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Fast Start

Training Kit

Last update March, 2011

Step #1: Dial (916) 233-3990, with the access code 22177# at the top of every
hour. You will then gain access to a 27 min. training call (FAST START TRAINING 1) .

New Members call with David Ulloa 1 of the top 10 earners with World Ventures.
Dial 605-477-2199 enter access code 220451 # and reference code #6

Step #2: In sales you may have heard the term sales is a numbers game. Once you
know the number you can write your own check.

Warn Market
Income Goal>>$_________
Profit per sale>$_________
Sales needed>>$_________
x 6 =>>>>>>>>>$________

Direct Response
Income Goal>>$_________
Profit per sale>$_________
Sales needed>>$_________
x 200 =>>>>>>>$________
If you have internet access go through our video training
#1 Who is Chris Brown
#2 Recruitable or Duplicatable
#3 Recruiting Systems
#4 Make $ in the next 24-48 hours
#5 First Steps to Success
#6 Keep it Simple
#7 Anyone can do it
#8 Direct Response
#9 FREE Information that sells
#10 Trust and Respect

Step #3: Make a list of all of your contacts even the ones you know will not buy.
Step #4 Warm market approaches in order to network with the people you know
without making them feel pressured. (See page 9 of the Dani Johnson script book)
Name Phone Approach # Contacted Date Outcome
Name Phone Approach # Contacted Date Outcome
Name Phone Approach # Contacted Date Outcome
Step #5: New Members call with David Ulloa 1 of the top 10 earners with World
Ventures. Dial 605-477-2199 enter access code 220451 # and reference code #6

Also dial (916) 233-3990, with the access code 22177# at the top of every hour.
You will then gain access to a 27 min. training call (FAST START TRAINING 1) .

If you have internet access go through our video training

#1 Who is Chris Brown Lesson Completed Y /N
#2 Recruitable or Duplicatable Lesson Completed Y /N
#3 Recruiting Systems Lesson Completed Y /N
#4 Make $ in the next 24-48 hours Lesson Completed Y /N
#5 First Steps to Success Lesson Completed Y /N
#6 Keep it Simple Lesson Completed Y /N
#7 Anyone can do it Lesson Completed Y /N
#8 Direct Response Lesson Completed Y /N
#9 FREE Information that sells Lesson Completed Y /N
#10 Trust and Respect Lesson Completed Y /N

Step #6 Warm Market Generate the Lead

Approach #1
I got a project I’m working on I know it’s nothing you’d be interested in but before
I go make fool of myself. I was hoping I could gain some experience by practicing
on you first.

Approach #2
I got a project I’m working on before I start my national advertising campaign. I
was hoping I could gain some experience by practicing on you first.

Approach #3
I got a project I’m working on I don’t believe everything I have heard so far. So we
want to do a little test marketing.

I know you love to scrutinize things. I was wondering if you could give me your
honest assessment on this program we thinking of taking nationwide.

Approach #4
I got a project I’m working on and I believe we have found a way. I don’t believe
everything I have heard so far. So we want to do a little test marketing.

I know you love to scrutinize things. I know it’s not for you but I was wondering if
you could give me your honest assessment on this program we thinking of taking

Approach #5
I got a project I’m working on. I was hoping you could help me out. If you could
look over tell me what you think and maybe suggestion any improvements I could

Approach #6
Can you do me a favor? I just started a new website / launched a new website.
Would you be willing to look it over and tell me what you think?

Approach #5
Did you hear about the new bailout program for employees? If a person works a
job the Government will finance them $300-$500 per month.

I don’t know all the details on it yet my friend gave me some information from a
tax specialist on it.

(Send to then have your up line support

follow up with them. A prerecorded message is coming soon!)

Approach #6
Did you hear about the new bailout program for employees? If a person works a
job the Government will finance them $300-$500 per month.

I don’t know all the details on it yet my friend gave me some information from a
tax specialist on it.

(Send to then have your up line support

follow up with them. A prerecorded message is coming soon!)

Approach #7 (For people who have tried a number of things)

I know you were not interested in ___________, but I know you know people who
are. If you give me some referral I pay you a finder’s fee of $______.

Approach #8 (For people who have tried a number of things)

I know you were not interested in ___________, but perhaps you will be
interested in __________.

Approach #9 (For people who have tried a number of things)

I know you know I have tried a bunch of things. I was never successful because I
did not have the opportunity to work with someone who would give me the
support as well as someone who actually made money.
Approach #10 (For business owners)
I have a friends who is a business coach. He / She shared with me a great way for
you to never pay out of pocket for your advertising.

(Send to then have your up line support

follow up with them. A prerecorded message is coming soon!)

