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5 Cardinal Signs of Inflammation

Pain, Heat, Redness, Swelling, and Loss of Function

A cardinal sign is a major symptom that doctors utilize to make a diagnosis. In the case of inflammation,
there are five cardinal signs that characterize the condition: pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of
function or in Latin it refers to calor (pain), dolor (heat/warm), rubor (redness), tumor (swelling). It is
important to note that inflammation is a biological process that your body uses in response to infection.
However, the inflammatory process could be silent and not cause noticeable symptoms.

Cardinal Signs
Calor (PAIN)
 Inflammation can cause pain in joints and muscles. When a person experience high level of pain
that the inflammatory chemicals that stimulate in nerve endings, causing the affected areas to feel
more sensitive to touch.

Dolor (HEAT)
 When inflamed areas of the body feel warm, it is because there is more blood flow in those areas.
The Whole-body inflammation may cause fevers as a result of the inflammatory response when
someone has an illness or infection.

 Inflamed areas of the body may appear red in color. This is because blood vessels of inflamed
areas are filled with more blood than usual.
 Swelling is common when a part of the body is inflamed. It can occur without inflammation,
especially with injuries. It is the result of fluid accumulating in tissues either throughout the body
or in the specific affected area.

Loss of Function
 Inflammation may cause loss of function, related to both injury and illness. An inflamed joint
cannot be moved properly.

Florence Nightingale

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