5Allergy Med
610 MG
7Pen needles

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 281 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Format Description

Location 0...1 String The site-level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. Defaults to company-level if a location is not
1/* provided.

SGLN format is numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped (e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of
u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).

CountryMarketCode 0...1 String The 2-letter ISO country code for the country in which the serial number is commissioned.
1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String A number assigned to the product for internal use and not for identifying the product externally. Defaults to the
1/* Product Master Data entry based on the packaging code provided.

PackageSizeSpec 0...1 Decimal The product package size/spec from Product Master Data.1

Not populated for SSCCs.

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is present. Identifies the packaging level item code type.2
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String The packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 value).3

PackagingLevel 0...1 String The packaging level associated with the serial number.4
1/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.

Lot 0...1 String The lot number associated with the serial number at the time of commissioning.5

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Not supported by TraceLink. The expiration date associated with serial number at time of commissioning in XSD
10/10 D ate format in GMT: YYYY-MM-DD.

ManufacturingDate 0...1 Date The date of manufacture associated with the serial number in XSD Date format in GMT: YYYY-MM-DD.6


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Data Element Format Description

SerialNumberState 0...1 String Required. The serialization state of the serial number.1
1/* See the SNState enumeration list for valid values.

ItemState 0...1 String Required. The business process state of the physical item associated with the serial number.2
1/* See the ItemState enumeration list for valid values.

BarCode 0...1 String The actual bar code content associated with serial number in commissioning event.3

DeliveryNumber 0...1 String The delivery number of the last shipment or return for this serial number.4

SerialNumberEncoding 0...1 String The serial number encoding format. See Serial Number Data Examples.5
1/* See the Encoding enumeration list for valid values.

LatestEventDatetime 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink. The date and time of the last event for this serial number in XSD Date format in GMT.

PackedStatus 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.


QualityReleased 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was quality released.6

Sampled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled.7

Damaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was damaged.8

Recalled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was recalled.9


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Data Element Format Description

Expired 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is expired.1

MarketReleased 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was market released.2

Misplaced 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was misplaced.

Dispensed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was dispensed.

Disposed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was disposed.

Repackaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was repackaged.

SampledByAuthorities 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled by authorities.

Stolen 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was stolen.

Withdrawn 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was withdrawn.

SampledArchival 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for archival
1/* purposes.

SampledCustomsControl 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for customs
1/* inspection.

SampledFederalInspection 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for federal
1/* inspection.

SampledClinicalStudy 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for performing
1/* clinical studies.


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Data Element Format Description

SampledPharmaStudy 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for post-registration
1/* pharmaceutical study supporting submitted changes to a dossier.

SampledMarketingDemo 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for marketing
1/* demonstration purposes.

SampledSelectiveControl 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for selective control.

Spoilage 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is spoiled (e.g. due to heat, oxygen,
1/* moisture, microorganisms, etc.).

WithdrawnExperiment 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is withdrawn from circulation of
1/* SSCC or SGTIN, piled or accumulated in the course of the experiment.

Defective 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is defective.

InappropriatelyStored 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was inappropriately stored.

Returned 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was returned.

Other 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was decommissioned or destroyed
1/* for other reasons.

ProductRecallMarketList 0...1 - Conditionally required if Recalled = t r u e . A list of one or more target market countries where the product lot
- is recalled.

ProductRecallMarket 1...* String Required. The country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997
1/* country code.1
See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

MarketWithdrawalMarketList 0...1 - Conditionally required if Withdrawn = t r u e . A list of one or more target market countries where the product
- lot is withdrawn.

MarketWithdrawalMarket 1...* String Required. The country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997
1/* country code.2


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Data Element Format Description

See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

MarketReleaseMarket 0...* String Required. The target market country using the standard two or three-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1/* 1alpha-2:1997 country code.1
See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

ReportingParty 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink. If the reporting party identifier was set on a decommission or destroy operation, the
1/* identifier is provided.

CryptoKey 0...1 String The alphanumeric value of the serial number's crypto key.2

CryptoCode 0...1 String The value of the serial number's crypto code. This value can contain alphanumeric values as well as
0/88 symbols.3 The following are valid symbols:

l !

l "

l %

l &

l '

l *

l +

l -

l .

l /

l _

l ,

l :


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 286 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Format Description

l ;

l =

l <

l >

l ?

CryptoAcquisitionDate 0...1 - The date that CryptoKey and CryptoCode are retrieved from the OMS in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Registered 0...1 - Indicates whether the serial number was registered. Valid values:
l t r u e – The serial number was registered.

l f a l s e – The serial number was not registered.

Manifest - - The manifest contains summary information for each of the lowest items in a container aggregation hierarchy. If
- the container contains multiple products at the lowest level, there will be one Entries for the product in question.

Entries 0...* - A list of zero or more packaging levels with the summary information for the packaging level.

Lot 0...1 String The lot number associated with the serial number at the time of commissioning.1

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Not supported by TraceLink. The expiration date associated with the serial number at time of commissioning in
10/10 XSD Date format in GMT:  YYYY-MM-DD.

PackagingItemCodeType 1...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is present. Identifies the packaging-level item code type.2
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

PackagingItemCode 1...1 String The packaging-level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 value).3


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Data Element Format Description

PackagingLevel 0...1 String The packaging level associated with the serial number.1
1/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.

Qty 1...1 Integer Required. The quantity of serial numbers at the packaging level.2

Parent 0...1 - The parent serial number, if requested serial number is aggregated to a parent container.

@sn 1...1 String Required. The serial Number that was requested.3

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink. See Serial Number Data Examples.

Children 0...* - The list of child serial numbers, if requested serial number has child items aggregated to it.

@sn 1...1 String Required. The serial number that was requested.4

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink. See Serial Number Data Examples.

CDEntries 0...* String A customer-defined name.


CDName 0...1 String A customer-defined name used to annotate serial numbers.


CDValue 0...1 String A customer-defined value used to annotate serial numbers.


SourceProductRepackInfo 0...1 - Identifies the source (original) product details at the lot level when the request specifies the repacakged
- product/lot information.


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Data Element Format Description

LotNumber 1...1 String Required. The original lot number from the repackaging activity.1

ItemCode 0...1 String Identifies the item code and type for the original product.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging-level item code type.
1/* Valid values:

l GTIN_14


ItemCodeValue 1...1 String Required.The original packaging-level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 or GS1 Company Prefix value).2

InternalMaterialCode 0...1 String Identifies the original product using the internal material number configured in the Product Master Data.
1/* Specifying an internal material number updates all serial numbers at all packaging levels (e.g. item or case) that
are associated with the internal material number and lot number.3

DestinationProductRepackInfo 0...1 - Identifies the repackaged (output) product lot(s) (could be one or more) when the request specifies the source
- product/lot in the repackaging activity.4

LotNumber 1...1 String Required. The repackaged lot number from the repackaging activity.

ItemCode 0...1 String Identifies the item code and type for the repackaged product.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging-level item code type. Valid values:5
l GTIN_14


ItemCodeValue 1...1 String Required. The repackaged product packaging-level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 or GS1 Company Prefix


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Data Element Format Description

InternalMaterialCode 0...1 String Identifies the repackaged product using the internal material number configured in the Product Master Data.
1/* Specifying an internal material number updates all serial numbers at all packaging levels (e.g. item or case) that
are associated with the internal material number and lot number.2


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Get Serialized Entity Errors

There are no potential errors for the Get Serialized Entity message:

Exception Code Exception Message

- -

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 291 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Get Serialized Entity Message Examples

Get Serialized Entity request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Get Serialized Entity response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:GetSerializedEntityResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">
<SerializedEntity sn="015088202503022521100000090109">
<ProductDescription>ALLERGY MED 90 MG CAPS 30</ProductDescription>
<ProductName>Allergy Med</ProductName>
<Strength>10 MG</Strength>
<DosageForm>Pen needles</DosageForm>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 292 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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<Parent sn="00008820200000047506"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700943"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700944"/>

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<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700945"/>

Get Serialized Entity response example including product repack information:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:GetSerializedEntityResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">
<SerializedEntity sn="015088202503022521100000090109">

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<Parent sn="00008820200000047506"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700943"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700944"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700945"/>

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Get Serialized Entity response example including Russia crypto codes:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:GetSerializedEntityResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">
<SerializedEntity sn="015088202503022521100000090109">
<ProductDescription>ALLERGY MED 90 MG CAPS 30</ProductDescription>
<ProductName>Allergy Med</ProductName>
<Strength>10 MG</Strength>
<DosageForm>Pen needles</DosageForm>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 296 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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<Parent sn="00008820200000047506"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700943"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700944"/>
<Children sn="010088202503022021100000700945"/>

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Get Serialized Hierarchy Overview

The Get Serialized Hierarchy message requests complete hierarchy data of a specified serial number. Information is included in the response based on
query parameters.

This message is recommended if retrieving fewer than 100,000 serial numbers. To retrieve more than 100,000 serial numbers, set
asynchronousMode to ENABLED. This allows TraceLink to asynchronously return the requested serial numbers. The returned RequestId value
can then be used in the Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result request to return the full response when available.

Main Topics
l Get Serialized Hierarchy Request Guidelines

l Get Serialized Hierarchy Response Guidelines

l Get Serialized Hierarchy Errors

l Get Serialized Hierarchy Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 299 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Serialized Hierarchy Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 – Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 – Not used by TraceLink.

soapenv:Body 1...1 – Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:GetSerializedNumberHierarchy 1...1 – Required. Queries for a serial number to determine its states, attributes, parent, and children.

SerialNumberHierarchyQueryRequest 0...1 – Required. Querying a ContainerSerialNumber yields a hierarchy containing all child serial numbers for the given container number. If a
– serial number is given, no other parameters will be used for the query.

The following combinations of fields will retrieve the aggregation hierarchy:

l Only Serial Number

l Only Delivery Number

l Lot Number and Country Drug Code

l Lot Number, Delivery Number, Country Drug Code

l Lot Number, Delivery Number, Packaging Code

l Lot Number, Delivery Number, Internal Material Code

l Lot Number and Packaging Code

l Lot Number and Internal Material Code

This request will only return up to 100,000 serial numbers.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 300 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Type Description

ContainerSerialNumber 1...1 String Serial number of a pallet or case for which the full sub-aggregations will be retrieved down to the each.1
1/* If included, only the value of ContainerSerialNumber is used to retrieve the hierarchy, and all other parameters are ignored.

DeliveryNumber 0...1 String Delivery for an outbound shipment. If omitted, LotNumber must be included along with one of the following product identifiers:2
l Country Drug Code

l Packaging Code

l Internal Material Number

PackagingCode 0...1 String Conditionally required with LotNumber or with LotNumber and DeliveryNumber if CountryDrugCode and InternalMaterialNumber
– are not provided. Packaging level item code and type. If packaging level item code is included, both the type and value must be specified.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging level item code type. Valid values:

l GTIN_14



ItemCode 0...1 String Required. Packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14 or GS1 Company Prefix value).

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is populated. 3

1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Conditionally required with either LotNumber or with LotNumber and DeliveryNumber if PackagingCode and
1/* InternalMaterialNumber are not provided. Country Drug Code associated with the serial number being queried. 4

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String Conditionally required with either LotNumber or with LotNumber and DeliveryNumber if PackagingCode and CountryDrugCode
1/* are not provided. Use to identify the product using the internal material number configured in Product Master Data. 5


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 301 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Type Description

LotNumber 0...1 String Conditionally required with CountryDrugCode, InternalMaterialNumber, or PackagingCode if DeliveryNumber is not provided. Lot
1/* number of the associated serial number being queried.1

SerialNumberFormat 1...* String Required. Serial number format returned from this API.
1/* PC_URI and TAG_URI formats are only possible if complete master data was provided to support serial number translation.

See the SNFormat enumeration list for valid values.

asynchronousMode 0...1 String If requesting the status of a lot containing more than 100,000 serial numbers, it is recommended to send the message asynchronously.
1/* A RequestId token returns in the Get Serialized Hierarchy response. Use the RequestId value in the Fetch Lot Status Result Request
message to retrieve the full lot status when available. Valid values:2

l D I S A B L E D - (default) message processes synchronously.

l E N A B L E D - enables asynchronous processing.


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Get Serialized Hierarchy Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:ES:Envelope 1...1 – Required. The SOAP envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 – Required. The SOAP message body.

ns3:GetSerialNumberHierarchyResponse 1...1 – Required. The Get Serialized Hierarchy response message with
– hierarchical data.

SerialNumberHierarchyResponse 0...1 – Required. Contains the response.

Success 0...1 – Indicates whether Get Serialized Hierarchy request message processed
– successfully.

ExceptionReturn 0...1 – Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Contains error information.

CallException 1...* – Required. Contains error details.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. The error code. See Get Serialized Hierarchy Errors for all
0/* potential error exceptions and exception codes.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception message is present. A message

0/* describing the error.

SerialNumberHierarchyList 0...1 – Contains the successful response to the request.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 303 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

SerialNumberHierarchies 0...1 – Contains a list of one or more SerialNumberHierarchy elements in

– response to the request. Each SerialNumberHierarchy element contains
one hierarchy.

SerialNumberHierarchy 0...* – Each SerialNumberHierarchy element contains one hierarchy. If there are
– loose items returned, they are returned in this element with no
ChildSerialNumbers present.

SerialNumber 1...1 – Required. The parent container serial number, or a loose item.

@sn 1...1 String Required. The serial number that was queried.

@namespace 0...1 String The serial number format. For more information, see Serial Number Data
1/* Examples. Valid values:

l AI(01)+AI(21)

l AI(00)


PackagingCode 0...1 String The packaging-level item code and type associated with the serial number.

ItemCodeType 1...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging-level item code type of the serial
1/* number. Valid values:

l GTIN_14




ItemCode 1...1 String Required. The packaging-level item code value (e.g. GTIN-14, CN-ResCode,
1/* or GS1 Company Prefix value).

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is present.

1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 304 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String The Country Drug Code associated with the serial number at the time of
1/* commissioning.

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String The Internal Material Number associated with the serial number at time of
1/* commissioning.

Location 0...1 String The site-level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. Defaults to
1/* company-level if a location is not provided.

SGLN format is numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped (e.g.
8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of
u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS

CommissionDateTime 0...1 DateTime The date and time of the commissioning event in XSD DateTime format in
20/20 GMT: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSX.1

ManufacturingDate 0...1 Date The date of manufacture associated with the serial number in XSD Date
10/10 format in GMT: YYYY-MM-DD.2

LotNumber 0...1 String The lot number associated with the serial number at time of
1/* commissioning.

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date The expiration date associated with serial number at time of commissioning
10/10 in XSD Date format in GMT: YYYY-MM-DD.

PackagingLevel 0...1 String The packaging level associated with queried serial number.
1/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.

SerialNumberState 0...1 String Required. The serialization state of the queried serial number.
1/* See the SNState enumeration list for valid values.

ItemState 0...1 String Required. The business process state of the physical item associated with
1/* the serial number.

See the ItemState enumeration list for valid values.

ChildSerialNumbers 0...1 – The list of child serial numbers associated with the container serial number


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 305 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Element Type Description

or lot number.
If SerialNumberHierarchy | SerialNumber has child serial numbers, they
are included in the ChildSerialNumber element. This is a repeating
element and contains only one level of aggregation. Sub-aggregations are
represented as new SerialNumberHierarchy elements.

ChildSerialNumber 1...* – Required. Contains one level of aggregation below SerialNumberHierarchy

– | SerialNumber, with the immediate child serial numbers aggregated to

SerialNumber 1...1 – The child serial number of SerialNumberHierarchy | SerialNumber. Only

– the direct descendants (child serial numbers) for a given
SerialNumberHierarchy | SerialNumber are reported. If a child itself also
has children, it will be recognized as another top-level element.

@sn 1...1 String Required. The child serial number that is affixed to the queried
1/* container/lot.

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.


PackagingCode 0...1 String Conditionally required when delivery number is not specified and
1/* CountryDrugCode and InternalMaterialNumber are not present.

ItemCodeType 1...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging-level item code type of the serial
1/* number. Valid values:

l GTIN_14




ItemCode 1...1 String Required. The packaging-level item code value (e.g. GTIN-14, CN-ResCode,
1/* or GS1 Company Prefix value).

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is present.

1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 306 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Conditionally required with internal material number when delivery
1/* number is not specified and packaging code is not present. Country Drug
Code associated with the child serial number.

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String The internal material number associated with the serial number at time of
1/* commissioning.

Location 0...1 String The site-level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. Defaults to
1/* company-level if a location is not provided.

SGLN format is numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped (e.g.
8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of
u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS

CommissionDateTime 0...1 DateTime The date and time of the commissioning event in XSD DateTime format in
29/29 GMT: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSX.1

ManufacturingDate 0...1 Date The date of manufacture associated with the serial number in XSD Date
1/* format in GMT: YYYY-MM-DD.2

LotNumber 0...1 String The lot number associated with the child serial number.

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Not supported by TraceLink.


PackagingLevel 0...1 String The packaging level associated with child serial number.
1/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.

SerialNumberState 0...1 String Required. The serialization state of the child serial number.
1/* See the SNState enumeration list for valid values.

ItemState 0...1 String Required. The business process state of the physical item associated with
1/* the child serial number.

See the ItemState enumeration list for valid values.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 307 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

RequestId 0...1 String Returns the value for the RequestId field in the Fetch Serial Number
– Hierarchy Result Request that can return the full hierarchy containing all
child serial numbers for the given container number (of 100,000 serial
numbers or more).1


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 308 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Serialized Hierarchy Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Get Serialized Hierarchy message:

Exception Code Exception Message

SERIAL_NUMBER_HIERARCHY_INVALID_REQUEST_ Invalid request parameters. Valid parameters are: delivery number only; delivery number, product code information, and lot number; product code
PARAMETERS information and lot number; or serial number.

SERIAL_NUMBER_HIERARCHY_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER_ Invalid SerialNumberFormat specified. SSCC and SGTIN serial numbers can specify AI, EPC_URI, or TAG_URI. TAG_URI requires that a filter value is
TYPE configured for the serial number to support the conversion. NTIN can specify AI and EPC_URI only. China serial numbers can specify CN_EDMC only.

SERIAL_NUMBER_HIERARCHY_MAXIMUM_RESULTS_ Serial number hierarchy return set too large, a maximum of 100000 serial numbers can be returned.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 309 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Serialized Hierarchy Message Examples

Get Serialized Hierarchy request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Get Serialized Hierarchy request example with asynchronous mode enabled:

This request would return a token (RequestId) instead of serial number results which is used to call Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Results endpoint to
get the full results once available.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 310 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Get Serialized Hierarchy response example with asynchronous mode enabled:

This is an example of the response with the RequestId.

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:GetSerialNumberHierarchyResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">
<SerialNumberHierarchyList xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>

Get Serialized Hierarchy response example:

The following example includes a delivery with one SSCC pallet. The pallet contains two SGTIN cases, with three SGTIN eaches aggregated to each case:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:GetSerialNumberHierarchyResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">
<SerialNumber sn="00008820200000047506" namespace="AI(00)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="015088202503022521100000090109" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 311 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<SerialNumber sn="015088202503022521100000090110" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="015088202503022521100000090109" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 312 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<SerialNumber sn="010088202503022021100000700943" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="010088202503022021100000700944" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="010088202503022021100000700945" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 313 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<SerialNumber sn="015088202503022521100000090110" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="010088202503022021100000700953" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 314 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<SerialNumber sn="010088202503022021100000700954" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="010088202503022021100000700955" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 315 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 316 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result

The Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result message supports the asynchronous return of a high-volume Get Serialized Hierarchy request. This
message is recommended for use when the requested serialized hierarchy contains more than 100,000 serial numbers. If the request hierarchy
contains fewer than 100,000 serial numbers, use Get Serialized Hierarchy.
The RequestId value returned in the original Get Serialized Hierarchy request (where asynchronousMode was set to ENABLED) is all that is required to
submit this request.

If this request is submitted before processing is complete, the same RequestId returns in the response, indicating the request is still processing.
Continue to submit the token until the system returns the entire results.

Main Topics
l Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Request Guidelines

l Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Response Guidelines

l Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Errors

l Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Message Result Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 317 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 – Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 – Not used.

soapenv:Body 1...1 – Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:FetchSerialNumberHierarchyResult 1...1 – Required. Queries for the reference id that returns the asynchronous serial number hierarchy request.

RequestId 0...1 – Required. Querying a RequestId value yields a hierarchy containing all child serial numbers for the given container
– number (of 100,000 serial numbers or more).1

This value is returned in the Get Serialized Hierarchy Response.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 318 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

If the response contains less than 100,000 serial numbers, use the Get Serialized Hierarchy request.

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 – Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 – Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns3:FetchSerialNumberHierarchyResultResponse 1...1 – Required. Get Serialized Hierarchy response message with hierarchical data.

SerialNumberHierarchyResponse 0...1 – Required. Response.

Success 0...1 – Indicates whether Get Serialized Hierarchy request message had success in processing.

ExceptionReturn 0...1 – Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Contains error information.

CallException 1...* – Required. Contains any available exception information.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. The error exception code.


ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception message exists. Message that further describes the error.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 319 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

SerialNumberHierarchyList 1...1 – Required. Contains the successful response to the request.

SerialNumberHierarchies 0...1 – Required. Contains a list of one or more SerialNumberHierarchy elements in response to the
– request. Each SerialNumberHierarchy element contains one hierarchy.

SerialNumberHierarchy 1...* – Required. Each SerialNumberHierarchy element contains one hierarchy. If there are loose items
– returned, they are returned in this element with no ChildSerialNumbers populated.

SerialNumber 1...1 – Required. Parent Container Serial Number or a loose item.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number that was queried.


@namespace 0...1 String Serial Number format. For more information see Serial Number Data Examples.
1/* See the Encoding enumeration list for valid values.

PackagingCode 0...1 String Required. Packaging level item code and type associated with the serial number.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging level item code type of the serial number.
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

ItemCode 0...1 String Required. Packaging level item code value (e.g. GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company Prefix value).

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is populated. Country Drug Code type and value or
1/* InternalMaterialNumber are specified if neither delivery number nor packaging code information was
specified in initial call.

See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Country Drug Code associated with the serial number at time of commissioning.

