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"As soon as beauty is known by the world as beautiful, it becomes ugly.

As soon as virtue is
being known as something good, it becomes evil. Therefore being and non-being give birth to
each other. Difficult and easy accomplish each other. Long and short form each other. High and
low distinguish each other. Sound and tone harmonize each other Before and after follow each
other as a sequence." -Lao Tzu

Eastern countries are abundant in Philosophy. They are known from their different perspectives
on life. They are have different thoughts and ideas about ourselves. We might think that self is
just a simple word but it is very complex and complicated when it comes to Philosophy.
Philosophy is defined as the study of the wisdom or knowledge about the general problems,
facts, and situations connected with human existence, values, reasons, and general reality.

Eastern Philosophers have different perspectives and it greatly affects their life. Eastern
Philosophy greatly affects the countries in Asia which I think is developed in China because the
prominent or famous Confucius is a Chinese Philosopher. Confucianism is not just the
Philosophy in Eastern or in Asia but also Buddhism, Taosim, and Hinduism. Their Philosophy
starts in a group where they can see and discover themselves. Unity is their main principle in
Philosophy because a group is important to them because it is where they can discover who
they are.

Confucianism emphasizes formal rituals in every aspect of life, from quasi-religious ceremonies
to strict politeness and deference to one's elders, specifically to one's parents and to the state
in the form of the Emperor. Confucianism's main goal is the attainment of inner harmony with
nature. This includes the veneration of ancestors. Early on, the ruling classes of China widely
embraced Confucianism. Taoism shares similar principles with Confucianism. The teachings of
Lao‐tzu stress the importance of meditation and nonviolence as means of reaching higher levels
of existence. While some Chinese still practice Confucianism and Taoism, these religions have
lost much of their impetus due to resistance from today's Communist government.

Hinduism teaches the caste system, in which a person's previous incarnations determine that
person's hierarchical position in this life. Each caste comes with its own set of responsibilities
and duties, and how well a person executes these tasks in the current life determines that
person's position in the next incarnation.

The ultimate objective of Buddhism is to attain Nirvana, which is a state of total spiritual
satisfaction. Like Hinduism, Buddhism allows religious divergence. Unlike it, though, Buddhism
rejects ritual and the caste system.

Eastern Philosophy mainly focused in virtue. They give importance to themselves and to others.
It greatly affects us to be wise and think deeply. Chinese people thought us those philosophies.

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