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Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8

Review Article GJEE (2019), 1:8

Global Journal of Energy and Environment

(ISSN: 2641-9947)

Essay on Sustainable Development of Ethiopia in Relation to

Environmental Policy

Kebede Lemu Bekelcha

Department of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Bule Hora

In the developing countries like Ethiopia most of the environmen- *Correspondence to Author:
tal problems are caused by underdevelopment. Millions continue Kebede Lemu Bekelcha
to live far below the minimum levels required for a decent human Department of Social Anthropology,
existence, deprived of adequate food and clothing, shelter and Faculty of Social Sciences and Hu-
education, health direct their efforts to development, bearing in manities, Bule Hora University
mind their priorities and the need to safeguard and improve the
environment. For the same purpose, the industrialized countries
should make efforts to reduce the gap themselves and the devel- How to cite this article:
oping countries, environmental problems are generally related to Kebede Lemu Bekelch. Essay on
industrialization and technological development (Yared, 2017:17). Sustainable Development of Ethi-
opia in Relation to Environmental
Policy. Global Journal of Energy
and Environment, 2019,1:8.

eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA.


Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8

Ethiopian Environmental protection ➢ Identify under-utilized natural resources by

Authority finding new technologies for their
Environmental Organs Establishment
➢ Incorporate the full economic, social, and
Proclamation, Proclamation No. 295/2002 was
environmental costs of natural resources
enacted in 2002. This proclamation repealed
development into the planning,
Proclamation for the Establishment of the EPA,
implementation, and accounting process by
Proclamation 12 No. 9/95. According to this
a comprehensive evaluation of the
proclamation EPA is accountable to the Prime
environment and the services it provides.
Minister. This proclamation has also
➢ Improve the environment of human
established the Environmental Protection
settlements to satisfy the physical, social,
Council (EPC). EPC oversees EPA’s activities,
economic, and cultural needs of their
as well as the activities of sectoral agencies
inhabitants on a sustainable basis.
and environmental units with respect to
➢ Ensure the empowerment and participation
environmental management. It also ensures
of the people and their own organizations in
coordination among sectoral ministries and
all levels of environmental management
agencies on environmental matters. This
proclamation also mandates the EPA to
➢ Raise public awareness with educational
undertake studies and research, to develop
programs to promote understanding of the
action plans etc, in the area of combating
essential linkages between environment and
desertification (EPA, 2004).
development (EPE, 1997:3-4)
Stated differently, the mandate of the Ethiopian
Environmental policy of Ethiopia
Environmental Protection Authority is to
manage, protect, conserve, and sustain the In April 1997, Ethiopian Environmental
environment and the natural resources of the Protection Authority prepared environmental
country. Through sustainable management of policy by considering own specific duties like;
the environment and natural resources, it is➢ To prepare environmental protection policy and
expected that the economic and social laws, and upon approval, follow up their
conditions of Ethiopia will be greatly improved implementation.
and all Ethiopians will lead productive lives in a➢ To prepare directives and systems necessary
healthy environment. More specifically, keeping for evaluating the impact of social and
in mind the organization’s overall aim and economic development projects on the
principles of action such as compliance and environment; monitor and follow up their
regulatory requirements, the policy objectives of implementation (EPA, 2010).
the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Then, by proclamation No. 9/1995 the Ethiopian
Authority seek to communicate the following Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has
environmental priorities: created an environmental policy, as well as
➢ Ensure that essential ecological processes legal and regulatory reforms to manage its
and life support systems are sustained environmental and natural resources. To
➢ Preserve biological diversity. improve and enhance the health and quality of
➢ See that renewable natural resources are life of all Ethiopians, and to promote
used in such a way that their generative and sustainable social and economic development
productive capabilities are maintained. through the sound management and use of
➢ Ensure that the exploitation of non- natural, human-made and cultural resources
renewable resources is managed wisely to and the environment as a whole, so as to meet
extend the benefits far into the future. the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations
Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8
to meet their own needs, the first ironment-policy-of-ethiopia/ accessed on
comprehensive statements of Environmental 22/11/2017).
Policy for the Federal Democratic Republic of Based on the goals of the Ethiopian
Ethiopia were approved by the Council of Environmental Policy, it is worth mentioning
Ministers in April 1997” (EPA, 2004:9). that its vision statement should have
The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia highlighted what Ethiopia aspires to achieve in
constitutes eleven-sectoral and eleven cross- the future. Through the establishment of sound
sectoral policy elements. The policy's section management of renewable and non-renewable
on Soil Husbandry and Sustainable Agriculture, resources, Ethiopia should have envisioned
Forest Wood Land and Tree Resource, Genetic development that ensures a secure and
Species and Ecosystem Biodiversity, Water sustainable environment. Similarly, the mission
Resource, Energy and Mineral Resource of the environmental policy should have been
address the issue of combating desertification designed to raise the awareness and
(ibid: 9). empowerment of the Ethiopian people to use
The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia (1997) is environmentally sound technology and the best
the overarching policy for the environment and practices in order to achieve sustainable
natural resource management in Ethiopia. It development. This would include using good
was developed to address an identified gap in management, conservation, and monitoring in
the policy framework. The importance of order to protect the natural resources of the
sustainable development was recognized in country (EPA, 2006). There are several specific