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String Internal Material Number associated with the serial number at time of commissioning.

LotNumber 0...1 String Lot Number associated with the serial number at time of commissioning.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 320 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Expiration date in xsd:date format (YYYY-MM-DD) associated with serial number at time of
10/10 commissioning.

PackagingLevel 0...1 String Packaging level associated with queried serial number.

SerialNumberState 0...1 String Required. Serialization state of the queried serial number.
1/* See the SNState enumeration list for valid values.

ItemState 0...1 String Required. Business process state of the physical item associated with the serial number.
1/* See the ItemState enumeration list for valid values.

ChildSerialNumbers 0...* – List of child serial numbers associated with container serial number or lot number.

ChildSerialNumber 1...1 – –

SerialNumber 1...1 – Required. Child serial number affixed to the queried container/lot. Only the direct descendant (child)
– for a given parent is reported. If that child itself also has children, it will be recognized as another top-
level element. Each-level serials are not reported if they are part of a hierarchy as top-level elements.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Child serial number that is affixed to the queried container/lot.

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.


PackagingCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode and InternalMaterialNumber are not provided and
– delivery number was not used.

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging-level item code type of the serial number.
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

ItemCode 0...1 String Packaging level item code value (e.g. GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company Prefix value).

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is populated. Country drug code type and value of the

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 321 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

internal material number will be specified if neither the delivery number nor packaging code
information was specified.

See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Conditionally required with InternalMaterialNumber if PackagingCode is not populated and
1/* delivery number was not used. Country Drug Code associated with the child serial number.

InternalMaterialNumber 0...1 String Conditionally required with CountryDrugCode if PackagingCode is not populated and delivery
1/* number was not used. Internal Material Number associated with the serial number at time of

LotNumber 0...1 String Lot Number associated with the child serial number.

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Not supported by TraceLink.


PackagingLevel 0...1 String Packaging-level associated with child serial number.

1/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.

SerialNumberState 0...1 String Required. Serialization state of the child serial number.
1/* See the SNState enumeration list for valid values.

ItemState 0...1 String Required. Business process state of the physical item associated with the child serial number.
1/* See the ItemState enumeration list for valid values.

RequestId 0...1 String Returned if TraceLink is still processing the original Get Serialized Entity message.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 322 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy message:

Exception Code Exception Message

RequestId cannot be null RequestId cannot be null.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 323 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result Message Examples

Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result response if TraceLink is still processing the Get Serial Number Hierarchy message:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:FetchSerialNumberHierarchyResultResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">
<TLResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:SerialNumberHierarchyAsyncResponse">
<SerialNumberHierarchyList xsi:nil="true"/>

Fetch Serial Number Hierarchy Result response:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:FetchSerialNumberHierarchyResultResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">
<TLResponse xsi:type="ns2:SerialNumberHierarchyResponseType" xmlns:xsi="">
<SerialNumber sn="0100882025030220216370871" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 324 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<SerialNumber sn="015088202503022521100000001180" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="0100882025030220216370871" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 325 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<SerialNumber sn="00008820200000047506" namespace="AI(00)"/>
<SerialNumber sn="015088202503022521100000001180" namespace="AI(01)+AI(21)"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 326 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Receipt Overview

The Get Receipt message requests receipt details for a specified inbound transfer, return, or purchase receipt (based on delivery number).
This message is often used to determine an order’s current status and content. Order details returned include contact and receipt information (e.g.
ReceiptFromParty, ReceiptFromLocation, ReceiptToParty, ReceiptToLocation), transaction and warehouse information, as well as other order details
(e.g. serial numbers included in the order).
Main Topics
l Get Receipt Request Guidelines

l Get Receipt Response Guidelines

l Get Receipt Errors

l Get Receipt Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 327 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Receipt Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Notes

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 – Required. The SOAP envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 – Not used.

soapenv:Body 1...1 – Required. The SOAP message body.

urn:GetReceipt 1...1 – Required. Creates or updates a Get Receipt request.

DeliveryNumber 1...1 String Required. The Delivery Number of the SOM Receipt being requested.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 328 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Receipt Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid
year value.

The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 – Required. The SOAP envelope root element.

soapenv:Body 1...1 – Required. The SOAP message body.

urn:GetReceiptResponse 1...1 – Required. The Get Receipt response

– message.

OrderReceiptResponse 1...1 String Required. The delivery number of the

1/* requested SOM receipt.

Success 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates if the Get Receipt request

– was successfully processed.1

OrderReceipt 1...1 – Required. The receipt response group

1/* element that contains the receipt details,
such as business transaction identifiers, date,
and sender and recipient information.

@deliverynumber 1...1 String Required. The delivery number that was

1/* submitted in the request message, which
links the order information to the receipt.2

@quantity 1...1 Integer Required. The total number of serial

1/* numbers on the receipt.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 329 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

voidCorrectInfo 1...1– – Required. The receipt's void information.

voidStatus 1...1 String Required. The void status of the receipt.

0/* Valid values:



voidDate 1...1 String Required. The date and time the receipt was
0/* voided. If voidStatus = N O T _ V O I D E D , this
field is populated with the system data and
time of the response.

transactionDate 1...1 String Required. The date and time the void
0/* transaction for the receipt was processed. If
voidStatus = N O T _ V O I D E D , this field is
populated with the system date and time of
the response.

ReceiptDate 0...1 Date The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-

0/* DD format. If not provided, this field is
populated with the current system date.1

ReceiptTime 0...1 Time Conditionally required if

0/* ReceiptToCountryCode = C N . The time of the
transaction in XML HH:MM:SS format.

EventDateTime 0...1 String The date and time of the event in XSD Date
0/* format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If
omitted, the system will reflect the current
date and time.2

ReceiptComplete 1...1 Boolean Required. Indicates whether all editing is

0/* finished and the receipt is complete.3

ReceiptFromCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if the shipment type

1 2018-12-21

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 330 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

, R e t u r n - E x p o r t , or T r a n s f e r -
E x p o r t . The two-letter ISO country code for
the ship-from country from the original
shipment. This value provides SOM with the
information needed to trigger regulatory
reporting in response to relevant events.
Setting this value alone does not trigger
regulatory reporting.1

ReceiptToCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if the shipment type

0/* is set to Sale-Export, Return-Export, or
Transfer-Export. The two-letter ISO country
code for the ship-to country from the original
shipment. This value provides SOM with the
information needed to trigger regulatory
reporting in response to relevant events.
Setting this value alone does not trigger
regulatory reporting.2

IsPendingReceipt 0...1 Boolean Indicates whether the receipt is pending.


ShortShip 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to allow short

0/* picks when verifying quantities of what is
expected to be picked (in OrderItems) against
the each quantities of the scanned serial
numbers (in PickedItem). If ShortShip =
f a l s e , other errors may still be flagged,
such as incorrect product or lot and over-
Valid values:

l true

l f a l s e (default)

ReceiptType 0...1 String Conditionally required if ReceiptComplete=

1/* t r u e and ReceiptType has not been


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 331 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

provided in a previously saved incomplete or

pending receipt for the delivery number
provided. Indicates which types of regulatory
reporting may be triggered based on the
nature of the transaction.

ContractType 0...1 String Conditionally required if either:

l ShipToCountryCode = R U

l ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and

ReceiptDistributionType =


The type of contract for the sale of goods.

SupplyType 0...1 String Conditionally required if either:

l ShipToCountryCode = R U

l ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and

ReceiptDistributionType =


The type of supply.

See the SupplyType enumeration list for valid


ContractNumber 0...1 String The contract identification number.


FundingSource 0...1 String Conditionally required if

0/* ShipToCountryCode = R U . The funding

See the FundingSource enumeration list for

valid values.

Comments 0...1 String Comments or remarks associated with the

0/* delivery.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 332 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ReceiptFromParty 0...1 – Conditionally required\ for transfer or sales

– in non-EU FMD markets where either:

l both the ReceiptToCountryCode

and ReceiptFromCountryCode are

non-EU FMD countries

l the ReceiptToCountryCode = C N ,

K R , R U , or U S and

ReceiptFromCountryCode is an EU

FMD country

Information for the business party that sent

the shipment.

Either the BusinessIdentifier or

the DefaultFromMasterData field
must be provided with the
ReceiptFromParty field. This
selection governs whether master data
look-up will be used to populate the
address, license, and contact

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. This field contains all

– ReceiptFromParty business address
information that is populated by the customer
in the web user interface.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. The business identifier associated

– with the ReceiptFrom entity.

See the BusinessIdentifiersByCountry

enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The identifier type.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration
list for valid values.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 333 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@identifiervalue 1...1 String Required. Business identifier value.1


BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina or

0/* when ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and
ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y _
R E T U R N . The business type of the TraceLink
Customer or Trade Partner. 2
Valid values:







Valid values for South Korea:




District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. 3-digit

0/* numeric code.

BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The business name of the TraceLink
Customer or Trading Partner.3

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if

3Kendall Pharma

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 334 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

is unset or set to f a l s e . The first line of the

street address.1

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if

0/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The second line of the street

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The city.3

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The state, province, or region using
the standard two-letter abbreviation specified
in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.4

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.5

CountryCode 1...11/* String Conditionally required if

DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1alpha-2:1997 country code.6

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global

0/* identifier assigned by Russian Federation
Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

1300 Trade Center

2Suite 7690

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 335 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the

0/* Russian Federation Information Address
System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to

– look up the business name and address
information in Master Data.
Valid values:

l true

l f a l s e (default)

ReceiptFromLocation 0...1 – Required. Information about the business

1/* party location from which the shipment was

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. This field contains all

– ReceiptFromParty business location
information that is populated by the customer
in the web user interface.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. The business identifier associated

– with the ReceiptFrom entity.

See the BusinessIdentifiersByCountry

enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The identifier type.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration
list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 String Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina or

0/* when ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 336 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y _
R E T U R N . The business type of the TraceLink
Customer or Trade Partner.
Valid values:







Valid values for South Korea:




District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. 3-digit

0/* numeric code.

BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The business name of the TraceLink
Customer or Trading Partner.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if

0/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The city.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 337 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The state, province, or region using
the standard two-letter abbreviation specified
in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global

0/* identifier assigned by Russian Federation
Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the

0/* Russian Federation Information Address
System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to

– look up the business name and address
information in Master Data.
Valid values:

l true

l f a l s e (default)

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 338 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

License 0...* – List of zero or more license numbers

0/1 associated with the facility. This element may
be repeated to include as many license
numbers or license types as required (e.g.
state, federal license).

LicenseNumber 0...* String Conditionally required for US. The license

0/* number value of the Receipt To or Receipt
From entity.1

State 0...1 String The state or region in which the Trade Partner
0/* is licensed, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998
country sub-division code.2

Agency 0...1 String The agency that granted the license to the
0/* facility (such as Florida Department of

ContactInfo 0...1 – The contact information for use by

0/1 downstream Trade Partners to verify the
transaction information recorded on the
pedigree with the sender party.

Name 0...1 String Required. The name of the contact

0/* department or designated contact person at
the company.4

Title 0...1 String The job title for the designated contact
0/* person.

Telephone 0...1 String Required. The phone number for the contact
0/* department or designated contact person.
This value must begin with the + character
followed by the Receipt To or Receipt From
facility Calling Code.5

4Customer Service

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 339 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Email 0...1 String The email address for the contact department
0/* or designated contact person.1

URL 0...1 String The company's web address to aid in

0/* verification. 2

ReceiptToParty – – Required. The information for the business

– party that received the shipment.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Conditionally required if Master Data lookup

– is not used. This field contains all
ReceiptToParty business information that is
populated by the customer in the web user

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. The business identifier associated

– with the Receipt To entity.

See the BusinessIdentifiersByCountry

enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The identifier type.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration
list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 String Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina or

0/* when ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and
ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y _
R E T U R N . The business type of the TraceLink
Customer or Trade Partner.
Valid values:



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 340 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description





Valid values for South Korea:




District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. 3-digit

0/* numeric code.

BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The business name of the TraceLink
Customer or Trading Partner.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if

0/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The state, province, or region using
the standard two-letter abbreviation specified
in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 341 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to

f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
1/* f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global

0/* identifier assigned by Russian Federation
Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the

0/* Russian Federation Information Address
System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to

– look up the business name and address
information in Master Data.
Valid values:

l true

l f a l s e (default)

ReceiptToLocation – – Required. Information about the business

– party location to which the shipment was

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – Required. This field contains all

– ReceiptToParty business location
information that is populated by the customer

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 342 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

in the web user interface.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – Required. The business identifier associated

– with the ReceiptFrom entity.

See the BusinessIdentifiersByCountry

enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. The identifier type.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration
list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 String Required. Business identifier value.


BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina or

0/* when ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and
ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y _
R E T U R N . The business type of the TraceLink
Customer or Trade Partner.
Valid values:







Valid values for South Korea:




District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. 3-digit

0/* numeric code.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 343 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The business name of the TraceLink
Customer or Trading Partner.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if

0/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The state, province, or region using
the standard two-letter abbreviation specified
in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global

0/* identifier assigned by Russian Federation
Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 344 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the

0/* Russian Federation Information Address
System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to

– look up the business name and address
information in Master Data.
Valid values:

l true

l f a l s e (default)

License 0...* – List of zero or more license numbers

0/1 associated with the facility. This element may
be repeated to include as many license
numbers or license types as required (e.g.
state, federal license).

LicenseNumber 0...* String Conditionally required for US. The license

0/* number value of the Receipt To or Receipt
From entity.

State 0...1 String The state or region in which the Trade Partner
0/* is licensed, using the standard two-letter
abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-2:1998
country sub-division code.

Agency 0...1 String The agency that granted the license to the
0/* facility (such as Florida Department of

ContactInfo 0...1 – The contact information for use by

0/1 downstream Trade Partners to verify the
transaction information recorded on the
pedigree with the sender party.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 345 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Name 0...1 String Required. The name of the contact

0/* department or designated contact person at
the company.

Title 0...1 String The job title for the designated contact
0/* person.

Telephone 0...1 String Required. The phone number for the contact
0/* department or designated contact person.
This value must begin with the + character
followed by the

Email 0...1 String The email address for the contact department
0/* or designated contact person.

URL 0...1 String The company's web address to aid in

0/* verification.

transportationCarrier 0...1 – Conditionally required for Brazil or where

– ShipToCountryCode = B R . Information about
the transportation partner that is transporting
the shipment.

BusinessIdentifiers 0...1 – This field contains all transportationCarrier

– business information that is populated by the
customer in the web user interface.

BusinessIdentifier 1...* – The business identifier associated with the

– transportationCarrier entity. This value is
required for regulatory reporting.

See the BusinessIdentifiersByCountry

enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiertype 1...1 String The identifier type.

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration
list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 1...1 String Required. Business identifier value.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 346 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

BusinessClassification 0...1 String Conditionally required for Argentina or

0/* when ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and
ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y _
R E T U R N . The business type of the TraceLink
Customer or Trade Partner.

Valid values:







Valid values for South Korea:




District 0...1 String Conditionally required for India. 3-digit

0/* numeric code.

BusinessName 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The business name of the TraceLink
Customer or Trading Partner.

Street1 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The first line of the street address.

Street2 0...1 String Conditionally required if

0/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The second line of the street address.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 347 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

City 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The city.

StateOrRegion 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The state, province, or region using
the standard two-letter abbreviation specified
in ISO 3166-2:1998 country subdivision code.

PostalCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The ZIP or other postal code.

CountryCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if

1/* DefaultFromMasterData is unset or set to
f a l s e . The country, using the standard two-
letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-
1alpha-2:1997 country code.

AddressObjectGUID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Russia. The global

0/* identifier assigned by Russian Federation
Information Address System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

HouseGUID 0...1 String The global House identifier assigned by the

0/* Russian Federation Information Address
System (FIAS).

Maximum 36 characters, using the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

DefaultFromMasterData 1...1 Boolean Required. Instructs the system whether to

– look up the business name and address
information in Master Data.
Valid values:

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 348 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l true

l f a l s e (default)

Transactions 0...1 – Conditionally required if ReceiptComplete

– is set to t r u e . The parent element for one or
more transaction identifiers associated with
the shipment.

Transaction 0...* – Required. The list of one or more transaction

1/* identifiers.

OrderID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier

1/* associated with the order, for regulatory
reporting and business tracking purposes. At
least one is required, and depending on
country more than one transaction ids may be

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Provide Packing

Slip Number.

l Brazil: Provide PO Number,

ASN Number, and Invoice

Number if available.

l China: Provide Sales Order


l US: Provide PO Number, ASN

Number, and Invoice Number

if available.

OrderReceiptType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 349 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

See the OrderReceiptType enumeration list
for valid values.

Date 0...1 Date Required. The date of the transaction in XML

1/* YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for
regulatory reporting of the transaction date.2

Aggregations 0...1 – The aggregations of the shipment.

RegisterUnknownSNs 0...1 Boolean Instructs the system whether to register

0/1 serial numbers that are not known at the time
of receipt processing.

ReceiptItem 0...1 – Parent element for serial numbers attached

– to the receipt.

Items 1...1 – Required. Serial number element group

– containing serial numbers attached to the

Item 1...* – Required. Repeating serial number group.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial Number in the format

1/* specified in the request.3

@namespace 0...1 String Not used by TraceLink.


@orderItemNumber 0...1 String Reference to the Order Item, enabling the

1/* association of Unit Price, VAT, and Gross
Price with specific serial numbers.

OrderReceiptItems 0...1 – The order item list group. This group element
– is used to communicate the expected pick
quantities for each item code at the EACH


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 350 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

level, checked against the actual serial

number picked to verify the correct product,
lot number, and quantity.

OrderReceiptItem 1...* – Conditionally required if

– ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and
ReceiptDistributionType = I N C O U N T R Y _
R E T U R N . Repeating element group that
contains the item code, lot number, and
quantity for each item picked for the order.
Each unique item code and lot number are
provided in a separate order item group.

OrderReceiptItemNumber 0...1 String The serial number reference that allows

1/* serial numbers to be associated with order

PackagingItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if neither

1/* InternalItemCode nor CountryDrugCode is
present. The product code type for the
packaging item code.

PackagingItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackingItemCode

0/* is present. The product code type for the
packaging item code using the supported
enumeration values.

See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for

valid values.

InternalItemCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if neither

1/* PackagingItemCode nor CountryDrugCode
is present. The internal item code as
configured in Product Master Data.

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if neither

1/* PackagingItemCode nor InternalItemCode
is present. The country drug code as
configured in Product Master Data.

See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list

for valid values.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 351 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode

0/* is present. The type of country drug code.

Quantity 1...1 Integer Required. The quantity of items at the EACH

1/* level of the item code and lot, if specified, to
be picked.

Lot 0...1 String The lot or batch number for the items to be
0/* picked.

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date The date of expiration in XML YYYY-MM-DD

10/10 format.

UnitPrice 0...1 Decimal Conditionally required if either:

l ShipToCountry = R U

l ReceiptFromCountryCode = K R and

ReceiptDistrubutionType =


The unit price of the item.

CurrencyCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if UnitPrice is

0/3 present. The currency code in ISO 4217-2015

See the CurrencyCode enumeration list for

valid values.

GrossPrice 0...1 Decimal Conditionally required if ShipToCountry =

1/16 R U . The unit price of the item, plus all taxes
and fees.

GrossPriceCurrencyCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if GrossPrice is

0/3 present. The currency code in ISO 4217-2015

VAT 0...1 Decimal The Value Added Tax per unit.



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 352 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

VATCurrencyCode 1...1 String Conditionally required if VAT is present. The

0/3 currency code in ISO 4217-2015 format.

See the CurrencyCode enumeration list for

valid values.

Serialized 0...1 Boolean Indicates whether the item is serialized.

– Valid values:

l t r u e (default)

l false

OrderReceiptItemTransactions 0...1 – The transaction identifier associated with the

– individual order receipt items.

OrderReceiptItemTransaction 1...* – Required. The list of one or more transaction

– identifiers.

OrderId 1...1 String Required. The transaction identifier

1/* associated with the order, for regulatory
reporting and business tracking purposes. At
least one transaction identifier is required,
and, depending on the country, more than one
transaction ids may be required.1

Country requirements:

l Argentina: Provide Packing

Slip Number.

l Brazil: Provide PO Number,

ASN Number, and Invoice

Number if available.

l China: Provide Sales Order



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 353 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l US: Provide PO Number, ASN

Number, and Invoice Number

if available.

OrderType 1...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type.

1/* Valid values:

l PO





Date 0...1 Date Conditionally required if ShipToCountry =

1/* R U . The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-
MM-DD format, used for regulatory reporting.

CDEntries 0...1 – A customer-defined name/value pair. Used to

– store customer-visible data and metadata
that is outside the processing path of the API.

Note, TraceLink does not do anything with

this data currently. However, any values input
by the customer will be available (as entered)
in the response.

CDEntry 0...* – Required. A repeating element that captures

– a list of customer-defined values.

CDName 0...1 String Required. A customer-defined name.


CDValue 0...1 String Required. A customer-defined value used to

1/* annotate serial numbers.

TransactionExchangeId 0...1 String The Transaction Exchange GUID that is

0/* associated with the SOM Receipt. For internal

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 354 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

use only.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 355 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Receipt Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Get Receipt message:

Exception Code Exception Message

RECEIPTNOTFOUND [delivery number] does not match to any inbound Receipt.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 356 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Get Receipt Message Examples

Get Receipt request example:
<<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Get Receipt response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns3:GetReceiptResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="urn:tracelink:soap">
<OrderReceipt deliverynumber="177551313660" quantity="32">
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="4879026700395"/>
<BusinessName>Chandler Packaging</BusinessName>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 357 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="SGLN" identifiervalue="487902.670039.0"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="4879026700395"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="COMPANYSITEID" identifiervalue="CHANDLERPACKAGING"/>
<BusinessName>Chandler Packaging</BusinessName>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="7941199475974"/>
<BusinessName>Reading Pharmaceuticals</BusinessName>
<Street1>400 Riverpark Drive</Street1> <
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="SGLN" identifiervalue="79411994.6643.0"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="7941199466435"/>
<BusinessIdentifier identifiertype="COMPANYSITEID" identifiervalue="READINGWAREHOUSE"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 358 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<BusinessName>Warehouse Location</BusinessName>
<Street1>5 Green Street</Street1>
<Item sn="00179411994500037824"/>
<LongRunningRestSupport xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 359 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 360 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Serial Number Update Functions

Serial number update functions are available in the "Status Update" operations group in Serialized Operations Manager. These functions allow the
updating a product or serial number status while maintaining consistent aggregation relationships.
l Commission

l Decommission

l Destroy

l Release Product

l Set Serial Number Status

l Take Sample

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 361 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Commission Overview
The Commission message enables the use of a serial number and associates that serial number to a product, capturing that product’s attributes. More
specifically, the act of commissioning associates a serial number to a product’s 2D barcode, which then contains the serial number and relevant
product information (e.g. country drug code, lot number, expiration date). Message requirements for the request vary based on the serial number
format (e.g. SGTIN, SSCC, NTIN, China EDMC).
Companies can use the Commission message to commission serial numbers for products at different packaging levels, such as cases or inner packs.
If the container being commissioned contains child serial numbers, those serial numbers are associated with the parent serial number of the

This message is appropriate for commissioning relatively small (<50) volumes of serial numbers. Serial numbers do not need to have been
previously provisioned before commissioning with this request.