Approach #11 (For business owners and non business owners)

I’m starting a new business I’m looking ONLY looking for 6 business partners. Let
me send you some information (Send E-mail, text or a direct message through
Facebook) and see if it’s something you would be open to fair enough?

I’m not interested in a business opportunity! (Someone who thinks people don’t
make money in business opportunities or believe it’s a scam.)

Have you ever seen Donald Trump’s TV show the Apprentice? Did you know he
features a network marketing company every year on his TV show the Apprentice?

He also has a book called “why we want you to be rich” where he says the best
way for people like us to get ahead is through network marketing.

If people did not make money do you think he would do something so stupid by
stake his reputation on network marketing?

I had a friend who was homeless living out of her call and in her first 10 hours she
made $2000.

*You could also use the following facts

 20% of Millionaires in the USA made their money in network marketing.
 Network marketing industry creates 40 new Millionaires each month.
 Network marketing Millionaire “Dani Johnson” was featured on Oprah’s TV
show in Feb, 2011.
 Network marketing Millionaire “Dani Johnson” was featured ABC’s “Secret
Millionaire March, 2011.
 More Millionaires have been created from network marketing than any other
industry in history.
 Bill Clinton did a public service announcement to encourage people to join a
network marketing business because it has such a positive effect on the
 Dr. Phil encourages people to join a network marketing business.
 Donald Trump owns a network marketing business.

What is it?
I’ll send you the information / video just look over it this will explain everything. I
really imprecate you help me out.

So how is the family done? (Take control of the conversation before they can bring
up anything else changes the subject.)

Step #6 Provide FREE Information

Approach #1
First of all watch this short video. | Let me send you a short video.

When do you think you can see it? | Do you think you can watch it at ___:____? |
I’ll follow up with you on ________day at ___:___ OK!

Step #4 Follow up
What was your favorite part?

(If they have questions 3 way your upline support or have them or your upline
follow up.)

Thank you for taking the time to look over the information. I will have __________
follow up with you to answer your questions.

Step #5 Survey
Ask them to fill out the survey on the following page.


1. What was your favorite part? Travel / Business opportunity/ Other


2.Is there anything you would change about the presentation? Yes / No



2.Have you ever considered starting your own business? Yes / No

3.What has held you back? Lack of money / Not sure how to find a legitimate business / Other

Explain ____________________________________________________________________________________


5.What interests you most? Travel / Business opportunity / Other

6.Is this something for you? YES / NO

7. If no what could we change?


Step #7: Dial (916) 233-3990, with the access code 27005# at the top of every
hour. You will then gain access to a 41 min. training call (FAST START TRAINING 2).

If you have internet access go through our video training

#1 Direct Response Advertising Offline

#2 Marketing Systems
#3 Show personal Interest
#4 Generate Interest
#5 Back Office (part 1)
#6 Back Office (part 2)
More trainings at

Special Instruction for flyers! Print and copy the flyers below just change the
phone number and website. Bring a copy of the flyers to your local print shop for
“If you did not need to
work 40hr per week.
What would you do with
your time?”
Discover the Secrets

“To making more money while

working less time”
CALL NOW! (818) 457-2416 | | |
Voice Mail Script: Use this script to record a professional business voice mail.

Hey everyone this is _____________. I’m either on the phone or away

from my desk. If you would please leave your name and number and I’ll
get back with you as soon as possible.

One more thing stay healthy and have a great day

MLM Script: Use the following script to interview and show personal interest in
the leads you generate with the flyer.
Hi is this ______________? Hi my name is _________________ I’m
calling you responded to my advertisements

___________________________ (ex. If you did not need to work 40hr

per week what would you do with your time?)

Can you hear me ok?


To save us both time I need to ask you some questions to figure out what
info to direct you to.

Fair enough?

What is it you do for a living?

That’s amazing / That’s great / Good for you / That’s interesting

How long have you been doing that?

That’s amazing / That’s great / Good for you / That’s interesting

_______ what is your favorite part about that

That exciting / Your one of those hard workers / I admire people that can
that can do that / that’s interesting /

Is there anything you don’t like about it?

Do you have a family?

Are you married? / How long? / Do you have any kids? / How many? /
What your pet’s name? /

If you could make more money while working less time what would do
you with all that extra time?

That sounds fun / that’s admirable / that’s interests / that’s exciting /

good for you /

What type of income are you accustom to?

In the next 12 month what would you like your income to look like?

___________ it take a lot of work for us to set someone up in our

organization. We have a multi stage interview process.

First of all we have a group interview call where we will answer your
questions and show you how you can make more money by working less
Then we will follow up with you and tell you more about our industry and
what our company does.

This way we can see if you and I make a good match. Then we can meet
together if you would like and set you up within our organization
Fair enough?
You will need to set aside about 11 min


Do you have time at __:__?

