Assessment Task - Tutorial Questions Assignment: Unit Code: HI5004

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Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment

Unit Code: HI5004

Unit Name: Marketing Management

Assignment: Tutorial Questions


Weighting: Total Mark 50 = 50%

Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics
covered in this unit

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:

- Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Management
- Research the tools for gathering marketing information, and utilise these tools to
assess markets
- Evaluate consumer behavior and its effect on business performance
- Conduct and apply marketing research, including segmentation and targeting and
positioning to enhance decision making
- Develop creative marketing strategies, including product, price, people and
promotion, for new product development
- Generate creative strategies for customer acquisition and retention
Description: There are 6 questions in the Tutorial Assignment. The assignment details will
be available in Blackboard in Week 10. Once the assignment available, you will have 24
hours to finish and submit it. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the
process, skills and knowledge to answer the questions contained in the assignment, and
include tutorial questions covered over Week 2 to Week 11 inclusive.

It is important when you answer the questions, you do not just copy and paste the answers
from other sources, but rather, try to paraphrase it and provide reference (in- text referencing
or citation) to all your answers. All references must be listed appropriately at the end of the
report using Harvard referencing style.

The questions to be answered are:

Question 1: (11 marks)

You have been hired to develop a marketing plan for QANTAS Airlines. Discuss the 4
segmentation bases that may be used, and then recommend a target market for QANTAS.
Students should combine their discussion with theories provided in lecture

Reference: a minimum of 2 academic sources to support your discussion. References

provided must follow Reference Requirement detailed on page 4.

Qantas Airlines is one of the top airline company around the world. Established in Australia, Qantas
serves thousands of both domestic and international customers. A variety of customers use Qantas
Airlines. The strength of Qantas Airlines lies within its loyal customers. 1 The market segmentation of
Qantas airlines is complex because customers from various backgrounds use the services of Qantas
For the marketing plan, Qantas may choose from the following market segmentation bases:
a. Demographic: Qantas can attract customers having different income level by providing
different facilities in a different class. For example: Higher earning individuals can fly in first
class as it provides them good service as well as comfort. Likewise, there is the availability of
other class as well for those who are looking for other flight experiences. Qantas Airlines
mostly targets middle to upper-class people and provide quality services to them. 

b. Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation needs to understand the
thoughts, needs of its customers and serve accordingly. So, Qantas needs to study the
interest of its customers. Mostly, customers of Qantas prefer it for its quality services and
friendly staffs. However, the marketing program should not focus just on the high-end
c. Behavioural Segmentation: Here, how will customer act to the service or products is
analysed. How much money are customers likely to pay, etc. The usage rate of the
customers can be analysed. So, Qantas needs to start a loyalty program and provide offers to
long time regular customers.
d. Geographic Segmentation: Qantas must understand the geographic location of its major
customer to prepare its marketing plan. Since, currently, international flights are decreasing.
So, Qantas airlines can focus on domestic flights. Australia has some disadvantage due to its
location as it is the end line.2 So, currently, Australia can focus on international customers
like Singapore, New Zealand, etc. 

The target market for middle and high-class customers. These customers prefer higher quality
service. They are willing to the quoted prices if they get the expected service. Likewise, this
customer comes from within Australia.

Question 2: (11 marks)

Explain using the perceptual map provided, the positioning of each of these cities. (300-400
words total)

Perceptual maps show how the average consumer understand the positioning of certain products. It
tries to detail the customer perceptions towards different brands or activities. Perceptual maps
provide various information in their maps which should be carefully analysed to know the exact
position of the consumer. Now, the positioning of each of the given cities according to the given
perceptual map is as follows:

a. Maui: Maui is the second-largest Hawaiian island. The customers consider Maui as an island
having lots of beautiful beaches. They also consider Maui as an expensive destination. So,
budget travellers are less likely to travel to Maui. Most visitors travel to Maui just for its
b. Cancun: Cancun is a Mexican City. The customers consider Cancun as a destination to enjoy
the beach whereas as there are equally other points of interest as well. It is not an expensive
c. Las Vegas: Las Vegas is a city in the United States of America. It is famous for its casinos and
nightlife. There are lots of luxurious casinos and hotels. There are some points of interest
and is on the expensive side. 
d. Rome: Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is famous for its different architectures of the
Roman era. Customers perceive Rome as a beautiful city with lots of point of interest.
However, they also consider it expensive.
e. Paris: Paris is the capital city of France. It is famous for its different architectures such as
Eiffel Tower, Norte dorm, etc. Customers perceive Paris as a romantic city with lots of point
of interest. However, they also consider it highly expensive.
f. Washington D.C.: It is the capital city of the USA. There are lots of points of interest and it is
less expensive as well.
g. Nassau: It is the largest city in the bahamas. Customers perceive it as a less expensive beach
h. Tampa: It is a major city in the state of Florida. Tampa also has a reputation among
customers that is an inexpensive beach destination.