Main Topics
l Commission Request Guidelines

l Commission Response Guidelines

l Commission Errors

l Commission Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 362 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Commission Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. SOAP Header message. Not used by TraceLink.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:Commission 1...1 - Required. Commission message.


CommissionRequest 0...1 - Required. Commission request message to commission a set of serial numbers. Commissioned serial numbers can later be
- recommissioned with new product information if needed. See Decommission for details.

EventDateTime 0...1 Date Date and time of the event in XSD date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will record the
- current date time.1

SerialNumberEncodingEnum 0...1 String Required. Serial number format.2

1/* See the Encoding enumeration list for valid values.

PackagingLevel 0...1 String Packaging level associated with the serial number.3
1/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 363 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Location 0...1 String Required. Site level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. Will default to company-level if no location is provided.
1/* SGLN format will be numeric component only, with urn prefix stripped (e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of
u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).1

MaterialCode 0...1 String Conditionally required when commissioning an AI(01)+AI(21) or CN-EDMC if CountryDrugCode is not present. Internal
1/* Material Number for the product. 2

ItemCode 0...1 String Required.Packaging level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company Prefix value).3

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging level item code type. 4
1/* Valid values:

l GTIN14




FilterValue 0...1 String Conditionally required if EPCIS event generation is expected. Filter Value associated with AI(01)+AI(21) GTIN or AI(00)
1/* SSCC. Use only when Serial Number Manager Templates are not configured. This value is used to convert serial numbers to
EPC URI format.5

CompanyPrefix 0...1 String Conditionally required if EPCIS event generation is expected. GS1 Company Prefix associated with AI(01)+AI(21) GTIN or AI
1/* (00) SSCC. Use only when Serial Number Manager Templates are not configured. This value is used to convert serial
numbers to EPC URI format.6

MarketCountryCode 0...1 String The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.7

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Conditionally required when commissioning an AI(01)+AI(21) or CN-EDMC if MaterialCode is not present. Country Drug


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 364 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is populated. Country Drug Code type. Either Internal Material Number or
1/* Country Drug Code is required when commissioning an AI(01)+AI(21) or CN-EDMC number.2

See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

LotNumber 0...1 String Conditionally required when commissioning an AI(01)+AI(21) or CN-EDMC number. Lot Number associated with the serial
1/* number at time of commissioning. 3

ExpirationDate 0...1 Date Conditionally required when commissioning an AI(01)+AI(21) or CN-EDMC number. Expiration Date associated with serial
10/10 number at time of commissioning. Date is in xsd, date format: YYYY-MM-DD.4

ManufacturingDate 0...1 Date Manufacturing date associated with serial number at time of commissioning. In XSD date format YYYY-MM-DD.5

BarcodeContent 0...1 String Actual barcode content associated with serial number in commissioning event.6

ItemState 0...1 String Business process state of the physical item associated with the serial number. If omitted, ItemState is set to A v a i l a b l e .7
1/* See the ItemState enumeration list for valid values.

LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.


Items 1...1 - Required. List of one or more serial numbers that will be commissioned.

Item 1...* - Required. Serial Number to commission.


@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial number. See Serial Number Data Examples.8


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 365 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink. See Serial Number Data Examples.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 366 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Commission Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns2:CommissionResponse 1...1 - Required. The Commission response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. The TraceLink response.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if Commission request successfully processed.1


ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e ; omitted otherwise. Error

- information.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error information, including error code and error message,
- if available.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code.


ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if error condition is available. Message that further
0/* describes error condition.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 367 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Commission Errors
The following errors may be encountered with the Commission message:

Exception Code Exception Message

ALREADYCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> is already commissioned.

INTERNALERROR "Cannot find profile corresponding to pool", "Found more than one serial number for" Internal error from server: <server information>.

NOSNXSERVICE No Serial Number Exchange service found.

NOTPROVISIONED Serial Number <serial number> cannot be commissioned because it was not provisioned for this location.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

SOMBADCOMMISSIONITEMSTATE Cannot commission a serial number with an item state <item state>. This operation can only be performed when the serial number is <item

SOMCOMMISSIONTOOMANYSNS You can commission at most <quantity> serial numbers.

SOMDUPLICATESNS The following serial numbers were listed more than once: <serial number>.

VALIDATION The parameter <fieldName> is missing or had an invalid value.

VALIDATION The parameter <items> is missing or had an invalid value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 368 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Commission Message Examples

Commission SSCC request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Item sn="00008820200000050452"/>
<Item sn="00008820200000050469"/>

Commission GTIN request example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 369 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<Item sn="0100882025030220216699024"/>
<Item sn="0100882025030220216699025"/>

Commission response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:CommissionResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 370 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Set Serial Number Status Overview

The Set Serial Number Status message updates the attributes of a serial number, including status, item status, and reason code. The current serial
number status determines which updates are available. However, not every item status update is available for every current status (see the
SerialNumberStatus Transition Availability and ItemStatus Transition Availability sections for details).

Changing a serial number status in Serialized Operations Manager does not undo any previously triggered operations (e.g. reports sent in
Government Reporting or Product Track). Applications receiving triggered operations, such as Government Reporting or Product Track, provide
the standard tools to make corrective updates within those applications and must be performed as separate actions.
The Set Serial Number Status message should be used only to resolve exceptions (e.g. correcting an error by returning serial numbers to a
previous state) when an action cannot be undone using any other method.

Main Topics
l Set Serial Number Status Request Guidelines

l Set Serial Number Status Response Guidelines

l Set Serial Number Status Errors

l Set Serial Number Status Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 371 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Set Serial Number Status Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

See SerialNumberStatus Transition Availability for rules/dependencies regarding serial number state transition.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 - Not used.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:SetSerialNumberStatus 1...1 - Required. SetSerialNumberStatus Message.

SerialNumberStatusRequest 0...1 - Required. Request message that either corrects an incorrect serial number status or
– updates an existing serial number status.

SerialNumberList 1...1 - Required. List of all serial numbers (element may be repeated) that are having their
– serial number status set.

@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial number that is having its serial number status set. See Serial Number
1/* Data Examples.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 372 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

SerialNumberState 1...1 String Required. Serialization state of the serial number.

– See the SNState enumeration list for valid values.

ItemState 0...1 String Conditionally required if SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ; otherwise it is

– ignored. Business process state of the physical item associated with the serial number.

See the ItemState enumeration list for valid values.

QualityReleased 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* quality released.

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d . Otherwise, it

is ignored.

Sampled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* sampled.1

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ,

D e c o m m i s s i o n e d , or D e s t r o y e d . Otherwise, it is ignored.

Damaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* damaged.2

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ,

D e c o m m i s s i o n e d , or D e s t r o y e d . Otherwise, it is ignored.

Recalled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* recalled.

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ,

D e c o m m i s s i o n e d , or D e s t r o y e d . Otherwise, it is ignored.

Expired 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* expired.

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ,

D e c o m m i s s i o n e d , or D e s t r o y e d . Otherwise, it is ignored.

Misplaced 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 373 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ,
D e c o m m i s s i o n e d , or D e s t r o y e d . Otherwise, it is ignored.

Dispensed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* dispensed.

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ,

D e c o m m i s s i o n e d , or D e s t r o y e d . Otherwise, it is ignored.

Disposed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* disposed.

This attribute only applies when SerialNumberState is C o m m i s s i o n e d ,

D e c o m m i s s i o n e d , or D e s t r o y e d . Otherwise, it is ignored.

Repackaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* repackaged.

SampledByAuthorities 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* sampled by authorities.

Stolen 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* stolen.

Withdrawn 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was
1/* withdrawn.

ReasonCode 1...1 String Required. The reason code for the serial number status update.
1/* See the ReasonCode enumeration list for valid values.

EventDateTime 0...1 Date Date and time of the set serial number status event in XSD GMT date format. If omitted,
– the system will record the current date and `time.1

Location 0...1 String Site-level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. SGLN format will be numeric
1/* component only, with urn prefix stripped (e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 374 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).

If it is not specified and the API credentials used in the call are specific to a company
location, TraceLink will attempt to default the location based upon the corresponding
Company Location master data entry.1

ReasonDescription 0...1 String An explanation for the serial number status updated. If the ReasonDescription is longe
1/100 than 100 characters, only the first 100 characters will be stored.

ReportingParty 0...1 String The value is IDType and IDValue concatenated with a | character.2
1/* See the IdentifierType enumeration list for valid values.

LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 375 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Set Serial Number Status Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns2:SetSerialNumberStatusResponse 1...1 - Required. SetSerialNumber response.

TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response.

Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates whether the SetSerialNumberStatus request successfully processed.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted. Contains error information.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code for exception. See Set Serial Number Status Errors for full list of potential exceptions.2

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception message exists. Message that further describes the error condition. See Set Serial Number
0/* Status Errors for full list of potential error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 376 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Set Serial Number Status Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Set Serial Number Status message:

Exception Code Exception Message

BADSERIALNUMBERSTATE Cannot perform operation on serial number [serial number] with serial number state [serial number state]. This operation can only be
performed when the serial number is [serial number state].

BADSTATETRANSITION Cannot perform operation on serial number [serial number] to change item state/serial number state from [item state] to [item state]. The
allowed new states are [item state].

EVENTTIMEAFTERNOW Event time stamp must not be in the future.

EVENTTIMEBEFORELASTEVENT Event time stamp is earlier than the last event for serial number [serial number].

INTERNALERROR SerialNumberState for [serial number] is null. did not load correctly. Internal error from server: [server information]. did not load correctly.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location [location identifier] was not valid for serial number [serial number].

SNNOTFOUND Serial number [serial number] does not exist.

VALIDATION The attribute [Attribute] is not permitted to be set with SerialNumberState [SerialNumberState].

VALIDATION The parameter ReasonCode is missing or had an invalid value.

VALIDATION The parameter SerialNumberState is missing or had an invalid value.

VALIDATION The parameter ItemState is missing or had an invalid value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 377 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Set Serial Number Status Message Examples

Set Serial Number Status request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<SerialNumberList sn="00008820200000047506" namespace="?"/>
<ReasonDescription>Item was previously unavailable</ReasonDescription>

Set Serial Number Status response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 378 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<ns2:SetSerialNumberStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">


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Release Product Overview

When products are serialized, they might still be in a Quality Hold state. The Release Product message updates the item attribute for every serial
number that is part of a specified lot, regardless of location, to Quality Released.
This message can be used to trigger government reporting for commissioning serial numbers after a quality hold is released. It can also be used by
integrating systems to verify serial numbers for pick/ship operations to ensure that serialized products on quality hold are not picked for customer
sale shipment.

Product can be quality released before being commissioned in the TraceLink system. If there are no serial numbers associated with the item code
and lot, the system preserves the item code and lot association and updates future commissioned serial numbers with the Product Release item
attribute when they are commissioned in the system.

Main Topics
l Release Product Request Guidelines

l Release Product Response Guidelines

l Release Product Errors

l Release Product Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 380 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Release Product Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used by TraceLink. SOAP Message Header.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:ReleaseProduct 1...1 - Required. A request message that sets all serial numbers in a lot to "quality released".

LotQueryRequest 0...1 - Required. Queries the serialization status of an ItemCode and Lot.

ItemCode 1...1 String Required. Packaging level item code value (e.g. GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company Prefix value).1

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Required. Identifies the packaging level item code type.2
1/* See the ItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

Lot 0...1 String Lot Number associated with the designated serial numbers at time of the request.3

EventDateTime 0...1 Date Date and time of the event in XSD date time format in GMT (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If empty or null, EventDateTime
- defaults to the current date time.

QualityControlEntityID 0...1 String Conditionally required if at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = R U and the lot was commissioned outside of
1/* Russia. Business or location identifier of the entity responsible for quality control.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 381 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@identifiertype 0...1 String Required. The business or location identifier type. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 0...1 String Required. The value of the entity responsible for quality control.

Transactions 0...1 - Conditionally required if at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = R U and the lot was commissioned in Russia. The
- transaction identifier associated with the product being released.

If present, QualityControlEntityID most also be present.

Transaction 1...* - Required. List of one or more transaction identifiers.


ItemID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the status update.

ItemType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type.

1/* Valid values:





Date 0...1 String The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format.


ProductionQuantities 0...1 - Container element for the repeating ProductionQuantity element group.

ProductionQuantity 0...* - List of each aggregation hierarchy level. Used to optionally validate serial number quantities.

PackagingItemCode 0...1 - Conditionally required if CompanyPrefix is not populated. Identifies the product using the packaging level item code (e.g.
- GTIN-14) configured in Product Master Data.

ItemCodeType 1...1 String Required. The packaging level item code type. Valid values:

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 382 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


l GTIN-14


ItemCode 1...1 String Required. The packaging level item code value.

CompanyPrefix 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is not present. The GS1 company prefix.1

PackagingLevel 1...1 String Required. The packaging level of the commissioned item. See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.

QuantityReported 1...1 Integer Required. Quantity reported for the released product.

LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.


IncludePackageLevelQuantities - Boolean Not used.


IncludePartialRecallSerialNumber - Boolean Not used.


IncludePartialMarketReleaseSerialNumbers - Boolean Not used.


asynchronousMode - String Not used.



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 383 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Release Product Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns2:ReleaseProductResponse 1...1 - Required. Release Product response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink Release Product response.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if the request successfully processed.1


ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Populated with error information only if
- Success = f a l s e . Otherwise, it is omitted.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code for exception. See Release Product Errors for full list of potential
0/* exceptions.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Message that further describes the error condition. See Release Product Errors for full
0/* list of potential error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 384 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Release Product Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Release Product message:

Exception Code Exception Message

LOTALREADYRELEASED Lot <lot number> for item <item number> has already been set to Quality Released.

LOTNOTFOUND Lot <lot number> for item <item number> does not exist.

VALIDATION The parameter ItemCode is missing or has an invalid value.

The parameter ItemCodeType is missing or has an invalid value.

The parameter lot is missing or has an invalid value.

QUALITYCONTROLENTITYRUSSIA Quality Control Entity ID is required for products that are commissioned outside of Russia and sold in Russia.

TRANSACTIONIDRUSSIA A Transaction Identifier for either 'Declaration of Conformity' or 'Certificate of Conformity' is required for products that are commissioned and
sold in Russia.

Transaction Identifier Date is required for products that are commissioned and sold in Russia.

PRODUCTIONQUANTITYVALIDATION Product Release transaction processing failed due to serial number quantity verification failure. [quantity of commissioned serial number] at
[packaging level] level found in the system but Product Release message reported lower quantity [QuantityReported] for [country drug
code/Internal Material Number ] [Product name in English if English is not available use the first language available alphabetically by
language code] [packaging code /type] at [location].

Product Release transaction processing failed due to serial number quantity verification failure. [Quantity of commissioned serial number] at
[packaging level] level found in the system but Product Release message reported higher quantity [QuantityReported] for [country drug
code/Internal Material Number ] [Product name in English if English is not available use the first language available alphabetically by
language code] [packaging code /type] at [location].

Can not process Product Release transaction. The packaging level quantities in the transaction do not match the packaging level quantities in
the aggregation hierarchy. Possibly the aggregation events have not yet been processed.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 385 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Release Product Message Examples

Release Product request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

Release Product request example, including QualityControlEntityID for Russia Compliance:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<QualityControlEntityID identifiertype="GLN" identifiervalue="6667771013655"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 386 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Release Product response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:ReleaseProductResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 387 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Take Sample Overview

The Take Sample message updates a set of serial numbers with a reason code of Sampled. If the items were already packed into a container, they are
automatically disaggregated from the parent container.
This message can be used to trigger government reporting for sampling of serial numbers.

Product can be pulled from the line and sampled before it is commissioned in the TraceLink system. Line systems must send commission data to
TraceLink before communicating the sampled status.

Main Topics
l Take Sample Request Guidelines

l Take Sample Response Guidelines

l Take Sample Errors

l Take Sample Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 388 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Take Sample Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:TakeSample 1...1 - Required. Request message that sets a Sampled attribute for all provided serial numbers.

SampleRequest 0...1 - Required. SampleRequest request message.


Items 1...1 - Required. List of serial numbers (repeating element).


@sn 1...* String Required. Serial number that is being sampled. See Serial Number Data Examples.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.


EventDateTime 0...1 Date The time of the Take Sample event in XSD GMT date format. If omitted, the system records the current date and time.2


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 389 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Location 0...1 String Site level SGLN of the location where the event occurred. SGLN format will be numeric component only, with urn prefix stripped (e.g. 8888882.02867.0
1/* instead of urn:epc:id:sgln:8888882.02867.0 typically found in EPCIS events). If it is not specified and the API credentials used in the call are specific to a
company location, TraceLink will attempt to default the Location based upon the corresponding Company Location master data entry.1

LocationType 0...1 String The type of the Location identifier. 2

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

ReasonDescription 0...1 String An explanation for why the serial number is being sampled. If ReasonDescription is longer than 100 characters, only the first 100 characters will be
1/100 stored.3

TakeSampleReasonCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if cmn:InspectionCountryCode = R U . Reason code identifying why serial number is being sampled. See the
1/* TakeSampleReasonCode enumeration list for valid values.

InspectionCountryCode 0...1 String Conditionally required to generate the Russia 552 - Withdrawl report. The country where the inspection is being performed using the standard two-
1/* letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2:1997 country code. See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

SamplingPartyID 0...1 Conditionally required if cmn:InspectionCountryCode = R U . Business or location identifier for the entity performing the sampling.

@identifiervalue 1...1 String Required. Value of the identifier.


@identifiertype 1...1 String Required. Type of the identifier value. See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

3Sample of product given to on-site client

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 390 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Take Sample Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns2:TakeSampleResponse 1...1 - Required. TakeSample response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if the request successfully processed.1


ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Populated with error information only if Success = false, otherwise omitted.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code for exception. See Take Sample Errors for a full list of potential error exception codes and error messages.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if further description of the error condition is available. Message that further describes the error condition, if available.
0/* See Take Sample Errors for a full list of potential error exception codes and error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 391 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Take Sample Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Take Sample message:

Exception Code Exception Message

BADITEMSTATE Cannot perform operation on serial number <serial number> with item state <item state>. This operation can only be performed when the serial
number is <item state>.

BADSTATETRANSITION Cannot perform operation on serial number <serial number> to change item state/serial number state from <serial number state> to <serial
number state>. The allowed new states are <serial number states>.

EVENTTIMEAFTERNOW Event time stamp must not be in the future.

EVENTTIMEBEFORELASTEVENT Event time stamp is earlier than the last event for serial number <serial number>.

INTERNALERROR SerialNumberState for <serial number> is null.

INTERNALERROR Internal error from server: <server information>.

INTERNALERROR did not load correctly.

INTERNALERROR did not load correctly.

NOTCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> is not commissioned.

NOTEACH Cannot perform operation on serial number <serial number> with UOM <unit of measurement>. The operation can only be performed on unit level
serial numbers.

NOTEMPTY Operation could not be performed because serial number <serial number> is not empty.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

SNNOTFOUND Serial number <serial number> does not exist.

VALIDATION Reason Code is required for products sampled in Russia.

VALIDATION Sample Party is required for products sampled in Russia.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 392 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Take Sample Message Examples

Take Sample request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Item sn="0100882025030220216370871" namespace="?"/>
<ReasonDescription>Sample of product given to on-site client</ReasonDescription>

Take Sample response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:TakeSampleResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 393 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Destroy Overview
The Destroy message sets serial number status of one or more serial numbers to Destroyed. If the serial number is associated with a parent
container, the destroy event applies recursively to the container’s contents and any child containers and contents. When a serial number is destroyed
it cannot be re-commissioned.
A destroy event is appropriate when a product or container is physically destroyed, and the serial number will never be used again.
This serial number status update can be used to trigger government reporting for destruction of product.

The specified serial numbers are permanently destroyed once this message is sent. This cannot be undone.

Main Topics
l Destroy Request Guidelines

l Destroy Response Guidelines

l Destroy Errors

l Destroy Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 394 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Destroy Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

soapenv:Header 1...1 - Not used by TraceLink.

soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

urn:Destroy 1...1 - Required. Destroy Message.

DestroyRequest 0...1 - Required. The destroy request message to destroy a set of serial numbers.

DisaggregateFromParent 0...1 Boolean A flag that determines whether the system automatically disaggregates child serial numbers from the parent container, where
1/* relevant.

l If set to t r u e , the system automatically disaggregates child serial numbers from the parent container if they are


l If set to f a l s e , and the serial number to be destroyed is aggregated to a parent container, the system returns an error.

Defaults to f a l s e .

Items 0...1 - Required. The list of one or more serial numbers to be destroyed.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 395 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Item 1...* - Required. The serial number to be destroyed.

@sn 1...1 String Required. A serial number that will be destroyed. See Serial Number Data Examples.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink.


