General Cargo: Type of Vessel

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Vessel General Cargo

1-1) Berthing Energy Calculation

1-2) Dimensions & Weight of the vessel

1-1) Berthing Energy Calculation Fill-in

Type of Vessel Container Calgo

Design Condition
Dead Weight Ton (D.W.T) DWT 45,000 ton
Berthing Velocity V 0.13 m/sec
Berthing Angle TH 6 Degree

Berthing Energy Safty Factor is included in the Berthing Velocity

Calculated Berthing Energy 1/4 Point 443.11 kN-m

Applied for Wharf / Jetty / Pier 45.17 T-M

Abnormal Berthing Energy Calculated with SF 1.50

Calculated Berthing Energy 1/4 Point 664.67 kN-m

Applied for Wharf / Jetty / Pier 67.75 T-M

Deadweight Ton DWT 45,000 ton

Length (over all) Loa 211.0 m
Length (between perpendiculars) Lpp 205.0 m
Breadth B 31.7 m
Draft (full) d 12.0 m
Displacement MD 55100 ton

Berthing Angle TH 6 degree

Hydrodynamic coefficient Cm 1.757

Eccentricity coefficient Ce 0.542
Radius of gyration K 49.27 m
Block coefficient Cb 0.686
Distance of the point of contact R 53.64 m
from the center of mass
The angle between the line joining Gma 66.8 degree
the point of contact to the center
of mass and the velocity vector
Softness coefficient Cs 1.0
Berth configuration coefficient Cc 1.0

Berthing Velocity V 0.13 m/sec

Berthing Energy E 443 kN-m
Safety factor Sf 1.50
Abnormal Berthing Energy Ea 665 kN-m
45000 55100 211 205 31.70 12.00 7.28 16.85

* For General Vessel

Log LOA = 0.799+0.328*logDWT
Tonnage = 2.535*DWT0.932
Ballast Draft = 0.352*df1.172
Log df = -0.464+0.341*logDWT
Log D = -0.267+0.321*logDWT

* For Container Vessel

Log LOA = 0.612+0.383*logDWT
Tonnage = 1.014*DWT0.932
Ballast Draft = 0.512*df1.088
Log df = -0.450+0.333*logDWT
Log D = -0.620+0.414*logDWT

* For Oil Vessel

Log LOA = 0.808+0.309*logDWT
Tonnage = 2.118*DWT0.950
Ballast Draft = 0.548*df0.966
Log df = -0.321+0.299*logDWT
Log D = -0.387+0.339*logDWT

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