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Gift Deed for an Immovable Property


Sh.________ s/o Sh._______ r/o __________ (hereinafter referred to as "the donor") 


Sh._________ s/o Sh._______ d/o _________ (hereinafter referred to as "the donee") 

WHEREAS the Donor is seized and possessed of the land and premises situate at
…………………………………………………………….. measuring 52ft X 50ft i.e. 2600 Sqft
and having boundary description as under:
East: Plot No. 168
West: Plot No. 170
North: Plot No. 155 
South: Public Road of 80ft 

AND WHEREAS the said plot is of the absolute ownership of the DONOR and the DONOR is
in actual, lawful possession and peaceful enjoyment of the said plot without any sort of
disturbance or objections from anybody till today.

AND WHEREAS the DONEE is related to the Donor as ………………………………………

AND WHEREAS the Donor desires to grant the said land and premises to the DONEE as gift in
consideration of natural love and affection as hereinafter mentioned. 

AND WHEREAS donor is of sound mind and is not under any intoxication, undue influence, or
coercion while making this gift deed.

AND WHEREAS the DONEE has agreed to accept the gift as is evidenced by his executing
these presents.

AND WHEREAS the market value of the said property his estimated to be Rs ……………


THAT THE DONOR without any monetary consideration and in consideration of natural love
and affection, which the Donor bears to the DONEE, doth hereby grant and transfer by way of
gift the said land and premises situate at …………………. together with all and singular the
buildings, and structures. Thereon and all the things permanently attached thereto or standing
thereon and all the liberties, privileges casements and advantages appurtenant thereto And all the
estate, right, title, interest use, Inheritance, possession, benefit, claims and demand whatsoever of
the Donor To Have And To Hold the same unto and to the use of the DONEE absolutely but
subject to the payment of all taxes, rates, assessments, dues and duties now and hereafter
chargeable thereon to the Government or Municipality or other Local Authority.
THAT on this day THE DONEE has accepted the “Scheduled Property” as gift from the
DONOR and takes the delivery of the possession of the same. Hence hereafter the DONEE shall
enjoy the Schedule Property as its absolute and exclusive owner forever in future, without any
sort of claims, objections of whatsoever nature in future from any person or persons claiming
under or through the DONOR.

THAT neither THE DONOR nor her any other legal heirs or anybody claiming under or through
her shall have rights of any nature including the ownership rights either jointly or individually
over the Schedule Property at any time in future. 

THAT the DONOR has gifted the Schedule Property to the DONEE forever. That the DONOR
does hereby voluntarily out of her free will and consent state, agree and declare that she shall not
revoke this deed of gift at any time in future nor shall compel the DONEE to revert it back to
her. This deed of gift is irrevocable.

THAT the DONOR doth hereby covenant with the DONEE that she has got legal right and
power and absolute ownership rights over the Schedule Property to grant the same as gift to the

THAT as on date of making and registering of this deed, the DONEE has acquired full, absolute
and exclusive ownership rights permanently over the Schedule Property /said plot.

THAT both the DONOR and the DONEE have entered into this deed of gift out of their free
will, free consent and full knowledge.

THAT the terms DONOR and DONEE shall mean and include their legal heirs, successors-in-
interest, executants, assigns and administrators.

THAT the DONOR has paid all necessary taxes, dues to the Govt. and there are no dues payable
to the Govt. or the society from whom the DONOR has purchased the Schedule Property. The
DONOR has not raised any loans etc., on the security of Schedule Property and the Schedule
Property is free from all kinds of encumbrances, claims lien etc.

THAT the DONEE has every right to pledge, mortgage the Schedule Property with any Bank,
Co-op Society etc, and thereby raise loan for any such purposes as required by him

Land and premises situate at ……………………………………………………………..
measuring 52ft X 50ft i.e. 2600 Sqft and having boundary description as under:
East: Plot No. 168
West: Plot No. 170
North: Plot No. 155 
South: Public Road of 80ft
IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES hereto have subscribed their respective signatures on
the date month and year first abovementioned.
Date:                                                                                               (Signature of Donor)
Place:                                                                                              DONOR

(Signature of Witness)
Name and Address  

(Signature of Witness)
Name and Address  


Accepted by the said Donee.

(Signature of Donee)
Name and Address  

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