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Online Survey on COVID-19 Youth Awareness

Rysa Rae Amelo


The topic discussed in this survey is about the Youth’s Awareness To COVID-19 in

general. The researcher conducted a survey to the youth about their awareness to the ongoing

pandemic. The data was gathered by using an online survey questionnaire that was distributed by

the researcher through sending forms in private messages to certain people. The results of this

survey proclaims that most of the youth that answered the survey is aware and well-informed on

the current situation of the ongoing pandemic. Lastly, the researcher concluded that since most of

the youth see the pandemic as a serious situation, thus, the respondents know and follow the

proper COVID-19 Health Protocols and also recommended that the youth should encourage their

fellow youth and everyone in general to follow the health protocols to save more lives rather than

losing more.


The world is at risk because of the ongoing pandemic called COVID-19, and the youth,

the future of this country, we must be aware of what is happening with the ongoing pandemic to

help each other get through this pandemic.

According to United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), COVID-19 is a

pandemic caused by the Coronavirus that emerged in 2019 from Asia, and has spread throughout

the world making it the global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced

since World War Two. The Coronavirus is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when

an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air,

and quickly fall on floors or surfaces. A person infected by breathing in the virus if it’s within
close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then

your eyes, nose or mouth.

Awareness for the youth about the pandemic can be the key in surviving it. Having

enough knowledge and information about the current situation can help alleviate the situation for

there is already more than two million deaths caused by the pandemic and more can be prevented

if awareness and discipline to following proper health protocols would be applied to everyone,

especially the youth.


The researcher first figured out what topic she was going to use. Then, decided that she

would be using the topic “Youth Awareness to COVID-19”. The researcher then made ten

questions about the said topic and made five adults criticize the questions; they did not change

any of the questions because in their own opinion the questions are only fitting and is not

offensive. Then, the researcher made an online survey form with the ten questions by using

Google Forms then sent it to her friends as respondents to the survey. Then, the researcher,

gathered the data from the survey forms then, interpreted it. Lastly, the researcher discussed the

interpretations and concluded the results.

Presentation of Data

The first question in the survey is about the youth’s awareness and knowledge to the

health protocols that were mandated by the government in regards with the ongoing pandemic

that is the COVID-19 virus. According to the data gathered showed in the pie chart, 85% of the

respondents responded yes, which means they know and follow the health protocols. Then, 5%

of them responded no, which means they do not follow protocols and 10% of them answered

maybe which would probably mean they follow the said protocols but not entirely.

The second question in the survey is about the respondents’ awareness in the current

situation of the ongoing pandemic whether they were well-informed or no by answering it with a

yes, no or maybe. Based on the gathered data, 75% of them answered yes which means they’re

well- informed, 20% answered maybe which means they are informed but not that well, and 5%

of them answered no which means they are not well informed in the current situation of the

ongoing pandemic.
The third question in the survey is about the respondents’ communication with their

family about the ongoing pandemic. Based on the gathered data, 70% of them answered Yes,

which means they do talk with their family about the ongoing pandemic, 25% of them answered

maybe, which means they don’t talk with their family about the pandemic that much, and 5% of

them answered no which means they don’t talk with their family about the pandemic.

The fourth question the respondents’ knowledge acquisition about the pandemic through

social media. Based on the gathered data, 70% of them do get enough about the pandemic in the
social media platforms that they’re in, 20% of them do get information but it’s lacking, and 10%

of them don’t get enough information.

The fifth question is about the perception of the respondents’ regarding the pandemic,

whether they see this a serious situation or not. Based from the gathered data. 100% of them

answered yes, which means they do see this pandemic as a serious situation.
The sixth question is about the respondents’ awareness about the symptoms of someone

infected with the virus. Based on the gathered data, 95% answered yes, they do know the

symptoms, and 5% of them answered maybe, which means they only know some of the

symptoms of someone infected with the virus.

The seventh question is about the respondents’ reaction towards people who do not

follow the COVID-19 Health Protocols, whether they would or would not reprimand people

disobeying the protocols. Based on the data gathered, 50% of them do reprimand people who

disobeys the protocols, 40% of them do it sometimes, and 10% of them do not reprimand people

who do not follow the Covid-19 Health Protocols.

The eight question is about how the respondents consider the quarantine as a necessity.

Based on the gathered data, 90% of them do stay at home and only go out if it was deemed

necessary, 5% of them only do it sometimes, and 5% of them don’t.

The ninth question is about what social media platforms do the respondents use to get

information about the pandemic. Based on the gathered information, Facebook is the leading

social media platform used to get information about the pandemic with 16 votes (80%), followed
by Twitter with 10 votes (50%), followed by Google with 9 votes (45%), and lastly YouTube

with 7 votes (35%).

The last question is about the respondents’ viewpoint on being aware of what is

happening with the pandemic would actually save lives, whether they agree or not. Based on the

gathered data, 80% agree with this sentiment and 20% of the respondents does not disagree but

they don’t fully agree either.


This survey was conducted to know if whether the youth are well aware about the

situations of the ongoing pandemic. The researcher gathered the results and concluded that, most

of the youth are aware and well informed with the current situation and has enough knowledge

on what are the symptoms of someone infected with the virus and the mandated health protocols

by the government. This survey also showed that the respondents get enough information about

the pandemic from the social media platforms they are in like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and

YouTube, and also from talking with their family. The researcher also concluded that since all of

the respondents see this pandemic as a serious situation, they follow and obey the health

protocols to ensure the safety of their people and themselves. So in conclusion, the survey is a

success because it proved that the youth are well aware with the happening regarding the

pandemic COVID-19.


The researcher recommends the youth to encourage their fellow youth to encourage more

people in following health protocols obediently to help lessen the death counts caused by the

pandemic. The researcher also recommends to have a larger number of respondents to know the

perspective of a larger group of youths with their awareness to the pandemic.


(2021) Retrieved from United Nations Development Programme:



Appendix A: Letter to the Respondent

Appendix B: Survey Questionnaire

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