Sampled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled.2

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 396 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Damaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was damaged.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 397 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Recalled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was recalled.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 398 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 399 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Expired 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is expired.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 400 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Misplaced 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was misplaced.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 401 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Dispensed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was dispensed.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 402 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Disposed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was disposed.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 403 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 404 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Other

Repackaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is repackaged.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 405 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledByAuthorities 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled by authorities.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 406 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Stolen 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is stolen.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 407 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Withdrawn 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is withdrawn.1


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 408 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 409 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledArchival 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for archival purposes.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 410 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledCustomsControl 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for customs inspection.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 411 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledFederalInspection 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for federal inspection.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 412 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledClinicalStudy 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for performing clinical studies.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 413 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledPharmaStudy 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for post-registration pharmaceutical
1/* study supporting submitted changes to a dossier.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 414 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 415 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledMarketingDemo 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for marketing demonstration purposes.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 416 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledSelectiveControl 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for selective control.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 417 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Spoilage 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is spoiled (e.g. due to heat, oxygen, moisture,
1/* microorganisms).

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 418 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

WithdrawnExperiment 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is withdrawn from circulation of SSCC or SGTIN, piled
1/* or accumulated in the course of the experiment.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 419 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 420 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Defective 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is defective.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 421 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

InappropriatelyStored 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was inappropriately stored.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 422 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Returned 0... Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was returned.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 423 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Other 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was destroyed for other reasons.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 424 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

ReasonCode 0...1 String A code that indicates the reason for the change in serial number status.1

This is an optional field. If not specified, defaults to S T A T U S U P D A T E .

See the ReasonCode enumeration list for valid values.

EventDateTime 0...1 Date The date and time of the event in XSD GMT date format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will record the current
– date-time.2


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 425 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Transactions 0...1 - Conditionally required for:

l China only if providing China the DestroyWarehouseOut report. If providing the Excel 2003 format of the report, this is

not required.

l Turkey

l Russia

The transaction identifiers associated with the destruction.

Transaction 0...* String Required. The list of one or more transaction identifiers associated with the destruction.

ItemID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the destruction.1

For Turkey and China, provide the destruction order number.

ItemType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type using the supported enumeration values (e.g. D E S T R U C T I O N ). 2
1/* See the TransactionId enumeration list for valid values.

Date 0...1 String Required. The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting of the transaction
1/* date.3

ReasonDescription 0...1 String Conditionally required for Turkey, where the description must be in Turkish and not exceed 100 characters. The reason for the
1/* destruction.4

DestructionMethod 0...1 String Conditionally required if at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = RU. The method of product destruction.5
1/* See the DestructionMethod enumeration list for valid values.

LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.


ReportingPartyIdentifier 0...1 String Conditionally required if at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = RU. The identifier of the business party that will be

4Damaged goods in the warehouse.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 426 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@identifiertype 0...1 String Required. The reporting business party identifier type.2
1/* See the IdentifierType enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 0...1 String The identifier value of the reporting business party.3

MarketCountryCode 0...1 String The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.4

LocationType 0...1 String The type of location where the event occurred. Valid values:














Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 427 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description


Location 0...1 String Conditionally required if at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = RU. The site-level location identifier where the
1/* event occurred. This element defaults to the company level if no location is provided.1

In most cases, this value is an SGLN, the format for which must be the numeric component only, with the urn prefix
stripped (e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 428 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Destroy Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.

ns2:DestroyResponse 1...1 - Required. Destroy response message.

TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response.

Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if Destroy request processed successfully.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e , otherwise omitted. Contains error information.

CallException 1...* - Required. Error details including exception code and error message, if available.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code. See Destroy Errors for all possible exception codes and errors.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if exception message exists. Message that further describes error condition. See Destroy Errors for
0/* all possible exception codes and errors.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 429 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Destroy Errors
The following errors may be encountered with the Destroy message:

Exception Code Exception Message

BADAGGREGATESTATE Operation could not be performed because serial number <serial number> and serial number <parent serial number> are currently in different
states, or the operation would result in them having different states. Parent and child serial numbers are not permitted to be in different states.

CANNOTBEAGGREGATED Operation could not be performed because serial number <serial number> is aggregated to container <parent serial number>.

CROSSLOCATIONS Operation cannot be performed against serial numbers in multiple locations.

EVENTTIMEAFTERNOW Event time stamp must not be in the future.

EVENTTIMEBEFORELASTEVENT Event time stamp is earlier than the last event for serial number <serial number>.

MLTUPLE_ATTRIBUTES_ The serial number(s) could not be decommissioned. The Decommission API request may only specify a single reason code.

NEVERCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> was never commissioned.

NOSOMSERVICE No Serialized Operations Manager service found.

NOTCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> is not commissioned.

NOTCOMMISSIONEDLOCATION Serial Number <serial number> was not commissioned at this location.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

SNNOTFOUND Serial number  <serial number> does not exist.

SOMDUPLICATESNS The following serial numbers were listed more than once: <serial number>.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 430 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

VALIDATION Destruction Method is required for products sold in Russia.

Item Attribute is required for products sold in Russia.

Location is required for products sold in Russia.

Reporting Party is required when Transactions are included in the request and products are sold in Russia.

The parameter <field name> is missing or had an invalid value.

Transaction Identifier for 'Removal from Circulation' is required for products sold in Russia.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 431 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Destroy Message Examples

Destroy request message example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">

<Item sn="88102321100002083327"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 432 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<ReasonDescription>Unable to locate case in the warehouse</ReasonDescription>

Destroy response message example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:DestroyResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 433 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Decommission Overview
The Decommission message terminates the use of one or more commissioned serial numbers with the intention of later re-commissioning the serial
number with updated information. If the serial number is associated with a parent container, the decommission event applies recursively to the
container’s contents and any child containers and contents.
A decommission event can be used to fix incorrect data for a commissioned serial number (e.g. inaccurate expiration date, incorrect lot number). Once
decommissioned, the data can be fixed in the source, and the commission re-submitted with the correct data using Set Serial Number Status. A
decommission event can also be executed for a reusable container (e.g. pallet).
This status update can be used to trigger government reporting for the destruction of product.

By default, TraceLink does not perform this operation if any of the serial numbers to be decommissioned are already within a container. Set
DisaggregateFromParent to true to allow items to be disaggregated from the new parent container before decommissioning.

Main Topics
l Decommission Request Guidelines

l Decommission Response Guidelines

l Decommission Errors

l Decommission Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 434 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Decommission Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Header. Not used by TraceLink.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


urn:Decommission 1...1 - Required. Decommission message.


DecommissionRequest 0...1 - Required. The decommission request message to decommission a set of serial numbers.

DisaggregateFromParent 0...1 Boolean A flag that determines whether the system automatically disaggregates child serial numbers from the parent container, where relevant.
l If set to t r u e , the system automatically disaggregates child serial numbers from the parent container if they are aggregated.

l If set to f a l s e , and the serial number to be decommissioned is aggregated to a parent container, the system returns an error.

Defaults to f a l s e .

SerialNumberList 0...1 - Required.The list of one or more serial numbers that will be decommissioned.

SerialNumber 1...* Required. The parent container's serial number.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 435 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

@sn 1...1 String Required. A parent serial number. See Serial Number Data Examples.1

@namespace 0...1 String Not supported by TraceLink. See Serial Number Data Examples.

Sampled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled.2

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 436 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Damaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is damaged.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 437 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Recalled 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was recalled.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 438 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 439 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Expired 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is expired.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 440 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Misplaced 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was misplaced.1

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 441 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Dispensed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was dispensed.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 442 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Disposed 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was disposed.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 443 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Repackaged 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is repackaged.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 444 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 445 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Other

SampledByAuthorities 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled by authorities.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 446 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Stolen 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is stolen.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 447 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Withdrawn 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is withdrawn.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 448 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledCustomsControl 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for customs inspection.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 449 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledFederalInspection 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for federal inspection.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 450 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledClinicalStudy 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for performing clinical studies.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 451 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 452 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledPharmaStudy 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for post-registration pharmaceutical study
1/* supporting submitted changes to a dossier.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 453 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

SampledMarketingDemo 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was sampled for marketing demonstration purposes.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 454 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Spoilage 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is spoiled (e.g. due to heat, oxygen, moisture, microorganisms).

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 455 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

WithdrawnExperiment 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is withdrawn from circulation of SSCC or SGTIN, piled or
1/* accumulated in the course of the experiment.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 456 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Defective 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item is defective.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 457 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 458 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

InappropriatelyStored 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was inappropriately stored.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 459 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Returned 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was returned.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 460 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

Other 0...1 Boolean Item attribute set with SerialNumberState and ItemState, indicating the item was decommissioned for other reasons.

One, and only one, of the following reason code elements may be set to true:

l Sampled

l Damaged

l Recalled

l Expired

l Misplaced

l Dispensed

l Disposed

l Repackaged

l SampledArchival

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 461 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l SampledByAuthorities

l Stolen

l Withdrawn

l SampledCustomsControl

l SampledFederalInspection

l SampledClinicalStudy

l SampledPharmaStudy

l SampledMarketingDemo

l SampledSelectiveControl

l Spoilage

l WithdrawnExperiment

l Defective

l InappropriatelyStored

l Returned

l Other

ReasonCode 0...1 String A code that indicates the reason for the change in serial number status. 1
- See the ReasonCode enumeration list for valid values.

This is an optional field. If not specified, defaults to S T A T U S U P D A T E .

EventDateTime 0...1 Date The date and time of the event in XSD GMT date format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the system will record the current date-time.2


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 462 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Transactions 0...1 Conditionally required for China (only if providing China the DestroyWarehouseOut report), Turkey, or Russia. The transaction identifiers
- associated with the decommission. If providing the Excel 2003 format of the report, this is not required.

Transaction 0...* String Required. The list of one or more transaction identifiers associated with the decommission event.

ItemID 0...1 String Conditionally required for Turkey. The transaction identifier associated with decommissioning.1

ItemType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type using the supported enumeration values (e.g. D E S T R U C T I O N ).2
1/* See the TransactionId enumeration list for valid values.

Date 0...1 String Required. The date of the transaction in XML YYYY-MM-DD format. This value is used for regulatory reporting of the transaction date.3

ReasonDescription 0...1 String Conditionally required for Turkey (where the limit is 100 characters and the value must be in Turkish). The reason for the destruction.4

DestructionMethod 0...1 String Conditionally required if at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = R U . The method of product destruction.5
1/* See the DestructionMethod enumeration list for valid values.

LongRunningRestSupport - Boolean Not used.


ReportingPartyIdentifier 0...1 - Conditionally required if T r a n s a c t i o n s is populated and at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = R U .The identifier of the
- business party that will be reporting the event to the government.6

@identifiertype 0...1 String Required. Indicates the reporting business party identifier type.7
1/* See the IdentifierType enumeration list for valid values.

@identifiervalue 0...1 String Required. Indicates the identifier value of the reporting business party.8

4Damaged goods in the warehouse.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 463 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

MarketCountryCode 0...1 String The country, using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country code.1

LocationType 0...1 String The type of location where the event occurred. Valid values:














Location 0...1 String Conditionally required if at least one Target Market in Product Master Data = R U . The site-level location identifier where the event occurred.
1/* This element defaults to the company level if no location is provided.2

In most cases, this value is an SGLN, the format for which must be the numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped (e.g.
8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in EPCIS events).


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 464 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Decommission Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following table outlines the Decommission Response message guidelines.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following fields are included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP Message Body.


ns2:DecommissionResponse 1...1 - Required. Decommission response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. TraceLink response message.


Success 0...1 - Required. Indicates if the decommission request successfully processed.1


ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e ; omitted otherwise. Error information.


CallException 1...* - Required. Error details including the exception code and error message, if available.

ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error code. See Decommission Errors Table for full list of exception codes and error messages.

ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Conditionally required if error condition is available. Message that further describes error condition. See
0/* Decommission Errors Table for full list of exception codes and error messages.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 465 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Decommission Errors
The following errors may be encountered with the Decommission message:

Exception Code Exception Message

BADAGGREGATESTATE Operation could not be performed because serial number <serial number> and serial number <parent serial number> are currently in different
states, or the operation would result in them having different states. Parent and child serial numbers are not permitted to be in different states.

CANNOTBEAGGREGATED Operation could not be performed because serial number <serial number> is aggregated to container <parent serial number>.

CROSSLOCATIONS Operation cannot be performed against serial numbers in multiple locations.

EVENTTIMEAFTERNOW Event time stamp must not be in the future.

EVENTTIMEBEFORELASTEVENT Event time stamp is earlier than the last event for serial number <serial number>.

MLTUPLE_ATTRIBUTES_ The serial number(s) could not be decommissioned. The Decommission API request may only specify a single reason code.

NEVERCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> was never commissioned.

NOSOMSERVICE No Serialized Operations Manager service found.

NOTCOMMISSIONED Serial number <serial number> is not commissioned.

NOTCOMMISSIONEDLOCATION Serial Number <serial number> was not commissioned at this location.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location <location identifier> was not valid for serial number <serial number>.

SNNOTFOUND Serial number  <serial number> does not exist.

SOMDUPLICATESNS The following serial numbers were listed more than once: <serial number>.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 466 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Exception Code Exception Message

VALIDATION Destruction Method is required for products sold in Russia.

Item Attribute is required for products sold in Russia.

Location is required for products sold in Russia.

Reporting Party is required when Transactions are included in the request and products are sold in Russia.

The parameter <field name> is missing or had an invalid value.

Transaction Identifier for 'Removal from Circulation' is required for products sold in Russia.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 467 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Decommission Message Examples

Decommission request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<SerialNumber sn="00008820200000047506" namespace="?"/>

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 468 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

<ReasonDescription>Depoda Hasarlı mallar</ReasonDescription>
<ReportingPartyIdentifier identifiertype="COMPANYID" identifiervalue="8888882028677"/>

Decommission response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:DecommissionResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 469 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Registration Overview
The Registration message registers a serial number and its attributes (based on data encoded on the barcode) into the Serialized Operations Manager
repository. Once recorded in the Serialized Operations Manager, Owners can perform serialized operations against the serialized product.
This message is used when Owners have custody of a serialized product but did not receive the original commission event data from the supplier.
Main Topics
l Registration Request Guidelines

l Registration Response Guidelines

l Registration Errors

l Registration Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 470 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Registration Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

See SerialNumberStatus Transition Availability for rules/dependencies regarding serial number state transition.
The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. SOAP message header. Not used by TraceLink.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP message body.


urn:Register 1...1 - Required. Registration message.


RegisterRequest 0...1 - Required. Register request message registering a set of serial numbers that are unknown to
- TraceLink. May include registered serial numbers in subsequent actions.

EventDateTime 1...1 Date Date and time of the event in XSD date format in GMT (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If omitted, the
- system records the current date time.

SerialNumberEncodingEnum 0...1 String Required. Serial number format. Valid values:1

l AI(01)+AI(21)



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 471 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

Use C N _ C U R _ C O D E for a China EDMC Code.

PackagingLevel 0...1 String Packaging level associated with the serial number. Valid values:1
l C A = Case/Shipper

l E A = Each

l P K = Innerpack/Bundle

l P L = Pallet

Location 0...1 String Site-level location where the event occurred. Defaults to company-level SGLN if location is not
1/* provided. If value is an SGLN, the format is the numeric component only, with the urn prefix stripped
(e.g. 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 instead of u r n : e p c : i d : s g l n : 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 . 0 2 8 6 7 . 0 typically found in
EPCIS events).2

LocationType 0...1 String The type of the Location. Defaults to S G L N if type is not provided. 3
1/* See the CompanyLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

CompanyPrefix 0...1 String Conditionally required if the commissioned serial numbers are SSCCs that are used in pallets or
1/* mixed cases. GS1 Company Prefix associated with AI(00) SSCC, AI(01)+AI(21), GTIN, or AI(00) SSCC.
Use only when Serial Number Manager templates are not configured. This value is used to convert
serial numbers to EPC URI format.4

Do not populate if the commissioned serial numbers are not SSCCs. Populate ItemDetails

MaterialCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is not populated. Internal material number for the
1/* product.5

If neither the MaterialCode nor CountryDrugCode are present, the GTIN is derived from the


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 472 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

serial numbers.

ItemCode 0...1 String Packaging-level item code value (e.g. the GTIN-14, CN-ResCode, or GS1 Company Prefix value).1

ItemCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if ItemCode is populated. Identifies the packaging- level item code type. Valid
1/* values:2


l GTIN14


FilterValue 0...1 String Filter Value associated with AI(01)+AI(21) GTIN or AI(00) SSCC. This value is used to convert serial
1/* numbers to EPC URI format.3

CompanyPrefix 0...1 String GS1 Company Prefix associated with AI(01)+AI(21) GTIN or AI(00) SSCC. This value is used to convert
1/* serial numbers to EPC URI format.4

MarketCountryCode 0...1 String The country using the standard two-letter abbreviation specified in ISO 3166-1alpha-2:1997 country
2/3 code.5

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Country Drug Code associated with the serial number at time of registration.6

If neither the MaterialCode nor CountryDrugCode are present, the GTIN is derived from the
serial numbers.

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is present. Country Drug Code type.7
1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 473 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

LotNumber 1...1 String Conditionally required if EncodingType = A I ( 0 1 ) + A I ( 2 1 ) . Lot Number associated with the
1/* serial number at time of registration.1

ExpirationDate 1...1 Date Conditionally required for SGTINs. Expiration date associated with the serial number at time of
10/10 registration. Date is in xsd:date format:YYYY-MM-DD.2

ManufacturingDate 0...1 Date Manufacturing date associated with the serial number at time of registration. Date is in xsd:date
10/10 format:YYYY-MM-DD.3

PONumber 0...1 String PO Number associated with serial number use.4


POLine 0...1 String PO Line number.5


WorkOrderNumber 0...1 String Work Order number associated with serial number use.6

ReferenceIdentifier 0...1 String Reference identifier (e.g. any type of identifier) associated with serial number use.7

Items 1...1 - Required. List of one or more serial numbers that will be registered.

Item 1...100 - Required. The serial number to register.


A maximum of 100 serial numbers can be sent per request.

@sn 1...1 String Required. The serial number in one of the following formats:8
1/* AI(01)+AI(21):

l Format: 01 + [GTIN14] + 21 + [serial number]


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 474 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

l Example: 0 1 5 0 8 8 2 0 2 5 0 3 0 2 2 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 9


l Format: 00 + [SSCC18 code]

l Example: 0 0 0 0 8 8 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 5 0 6


l Format: 20-digit China EDMC code

l Example: 8 1 5 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 1 9 3 5 1

@barcodeContent 0...1 String Actual barcode content associated with the serial number in the registration event.1

ItemState 0...1 String The item state for the serial number(s) being registered. Valid values:2
l A V A I L A B L E (default)







LongRunningRestSupport 0...* Boolean Indicates whether or not to use the long running rest pattern.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 475 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Registration Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
See SerialNumberStatus Transition Availability for rules/dependencies regarding serial number state transition.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1- - Required. SOAP Envelope root element.

S:Body 1...1- - Required. SOAP Message body.

ns2:RegistrationResponse 1...1- - Required. Registration Response message.

TLResponse 0...1- - Required. Response element group.

Success 0...1- - Required. Indicates if the Registration request is successful or not.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1- - If Success = f a l s e , this element group contains error information. If Success = t r u e , this element
group is omitted.

CallException 1...*- - Required. Contains error information.

ExceptionCode 0...10/* String Required. Error code.

ExceptionMessage 0...10/* String Further describes the error condition.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 476 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Registration Errors
The following errors may be encountered with the Registration message:

Exception Code Exception Message

VALIDATION The parameter [field name] is missing or had an invalid value.

INTERNALERROR TraceLink has encountered an internal error, please try your request again later.

NOTVALIDLOCATION Location [location identifier] was not valid for serial number [serial number].

SOMDUPLICATESNS The following serial numbers were listed more than once: [serial number].

DATEINVALID Expiration Date or Manufacturing Date formatted incorrectly. Expected format is: YYYY-MM-DD

SNALREADYEXISTS The following serial numbers already exist in the repository: [serial number].

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 477 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Registration Message Examples

Registration request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">
<Item sn="0100882025030220216699024"/>
<Item sn="0100882025030220216699025"/>

Registration response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:RegisterResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 478 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 479 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Market Release Overview

The Market Release message sets the status for a full or partial lot to Market Released for one specific market. This indicates that all required
registration is complete and the product is ready for sale. This message supports a partial release of a lot, and multiple Market Release requests can
be made per lot.
This status update can be used to generate compliance reports. Using this message for products with a target market of Russia triggers a 342 -
 Release in Circulation Report.
Main Topics
l Market Release Request Guidelines

l Market Release Response Guidelines

l Market Release Errors

l Market Release Message Examples

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 480 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Market Release Request Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.

When sending an element in Date or DateTime format, a valid date must be given. "00" is not a valid day or month value and "0000" is not a valid year

The following data is sent in the request to TraceLink:

Data Element Type Description

soapenv:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP envelope root element.


soapenv:Header 1...1 - Required. Not used.


soapenv:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP message body.


urn:MarketRelease 1...1 - Required. Queries the status of the specified lot.


PackagingCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if both InternalMaterialCode and CountryDrugCode are empty or null. Packaging level item code.1

PackagingType 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingCode is present. Identifies the packaging level item code type.2
1/* See the PackagingItemCodeType enumeration list for valid values.

InternalMaterialCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if both PackagingCodeand CountryDrugCode are empty or null. Identifies the product using the internal item code
1/* configured in Product Master Data.3

CountryDrugCode 0...1 String Conditionally required if both PackagingCodeand InternalMaterialCode are empty or null. Country drug code associated with the specified
1/* lot.4


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 481 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

CountryDrugCodeType 0...1 String Conditionally required if CountryDrugCode is present. Country drug code type.1
1/* See the CountryDrugCode enumeration list for valid values.

Lot 1...1 String Required. Lot number for the market release.2

Items 0...1 - List of one or more serial numbers to release. Use for only a partial lot market release.

Item 1...* - Required. The serial number to release into circulation.


@sn 1...1 String Required. Serial number in one of the following formats:
1/* AI(01)+AI(21)

l Format: 01 + [GTIN_14] + 21 + [serial number]

l Example: 0 1 5 0 8 8 2 0 2 5 0 3 0 2 2 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 9


l Format: 00 + [SSCC18]

l Example: 0 0 0 0 8 8 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 5 0 6


l Format: 20-digit China EDMC code

l Example: 8 1 5 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 1 9 3 5 1

TargetMarketCountryCode 1...1 String Required. The two character ISO country code for the market country.3
1/* See the ISOCountryCode enumeration list for valid values.

