Final TYF

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Hello, Taguigenos!

I am Charles Resuello, proud alumnus of Sto. Nino Catholic School, General Academic Strand
Batch 2019. I graduated with flying colors, was awarded as Class Valedictorian, and with High
Honors. I am forever grateful to my Alma Mater. I will never be Charles today if the SNCS did
not provide a quality catholic education.

To be honest, there are numerous struggles and storms that I faced while studying. We have
heard a couple of times in our philosophy subject explicitly stated by Aristotle. The roots of
education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet. I could attest that this principle is relevant and
timely. There was a time during my 10th grade I failed my Statistics exam. I was running for the
honor roll at that time. I cried a river, and I was afraid. I also stuttered when I gave my classroom
speech. My knee dislocated from its cup during the acquittance party. The doctor will not allow
me to do vigorous activities, which includes Physical Education exercises.

I also grew up without a father. You knew it is painful to witness a complete family attending the
mass or the Family day. I wished to imitate a paternal figure that I could follow. He died when I
was seven years old.

These are the things that made me sorrowful. You can see my life is not perfect nor glamorous. A
piece of advice, do not take it negatively. Use the painful moments to strive for your dream. Let
me share with you how I deal with these struggles and can celebrate triumph and success.

Learn from your mistakes. As I have mentioned earlier, my life is not perfect. Well, I am not trying
to be perfect. Educate and reflect on what are the lesson you have discovered because of that
mistake. I had 20 inaccurate answers on my finals in Media and Information literacy. I looked at
myself in the mirror and spoke my word of honor to myself that I will avoid committing the same
mistakes in the past. Stand and move on.

Stop comparing yourself. Life is a competition. We knew that. However, try to listen to Desiderata
by Marx Ehramm "If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always
there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. He mentioned that there are people better
than you. Be the best version of yourself. One time, I asked God. Why others won the
competition? Why do I always lose? The answer is to trust yourself and trust God.

What happened next?

I discovered that I have the potential to be a Student Council president. My teacher in English
unveiled my ability to write and expressed myself in Feature Writing. I won 2nd place on the
Division School Press Conference in the category of Pagsulat ng Lathalian.

Accept the results and the truth honestly and wholeheartedly. There will always be a perfect time.
Amidst the struggles I have been through, I received Subject Excellence Awards in
Communication Arts, Social Sciences, Christian Living, Mathematics, Science, and even Research.
I am a 3-time recipient of Cape of Sto. Nino Award and Gawad Pedro Calungsod for having an
outstanding performance while serving God. Sto. Nino became my comfort zone. A place where
everyone can excel and do the best, and surely God will do the rest. I am also a recipient of the
Leadership Award and Senior Journalist of the year.
Improve for yourself, not for others. Sto. Nino Catholic School is the only catholic school in the
heart of the Signal Village. There are a lot of things I learned for me to improve and develop. As
time goes by, SNCS taught me how to love, be responsible, and be accountable for my actions.

Our journey as a missionary is full of ups and downs. You will experience a lot of things like
Jesus. He is the son of God, but he received rejections, criticism, hate, and even anger. A piece of
advice to everyone, learn to divide and conquer. Divide things accordingly and choose among
them who you will be conquering.

My message to all is simple yet remarkable. I want to use our motto. Be simple, be humble, and
be competent. The world is a stage. Your character matters the most. It is a battlefield. Choose
your game wisely. Life is hard, don't make it harder for yourself.

Do your best and God will do the rest.

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