Question 3: (7 marks)
UK gym company Fast Fitness operates in over 100 countries, and Australia is being
considered as a potential new market for Fast Fitness.
As the marketing manager for Fast Fitness you have decided to research the Australian
You have identified office workers in the two major cities of Sydney and Melbourne as your
target market.
Discuss two micro environments that may impact Fast Fitness in this market that you
would consider when formulating your marketing strategies (250-300 words)

The fitness industry is largely expanding in Australia. Since individuals are getting health conscious
and more likely to join a fitness centre. Fast fitness needs to have unique marketing strategies to
compete in the already saturated market. So, any two microenvironments that can affect Fast
Fitness are as follows:

a. Competitors: There are already various fitness centers that target a similar target market as
Fast Fitness. There will be high competition in the market. So, Fast fitness needs to provide
greater customer value and a unique experience to attract customers. The focus of
marketing campaigns should not just be upon the customers, but Fast Fitness should analyse
and counter the product positioning of its customers. Since the market is oversaturated, the
bargaining power of Fast fitness will be low. Suppliers will have higher power and might
favor other competitors due to long term relationship in the market. 
b. Customers: The customers will also play a major role in the success of Fast Fitness. Since,
due to pandemic, individuals are getting health conscious and likely to join a fitness centre.
However, there is a risk of contamination and the potential spread of the virus in such a
centre.3 Some potential customers who will join might not join due to fear of being
contaminated with the virus. So, for such customers, Fast fitness can provide online training

courses and likewise provide equipment/weights to customer. 4 However, it will increase the
cost and most likely temporary solutions to the problem.

Question 4: (7 marks)
Discuss each of the five stages in the consumer decision making process when buying a new
computer for your sister. You should combine your discussion with theories provided in the
lectures (250-300 words).

Reference: a minimum of 2 academic sources to support your discussion. References

provided must follow Reference Requirement detailed on page 4.
The Consumer Decision Making Process is the strategy to analyse the decision-making process of a
customer while purchasing certain goods. Customers mostly perform various activities before
making a purchasing decision. Mostly they identify the problem they are having, search for proper
solutions, evaluate the options available and then make the purchase.
Buyers don't simply choose to purchase. Lots of factors affect their buying decisions. 5 Marketers
need they focus on each stage in the decision-making process of the customer.
The five stages while making the decision to buy a new computer are as follows:

a. Need Recognition: So, it is important to identify the needs of my sister before making the
purchase. I will analyse the problem my sister is facing and how the new computer will solve
it. Sister needs a new computer for completing her assignment and watching some series.
So, the normal computer will average features will work for the sister.
b. Information Search: Now, the search begins for the types of computers available in the
market. I will make the google search for the product and learn about new technology in
computers. I will consider the needs of my sister as well. I will also take recommendations
from my friends as well.
c. Evaluating the alternatives: It is important to find the products which will provide the
highest customer value.6 I will evaluate all the alternatives along with my sister. And select
the alternative that will provide the highest satisfaction. 
d. Purchase: Make the purchase according to the earlier assessment of various alternatives as
well as our own needs.
e. Post-purchase evaluation: I will analyse if the product matched our expectations and
likewise fulfil our needs. If I am satisfied, I will make this product recommendations in the
Question 5: (7 marks)
Culture is the fundamental determinant of a person's wants and behavior. The growing child
acquires a set of values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors through his or her family and
other key institutions. What values are typical South-East Asian children exposed to? (450-
500 words)
Reference: a minimum of 2 academic sources to support your discussion. References
provided must follow Reference Requirement detailed on page 4.

