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Nama: Anton Yabonde

Tingkat: tiga (3)

MTK: Konseling Krisis

Pengampu: Dr, Rosiany Hutagalung, SP.,M.Th

Tanggal 06- 09

Intisari (resume)

An effective therapist knows that it’s just as important to look within themselves
as it is to carefully observe others.

The idea of “Self as Instrument” is central to a successful education and career

in mental health. A counseling student is taught to feel well, think well, and act
well. By feeling well, a therapist can relate well and empathize with clients.

Thinking well means to think critically, to conceptualize the client in theoretical

terms, and to demonstrate good academic skills. To act well means to conduct
oneself in the service of the client, community, and the professional field.

Through the use of self as Instrument, counselors are able to better relate to
clients and facilitate positive change.

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