Aurellano Het121-Eng Ww1

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1. Which passage is cause-effect?

Put information

from the passage in the graphic organizer.

passage no.: 4


I followed the trail

across the hallway and

down the stairs, where it

led to my dog.


He was curled up in pain. I wanted to punish him

for what he did, but he looked so sick from eating

all of that glue and sugar. I figured that he had

already received his punishment and would think

twice about eating my homework again.

2. Which passage is cause-effect? Put information

from the passage in the graphic organizer.

passage no.: 8


Eating something cold

(usually ice cream) on a

hot day.


- A painful sensation resonates

in your head

- The nerve center is

overreacting to the cold by

trying to heat your brain.

3. Which passage is problem-solution?

Put information from the passage in the

graphic organizer.

passage no.: 1

Solution 1

To prevent this, you

have to teach your

dog to go potty

outside. Problem
Living with a poorly

trained dog is not

worth the mess.

Those mangy mutts

will go potty inside of

Solution 2 your home. This can

stain your floors and

So, if you love your make your house

dog but hate smell bad.

cleaning dog-doo off

of the rug, teach your

dog the right way to

4. Which passage is problem-solution?

Put information from the passage in the

graphic organizer.

passage no.: 9

Solution 1
The school has tried

many ways of

addressing this such

as teachers have sent

letters and/or have

talked to parents


Some students have

poor attendance.

Solution 2
School has scheduled

parent/ teacher/

guidance counselor/

school prefect of

discipline conferences

with habitually absent

5. Which passage is recounted/sequence

of events? Put information from the

passage in the graphic organizer.

passage no.: 2 Just find something that

your dog wants to

retrieve, such as a stick,

a thick rope tied in

knots, or a squeaky toy.

Show it to your dog to

get his or her interest.

Shake it around in your

hand and call out the

dog’s name.

Once they are paying

attention, throw the

object as far as you


Be careful not to throw it

anywhere that you wouldn’t

want your dog to go, like the

middle of the road or under a

china cabinet.

Hopefully, your dog will bring

the object back to you. When he

or she does, praise your dog

and command him or her to

drop the object.

Pick it up and repeat the

process for the next 10

to 15 years.
6. Which passage is recounted/sequence

of events? Put information from the

passage in the graphic organizer.

passage no.: 7

The first step of

changing the oil in a car

is to gather supplies.

After you have collected all of the

tools and supplies, prepare your

vehicle. Start the car and let it

run for one to two minutes to

warm the oil and the engine.

Then, find a flat surface

to jack the vehicle from

the center under the


Then, find a flat surface to jack

the vehicle from the center

under the engine.

Put on work gloves to protect

your hands and position an oil

drain pan under the engine then

remove the plug the rest of the

7. Which passage is recounted/sequence

of events? Put information from the

passage in the graphic organizer.

passage no.: 10
In the center of Luna’s

Spoliarium painting are

fallen gladiators being

dragged by Roman


On the left side, spectators

ardently await their chance to

strip off the combatants of their

metal helmets and another


In addition, emotions

are featured on the left

and the right side

presents a sober mood.

It can be seen also on the right

side; an old man carries a torch

perhaps searching for his son

while a woman weeps the death

of her loved one.

8. Which passage is comparison-contrast? Put

information from the passage in the graphic


passage no.: 3

Lions African wild

- Lions are very
- African wild
fast, they do
dogs are not very
not have much
fast, but they
Both lions and
have incredible
African wild
- They attack in
dogs are pack
short, ferocious
- African wild
animals and
bursts because
have females dogs in the
they get tired
lead their hunts. Serengeti and
found that 9 out
- Lions are only
of 10 of their hunts
successful in 3
ended in kills.
out of 10 hunts.
9. Which passage is comparison-contrast? Put

information from the passage in the graphic


passage no.: 6

Mobile data Wi-Fi

- Mobile data is - Wi-Fi is coming

provided by the through cable or

mobile phone phone lines.

company. - You can only

Both mobile
- Mobile data get Wi-fi access
data and Wi-Fi
gives you internet when you are
allow you to
access anywhere near a router.
that your phone connect to the
- Customers are
can get a signal. internet. usually given a
- Mobile data is
nearly unlimited
often sold in
amount of Wi-fi
limited portions,
data, like an all-
like in an
you-can eat
10. Which passage is description? Put

information from the passage in the graphic


passage no.: 5

General Description

The good friends that we have with

dogs are thousands of years old

and, as with most good friendships,

were formed by mutual benefit.

Main Topic

Dogs as a "man's


Description of specific
- Dogs are of great value to people because

they use their keen senses to detect threats

and alert their owners by barking.

- People are of great value to dogs too. Dogs

who live with people usually have easier

access to food and a safer place to stay than

they would on their own, and that truly is what

friends are for.

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