Human beings are social animals. So, we live in a collective society and regularly interact with each
other. So, we are regularly influenced by others. Human beings look at each other and seek
confirmation for most of the activities they do. So, society and culture very much affect the
behaviour of an individual.
Culture is learned as a component of social experience. A growing child learns various qualities from
the society. These learnings help to form the culture. Culture is obtained through the ongoing
learning process and observation. Communication plays a crucial role to transfer culture to the
learning children since, it is learnt and not engrained.
Normal individuals often ignore the impact of culture on children behaviour. Since, culture plays a
huge role to shape the children’s future. Culture shapes the future of the children as well. Culture is
ever-changing steadily and consistently. With changes in circumstances and learnings, culture will
evolve and change with time.
Most South-East Asian culture is collectivistic in nature. 7 So, individuals in the family often have to
keep family needs in front of individual needs. Likewise, culture emphasises consideration of society
before any decision making. Individuals and mostly children constantly hear remarks from others
regarding their appearance, behaviour, etc. Family members constantly guide the behaviour and
likewise, children observe and learn from their families and society. So, since children are taught
from small age to ascribe to collectivistic values, they tend to show behaviour that conforms to
group norms. They compare their behaviour to society and make changes accordingly.
Normal individuals often ignore the impact of culture on children behaviour. Since, culture plays a
huge role to shape the children’s future. Only after communication with society and individuals of
different background, we can know the actual impact of culture on our behaviour. Individuals
especially in Asian societies respond considering the societal norms and values rather than
preferring personal judgement and believing on your values.

Individuals who abstain themselves from these collective societal norms are looked down upon. 8
Culture can exist and uncover itself at various abstract levels. The difference in parenting practices
between the western nations and Southeast Asian nations also makes a difference in children
behaviour. Most south Asian parents show love differently in comparison to western parents. Most
parents do not hug their children in Asian societies. In south-east Asian Cultures, both parents and
children highly value instrumental support; that is, meeting children’s daily needs and helping them
succeed in school.9 

Question 6: (7 marks)
Identify, describe and discuss (minimum 3) challenges associated with mobile marketing.
Discuss how should advertisers may overcome each of these challenges? Provide examples to
illustrate your discussion. (250 -300 words)

Mobile marketing means advertising any products or services through mobile devices. Smartphones
are mostly targeted by mobile marketing campaigns. Mostly customer information or data is tracked
to provide customised promotion for them. Mobile marketing is easier to access and does not need
great technology to use it. However, there are some disadvantages of mobile marketing as well.
Some of the challenges of Mobile marketing are as follows:
a. Privacy Concerns: Customers are getting concerned about the data that companies are
collecting. Since customers do not like to share their personal information. There are
chances of hack and the personal information of the customers can be shared online.
b. Hard to measure results: The success and failure of a mobile marketing campaign are
difficult to measure. So, marketers find it difficult to which advertisement techniques were
successful and which campaign to discard in future.
c. Different avenues to choose: Since the advertisement created for smartphones is not
suitable for laptops or tablets. Marketers find what avenues to choose which might bring
greater success. So, it is difficult to execute a mobile marketing plan. 

So, marketers can overcome these challenges by using the following techniques.
a. There are mobile measurement platforms that help to control frauds. Likewise, an
organisation can invest higher in data security. 
b. To measure the result, marketers should look for an app that can attract and track
customers by incentivizing interactions.
c. Marketers can organise surveys regarding various apps and customer preferences and
choose the avenue most suitable according to the target market. 

Submission Directions:

The assignment may only be submitted via Blackboard submission in the assessment folder
of this unit. Students will be permitted one submission only. Each student needs to ensure
that the document submitted is the correct one.

Please read this information and ensure you have followed all instructions before you submit
your assignment

Reference requirement
Assessment Design – Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes will be implementing as a pilot program a revised Harvard approach to referencing.
The following guidelines apply:
1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access
to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and
titled: References.
3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z
by author surname.  In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the
cited reference source. 
For example;
P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of
Information Systems Education, Fall,
4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of
the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication,
page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
For example;
“The company decided to implement a enterprise wide data warehouse business
intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”
Non Adherence to Referencing Guidelines
Where students do not follow the above guidelines:
1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will be
asked to resubmit their assignments. 
2. Late penalties will apply, as per the Student Handbook each day, after the student/s
have been notified of the resubmission requirements. 
3. Students who comply with guidelines and the citations are “fake” will be reported for
academic misconduct.

Academic Integrity

Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work
that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or
assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student
must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used.
Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources
should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the
class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The
consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50%
penalty through to suspension of enrolment. The penalty would be dependent on the extent
of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues.
All assessments will be automatically submitted to Safe-Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information:
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their
Discussion Board for the unit.

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