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A rectangular piece of wood 30 cm square and 5 cm

thick floats in water to a depth of 3.25 cm. How
heavy an object must be placed on the wood (sp. gr.
0.50) in such a way that it will just be submerged?

2. A brass sphere (sp. gr. 8.60) is placed in body of

mercury. If the diameter of the sphere is 30 cm (a)
what minimum force would be required to hold it
submerged in mercury? (b) What is the depth of
flotation of the sphere when it is floating freely?

3. An iceberg has a specific gravity of 0.92 and floats in

salt water (sp. gr. 1.03).If the volume of ice above
the water surface is 700 m3, what is the total
volume of the iceberg?

4. A concrete cube 60 cm on each edge (sp. gr. 2.40)

rests on the bottom of a tank in which sea water
stands to a depth of 5 m. The bottom edges of the
block and sealed off so that no water is admitted
under the block. Find the vertical pull required to
lift the block.

5. Two spheres, each 1.2 m in diameter, weigh 4 kN

and 12 kN, respectively. They are connected with a
short rope and placed in water. What is the tension
in the rope and what portion of the lighter sphere
protrudes from the water?

Fluid Mechanics Plate No. 3


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