I will then follow up with you at ___:___?

Do you have a pen and paper?

Dial 916-233-3990 and enter the access code 72851#

I’m going to text you this info too.

Let me give my number in case something up and you can’t make it OK!

My number is _____________________
I have you scheduled at ___:___ and I will then follow up with you at
___:___ OK!

One more thing stay health and I’ll talk with you shortly

MLM Short Script 2nd Contact

We know that 80% of sales are done on the 5-8 th contact so if people are not buying is all this means is we have to follow
up with them 5-8 times in order to build the trust .

Hi _____________ let me tell you more about our company. But before I
do what was your favorite part out of what you hear?

_________ you told me you would like to make $________ per month

Now you have probably heard the term the shortest path between 2
places is a straight line.


We want to look at a industry market potential.

The big the market the less likely there will be layoffs and the less likely
those businesses will struggle.

Take for instance the coffee industry. The coffee industry is a 100 billion a
year industry, health and nutrition industry is a 220 billion a year
__________ Our Company is involved in the travel industry. Which is an
8 trillion dollar a year industry.

Let me paint a visual for you If you went to the beach and pick up a
handful of sand each gain of sand would be 1 Billion dollars.

The travel industry is the biggest industry on each. Oil and gas is only a 4
trillion dollar industry.

Let me tell you what we do.


There travel whole sale membership website. You have probably heard of
companies like Expedia, Hotwire, and Travelocity


These companies go to these go to a whole sale travel warehouse

website. Where they get to rock bottom prices and then resell it for a

They might buy a cruise for $99 buck and reseal it for $750. This is how
they make money.

What our company does give our customers access to the rock bottom
whole sales price.
You might get a cruise to the Caribbean for $58 bucks or a luxury vacation
to Spain for $199 bucks.

The reason we can do this is we will buy out 90% of vacation package
then resell this vacation package to our customer’s pennies on the dollar.

These are what I like to call our ridiculous stupid priced deal. I think a
cruse for 58 buck is a ridiculous stupid.

Is there any place that you would really like to visit?

We also have a standard booking engine just like what you would see at

There is a research company called Topaz International which found that

Expedia only gave you the lowest price 6 out ever 100 travel searches.

They also found our company gave you the lowest price 68 out of every
100 travel searches.

I want to show you how you can write you own check


Now __________ how quickly would you like to make your first $12,000
Now we need a total of 42 customers


___________ if we look at worst case scenario you will generate at least

1 sale for every 200 people who see your marketing message.

We take 200 x 42 = 8400

Do you think you could get 8400 flyers out in the next _________?

Does that sound hard?

You could also drive 8400 to a website if you would like to do it online.

We pass out 100 flyers which only took 180 min which generated $400
in commissions.

Now__________ you told me you wanted to_______________

You did tell me that right!

Let me tell you about Dian Hallmark

Dian Hallmark husband had cancer so she need more time so she could
take care of him. We helped her to make $3,500 her first month working
part time.

Then there is Tara Hardin who we helped generate 3,200 new clients in
90 days.

And then there is Al Nin who is an expense reduction consultant for

Fortune 500 companies we help to improve his business as well

Now ___________ we are not looking for talent. We are looking for
teachable motivated people that we can help reach their goals.

Now we can’t work with everyone. If you were me, interviewing you for
this position why would you work with you?


Do you have any question?

Do you have access to the internet?

Visit and look for Martian Ruof

This will answer all of your question

(If they do not have access to the internet)

Do you have time at ___:___?

I will then follow up with you at ___:___?

Do you have a pen and paper?

Dial 916-233-3990 and the access code is 26238#

Let me give my number again in case something up and you can’t make it

My number is __________________

I have you scheduled at ___:___


I will then follow up with you at ___:___ OK!

This will answer all of your questions

One more thing stay healthy and I’ll talk with you shortly
(If they had no question continue on to 3rd contact)
MLM Script 3rd Contact
We know that 80% of sales are done on the 5-8 th contact so if people are not buying is all this means is we have to follow
up with them 5-8 times in order to build the trust .

Hi _________ out of the information you heard what made the most
sense to you?


You told me _________________________________________

Now ____________ I want to give you a heads up. I don’t know if what
we have is something that you’re ready for or not.

But I certainly don’t want to assume that it’s not. So whatever you say at
the end of this few minutes is completely up to you.

I am looking for a project to work with I’m calling to let you know this is
the last ____ days of the month. Our company has a qualifying month
and an effective month.

The qualifying month is the promotion you earn. The effective month is
where you get paid based on your promotions.

Does that make sense?

Well it’s that last ____ days of the month which is the best time to get
started. Because you don’t waste time not qualifying to get a pay raise on
your new promotions.

