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Genomic Classifier for Lung Cancer

肺癌的基因组学诊断 | 医学前沿 | 标准美音




A Bronchial Genomic Classifier for the Diagnostic

Evaluation of Lung Cancer

by Gerard Silvestri,
from the Medical University of
South Carolina, Charleston

Bronchoscopy ( 支 气 管 镜 检 ) is frequently nondiagnostic

( 不 能 确 诊 ) in patients with pulmonary lesions
(肺部病灶)suspected to be lung cancer (怀疑为肺癌).

In two studies, a gene expression ( 基 因 表 达 ) classifier

( 分 类 法 ; 分 类 指 标 ) was measured in epithelial cells
( 上 皮 细 胞 ) collected from the normal-appearing
(外观正常的) mainstem bronchus (主支气管) to assess the
probability (概率) of lung cancer.
A total of 43% of bronchoscopic examinations were
nondiagnostic for lung cancer, and invasive
(侵入性)procedures were performed after bronchoscopy in
35% of patients with benign lesions (良性病变)。

In AEGIS-1, the classifier had an area under the receiver-

operating-characteristic curve ( 工 作 特 性 曲 线 )
(AUC)(曲线下面积) of 0.78 , a sensitivity(敏感性) of 88%,
and a specificity(特异性) of 47% .

In AEGIS-2, the classifier had an AUC of 0.74, a sensitivity of

89% , and a specificity of 47%.

The combination of the classifier plus bronchoscopy had a

sensitivity of 96% in AEGIS-1 and 98% in AEGIS-2,
independent of lesion size (病灶大小) and location (位置).

In 101 patients with an intermediate pretest probability of

cancer ( 检 查 前 中 等 癌 症 概 率 患 者 ) , the negative predictive
value (阴性预测值)of the classifier was 91% among patients
with a nondiagnostic bronchoscopic examination

The gene-expression classifier ( 基 因 表 达 分 类 法 ) improved

the diagnostic performance ( 诊 断 性 能 ) of bronchoscopy
(支气管镜检)for the detection of lung cancer (检测肺癌).?

In intermediate-risk ( 中 等 风 险 的 ) patients with a

nondiagnostic bronchoscopic examination
( 支 气 管 镜 不 能 确 诊 ) , a negative classifier score
( 分 类 法 阴 性 结 果 ) provides support for a more conservative
(保守性)diagnostic approach (诊断方法).

版 权 声 明 : The audio originates from; the text is prepared by

"Voice of Medicine(VOM)" work group. 音频和英文文字源自NEJM.org网站,


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