EventDateTime 0...1 Date Date and time of the market release, in GMT YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.4
- If omitted, TraceLink uses the current date and time.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 482 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

EventLocation 0...1 String Site level location where the event occurs. Defaults to company level SGLN. SGLN format is numeric component only, with urn prefix stripped
1/* (e.g. 8888882.02867.0 instead of urn:epc:id:sgln:8888882.02867.0 typically found in EPCIS events).1

@identifierType 1...1 String Required. The event location identifier type.2

1/* See the BusinessAndLocationId enumeration list for valid values.

@identifierValue 1...1 String Required. The event location value.


Transactions 0...1 - List of one or more transaction identifiers.


Transaction 1...* - Required. The transaction identifier associated with the market release.

ItemID 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier associated with the status update, for regulatory reporting and business tracking purposes.3

ItemType 0...1 String Required. The transaction identifier type.4

1/* Valid values:

l C I V I L C I R C U L A T I O N – Number of the document from a government agency for introduction of medicine into circulation used

for immunobiological medicine only.

l S T A T E C O N F I R M A T I O N – Number of the document confirming the medicine compliance with state registration requirements.

Date 0...1 String The date of the transaction in YYYY-MM-DD format.5


ProductionQuantities 0...1 - Group of ProductionQuantity values for each packaging level in the hierarchy. Use to optionally validate serial number quantities.

ProductionQuantity 0...* - List of each aggregation hierarchy level.


ItemType 0...1 - Conditionally required if CompanyPrefix is empty or null. Identifies the product using the packaging level item code (e.g. GTIN-14)


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 483 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Element Type Description

configured in Product Master Data.

ItemCodeType 1...1 String Required. Packaging item code type.1

1/* Valid values:


l GTIN_14


ItemCode 1...1 String Required. Packaging level item code value.2


CompanyPrefix 0...1 String Conditionally required if PackagingItemCode is empty or null. GS1 company prefix.3

PackagingLevel 1...1 String Required. The packaging level of the commissioned item.4
1/* See the PackLevel enumeration list for valid values.

QuantityReported 1...1 Integer Required. Quantity report for the released product.5


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 484 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Market Release Response Guidelines

See How To Use this Guide before interpreting the guidelines below.
The following data is included in the message response:

Data Element Type Description

S:Envelope 1...1 - Required. SOAP envelope root element.


S:Body 1...1 - Required. SOAP message body.


ns2:MarketReleaseResponse 1...1 - Required. Market Release response message.


TLResponse 0...1 - Required. Response.


Success 0...1 Boolean Required. Indicates if the Market Release request message was processed successfully.1

ExceptionReturn 0...1 - Conditionally required if Success = f a l s e . Error information if the request failed.

CallException 1...* - Required. Contains error details.


ExceptionCode 0...1 String Required. Error Code.


ExceptionMessage 0...1 String Message that further describes the error condition, if available.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 485 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Market Release Errors

The following errors may be encountered with the Market Release message:

Exception Code Exception Message

VALIDATION Serial Number <SerialNumber> does not exist.

VALIDATION Serial number <SerialNumber> is not commissioned.

VALIDATION Serial Number <SerialNumber> is not associated with Item Code <ItemCode> and Lot Number <LotNumber>

VALIDATION Lot <LotNumber> for item <item code type> <item code value> does not contain any serial numbers.

VALIDATION Lot <LotNumber> for item <item code type> <item code value> does not exist.

VALIDATION <TargetMarket> is not a defined target market for this product

VALIDATION Market Release transaction processing failed due to serial number quantity verification failure. [quantity of commissioned serial number] at [packaging level] level
found in the system but Market Release message reported lower quantity [QuantityReported] for [country drug code/Internal Material Number ] [Product name in
English if English is not available use the first language available alphabetically by language code] [packaging code /type] at [location].

VALIDATION Market Release transaction processing failed due to serial number quantity verification failure. [Quantity of commissioned serial number] at [packaging level] level
found in the system but Market Release message reported higher quantity [QuantityReported] for [country drug code/Internal Material Number ] [Product name in
English if English is not available use the first language available alphabetically by language code] [packaging code /type] at [location].

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 486 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Market Release Message Examples

Market Release request example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:tracelink:soap">


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 487 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.


Market Release response example:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:MarketReleaseResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:tracelink:soap" xmlns:ns3="">

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 488 Confidential with No Further Distribution
Select from the following enumerators:
Data Code Description

VERIFIED The aggregation hierarchy of the delivery was scanned down to the each level.
Data Code Description

UNVERIFIED Only the top-level (e.g. pallet) aggregation hierarchy of the delivery was scanned, and the remaining aggregation levels are unknown to TraceLink.
Data Code Description

IMPLIED The entire aggregation hierarchy for the delivery is known to TraceLink, but only the top level (e.g. pallet) was scanned. The lower aggregation levels were provided
previously (e.g. in an aggregation or shipment).
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AM_TIN Armenia Taxpayer Identification Number.

BR_PROF_REG Brazil Professional Registration Number.

BY_TIN Belarus Taxpayer Identification Number.

CNES Brazil National Registry of Health Facilities Number.

CN_CHINA_ID China Identifier (alphanumeric).


CN_FOREIGN_MFR China Foreign Manufacturer ID.

CNPJ Brazil Tax/Legal Entity ID (14 digits with format 00.000.000/0001-00).

CN_USCID China Unified Social Credit Identifier.

COMPANYID Internal company identifier (alphanumeric).

COMPANYSITEID Internal location/plant/site identifier (alphanumeric).

CPF Brazil Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (11 digits with format 000.000.000-00).

CUIT Argentina Tax ID (11 digits with format 00-00000000-0).

DEA US Drug Enforcement Agency Number (9-digit number) - Not used.

DUNS Dunn and Bradstreet Number (9-digit number).

DUNS4 Dunn and Bradstreet Number with 4-digit extension (13-digit number).

GCP GS1 Global Company Prefix (6- to 12-digit number).

GLN Global Location Number (13-digit number).

HIN Health Industry Number assigned by HIBCC (9-character alphanumeric).

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 495 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

IN_COMPANY_ID India Company Identifier (alphanumeric).

IN_GSTN India Goods and Services Tax ID.

IN_IEC India Importer Exporter Code (10-digit number).

IN_LOCATION_ID India company location identifier (alphanumeric).

IN_MFR India Manufacturer Code.

IN_MRCH India Merchant Exporter Code.

IN_PAN India Permanent Account Number (10-character alphanumeric, with format AAPL1234C, with the first five characters are letters, next four
numerals, last character is a check-digit character letter).

IN_TIN India Taxpayer Identification Number (11-digit number).

KG_TIN Kyrgyzstan Taxpayer Identification Number.

KR_BUS_REG_NUMBER Korea Business Registration Number (10 digits with format 000-00-0000).

KR_PROVIDER_CODE Korea Provider Code (8-digit number).

KZ_BIN Kazakhstan Business Identification Number.

RU_ACCOUNT_NUMBER Russia Account Number.

RU_INN_FOREIGN_ENTITY Russia Foreign Business Taxpayer Identification Number.

RU_INN_INDIV Russia Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.

RU_INN_KPP_TAX_CODE Russia KPP (supplementary tax registration ID numbers) Tax Identification Code.

RU_INN_LOCAL_ENTITY Russia Local Business Taxpayer Identification Number.

SGLN Serialized Global Location Number (for a sub-location) expressed as: [CompanyPrefix].[LocationRef].0. First two segments contain only digits.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 496 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

CARRYING_FORWARDING_AGENT Carrying Forwarding Agent.


DISTRIBUTOR Business is a distributor of pharmaceuticals.


FINANCER Business is a financier/payer.

HEALTHCARE Business is a healthcare facility.


LOGISTICS Business is a third party logistics provider.

MANUFACTURER Business is a manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.


PHARMACY Business is a pharmacy.



WHOLESALER Business is a wholesaler of pharmaceuticals.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 497 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Business Identifiers by Country

Different countries require different business identifier values as noted below:
l For Argentina, provide both the GLN and the CUIT number associated with the SoldFromParty.

l For Brazil provide the CNPJ, CPF, CNES or BR_PROF_REG. CNPJ is the value preferred by ANVISA if the company has one.

l For China, provide the company identifier registered with China CFDA used to identify the SoldFromParty. This is the identifier provided in

the China SFDA application master data and must match up. Use the appropriate qualifier code to identify this value.

l For India, Company MD can provide IN_IEC, IN_PAN, or IN_TIN. Partners can indicate IN_COMPANY_ID in addition to the aforementioned val-

ues. Partner locations can additionally indicate IN_LOCATION_ID (therefore excluding IN_COMPANY_ID).

l For Korea, provide KR_BUS_REG_NUMBER for companies or KR_PROVIDER_CODE for the provider.

KR_PROVIDER_CODE is only valid for partner or partner location in regard to Master Data.

l For Turkey, provide the GLN associated with the SoldFromParty.

l For US, provide a DEA, HIN, GLN, DUNS, DUNS4, GLN, COMPANYID, COMPANYSITEID identifier associated with the SoldFromParty.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 498 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

COUNTERFEIT The product is a fraudulent imitation of the original.

DAMAGED The product is damaged.

EXCLUDED The product is not registered.

EXPIRED The product is expired.

FALSIFIED The document for the product is intentionally inaccurate.

LOSTCONSUMERPROPERTIES The product has lost its potency (e.g. due to exposure to light or being stored outside of the appropriate temperature range).

RECALLED The product is recalled.

SUBSTANDARD The product does not meet physical or quality standards.

UNFITFORCONSUMPTION The product cannot be safely consumed.

WITHDRAWN The Manufacturer or MAH has withdrawn the product from the market.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 499 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

BR_CNES Brazil National Registry of Health Facilities Number.

BR_CNPJ Brazil Tax / Legal Entity ID (14 digits with format 00.000.000/0001-00).

BR_CPF Brazil Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (11 digits with format 000.000.000-00).

BR_PROF_REG Brazil Professional Registration Number.

CN_NUMBER China business identifier registered with the CFDA.

COMPANYID Internal company identifier (alphanumeric).

COMPANYSITEID Internal location / plant / site identifier (alphanumeric).

CUIT Argentina Tax ID (11 digits with format 00-00000000-0).

DEA US Drug Enforcement Agency Number (9-digit number).

DE_IFA_REG_NUM German Registration Number.

DUNS Dunn and Bradstreet Number (9-digit number).

DUNS_4 Dunn and Bradstreet Number with 4-digit extension (13-digit number).

GCP GS1 Global Company Prefix (6- to 12-digit number).

GLN Global Location Number (13-digit number).

HIN Health Industry Number assigned by HIBCC (9-character alphanumeric).

IN_IEC India Importer Exporter Code (10-digit number).

IN_PAN India Permanent Account Number (10-character alphanumeric, with format AAPL1234C, with the first five characters are
letters, next four numerals, last character is a check-digit character letter).

IN_TIN India Taxpayer Identification Number (11-digit number).

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 500 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

KR_BUSREGNUM Korea Business Registration Number (10 digits with format 000-00-0000).

KR_PROVIDER_CODE Korea Provider Code (8-digit number).

RU_ACCOUNT_NUMBER Russia Account Number.

RU_FOREIGN_ENTITY Russia Foreign Business Taxpayer Identification Number.

RU_INN_INDIV Russia Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.

RU_INN_KPP_TAX_CODE Russia KPP (supplementary tax registration ID numbers) Tax Identification Code.

RU_INN_LOCAL_ENTITY Russia Local Business Taxpayer Identification Number.

SGLN Serialized Global Location Number (for a sub-location) expressed as: [CompanyPrefix].[LocationRef].0. First two segments
contain only digits.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 501 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AGENCYSALESAGREEMENT An agent performs both legal actions and paid services for a manufacturer or supplier.

COMMISSIONSALESAGREEMENT A sales agent earns commission for facilitating trade for an exporting company.

COMPETITIVEBID A competitive bid contract is sold within a bidding process (where multiple vendors that make or sell the same type of product can place a bid
to procure the contract).

CONSIGNMENTAGREEMENT The buyer pays the manufacturer or supplier only when the product is sold.

GOVERNMENTCONTRACT Product is sold under a government state contract.

PRIVATECONTRACT A private contract is a sole source contract that is privately sold (e.g. outside of a bidding process).

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 502 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AT_PZN Austria 13-digit PZN Code.

BE_ABP_CODE Belgium 16-digit ABP Code.

BR_ANVISA_REGISTRATION Brazil 13-digit ANVISA Drug Registration Code.

CA_DIN Canada 8-digit DIN Code.

CH_SWISSMEDIC Switzerland 13-digit Swissmedic Code.

CN_SUBTYPE China 10-digit Subtype Code.

DE_PPN Germany 12-digit PPN Code.

DE_PZN Germany 8-digit PZN Code.

EAN13 International Article Number (13 digits).

ES_CODIGO_NATIONAL Spain 13-digit Codigo national Code.

FR_CIP13 France 13-digit CIP13 Code.

GR_EOFCODE Greece 9-digit EOF Code.

HR_CNC Croatia 10-digit National Code.

IT_BOLLINO Italy 9-digit Bollino Code.

KR_KFDA_CODE Korea 13-digit KFDA Code.

NL_KNMP Netherland's KNMP 8-digit Code.

LU_NATIONAL_NUMBER Luxembourg National Number.

NRD_VNR_CODE Nordic Countries 6-digit VNR Code.

PT_AIM Portugal 7-digit AIM Number.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 503 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

SA_SAUDI_DRUG_CODE Saudi Arabia 10-character alphanumeric Drug Code.

UK_AMPP United Kingdom Item Code.

US_NDC442 US 10-digit National Drug Code, may have hyphen separators at pos 4-4-2.

US_NDC532 US 10-digit National Drug Code, may have hyphen separators at pos 5-3-2.

US_NDC541 US 10-digit National Drug Code, may contain hyphen separators at pos 5-4-1.

US_NDC542 US normalized 11-digit National Drug Code, may contain hyphen separators at pos 5-4-2.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 504 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AED UAE Dirham

AFN Afghani


AMD Armenian Dram

ANG Netherlands Antillean Guilder

AOA Kwanza

ARS Argentine Peso

AUD Australian Dollar

AWG Aruban Florin

AZN Azerbaijanian Manat

BAM Convertible Mark

BBD Barbados Dollar

BDT Taka

BGN Bulgarian Lev

BHD Bahraini Dinar

BIF Burundi Franc

BMD Bermudian Dollar

BND Brunei Dollar

BOB Boliviano

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 505 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

BRL Brazilian Real

BSD Bahamian Dollar

BTN Ngultrum

BWP Pula

BYR Belarussian Ruble

BZD Belize Dollar

CAD Canadian Dollar

CDF Congolese Franc

CHF Swiss Franc

CLP Chilean Peso

CNY Yuan Renminbi

COP Colombian Peso

CRC Costa Rican Colon

CUC Peso Convertible

CUP Cuban Peso

CVE Cabo Verde Escudo

CZK Czech Koruna

DJF Djibouti Franc

DKK Danish Krone

DOP Dominican Peso

DZD Algerian Dinar

EGP Egyptian Pound

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 506 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

ERN Nakfa

ETB Ethiopian Birr

EUR Euro

FJD Fiji Dollar

FKP Falkland Islands Pound

GBP Pound Sterling

GEL Lari

GHS Ghana Cedi

GIP Gibraltar Pound

GMD Dalasi

GNF Guinea Franc

GTQ Quetzal

GYD Guyana Dollar

HKD Hong Kong Dollar

HNL Lempira

HRK Kuna

HTG Gourde

HUF Forint

IDR Rupiah

ILS New Israeli Sheqel

INR Indian Rupee

IQD Iraqi Dinar

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 507 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

IRR Iranian Rial

ISK Iceland Krona

JMD Jamaican Dollar

JOD Jordanian Dinar


KES Kenyan Shilling


KHR Riel

KMF Comoro Franc

KPW North Korean Won


KWD Kuwaiti Dinar

KYD Cayman Islands Dollar

KZT Tenge


LBP Lebanese Pound

LKR Sri Lanka Rupee

LRD Liberian Dollar

LSL Loti

LYD Libyan Dinar

MAD Moroccan Dirham

MDL Moldovan Leu

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 508 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

MGA Malagasy Ariary

MKD Denar

MMK Kyat

MNT Tugrik

MOP Pataca

MRO Ouguiya

MUR Mauritius Rupee

MVR Rufiyaa

MWK Kwacha

MXN Mexican Peso

MYR Malaysian Ringgit

MZN Mozambique Metical

NAD Namibia Dollar

NGN Naira

NIO Cordoba Oro

NOK Norwegian Krone

NPR Nepalese Rupee

NZD New Zealand Dollar

OMR Rial Omani

PAB Balboa

PEN Nuevo Sol

PGK Kina

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 509 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

PHP Philippine Peso

PKR Pakistan Rupee

PLN Zloty

PYG Guarani

QAR Qatari Rial

RON Romanian Leu

RSD Serbian Dinar

RUB Russian Ruble

RWF Rwanda Franc

SAR Saudi Riyal

SBD Solomon Islands Dollar

SCR Seychelles Rupee

SDG Sudanese Pound

SEK Swedish Krona

SGD Singapore Dollar

SHP Saint Helena Pound

SLL Leone

SOS Somali Shilling

SRD Surinam Dollar

SSP South Sudanese Pound

STD Dobra

SVC El Salvador Colon

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 510 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

SYP Syrian Pound

SZL Lilangeni

THB Baht

TJS Somoni

TMT Turkmenistan New Manat

TND Tunisian Dinar

TOP Tongan Pa'anga

TRY Turkish Lira

TTD Trinidad and Tobago Dollar

TWD New Taiwan Dollar

TZS Tanzanian Shilling

UAH Hryvnia

UGX Uganda Shilling

USD US Dollar

UYU Peso Uruguayo

UZS Uzbekistan Sum

VEF Bolivar

VND Dong

VUV Vatu

WST Tala


XCD East Caribbean Dollar

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 511 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description



YER Yemeni Rial

ZAR Rand

ZMW Zambian Kwacha

ZWL Zimbabwe Dollar

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

NOTINSPECTED The contents of the delivery were not inspected.

PASSED The contents of the delivery were inspected and match the associated documentation.

FAILED The contents of the delivery were inspected and do not match the associated documentation.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 512 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

INCINERATION The product is consumed in an incinerator.

LIQUID_DILUTION_ The ampoule is crushed, and the liquid product is diluted and discharged into industrial sewers.

SOLID_DILUTION_ The solid product is crushed, diluted, and discharged into industrial sewers.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 513 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AI(00) The bar code representation of an SSCC-18 number and the equivalent of the SSCC-96 scheme.

AI(01)+AI(21) The bar code representation of a serialized GTIN number and the equivalent of the SGTIN-96 scheme.

AI(8003) Not currently used. The bar code equivalent of the GRAI schemes.

CN-EDMC China number encoding format.

GRAI-96 Not currently used. A 96-bit encoding scheme for Global Returnable Asset Identifier.

GRAI-170 Not currently used. A 170-bit encoding scheme for Global Returnable Asset Identifier.

SGTIN-96 Not currently used. A 96-bit encoding scheme for embedding EAN.UCC 685 System standard GTINs (Global Trade Identification Numbers) and EPCs
(Electronic Product Codes) on 2D barcodes and RFID tags.

The SGTIN-198 and the SSCC-96 are currently used by the GetSerializedHierarchy API, when the user requests a return format of TAG URI. This is currently the only place
they are used by the system.

SGTIN-198 Not currently used. A 198-bit encoding scheme for embedding EAN.UCC 685 System standard GTINs (Global Trade Identification Numbers) and EPCs
(Electronic Product Codes) on barcodes and RFID tags.

SSCC-96 Not currently used. A 96-bit encoding scheme for embedding of EAN.UCC 897 System standard SSCCs (Serialized Shipping Container Codes) on 2D
barcodes and RFID tags.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 514 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

EXTRABUDGETFUNDS Extra budget funds.

FEDERALBUDGETFUNDS Federal budget funds.

MIXEDBUDGETFUNDS Mixed budget funds.

OWNFUNDS Own funds.

REGIONALBUDGETFUNDS Regional budget funds.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 515 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

BR_CNES Brazil National Registry of Health Facilities Number.

BR_CNPJ Brazil Tax / Legal Entity ID (14 digits, with format 00.000.000/0001-00).

BR_CPF Brazil Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (11 digits with format 000.000.000-00).

BR_PROF_REG Brazil Professional Registration Number.

CN_NUMBER China business identifier registered with the CFDA.

COMPANYID Internal company identifier (alphanumeric).

COMPANYSITEID Internal location / plant / site identifier (alphanumeric).

CUIT Argentina Tax ID (11-digit with format 00-00000000-0).

DEA US Drug Enforcement Agency Number (9-digit number).

DISTRIBUTOR Business is a distributor of pharmaceuticals.

DUNS Dunn and Bradstreet Number (9-digit number).

DUNS4 Dunn and Bradstreet Number with 4-digit extension (13-digit number).

FINANCER Business is a financier / payer.

GCP GS1 Global Company Prefix (6- to 12-digit number).

GLN Global Location Number (13-digit number).

HEALTHCARE Business is a healthcare facility.

HIN Health Industry Number assigned by HIBCC (9-character alphanumeric).

IN_COMPANY_ID India Company Identifier (alphanumeric).

IN_IEC India Importer Exporter Code (10-digit number).

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 516 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

IN_LOCATION_ID India company location identifier (alphanumeric).

IN_PAN India Permanent Account Number (10-character alphanumeric, with format AAPL1234C, with the first five characters are letters, next four numerals, last
check-digit character letter).

IN_TIN India Taxpayer Identification Number (11-digit number).

KR_BUS_REG_ Korea Business Registration Number (10-digit number, with format 000-00-0000).

KR_PROVIDER_CODE Korea Provider Code (8-digit number).

LOGISTICS Business is a third party logistics provider.

MANUFACTURER Business is a manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.

PHARMACY Business is a pharmacy.

RU_ACCOUNT_ Russia Account Number.


RU_INN_FOREIGN_ Russia Foreign Business Taxpayer Identification.


RU_INN_INDIV Russia Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.

RU_INN_KPP_TAX_ Russia KPP (supplementary tax registration ID numbers) Tax Identification Code.