Do you see what I mean?

So here is what I’m looking for I have a lot of people who I interviewed
over the past month. And I am looking for 1 individual that I am going to
build an entire organization with from the effort I did.

And that person will benefit from the life of that sales team. When
anyone in that organization makes a sales, that person will get paid and
will earn an income on the life time of that customer and the life of that

Let me tell you about ________________________________

Then there is _______________________________________

These are only 2 out all the people I am interviewing so far

So I don’t know who that person is going to be but you are one of the
first people I have called.

The only way I will work with you is under 3 conditions

#1 Get you started in your business
#2 Go through our fast start training program
#3 Get started applying what you learn

So ___________ my question to you is do you want to benefit and earn

an income from the sales that we generate?

Do you want to earn an income from _____________ and their entire

sales team

Or should I let __________ earn a income off of you and your entire sales

What is the name you would like on your pay checks?

To get you set up in your business

will only require a small investment of $365

(Fill out the application)

MLM Motivation Script

This phone script is use for people who are either in the business but not working or for people you have talked to who
have not joined yet
Hi __________ this is ___________. How are you?

We have been working together for a little bit

You told me _________________________________________

Now ____________ I want to give you a heads up.

I am looking for a project to work with that I can groom to success.

I’m calling to let you know this is the last _____ days of the month. Our
company has a qualifying month and an effective month.

The qualifying month is the promotion you earn. The effective month is
where you get paid based on your promotions.

You have probably heard that before


So here is what I’m looking for

I have a lot of people who I interviewed over the past month. And I am
looking for 1 individual that I am going to build an entire organization
with from the effort I did.

And that person will benefit from the life of that sales team and
organization and will earn an income on the life of that customer and the
life of that business.

I don’t know who that person is going to be but you are one of the first
people I have called.

Let me tell you about _________________________________

Then there is ________________________________________

_____________ and _______________ could be in your sales team

The only way you will benefit from the work we do is under 3 conditions

#1 Get you started in your business / Your already in the business

#2 Go through our fast start training program
#3 Who ever bring me the most people or is active marketing

Do you plan on using your warm contacts or marketing with cold


Have gone through the fast start training?

What is the first thing you’re going to do?

Stay healthy and have a great day!

This phone script is use for people you have been building a relationship with.

No Money!
Now ________ I can understand that I could not afford it either when I
got started.

Let me ask you a question Is it things are so tight that you can’t truly
afford it or you don’t what to tell me no?

Now _________ if you did have the money would you get started now?

Can I help you?

I’m going to help you think like an entrepreneur

Do you know who Bill gates is?

If Bill Gates need $5 Billion dollars and only had a Billion to start a
company. How fast do you think he could find the money?

What is the difference between $5 Billion for him and $______for you?

Do you have a pen and paper

I want you to write this down exactly how I say it and then I want you to
repeat it back to me exactly how I said it .


I, _________, has just join world ventures on ________,___,________:

I can’t believe how easy it was to come up with $__________ dollars
Can you repeat this back to me.

I want to number this page from 1 to 50 and I want you to think up as

many ways to come up with $________ without doing anything dishonest
or illegal

And I promise you if come up

I want you to call me back in 3 days

No Money!
Do you think you could pass out anywhere from 200-400 flyers? That
would earn you at least $200 dollars

How much money did you make from the last $_________ dollars you

One thing many of us did not learn in school which is the difference
between an asset an a liability.

Asset makes us money

liabilities take money away
We are talking about investing in an asset that makes us money

If you put $_________ on a credit card

The credit card company would not charge you for 30 days


Now once the bill arrives you would not be charged more than $25 per

Now ___________ between me and you. We could help you get at least 6
sales in the next 30 days?

Once we do that you would get paid $650 dollar. So you could decide to
pay off your credit card or make the payments at that point.

Let me tell you about Dan from Elkhart, Indiana.

He too said that he did not have the money.

And since he did not get started within 30 days he ended up losing
$15,000 in sales volume that would have gone to him if he would have
gotten started.

Do you see the importance of using other people money in order to

finance your business?

In that case would you prefer MC / Visa / AMEX

No Money
I’m not concern about your money
However I am concerned about you and if you are committed

On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to making this work

If you were ill and if you needed a prescription that would save your life

Now you would be committed enough to find the money right!

Dan Johnson was homeless living out of her car. She had no money but in
her first 10 hours she made 25 sales because she was committed

Lets get you started through our fast start training program call
916-233-3990 and the pin numbers is 22177#

which is designed to help people start making money in the first 24-48

Step #5: Keep good records of all leads that are contacted


Career: _____________________________________________________________
Income:________________ Other:__________________________________


Free Time:__________________________________________________________


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