Lesson 2 Mercado Ghie Anne A. Baels 1105

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BAELS 1105

ELS 100 SEPTEMBER 03 2021

A. Directions: Divide the following words by placing a + between their morphemes. (Some
of the words may be monomorphemic and therefore indivisible.)

a. retroactive = retro+act+ive p. democrat = demo+crat

b. befriended = be+friend+ed q. aristocrat = aristo+crat
c. televise = tele+vise r. plutocrat = pluto+crat
d. margin = mar+gin s. democracy = demo+cracy
e. endearment = end+ear+ment t. democratic = demo+crat+ic
f. psychology = psychology u. democratically =
g. unpalatable = un+palat+able demo+crat+ic+ally
h. holiday = holi+day v. democratization =
i. grandmother grand+mother demo+crat+iz+ation
j. morphemic = morph+emtic w. democratize = demo+crat+ize
k. mistreatment = mis+treat+ment x. democratizer = demo+crat+iz+er
l. deactivation = de+act+iv+ation y. democratizing =
m. saltpeter = salt+peter demo+crat+iz+ing
n. airsickness = air+sick+ness z. democratized =
o. bureaucrat = bureau+crat demo+crat+iz+ed

B. Draw tree diagrams for the following words: construal, disappearances, irreplaceability,
misconceive, indecipherable, redarken.


Dif. Aff N I. Aff

construe al
(Construal) V D. Aff s

D. Aff V ance (Disappearances)

Dis Appear

Adj D. Aff
D. Aff V
D. Aff Adj ity

Ir V D. Aff Mis Conceive

D. aff V able (Misconceive)

Re place


Adj V

D. Aff Adj
D. Aff V

In V D. Aff re Adj D. Aff

D. Aff V able dark en

de cipher (Redarken)

C. Draw two tree diagrams for undarkenable to reveal its two meanings: ‘able to be less
dark’ and ‘unable to be made dark.’

D. Research project: Consider what are called “interfixes” such as -o- in English jack-o-
lantern. They are said to be meaningless morphemes attached to two morphemes at
once. What can you learn about that notion? Where do you think the -o- comes from?
Are there languages other than English that have interfixes?

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