RU_INN_LOCAL_ Russia Local Business Taxpayer Identification Number.


SGLN Serialized Global Location Number (for a sub-location) expressed as: [CompanyPrefix].[LocationRef].0. First two segments contain only digits.

VAWD Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors - Not used.

WHOLESALER Business is a wholesaler of pharmaceuticals.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 517 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description









AO ANGOLA        


AR ARGENTINA                          


AT AUSTRIA                                

AU AUSTRALIA                             

AW ARUBA                                 


AZ AZERBAIJAN                             


BB BARBADOS                              

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 518 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

BD BANGLADESH                           

BE BELGIUM                                  


BG BULGARIA                             

BH BAHRAIN                               

BI BURUNDI                              

BJ BENIN                                   

BL SAINT BARTHÉLEMY                                             

BM BERMUDA                                 

BN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM                    



BR BRAZIL                                

BS BAHAMAS                                 

BT BHUTAN                                  

BV BOUVET ISLAND                           

BW BOTSWANA                              

BY BELARUS                                

BZ BELIZE                                  

CA CANADA                               



Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 519 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description


CG CONGO                                   

CH SWITZERLAND                                                     

CI CÔTE D'IVOIRE                            

CK COOK ISLANDS                            

CL CHILE                                 

CM CAMEROON                              

CN CHINA                                 

CO COLOMBIA                                 

CR COSTA RICA                              

CU CUBA                                 

CV CABO VERDE                             

CW CURAÇAO                                

CX CHRISTMAS ISLAND                        

CY CYPRUS                                  

CZ CZECH REPUBLIC                       

DE GERMANY                               

DJ DJIBOUTI                                 

DK DENMARK                            

DM DOMINICA                              

DO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC                     


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 520 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

EC ECUADOR                                

EE ESTONIA                               

EG EGYPT                                

EH WESTERN SAHARA                                          

ER ERITREA                               

ES SPAIN                                                         

ET ETHIOPIA                                

FI FINLAND                                

FJ FIJI                                    


FM MICRONESIA FEDERATED STATES OF                               

FO FAROE ISLANDS                          

FR FRANCE                                

GA GABON                                  


GD GRENADA                                 

GE GEORGIA                             

GF FRENCH GUIANA                            

GG GUERNSEY                                


GI GIBRALTAR                               

GL GREENLAND                             

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 521 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

GM GAMBIA                               

GN GUINEA                               

GP GUADELOUPE                               

GQ EQUATORIAL GUINEA                       

GR GREECE                              


GT GUATEMALA                              

GU GUAM                                 

GW GUINEA-BISSAU                          

GY GUYANA                                

HK HONG KONG                                                  


HN HONDURAS                          

HR CROATIA                               

HT HAITI                             

HU HUNGARY                                                      

ID INDONESIA                                                    

IE IRELAND                                                      

IL ISRAEL                                                 

IM ISLE OF MAN                                                 

IN INDIA                                                        


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Data Code Description

IQ IRAQ                                                       

IR ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN                                   

IS ICELAND                                                      

IT ITALY                                                       

JE JERSEY                                                       

JM JAMAICA                                                      

JO JORDAN                                                       

JP JAPAN                                                         

KE KENYA                                                       

KG KYRGYZSTAN                                                     

KH CAMBODIA                          

KI KIRIBATI                                                    

KM COMOROS                                

KN SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS                                      


KR KOREA THE REPUBLIC OF                                         

KW KUWAIT                                                       

KY CAYMAN ISLANDS                          

KZ KAZAKHSTAN                                                

LA LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC                              

LB LEBANON                                                    

LC SAINT LUCIA                                                  

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 523 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

LI LIECHTENSTEIN                                                 

LK SRI LANKA                                                    

LR LIBERIA                                                    

LS LESOTHO                                                        

LT LITHUANIA                                                   

LU LUXEMBOURG                                                    

LV LATVIA                                                        

LY LIBYA                                                       

MA MOROCCO                                                     

MC MONACO                                                    

MD MOLDOVA THE REPUBLIC OF                                  

ME MONTENEGRO                                                    

MF SAINT MARTIN FRENCH PART                                      

MG MADAGASCAR                                                    

MH MARSHALL ISLANDS                                             


ML MALI                                                       

MM MYANMAR                                                      

MN MONGOLIA                                                    

MO MACAO                                                          

MP NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS                                    

MQ MARTINIQUE                                                   

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 524 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Code Description

MR MAURITANIA                                                  

MS MONTSERRAT                                                

MT MALTA                                                         

MU MAURITIUS                                                     

MV MALDIVES                                                   

MW MALAWI                                                     

MX MEXICO                                                      

MY MALAYSIA                                                     

MZ MOZAMBIQUE                                                   

NA NAMIBIA                                                     

NC NEW CALEDONIA                                                   

NE NIGER                                                          

NF NORFOLK ISLAND                                              

NG NIGERIA                                                     

NI NICARAGUA                                                   

NL NETHERLANDS                                                    

NO NORWAY                                                      

NP NEPAL                                                      

NR NAURU                                                        

NU NIUE                                                            

NZ NEW ZEALAND                                                    

OM OMAN                                                     

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 525 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Code Description

PA PANAMA                                                        

PE PERU                                                          

PF FRENCH POLYNESIA                        

PG PAPUA NEW GUINEA                                              

PH PHILIPPINES                                                  

PK PAKISTAN                                                       

PL POLAND                                                       

PM SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON                                    

PN PITCAIRN                                                        

PR PUERTO RICO                                                 

PS PALESTINIAN TERRITORY OCCUPIED                                  

PT PORTUGAL                                                       

PW PALAU                                                        

PY PARAGUAY                                                    

QA QATAR                                                      

RE RÉUNION                                                         

RO ROMANIA                                                      

RS SERBIA                                                         

RU RUSSIAN FEDERATION                                            

RW RWANDA                                                       

SA SAUDI ARABIA                                             

SB SOLOMON ISLANDS                                               

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 526 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Code Description

SC SEYCHELLES                                                 

SD SUDAN                                                       

SE SWEDEN                                                         

SG SINGAPORE                                                    



SJ SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN                                          

SK SLOVAKIA                                                

SL SIERRA LEONE                                                  

SM SAN MARINO                                                   

SN SENEGAL                                                       

SO SOMALIA                                                   

SR SURINAME                                                        

SS SOUTH SUDAN                                                  

ST SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE                                          

SV EL SALVADOR                             

SX SAINT MAARTEN DUTCH PART                                     

SY SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC                                         

SZ SWAZILAND                                                      

TC TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS                                     

TD CHAD                                


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Data Code Description

TG TOGO                                                        

TH THAILAND                                               

TJ TAJIKISTAN                                                   

TK TOKELAU                                                        

TL TIMOR-LESTE                                                 

TM TURKMENISTAN                                                   

TN TUNISIA                                                      

TO TONGA                                                         

TR TURKEY                                                         

TT TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                                            

TV TUVALU                                                       

TW TAIWAN                                 

TZ TANZANIA UNITED REPUBLIC OF                                 

UA UKRAINE                                                     

UG UGANDA                                                     


US UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                                   

UY URUGUAY                                                       

UZ UZBEKISTAN                                                

VA VATICAN HOLY CITY                              


VE VENEZUELA BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF                                

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 528 Confidential with No Further Distribution
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Data Code Description

VG BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS                                     

VI US VIRGIN ISLANDS                                          

VN VIET NAM                                                     

VU VANUATU                                                     

WF WALLIS AND FUTUNA                                           

WS SAMOA                                                        


YE YEMEN                                                    

YT MAYOTTE                                                    

ZA SOUTH AFRICA                                                  

ZM ZAMBIA                                                  

ZW ZIMBABWE                          

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 529 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AED UAE Dirham

AFN Afghani


AMD Armenian Dram

ANG Netherlands Antillean Guilder

AOA Kwanza

ARS Argentine Peso

AUD Australian Dollar

AWG Aruban Florin

AZN Azerbaijanian Manat

BAM Convertible Mark

BBD Barbados Dollar

BDT Taka

BGN Bulgarian Lev

BHD Bahraini Dinar

BIF Burundi Franc

BMD Bermudian Dollar

BND Brunei Dollar

BOB Boliviano

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 530 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

BRL Brazilian Real

BSD Bahamian Dollar

BTN Ngultrum

BWP Pula

BYR Belarussian Ruble

BZD Belize Dollar

CAD Canadian Dollar

CDF Congolese Franc

CHF Swiss Franc

CLP Chilean Peso

CNY Yuan Renminbi

COP Colombian Peso

CRC Costa Rican Colon

CUC Peso Convertible

CUP Cuban Peso

CVE Cabo Verde Escudo

CZK Czech Koruna

DJF Djibouti Franc

DKK Danish Krone

DOP Dominican Peso

DZD Algerian Dinar

EGP Egyptian Pound

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TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

ERN Nakfa

ETB Ethiopian Birr

EUR Euro

FJD Fiji Dollar

FKP Falkland Islands Pound

GBP Pound Sterling

GEL Lari

GHS Ghana Cedi

GIP Gibraltar Pound

GMD Dalasi

GNF Guinea Franc

GTQ Quetzal

GYD Guyana Dollar

HKD Hong Kong Dollar

HNL Lempira

HRK Kuna

HTG Gourde

HUF Forint

IDR Rupiah

ILS New Israeli Sheqel

INR Indian Rupee

IQD Iraqi Dinar

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 532 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

IRR Iranian Rial

ISK Iceland Krona

JMD Jamaican Dollar

JOD Jordanian Dinar


KES Kenyan Shilling


KHR Riel

KMF Comoro Franc

KPW North Korean Won


KWD Kuwaiti Dinar

KYD Cayman Islands Dollar

KZT Tenge


LBP Lebanese Pound

LKR Sri Lanka Rupee

LRD Liberian Dollar

LSL Loti

LYD Libyan Dinar

MAD Moroccan Dirham

MDL Moldovan Leu

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 533 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

MGA Malagasy Ariary

MKD Denar

MMK Kyat

MNT Tugrik

MOP Pataca

MRO Ouguiya

MUR Mauritius Rupee

MVR Rufiyaa

MWK Kwacha

MXN Mexican Peso

MYR Malaysian Ringgit

MZN Mozambique Metical

NAD Namibia Dollar

NGN Naira

NIO Cordoba Oro

NOK Norwegian Krone

NPR Nepalese Rupee

NZD New Zealand Dollar

OMR Rial Omani

PAB Balboa

PEN Nuevo Sol

PGK Kina

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 534 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

PHP Philippine Peso

PKR Pakistan Rupee

PLN Zloty

PYG Guarani

QAR Qatari Rial

RON Romanian Leu

RSD Serbian Dinar

RUB Russian Ruble

RWF Rwanda Franc

SAR Saudi Riyal

SBD Solomon Islands Dollar

SCR Seychelles Rupee

SDG Sudanese Pound

SEK Swedish Krona

SGD Singapore Dollar

SHP Saint Helena Pound

SLL Leone

SOS Somali Shilling

SRD Surinam Dollar

SSP South Sudanese Pound

STD Dobra

SVC El Salvador Colon

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 535 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

SYP Syrian Pound

SZL Lilangeni

THB Baht

TJS Somoni

TMT Turkmenistan New Manat

TND Tunisian Dinar

TOP Tongan Pa'anga

TRY Turkish Lira

TTD Trinidad and Tobago Dollar

TWD New Taiwan Dollar

TZS Tanzanian Shilling

UAH Hryvnia

UGX Uganda Shilling

USD US Dollar

UYU Peso Uruguayo

UZS Uzbekistan Sum

VEF Bolivar

VND Dong

VUV Vatu

WST Tala


XCD East Caribbean Dollar

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 536 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description



YER Yemeni Rial

ZAR Rand

ZMW Zambian Kwacha

ZWL Zimbabwe Dollar

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TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description


GTIN_14 GTIN-14.

NTIN National Trade Item Number.

SSCC SSCC - GS1 Company Prefix Value.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 538 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AT_PZN Austria 13-digit PZN code.

BE_ABP_CODE Belgium 16-digit ABP code.

BR_ANVISA_REGISTRATION Brazil 13-digit ANVISA Drug Registration code.

CA_DIN Canada 8-digit DIN code.

CH_SWISSMEDIC Switzerland 13-digit Swissmedic code.


CN_SUB_TYPE China Subtype Code.

DE_PPN Germany 12-digit PZN code.

DE_PZN Germany 8-digit PZN code.

EAN13 13-digit International Article Number.

ES_CODIGO_NATIONAL Spain 13-digit Codigo National code.

FR_CIP_13 France 13-digit CIP13 code.

GR_EOFCODE Greece 9-digit EOF code.


HR_CNC Croatia 10-digit National Code.

IN_PRODUCT_CODE India 12-digit product code (based on the GTIN-14, with the first and last digits removed).

INTERNAL_MATERIAL_CODE Internal Material Number.

IT_BOLLINO Italy 9-digit Bollino code.

KR_KFDA_CODE Korea 13-digit KFDA code.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 539 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

NL_KNMP Netherlands KNMP 8-digit code.

NRD_VNR_CODE Nordic countries 6-digit VNR code.

NTIN National Trade Item Number.

PT_AIM Portugal 7-digit AIM number.

SA_SAUDI_DRUG_CODE Saudi Arabia 10-character alphanumeric drug code.

SSCC SSCC - GS1 Company Prefix Value.

US_NDC442 US 10-digit National Drug Code; may contain hyphen separators at pos 4-4-2.

US_NDC532 US 10-digit National Drug Code; may contain hyphen separators at pos 5-3-2.

US_NDC541 US 10-digit National Drug Code; may contain hyphen separators at pos 5-4-1.

US_NDC542 US normalized 11-digit National Drug Code; may contain hyphen separators at pos 5-4-2.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 540 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AVAILABLE Item is available to be picked.

BLOCKED Item is in blocked state, which indicates it cannot be picked for a shipment.

PENDINGRECEIPT Item is in pending receipt state because a shipment message has been sent to the system indicating the items have been shipped to this entity.

PICKED Item is reserved against a specific outbound delivery.

RECEIVED Item is in received state (receipt message submitted, items not yet available).

SHIPPED Item is in shipped state for a specific outbound delivery.

UNDERINVESTIGATION Item is under investigation for possibly being invalid. Cannot pick item for a shipment.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 541 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

ItemStatus Transition Availability

The new state for items is dependent on their current state, as shown below. Read the table as changing state from Row to Column:
l Yes=Allowed

l No=Disallowed

For example, Received can only be updated to Available or Shipped, Available cannot be updated to Pending Receipt or Received, and so forth.

State Available Picked Shipped Pending Receipt Received Blocked Under_Investigation

Available - Ye Yes No No Yes Yes

Picked Yes - Yes No No No No

Shipped Yes No - Yes Yes No No

Pending Receipt No No Yes - Yes No No

Received Yes No Yes No - No No

Blocked Yes No No No No - No

Under_Investigation Yes No No No No No -

The ITEM STATUS option and its attributes are only enforced when you set SERIAL NUMBER STATUS to Commissioned or Registered.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 542 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

BR_PROF_REG Brazil Professional Registration Number.

CNES Brazil National Registry of Health Facilities Number.

CNPJ Brazil Tax/ Legal Entity ID (14 digits with format 00.000.000/0001-00).

COMPANYID Internal company identifier (alphanumeric).

COMPANYSITEID Internal location / plant / site identifier (alphanumeric).

CPF Brazil Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (11 digits with format 000.000.000-00).

DEA US Drug Enforcement Agency Number (9-digit number) - Not used.

DUNS Dunn and Bradstreet Number (9-digit number).

DUNS4 Dunn and Bradstreet Number with 4-digit extension (13-digit number).

GCP GS1 Global Company Prefix (6- to 12-digit number).

GLN Global Location Number (13-digit number).

HIN Health Industry Number assigned by HIBCC (9-character alphanumeric).

KR_BUS_REG_NUMBER Korea Business Registration Number (10 digits with format 000-00-0000).

KR_PROVIDER_CODE Korea Provider Code (8-digit number).

SGLN Serialized Global Location Number (for a sub-location) expressed as: [CompanyPrefix].[LocationRef].0. First two segments
contain only digits.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 543 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

OrderReceiptType & OrderType
Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

ASN Shipment Notification Number.

DESTRUCTION Destruction Document Number.

INVOICE Invoice Number.

PACKSLIP Packing Slip Number.

PO Purchase Order Number.

RETURN Return Authorization Number.

SALESORDER Sales Order Number.

TRANSFER Transfer Order Number.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 544 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Pack Level
Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

CA Case/Shipper

EA Each

PK Innerpack/Bundle

PL Pallet

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Data Code Description

INCORRECTSTATUS Product that reflects the incorrect SerialNumberStatus and therefore will be modified.

STATUSUPDATE Product that is changing its status.

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TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

CORRECTION Shipment to be corrected.

DAMAGED Damaged goods.

DAMAGED_IN_FACILITY Goods damaged in facility.

DAMAGED_IN_TRANSIT Goods damaged in transit.

DATA_ISSUE Data issue.

DESTROYED Goods destroyed.

EXPIRED Expired product.

FOUND_INVENTORY Inventory found.

INVESTIGATION Under investigation.

LOST_INVENTORY Lost inventory.

ORDER_CANCELLED Order has been cancelled.

ORDER_REJECTED Order has been rejected.

OTHER Other reason.

OVER_RECEIPT Over receipt.

OVER_SHIP Over shipment.

PHYSICAL_COUNT Physical count issue.

RECALLED Product recalled.

RECEIVING_ERROR Receiving error.

SHIPPING_ERROR Shipping error.

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Data Code Description

SHORT_RECEIPT Short receipt.

SHORT_SHIP Short ship.

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Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

IMPORT_RETURN Return made into one country from another.

IMPORT_PURCHASE Purchase made into one country from another.

IMPORT_TRANSFER Transfer made into one country from another.

IMPORTRETURN Return made into one country from another.

IMPORTPURCHASE Purchase made into one country from another.

IMPORTTRANSFER Transfer made into one country from another.

INCOUNTRY_PURCHASE Purchase made within the same country.

INCOUNTRY_RETURN Return made within the same country.

INCOUNTRY_TRANSFER Transfer made within the same country.

INCOUNTRYPURCHASE Purchase made within the same country.

INCOUNTRYRETURN Return made within the same country.

INCOUNTRYTRANSFER Transfer made within the same country.

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TraceLink Inc.

Choose from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

EXPORT A warehouse transfer including CMO/CMO or 3PL partner, made from one country to another.

EXPORTRETURN A return shipment made from one country to another.

EXPORTSALE A sale and distribution made from one country to another.

EXPORTTRANSFER A warehouse transfer including CMO/CMO or 3PL partner, made from one country to another.

INCOUNTRYRETURN A return shipment made within the same country.

INCOUNTRYSALE A sale and distribution made within the same country.

INCOUNTRYTRANSFER A warehouse transfer including CMO/CMO or 3PL partner, made within the same country.

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TraceLink Inc.

Serial Number Data Examples

Select one of the following formats:

AI(01)+AI(21) formatted numbers are 01 + [GTIN14] + 21 + [serial number]

E.g 015088202503022521100000090109

AI(00) formatted numbers are: 00 + [SSCC18 code]

E.g. 00008820200000047506

CN-EDMC formatted serial numbers are: 20 digit China EDMC code

E.g. 81530070000022519351

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TraceLink Inc.

SerialNumberStatus Transition Availability

The new state for serial numbers is dependent on their current state, as shown below. Read the table as changing state from Row to Column:
l Yes = Allowed

l No = Disallowed

E.g. Reserved cannot be Destroyed or Decommissioned, Destroyed and Deactivated are terminal states that cannot be undone, Decommissioned can
only be Commissioned, and so forth.

State Reserved Unreserved Encoded Commissioned Destroyed Decommissioned Deactivated Registered

Reserved - Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No

Unreserved Yes - No No No No No No

Encoded No No - Yes No No Yes No

Commissioned No No No - Yes Yes No No

Destroyed No No No No - No No No

Decommissioned No No No Yes No - No No

Deactivated No No No No No No - No

Registered No No No No Yes Yes No -

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TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AI AI(00) or AI(01)(21) barcode format without parentheses for SSCC, SGTIN, and NTIN serial numbers.

CN_EDMC China EDMC Code format. This is the only format possible for China serial numbers.

EPC_URI GS1 EPC URI format with prefix for SSCC and SGTIN serial numbers.

TAG_URI GS1 TAG URI format with prefix for SSCC and SGTIN serial numbers.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 553 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Select from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

COMMISSIONED Serial number has been commissioned.

DEACTIVATED Serial number has been deactivated. Only serial numbers in reserved or encoded state may be deactivated. If numbers have been commissioned, then they
are either decommissioned or destroyed.

DECOMMISSIONED Serial number has been decommissioned.

DESTROYED Serial number has been destroyed.

ENCODED Serial number is in encoded state, typically used in label or carton pre-printing. This state comes after reserved and before commissioned.

RESERVED Serial number is in reserved state, indicating it has been provisioned to a packaging location.

UNRESERVED Serial number is in an unreserved state and no longer provisioned to a packaging location.

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TraceLink Inc.

Choose from one of the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

AGENCYORDEREDDESTRUCTIONDISTRIBUTION Distribution for destruction as ordered by a government agency.

CIVILPROTECTIONEMERGENCYDISTRIBUTION Supply to authorized parties (e.g. police) for civil protection and disaster control.

CLINICALTRIAL Supply for a clinical trial.

COLLECTION Indicates a collection.

CONTRACTMANUFACTURERBUYBACK Return sale back to the contract manufacturer.

COURTORDEREDDESTRUCTIONDISTRIBUTION Distribution for court-ordered destruction.

CUSTOMSCLEARANCEDISTRIBUTION Receipt of goods into an importer's warehouse, after customs clearance.

CUSTOMSZONETRANSFER Goods transferred between customs zones.

CUSTOMSSALE Sale of product previously seized by a customs agency.

DENTALPRACTITIONERDISTRIBUTION Supply to a dental practitioner.

DESTRUCTIONDISTRIBUTION Distribution for company-initiated destruction.

DONATION Indicates a donation.

EMERGENCYMEDICALPRACTITIONERDISTRIBUTION Supply to paramedics and emergency medical practitioners.

EXEMPTEDDISPENSER Denotes a product as dispensed before dispensers receive it.

FREEOFCHARGEDISTRIBUTION Free sales that are neither a donation nor a sample distribution.

MEDICALCAREDISTRIBUTION Indicates a medical care distribution.

MEDICALPRACTITIONERDISTRIBUTION Supply to a doctor or other medical practitioner.

MILITARYDISTRIBUTION Indicates a military distribution.

OPTICALPRACTITIONERDISTRIBUTION Supply to an optometrist or optician.

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TraceLink Inc.

Data Code Description

PATIENTDISTRIBUTION Indicates a patient distribution.

PRISONDISTRIBUTION Supply to a prison.

PROVIDERDISTRIBUTION Indicates a provider distribution.

REEXPORTDISTRIBUTION Product that is produced in Country A, and then imported into and subsequently re-exported from Country B.

REEXPORTEMBARGODISTRIBUTION Product that is produced in Country A, and then imported into and subsequently re-exported from Country B due to an
embargo placed on a product.

REEXPORTSANCTIONSDISTRIBUTION Product that is produced in Country A, and then imported into and subsequently re-exported from Country B due to
imposed sanctions.

RESEARCHUNIVERSITYDISTRIBUTION Supply to research institutions (e.g. universities) that perform research.

SAFETYLIFERESERVESDISTRIBUTION Indicates a safety life reserves distribution.

SAMPLEDISTRIBUTION Indicates a sample distribution.

SCHOOLDISTRIBUTION Distribution to a school.

SPECIALMEDICALCAREDISTRIBUTION Indicates a special medical care distribution.

VETERINARYDISTRIBUTION Supply to veterinarians and veterinary retailers.

WITHDRAWNPRODUCTCOLLECTION Product that is temporarily suspended by the government and withdrawn from circulation.

Choose from one of the enumerators below:

Data Code Description

ARCHIVAL The product is sampled to store as a record.

CONFORMITY_CONTROL The product is sampled by health authorities when imported to ensure quality standards.

SELECTIVE_CONTROL The product is sampled by health authorities as needed to ensure quality standards.

Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 556 Confidential with No Further Distribution
TraceLink Inc.

Choose from the following enumerators:

Data Code Description

ASN Shipment Notification Number.

BOL Bill of Lading Number. A carrier-issued document that serves as a shipment receipt once the product is delivered to the predetermined

DESTRUCTION Destruction Order Number.

EWAY E-Way Bill Number.

INVOICE Invoice Number.

NOTA_FISCAL_ELETRONICA Nota fiscal eletronica (used in Brazil, populated with nota fiscal document number and series code in format: 987654321.99999999).

OTHER Other identifier.

PACKSLIP Packing Slip Number.

PO Purchase Order Number.

PRONUMBER Transportation carrier progressive number.

REMOVAL Removal from circulation.

RETURN Return Authorization Number.

SALESORDER Sales Order Number.


Serialized Operations Manager SOAP API Guide 557 Confidential with No Further Distribution
Glossary: Action – Attribute

Application Master

The master metadata store for all of the application metadata.

Application Metadata
Defines the metadata of an application or platform service. The goals of accel-
erating application development, facilitating the management of apps, and
Action presenting a developer with a visual Experience Design Environment (XD Studio)
An event-driven function point that uses a relationship to connect it to an app require that much of the behavior of an application be defined via metadata.
and/or user. An action is defined by an app as a <Verb><Object> pair (e.g. Create
User, Delete Project, View Dashboard). An action can be included in a role and
Application Program Interface (API)
assigned to a user. Apps execute an action via a handler.
The interface that allows other software programs to interact with applications.
Members on the Network can generate a series of request and response mes-
Administration sages corresponding to various TraceLink applications (whether synchronously
An application utility that includes tools for configuring global company settings or asynchronously).
for use across all TraceLink applications. Users that have access to this utility
are considered Administrators.
Application Repository
Defines where application images are stored so they can be deployed as running
Advance Ship Notice (ASN) code.
A notification of pending deliveries, usually in an electronic format.

Aggregation A product offering that includes one or more functions to fulfill customer/market
The process of recording the serial number of a container along with the serial needs. Applications are offered in various forms including, but not restricted to,
numbers of its contents; often referred to as a parent/child relationship, or a seri- web applications, mobile apps, APIs, and SDKs to appeal to different user needs.
alized container to content relationship.

Asynchronous Message
Alphanumeric An integration message (formerly known as transaction) is used as an interface
Character set made up of digits and letters of the alphabet. to exchange data between two companies. Asynchronous messages do not fully
process in real-time.
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
The protocol used to securely transmit data over the internet in the preferred Attribute
method for exchanging Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transactions. One of the three primitive building blocks used to create the data model. (The oth-
ers are object type and relationship.) An attribute is a characteristic or inherent
Application Identifier (AI) part of an object type or relationship. The specific object instance of an attribute
A GS1 term for numeric prefixes used in barcodes and Electronic Product Code is known as a property. Example attributes include: Username, Serial Number,
(EPC)/Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags to define the meaning and Product Identifier.
format of encoded data elements.

Glossary: Authenticate – Cardinality

Authenticate Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)

The practice of checking a unique identifier against a set of captured serialized The Brazilian Regulatory Agency responsible for the approval and supervision of
data to determine its authenticity. food, cosmetics, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, health services, and medical devices.

Authorized Distributor of Record (ADR) Bright Stock

A wholesale distributor that a manufacturer designates or authorizes to dis- An approach to labeling and packaging operations in which products are pro-
tribute its products. duced in large batches, stored in unlabeled containers, and then labeled just prior
to shipment.
Auto ID
Method of automatically capturing data encoded on items and containers, and Build Pipeline
entering that data directly into computer systems without human involvement. Defines a module's build, test, and deploy processes in the TDE to enable con-
tinuous delivery.


A group of items held together, usually by shrink wrap. Synonymous with Inner

Business-to-Business (B2B)
Interactions that support the transfer of standardized interchange files up to an
enterprise’s EDI system. B2B interactions are not integrated with manufacturing,
A group of products associated with a manufacturing or packaging operation. Syn-
warehouse, or other backend business systems.
onymous with lot.

Bill of Lading (BoL)

A document issued by a carrier which details a shipment of merchandise and
gives the shipment title to a specified party.

A process in which the kernel is installed and made operational for the first time
so that the rest of the system can be built using the TDE. Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (National Registry for Legal
Entities) (CNPJ)
Brazil Compliance An identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Secretariat of the
A TraceLink compliance reporting app that searches, views, and generates Federal Revenue of Brazil.
reports required by ANVISA.
Brazil Product Track How many instances of a type may exist on either the FROM or TO ends of a rela-
TraceLink app. Tracks movement of products within the Brazil supply chain. tionship. The cardinality key defines the relationship of one to one, one to many,

Glossary: Case – Core Business Vocabulary (CBV)

many to one, or many to many. Community

A TraceLink app that allows companies within the TraceLink Network to connect
Case and engage with each other. The Community Hub also allows non-TraceLink
A container of product eaches (e.g. cartons, packages, bottles) which may or may Members to search, verify, and track specific products.
not be bundled.
Compliance Reporting
Change Management Each TraceLink product app that corresponds to a specific country, retains com-
A TraceLink app that allows the users to manage and view supplier changes. pliance data, and allows users to search and review the details of that data in
compliance reports.

Check Digit
Redundancy check used for error detection of identification numbers, used in Compliance Reports
National Drug Code (NDC) numbers, US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Reports that display specific country compliance data.
numbers, Global Trade Item Number (GTIN-14) identifiers, and Serial Shipping
Container Codes (SSCC). Component
A visual element in the XD Studio that is used for building screens. A component
China Compliance is defined by its Properties. There are two types of components: UI components
A TraceLink compliance reporting app that searches, views, and generates and Data components.
reports required by CFDA.
China Electronic Data Monitoring Code (CN_EDMC) A standardized unit of TraceLink code. A container is created from a Docker
The encoding format for serial numbers, issued by the Chinese government, used image at runtime.
for products sold in China.
Content Area
China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) A section of the Foundation layer. Screens are displayed in the content area.
The organization in China responsible for ensuring pharmaceutical quality.
Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO)
Cluster A company providing manufacturing and sometimes packaging services for one
A logical grouping of containers that you can place tasks on. A cluster represents or more pharmaceutical manufacturers based on contracts or service agree-
an instance of an AWS EKS controller. ments.

Collection Contract Packaging Organization (CPO)

A group of objects. A third-party organization that manufacturers subcontract to package products.

Commissioning Core Business Vocabulary (CBV)

Process of associating a serial number to a particular object (product or con- Vocabulary elements agreed upon by trading partners who will exchange data.
tainer). See:

Glossary: Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) – Docker Image

Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) Decommission

Improvements to an organization's processes taken to eliminate quality failures. To disassociate a serial number from a product or container so that it is no longer
tracked. In TraceLink, decommissioned serial numbers can be reused, whereas
Counterfeit destroyed serial numbers cannot be reused.
An imitation usually created with the intent of fraudulently passing it off as genu-
ine, often to take advantage of the established worth of the imitated product. The Delivery
word counterfeit frequently describes the forgeries of currency and documents, In TraceLink, a delivery is considered a sale, transfer, or return.
and the imitations of clothing, software, pharmaceuticals, jeans, watches, elec-
tronics, and company logos and brands. In the case of goods, it results in patent Destroy
or trademark infringement. To disassociate a serial number from a product or container so that it is no longer
tracked. In TraceLink, destroyed serial numbers cannot be reused, whereas
Crypto code decommissioned serial numbers can be reused.
Encrypted identification numbers generated by the Tsentr Razvitiya Per-
spektivnykh Tekhnologiy (CRPT) for use in Russia. Provides additional security Disaggregate
and allows Russian pharmacies without internet access to verify products. A To remove products or containers from a parent container. The serial numbers of
crypto code is associated to a serial number and consists of a key portion and a the contained product or container are no longer associated as children of the par-
code portion. ent container.

See the "Drug Supply Chain Security Act Glossary of Terms" at https://www.ip-

chain-security-act-glossary-of-terms for the definition.

Data Carrier The state of a serial number. TraceLink updates serial number disposition states
A GS1 term for the different kinds of media, such as barcodes, that can hold GS1 after provisioning, encoding, commissioning, aggregating, decommissioning, and
identification keys and application identifiers. destroying serial numbers.

Data Component Distribution Center (DC)

A special type of a UI component in the XD Studio that has been preconfigured A warehouse stocked with goods to be redistributed to retailers, wholesalers, or
with a DNP Query. Included as part of a Screen Template section and configured customers.
to have specific behavior based on the Properties setting. To use a Data com-
ponent, apps must be licensed so they can provide an API that responds to the Docker Image
DNP Query. A file that includes the code, runtime, tools, libraries, and settings needed to
execute code for an app. A Docker image becomes a container at runtime.

Glossary: Double Byte Character Set – Encoding

Double Byte Character Set DUNS® Number+4

A character encoding that contains a large number of unique characters or sym- The DUNS Number plus a 4-digit extension (13-digit total) created by assignees
bols that is used to express languages such as Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. when there is a need for more than one bank/Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
account for a location. D&B does not create or maintain the +4 number.
The direction of product flow, e.g. pharmaceuticals travel first through the man-
ufacturers, then downstream to repackagers, then downstream to wholesaler dis-

tributors, and finally downstream to dispensers.

Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA)

US Federal Legislation passed in November 2013.

Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) The smallest saleable unit of product, the secondary package level. Synonymous
An Act signed into law in 2013, which dictates the governance of pharmaceutical with item.
distribution and traceability in the US. See https://www.f-
Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
A fully managed Docker container registry from AWS that makes it easy for
developers to store, manage, and deploy Docker images.
tegrityandSupplyChainSecurity/DrugSupplyChainSecurityAct/ for details.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Drug Track and Trace System (DTTS)
The electronic transfer of data between computer systems in a standardized mes-
The Saudi Arabia compliance reporting repository, which supports Saudi Food &
sage format.
Drug Authority serialization and traceability regulations.

Electronic Drug Monitoring Code (EDMC)

Drugs Authentication and Verification Application (DAVA)
A unique identifier provided by the Chinese government for serialized product.
India’s web portal where manufacturers and exporters upload the compliance
reports required for Indian pharmaceutical regulations.
Electronic Product Code (EPC)
A unique number that identifies a specific item in the supply chain. Also known as
Dun & Bradstreet (D&B)
a serial number.
A company that publishes a business directory of other companies and assigns
and maintains a unique identifier for each company within the directory.
Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS)
See: for the definition.
DUNS® Number
D&B's copyrighted, proprietary means of identifying business entities on a loc-
ation-specific basis. Assigned and maintained solely by D&B, this unique nine- Encoding
digit identification number has been assigned to over 100 million businesses The process of preprinting labels for serial numbers after they are provisioned.
worldwide. Once the labels are affixed to the products, the serial numbers enter the

Glossary: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – Extension Digit

"commissioned state." European Hub

A cloud-based gateway for EU compliance reporting. Provides interoperability
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) between different national systems in the EU, and manages product status (e.g.
Business process management software used to manage and automate back- decommissioning, recalls) and exceptions throughout the life cycle of a product.
office operations. The hub does not store serialization data like a repository – instead it acts as a
single point of entry.

Enterprise Serialization Manager (ESM)

A term used for a serialization system that a customer may use as its System of European Medicines Verification System (EMVS)
Record (SOR) for serial numbers instead of TraceLink's serialization services. The Pan-European system that implements the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD).
ESM system provides serial numbers to TraceLink for serialization operations Verifies the authenticity of a medicinal product.
and global compliance reporting. Synonymous with External Serialization Man-
ager. Event
Any action that is triggered in the TraceLink system becomes an "event" once pro-
Environment cessed in the system.
A namespace that contains a group of Kubernetes deployments.
Event Repository
EPC Global A computer system designed to store serial number information and events relat-
An organization sponsored by GS1. Develops the standards for Electronic ing to serialized products.
Product Code (EPC) and for Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) systems that
store and manage EPCs. Exchange Transaction
A DSCSA term that describes the movement of a product where a change of own-
Error Correction Coding (ECC) ership occurs.
A code applied to transferred data for error control. The ECC provides redund-
ancy and allows the receiver to recover the original data. Exclusive Distributor
A wholesale distributor that purchases directly from a manufacturer and is the
Essential Drug List (EDL) sole distributor of that manufacturer’s product.
A country-specific list of drugs that satisfies the healthcare needs of the pop-
ulation majority. In China, serial number file structures differentiate whether or Expiry
not a drug is on or off the EDL and is known as Provincial Reimbursement Essen- Date of expiration or the last day an item should be used.
tial Drug List (PEDL).

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

EU Compliance A set of rules that allows documents to be readable by both humans and
TraceLink app. Generates EU required reports regarding Serialization and machines.
Product Verification.

Extension Digit
A one-digit segment used to extend the serial reference segment of a Serial Ship-
ping Container Code (SSCC) identifier. The SSCC format is: urn:epc:id:sscc:"

Glossary: External Product Identifier – GS1

[company prefix].[extension digit + serial number]."

External Product Identifier

A standards-based product code, e.g. Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or a mar-
ket-specific product code, used to identify the product. Note that this is not a man-
ufacturer Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), as SKUs are not regulated or standardized.
Global Company Prefix (GCP)
The Company Prefix of the GS1 Identification Key. The Company Prefix is used for
any location (physical, operational, or legal) that needs to be identified for use in

the supply chain.

Global Identifier
A unique reference number used to identify a legal entity (e.g. company, location)
to support the secure exchange of business information.
Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD)
A pan-European directive intended to protect patients from counterfeit medicines
Global Location Number (GLN)
in the regulated pharmaceutical supply chain. The European Medicines Veri-
A unique 13-digit number containing a GS1 company prefix, a location reference,
fication System (EMVS) was developed to implement the FMD.
and a check digit, used to uniquely identify a physical location or legal entity in
the supply chain. The GLN makes possible the unique and unambiguous iden-
Federal Law No. 425-FZ tification of those locations and entities.
A law enacted in 2017 that dictates the governance of pharmaceutical dis-
tribution and traceability in Russia.
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
A globally unique product identifier used by a company to identify its trade items
Filter Value at all item and package levels. To ensure the identifier is globally unique, GTINs
A digit in the 0-9 range that is used in certain EPC and coding formats, as part of contain the company's GS1 Company Prefix which is assigned by GS1.
the RFID control information, to specify the packaging level associated with the
serial number (e.g. each, case, pallet).
Good Practice (GxP)
A general term, usually referring to quality and regulations, in which "x" serves
Foundation as a variable (e.g. GMP is "Good Manufacturing Practice").
Foundation layer of the platform. Experiences are built on top of the Foundation,
which is always visible.
A leading global organization dedicated to the design and implementation of
global standards and solutions, to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply
and demand chains globally. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely
used supply chain standards system in the world (more at

Glossary: GS1-128 – Inference

GS1-128 Health Industry Number (HIN)

Formerly known as Code-128. A linear barcode used by organization members of 9-character alphanumeric unique identifier that is assigned to every facility, deliv-
GS1. ery location, and business activity in the healthcare supply chain.

GS1 Company Prefix Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA)

A 4-12 digit globally unique company identifier assigned and administered by GS1 US National Association representing primary, full-service healthcare dis-
Global. A component of Global Location Number (GLN), Global Trade Item Num- tributors. Formerly the Healthcare Distribution Management Alliance (HDMA).
ber (GTIN), and Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) identifiers.
Human Readable Interpretation (HRI)
GS1 Datamatrix Characters (e.g. letters, numbers) which can be read by persons and are encoded
A two-dimensional matrix barcode, also called a 2D matrix, consisting of black in data carriers. HRI is a one-to-one illustration of the encoded data.
and white cells arranged in either a square or rectangular pattern. The inform-
ation to be encoded can be text or raw data. Usage granted by the GS1 standards

H Illegitimate Product
updates/2014/10/14/drug-supply-chain-security-act-glossary-of-terms for the
Handler definition.
A mechanism that executes one or more actions in response to an event. Hand-
lers written in Java can be organized into modules. Importer
A company that oversees the importation of product to a specific country.
Headers comprise the prefixes used in Human Readable Interpretation of variable India Compliance
data. Common headers include GS1 Application Identifiers (AIs) or GS1 recom- TraceLink app. Searches and views reports required by the Indian government.
mended field labels.

Headless App The recognition of the serial numbers within a sealed container based on pre-
An app is "headless" because it exists and can evolve without a UI. A headless vious observation, and not by directly reading each serial number. Inference is
app is exposed as an API or workflow and does not define how users or customer accomplished using data systems or documents and is controlled through val-
systems consume or interact with the app. idated procedures.

Glossary: Info Exchange – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Info Exchange

A TraceLink B2B monitoring tool. Allows certain users to review data that is mov-
ing in and out of TraceLink. Monitors and logs file exchanges, errors, search
details, and raw files.

Info Express
A TraceLink app that allows for B2B transaction exchanges between Trade Part- Kernel Developer
ners in custom formats. Responsible for maintaining the verticle, which serves as the starting point of
every app. The kernel developer maintains code that defines default behavior for
every pod in the system.
The process of reviewing an item, either manually or using automated systems.
Korean Pharmaceutical Information Service (KPIS)
The South Korea compliance reporting repository, which supports serialization
Installation Qualification (IQ)
and traceability regulations.
Demonstrates that a process or equipment meets all specifications, is installed
correctly, and all required components and documentation needed for continued
operation are installed and in place. Kubernetes (k8s)
Enables dynamic deployment of a group of apps so they can be accessed at
runtime. A Helm chart describes how Kubernetes deployments are grouped
Internal Material Number
together in an environment.
A number assigned to a product for internal use and not for identifying the
product externally.

Internal Partner
A location within the Owner Company that has been granted specified access to a
TraceLink app. L
The ability of technology systems and software to communicate, exchange data L1-L5
and/or information, and make use of the information that has been exchanged. The 5 levels of serialization and information management, which include: L1 –
Device, L2 – Packaging line software, L3 – Site-level serialization, L4 – Enterprise
Item serialization system, and L5 – Network-level serialization system.
The smallest saleable unit of product, the secondary package level. Synonymous
with each. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
An industry standard protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory
information services.

Glossary: Line Management System (LMS) – Metadata Model

Line Management System (LMS) Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH)

A system that manages a production line and interfaces with a company's Enter- The license holder (brand owner) of a pharmaceutical product.
prise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Markirovka (MDLP)
Link(s) / Linking The Russia compliance reporting repository, which supports serialization and
A Link is the shared space in which the relationship between an Owner and Part- traceability regulations. MDLP is controlled by the Tsentr Razvitiya Per-
ner is facilitated; typically within the context of an app. Linking is an action taken spektivnykh Tekhnologiy (CRPT).
by an Owner and/or Member, which results in a Link within an instance of an
Owner’s app Master Data
The collection of data representing a company's details, global identifiers,
Logistics Labeling products, and trading partners. Particular types of data are required for seri-
Comprises the data and process of printing labels for use on all containers above alization and global compliance reporting.
the secondary packaging level (e.g. shipper and pallet labels).
Master Data Exchange (MDX)
Lot TraceLink app for managing Company Master Data, Partner Master Data, and
A group of products associated with a manufacturing or packaging operation. Syn- Product Master Data.
onymous with batch.
Any company, location, or person on the TraceLink Network.

M Message
An integration message (formerly known as transaction) which is used as an inter-
face to exchange data between two companies. Messages process in real-time.

Management Metadata
An application utility that includes tools for managing application settings and Defines an app or platform service. The goals of accelerating app development,
Partners. Users that have access to this utility are considered Managers. facilitating the management of apps, and presenting a developer with a visual
development experience require that much of the behavior of an app be defined
via metadata. The metadata repository contains object types, associations, and
An entity or organization responsible for producing a product.

Metadata Model
Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
The event interface for the schema store that allows authorized users to retrieve
A control system for managing and monitoring work-in-process on a factory
schemas. Kernel and platform developers create object type, association, and
attribute definitions directly in the system. These items provide enough metadata
definition for creating root object instances to initialize the metadata-driven
nature of the system.

Glossary: Mobile App – Node

Mobile App National Medicines Verification Systems (NMVS) Compliance

A mobile instance of a customer's application run on a tablet or phone. A TraceLink app that generates searchable reports about pack verification and
status update events across all European national systems.
Organizes a set of event handlers written in Java. Modules have their own Git National System
repositories and their own build pipelines. In the TDE App, a developer selects An information system set up and governed by national stakeholders to ensure a
which modules to include in the app they are building. medicine’s authenticity by verifying its safety features. This prevents falsified
products from entering the supply chain.

National Trade Item Number (NTIN)

A product identifier that adopts the structure of a Global Trade Item Number
(GTIN) and is assigned by a third-party national agency. An NTIN contains a coun-
try-specific drug registration number.

Navigation Drawer
Provides access to app destinations as the side menu of the XD Studio Found-
A term used by Kubernetes as a mechanism to support multiple virtual clusters
ation layer. Allows a user to navigate content by selecting different objects to per-
backed by the same physical cluster. These virtual clusters are called
form actions on.
namespaces and can be thought of as an abstract container or environment cre-
ated to hold a logical grouping of apps and data stores.
Network Integration
A Business-to-Business (B2B) connection between a company's ERP system and
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
TraceLink that allows the company to exchange files with other companies from
A nonprofit organization that promotes safe pharmacy practices.
the TraceLink Network. Once a company is integrated to the Network, they can
access TraceLink through an Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) mailbox, Secure
National Drug Code (NDC) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) directories, or HTTP Post web upload location (in
A unique three-segment numeric identifier assigned to each medication prepared addition to the web browser application).
for commercial distribution in the United States. The three segments of the NDC
identify the labeler, the product, and the commercial package size. The NDC is
Network Onboarding
used as the Item Code in Product Master Data for products distributed in the US.
Defining the company on the Network. TraceLink onboards a company once by
adding a Company Profile to the TraceLink Network. The company’s Network pro-
National Essential Drug List (NEDL) file defines the company so that TraceLink can always interact with it. The profile
A list of drugs that a country specifies that satisfies the healthcare needs of the uniquely identifies each company on the Network to distinguish it from all other
majority of the population. parties.

National Medicines Verification Systems (NMVS) Node

A country-specific product verification system that implements the Falsified Medi- A server that hosts the platform for a consumer application. A node represents a
cines Directive (FMD). NMVS systems verify the authenticity of a medicinal physical location, a logical location, sub-location, organization, legal entity, or
product by leveraging information sent through NMVS Compliance. even specific system. Network nodes could be a plant, warehouse, or logical sub-

Glossary: Node Pool – Pallet

division of a warehouse. For example, a 3PL facility that services multiple cus- Owner
tomers could have a different Network node representing a logical warehouse for A TraceLink Member who has purchased a particular TraceLink application (a.k.a
each customer serviced at that location, a business unit or line of business, a geo- TraceLink Customer). Once purchased, the Owner establishes a Link to one or
graphic organization, a specific ERP system, or a corporate entity. more Members, which makes that Member a Partner within that application's
Node Pool
Namespaces can be mapped to node pools to control the placement of pods on
physical devices.

O Pack Marking
Data and process for printing on primary and secondary product packaging.

Object Type Package Transfer Service (PTS)

One of the three primitive building blocks used to create the data model. (The oth- Track and trace system that transfers serialization data between entities when
ers are attribute and relationship.) A reusable component for managing data in products are sold in Saudi Arabia. A component of the Drug Track and Trace Sys-
applications. Examples include: Purchase Order, Company, Project. tem (DTTS).

Operation Packaging and Labeling

A function that can be performed using an API. Referred to as an action in the plat- Physical material, artwork, and printing used for all levels of product and logist-
form data model. ics containers.

Operational Qualification (OQ) Packaging Code

Formal testing of the TraceLink Life Sciences Cloud (TL-LSC) system performed A code that can be assigned at multiple levels of the packaging aggregation. The
by the TraceLink software quality assurance team. This formal testing is required code type is chosen by the user. Packaging codes do not have to be the same
by TraceLink's Software Development Lifecycle procedures for all changes to the code type between packaging levels.
system before a version is approved for release to customers. All OQ testing is
documented and reviewed, with objective evidence filed with the test results.
Largest of the TraceLink defined packaging levels. A flat transport structure that
Operational Reporting supports goods while being lifted by a forklift or other jacking device. Goods or
Within TraceLink, operational reporting allows TraceLink members to pull exist- shipping containers are often placed on a pallet secured with strapping, stretch
ing product data from the system into a CSV file. wrap, or shrink wrap and shipped.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Evaluation of the effectiveness of a manufacturing operation.

Glossary: Parallel Importer – Product Information Exchange

Parallel Importer Pod

An organization that buys a product on the open market with the intention to A Kubernetes term for a group of containers deployed together.
repackage or relabel, and then distributes the product to a different market.
Park and Retry TraceLink web application particularly for Trading Partners as opposed to
A practice for pausing the processing of a message if certain prerequisite con- TraceLink Customers.
ditions have not been met. If a prerequisite for a message has not been met,
TraceLink stops processing that task, returns the task to the queue, and then Primary Package
tries to process the task again every 15 minutes for a predetermined amount of The packaging material in direct contact with a product's contents, usually the
time (the default amount is two hours). smallest unit of distribution or use (e.g. blisters, bottles).

Partner Primitive Building Blocks

A Member that is Linked to an instance of an app for the purpose of collaborating The three primitive building blocks used to create the data model: object type,
(i.e. exchanging data) with the app Owner. attribute, and association.

Pedigree ProcessLink
A certified record that contains information about each distribution of a pre- A TraceLink term that describes a one-to-one B2B relationship between a
scription drug. It records the sale of an item by a manufacturer, any acquisitions TraceLink customer and its Trade Partners.
and sales by wholesalers or repackagers, and final sale to a pharmacy or other
entity administering or dispensing the drug. The process generally begins with
ProcessLink Workspaces
the serialization of a product, and then continues through the supply chain as the
A collaborative workspace that includes all active product apps as a B2B toolset
product is received by each trading partner.
for a TraceLink customer and its Trade Partners.

Performance Qualification (PQ)

The documented evidence that the system, equipment, or process is capable of
A prescription drug that is fully manufactured and is in its intended dosage. Syn-
consistently producing a safe product of high quality.
onomous with Medicine.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Product Code
An entity or organization that is the license holder of the pharmaceutical product.
A unique identifier assigned to each finished manufactured product that is ready
This includes Brand Owners, Generics, MAHs, and other Specialty Companies.
to be marketed or sold. Synonymous with Universal Product Code.

Product Information Exchange
Process of collecting articles in a warehouse to fulfill a customer order.
A TraceLink app that routes Consumer verification requests to Product Inform-
ation Manager (Product Verification). This app also stores a history of verification
Platform requests and responses.
A group of TraceLink-developed technologies that are used as a base upon which
other applications, processes, or technologies are developed.

Glossary: Product Information Manager - Master Data Share – Relabel

Product Information Manager - Master Data Share

A TraceLink app that allows users to exchange product master data with any of
their supply chain partners.

Product Information Manager - Product Verification

A TraceLink app that enables direct and indirect trading partners to manage
product verification requests in real time across any party in the supply chain, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID, RFID tag)
without a need for preexisting relationships between the requesting and respond- The use of an object applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person
ing parties. for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves.

Product Verification Recall

Allows a user to verify the status of a serial number against a pharmaceutical The removal of a drug product from the market. In the US, recalls fall under three
manufacturer's data. classifications: Class I is for drug products that can probably lead to adverse
health effects or death; Class II is for drug products that can cause temporary or
reversible health effects; and, Class III relates to instances where the drug
Production Cluster
product is not likely to cause adverse health effects.
Each region has one production cluster and one test cluster.

An inbound purchase, return, or transfer within TraceLink.
A collaboration space for developers to create versions of a set of apps. A project
is used to develop one or more versions of one or more apps. A company in a
namespace creates a project. A client must address events to the TDE App to cre- Reconcile
ate a new project. The process of verifying that information in a digital system accurately reflects
the state of objects in the real world (e.g. comparing a label on a package with the
same label in TraceLink).
The specific object instance of an attribute (i.e. the value of the attribute).
Company data is stored in a data center in one of two regions: US East or EU Cen-
tral. For data residency and privacy, a company can only have their data in one
A serial number state in which the serial number has been created and reserved
region. Companies can exchange data with companies in other regions, but a com-
for a product, but has not yet been commissioned.
pany cannot move data to another region. If a company needs to migrate data
from region to another, TraceLink creates a new company in the other region.
Migration happens only on the production cluster.

To assign a new serial number to a container (preserving existing aggregations)
within TraceLink.

Glossary: Relationship – Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

Relationship Saudi Arabia Compliance

One of the three primitive building blocks used to create the data model. (The oth- A TraceLink application that enables Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Whole-
ers are object type and relationship.) A relationship is how business objects can sale Distributors to comply with Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) regulations.
be connected to each other; relationships represent "why" two objects are con-
nected. Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA)
Saudi Arabia federal agency that oversees the regulation of food and health
Roszdravnadzor products within Saudi Arabia.
Also known as the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare. An executive See for more information.
body responsible for the control and supervision of the healthcare system in Rus-
sia. Part of the Ministry of Health. See for more Schema
information. Defines the detailed definition (i.e. attributes) of a particular object type or asso-
ciation, as opposed the metadata model, which is used when referencing the
Runtime Model object types, associations, and attributes of the system.
Currently placed under the metadata model.
Russia Compliance Divides the content area into sections that contain UI components and Data com-
A TraceLink application that allows Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs) who ponents. The Screen template is based on the Flexbox (or "Flexible Box") layout
sell products in Russia to meet the reporting requirements of Federal Law No. mode, which provides a responsive, device-independent content flow.
Screen Template
Russia Crypto Codes Defines physical and behavioral boundaries of a specific area in the UI, such as
A TraceLink application that enables Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs) whether it spans across the entire screen or only part of the screen. A Screen
and their CMOs to manage encrypted identification numbers with the Tsentr template is composed in the XD Studio and can be reused across different
Razvitiya Perspektivnykh Tekhnologiy Order Management System (CRPT OMS). devices.

Defines a user's company-specific behavior. A script can insert pre-processing or

post-processing steps to an event, or even override an event's defined behavior.

An area within the XD Studio screen. A section contains UI components, Data
components, or both.
Safety Features
Elements (e.g. anti-tampering devices, barcodes) carrying product and pack data,
that are incorporated into a medicine product’s packaging and identification to Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
facilitate verification. Under FMD, for instance, safety features contain a unique A network protocol that provides file access, transfer, and management over a
identifier encoded in a 2D barcode and anti-tampering technologies. secure channel.

Glossary: Segment – Smart Rx Manager

Segment Serialized Operations Manager (SOM)

A section of a market or industry. The pharmaceutical supply chain includes seg- The TraceLink app that manages and reports on serial numbers and their cor-
ments such as Manufacturer, Wholesale Distributer, Dispenser, Contract Man- responding products and containers.
ufacturing Organization (CMO), Third-Party Logistics (3PL) companies, and
Repackagers (also known as Third-Party Packagers or 3PPs). Settings
An application utility that configures app notification settings and TraceLink
Serial Number default settings.
The distinctive portion or component of a Unique Identifier (UID), also known as a
Serial Reference. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
A messaging protocol for exchanging structured (XML) information in the imple-
Serial Number Exchange (SNX) mentation of web services.
The TraceLink app used to exchange and track serial numbers during the man-
ufacturing and packaging stages of the product. Single Sign-On (SSO)
A session and user authentication service that allows software system users to
Serial Number Manager (SNM) log in with a single username and password to access connected systems.
The TraceLink app used to generate serial numbers. Manufacturers define the
types and formats of the serial numbers and can assign them to packaging sites. Site Server
A computer system responsible for a location-specific function. In traceability sys-
Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) tems, site servers usually refer to local servers that allocate serial numbers to
The number used to identify shipping pieces such as pallets and cases. See the packaging control systems and manage serial number data before it is trans-
"GS1 Glossary" at for more information. mitted to an enterprise traceability event repository.

Serialized Global Location Number (SGLN) Smart Event Manager

A unique identifier to a physical location (e.g. a specific building or bin within a A TraceLink app that serves as an event ledger to capture and record serial num-
warehouse). Where the Global Location Number (GLN) is a GS1 format, the SGLN ber observations on serialized objects (in whatever order they may occur) related
is an Electronic Product Code (EPC) format, and is represented in Uniform to pharmacy, warehouse, and supply chain activities in an independent repos-
Resource Identifier (URI) format (e.g. urn:epc:id:sgln:0030001.12345.400). itory, without depending on full track and trace and serial number life cycle
Serialized Global Trading Item Number (SGTIN)
The combination of a Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) and serial num- Smart Inventory Tracker
ber which uniquely identify an item. A TraceLink app that operates on a handheld device or smartphone that assists
with warehouse and distribution functions.
Serialized National Drug Code (sNDC)
The accepted format of unique identifier as defined by the US Food and Drug Smart Rx Manager
Administration (FDA) for serialization of US marketed products. The sNDC is com- A TraceLink mobile app that allows Pharmacies and Hospitals in the European
prised of the National Drug Code (NDC) and a serial number. Union to meet verification and reporting requirements. Smart Rx Manager lever-
ages Smart Event Manager to store all events and National Medicine Verification

Glossary: Snapshot – T3

System (NMVS) Compliance to communicate with the appropriate European Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
national system. Specifies a distinct type of item for sale. SKUs are not regulated or standardized
and thus are not used for serialization.
Represents the state of metadata and code at a particular point in time. Storage Area Network (SAN)
Developers can choose to take a snapshot at any time. Snapshots are identified A network that provides access to consolidated, block level data storage.
by snapshot numbers. Test companies can be configured to use a specific snap-
shot number of an app's specific version, or to always use the latest snapshot.
Supplier Issue Tracking
The latter is useful in development, as the developer makes changes without hav-
TraceLink app. Tracks external and internal supplier issues.
ing to continually change the settings for their test company.

Synchronous Message
Software Development Kit (SDK)
An integration message (formerly known as transaction) is an interface where
A set of developer tools that allows other software programs to interact with the
data exchanges between two or more entities. Synchronous messages fully pro-
TraceLink Platform. Members on the Network can generate a series of request
cess in real-time.
and response messages corresponding to various TraceLink applications
(whether synchronously or asynchronously).
Synchronous Processing
Type of processing that provides an immediate response to a query. Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and REST web services provide synchronous pro-
Once a bundle of applications (from a one or more Solution Areas) are chosen to
meet a customer's needs, that customer's Solution is established.

System of Record (SOR)

South Korea Compliance
A data storage system that is the authoritative source for a particular data ele-
TraceLink app. Searches and views reports required by the South Korean gov-
ment when there are multiple sources of the same element.

Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)

Code used to identify transportation companies.

Standardized Numerical Identifier (SNI) T

A standard identifier affixed to a prescription drug package.

State License T3
Within the US, a particular state’s license as a wholesale drug distributor, e.g. Under DSCSA, the combination of Transaction Information (TI), Transaction His-
Indiana issues a wholesale drug distributor license number, in the format tory (TH), and the Transaction Statement (TS) for a product as it moves through
4800XXXXA (including the “4800” prefix and the "A" suffix). the drug supply chain.

Glossary: Telepresence – TraceLink Network

Telepresence Third-Party Printer (3PP)

For rapid development work, platform developers can use Telepresence to allow An organization that is contracted to print serial numbers onto packaging con-
code to be run on their local machine and proxied to the cloud. tainers.

Templates - Serial Number TL Runtime

Using the Serial Number Manager (SNM) app, manufacturers define the formats The set of implementations for the interface provided by the API package in the
of the serial numbers for particular products using serial number templates, DNP SDK. It is part of the TL kernel verticle, and is shared by all subordinate
which are defined presets for correlated serial number data. verticles located in the container.

Test Cluster TLDB

Contains the company namespace, QE, namespace, and other namespaces for A logical database built by TraceLink (based on RocksDB) to provide data per-
QA/testing in a runtime environment for debugging. Each region has one pro- sistence for DNP applications. A DNP application communicates with a TLDB
duction cluster and one test cluster. instance through the Worldview data access layer.

Theme TraceLink Application (App)

Defines the visual branding information and applies to all screens hosted in the A TraceLink product offering which includes a fixed set of functions. For example,
XD Studio. A theme can be modified by companies and users. Examples: color, SNX is an app which includes provisioning, commissioning, and aggregation func-
font, spacing, and other visual aspects not affecting functionality. tions.

Third-Party Logistics (3PL) TraceLink Customer

A contracted company that provides distribution services of finished goods on The company or organization that enters into a commercial relationship with
behalf of another company. A 3PL provides distribution services, but never takes TraceLink, purchasing a TraceLink product offering, such as Product Track.
ownership of the product although the product is in its possession.
TraceLink Development Environment (TDE)
Third-Party Manufacturer (TPM) The TraceLink application development experience that enables programmers,
A company contracted to manufacturer products for a pharmaceutical man- business analysts, professional services, customer IT staff, and third-party
ufacturer. developers to quickly build business process applications in a low-code, cloud-
scale environment.
Third-Party Organization (TPO)
Term used to refer to any Third-Party Manufacturer (TPM), Third-Party Logistics TraceLink Experience Design Studio (XD Studio)
(3PL), Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO), or other externally contracted App used to build TraceLink experiences. In the XDE, a user composes and cus-
organization. tomizes screens and assigns those screens to personas.

Third-Party Packager (3PP) TraceLink Network

An organization that is contracted to package product. The foundation of the TraceLink product offerings (i.e. TraceLink at the highest
level). Members join the TraceLink Network and access applications either as

Glossary: TraceLink Opus – US Center of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)

Owners (if they purchased the application) or Partners (if Linked to the applic- Tsentr Razvitiya Perspektivnykh Tekhnologiy (CRPT)
ation). The public-private organization in Russia responsible for generating crypto codes
via their Order Management System (OMS). See for more inform-
TraceLink Opus ation.
One of five business units at TraceLink, Opus is a multi-tenant cloud environment
for developing and hosting extensible mobile and web apps.

TraceLink Web Experience
A responsive web experience that is accessed from and
will replace the website. The TraceLink Web Experience provides a
Foundation layer of the platform UI that is always visible.

UI Component
Track and Trace
Included as part of a screen template section in the XD Studio and configured to
A group of systems and processes used to determine the status and location
have specific behavior based on the Properties setting.
(past and present) of a unique item.

Uniform Product Code (UPC)

Trading Partner
The US standard article number. A form of GTIN data carrier or barcode.
An on-going business-to-business relationship where a product transfer and
change of ownership occurs (e.g. Customer, Supplier, 3PL).
Unique Identifier (UID)
A string of numbers and characters relating to a product that is unique within a
Transaction History (TH)
given system.
A Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) term. A statement in paper or elec-
tronic form that includes the Transaction Information (TI) for each prior change of
ownership, going back to the manufacturer of the product. Universal Product Code (UPC)
A unique identifier assigned to each finished manufactured product that is ready
to be marketed or sold. Synonymous with Product Code.
Transaction Information (TI)
A Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) term. Information that documents the
change in ownership of a product including drug product information, dates, and Upstream
business party details. The opposite of the normal product flow in a supply chain (i.e. moving back up the
supply chain). Generally speaking, the pharmaceutical product flows, and trans-
actions occur, through the supply chain from manufacturers, to repackagers, to
Transaction Statement (TS)
wholesaler distributors, to dispensers.
A DSCSA term that refers to a statement, in paper or electronic form, that
provides a legal attestation that the entity transferring ownership complies with
DSCSA requirements. The Transaction Statament is included with the Trans- US Center of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
action Information and History. An FDA Organization that regulates some products that are administered by
veterinarians but can also be consumed by humans.

Glossary: US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) – Web Application (Apps)

US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Value Added Network (VAN)

Federal Agency which enforces federal drug laws within the US. A hosted service that acts as an intermediary between business partners sharing
standards based on proprietary data via shared business processes.
US Drug Enforcement Administration Number (DEA Number)
A registration number assigned to an entity that has to be authorized by the US Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors (VAWD)
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to manufacture, distribute, research, pre- An accreditation for pharmaceutical wholesale distribution facilities. Those
scribe, or dispense a controlled substance for the purpose of tracking controlled wholesale distributors that achieve accreditation are in compliance with state
substances. A valid DEA number consists of: 2 letters, 6 numbers, and 1 check and federal laws, and NABP's VAWD criteria.
digit. The first letter of the code identifies the type of registrant (P/R-Man-
ufacturer/Distributor). The second letter is the first letter of the registrant's last Vert.x
name. An open-source toolkit for building asynchronous apps on the JVM using reactive
design patterns.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
US Federal Agency that oversees the regulation of food and health products Verticle
within the US. A unit of deployment of code for one or more event handlers. Each Jar cor-
responds to a verticle. Jars can dynamically load multiple verticles when an app
US Product Track or microservice starts up.
TraceLink app. Tracks movement of products within the US supply chain.
Virtual (Manufacturer or CMO)
User A company that outsources services to a Manufacturer/CMO.
An individual associated with an entity or organization responsible for making use
of product, process, or systems. A user must be an Owner or Partner (i.e.
"Linked" within the context of an app).

User Interface (UI)

TraceLink web application for TraceLink customers.
Warehouse Management System (WMS)
A software application that supports the day-to-day operations in a warehouse.

V Enables centralized management of tasks such as tracking inventory levels and

stock locations.

Web Application (Apps)

Validation Web-based applications are accessed over a network connection and run inside
The documented procedure for obtaining, recording, and interpreting the results of a web browser.
required to establish that a process will consistently yield product complying
with predetermined specifications.

Glossary: Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) – XSD

Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)

An XML-based interface used to describe the functionality of a web service. In
TraceLink, WSDLs are typically used to implement synchronous serial number
requests and responses.

Wholesale Distribution
The movement of a drug where the recipient is not a consumer/patient.

Wholesale Distributor
A company that purchases products from manufacturers and then sells them to
an entity other than a consumer or patient.

Actions that are enabled in TraceLink based on particular events. For example,
these events may trigger government reports (e.g. shipping, receipt).

A collection of lightweight data access APIs that DNP applications can use to
interact with data services, including S3, Dynamo, EBS, RDS, Memcache, Redis,
and TLDB. The Worldview API is part of the TL Runtime, and is available to every
DNP application.

Describes the structure/schema of an XML document.


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