national policy and laws however there was no objectives stated in environmental policy to:
overall comprehensive policy formulation to A. Ensure that essential ecological processes
address the cross-sectoral and sectoral issues and life support systems are sustained,
that concern the environment and natural biological diversity is preserved and
resource management. The Environmental renewable natural resources are used in
Policy addresses this by setting out specific such a way that their regenerative and
policy directives for different sectors concerning productive capabilities are maintained and
the environment and natural resource where possible enhanced so that the
management satisfaction of the needs of future
( generations is not compromised; where this
onmental-policy-ethiopia accessed on capability is already impaired to seek
24/11/2017). through appropriate interventions a
One sectoral policy specifically addresses restoration of that capability;
climate change and atmospheric pollution, B. Ensure that the benefits from the
through promoting a climate monitoring exploitation of non-renewable resources are
programme, acknowledging a commitment to extended as far into the future as can be
mitigate emissions, even at low or even managed, and minimize the negative
insignificant levels of contribution to global impacts of their exploitation on the use and
emissions, actively participating in protecting management of other natural resources and
the ozone layer, as a means to reduce the environment;
vulnerability of the highlands of Ethiopia, C. Identify and develop natural resources that
encouraging re-vegetation, monitoring grazing are currently underutilized by finding new
and rehabilitating degraded land to compensate technologies, and/or intensifying existing
for high biomass-fuel consumption uses which are not widely applied;
( D. Incorporate the full economic, social and
environmental costs and benefits of natural
Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8
resource development into the planning, matters that affect their life and
implementation and accounting processes environment;
by a comprehensive valuation of the 3) The development, use and management of
environment and the services it provides, renewable resources shall be based on
and by considering the social and sustainability;
environmental costs and benefits which 4) The use of non-renewable resources shall
cannot currently be measured in monetary be minimized and where possible their
terms; availability extended (e.g. through
E. Improve the environment of human recycling);
settlements to satisfy the physical, social, 5) Appropriate and affordable technologies
economic, cultural and other needs of their which use renewable and non-renewable
inhabitants on a sustainable basis; resources efficiently shall be adopted,
F. Prevent the pollution of land, air and water adapted, developed and disseminated;
in the most cost-effective way so that the 6) When a compromise between short-term
cost of effective preventive intervention economic growth and long-term
would not exceed the benefits; environmental protection is necessary, then
G. Conserve, develop, sustainably manage development activities shall minimize
and support Ethiopia's rich and diverse degrading and polluting impacts on
cultural heritage; ecological and life support systems. When
H. Ensure the empowerment and participation working out a compromise, it is better to err
of the people and their organizations at all on the side of caution to the extent possible
levels in environmental management as rehabilitating a degraded environment is
activities; and very expensive, and bringing back a species
I. Raise public awareness and promote that has gone extinct is impossible;
understanding of the essential linkages 7) Full environmental and social costs (or
between environment and development benefits foregone or lost) that may result
(EPE, 1997:3-4). through damage to resources or the
Again as stated in EPE (1997: 4-5), all above environment as a result of degradation or
stated specific objectives has own a number of pollution shall be incorporated into public
key principles. Establishing and clearly defining and private sector planning and accounting,
these guiding principles is very important as and decisions shall be based on minimizing
they will shape all subsequent policy, strategy and covering these costs;
and programme formulations and their 8) Market failures with regard to the pricing of
implementation. Sectoral and cross-sectoral natural, human-made and cultural
policies and environmental elements of other resources, and failures in regulatory
macro policies will be checked against these measures shall be corrected through the
principles to ensure consistency. These key assessment and establishment of user fees,
guiding principles are: taxes, tax reductions or incentives;
9) Conditions shall be created that will support
1) Every person has the right to live in a
community and individual resource users to
healthy environment.
sustainably manage their own environment
2) Sustainable environmental conditions and
and resources;
economic production systems are
10) As key actors in natural resource use and
impossible in the absence of peace and
management, women shall be treated
personal security. This shall be assured
equally with men and empowered to be
through the acquisition of power by
totally involved in policy, programme and
communities to make their own decisions on
Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8
project design, decision making and new development activities and projects in any
implementation; sector. To be well-designed, the EIA has very
11) The existence of a system which ensures specific vision and mission statements. Its
uninterrupted continuing access to the same vision is to “see a clean and healthy
piece(s) of land and resource creates environment by eliminating or, when possible
conducive conditions for sustainable natural minimizing pollutants at their sources. Its
resource management; mission statement is to enforce the Pollution
12) Social equity shall be assured particularly in Control Proclamation and related laws, in order
resource use; to eliminate or minimize pollutants that
13) Regular and accurate assessment and generated from industries, agricultural activities,
monitoring of environmental conditions shall service rendering organizations and urban
be undertaken and the information widely areas and enhance the health and wellbeing of
disseminated within the population; the citizens”. To realize the mission statements,
14) Increased awareness and understanding of the EIA included the following objectives and
environmental and resource issues shall be goals:
promoted by policy makers, by government➢ Promote development that is sustainable and
officials and by the population, and the optimize resource use and management
adoption of a "conservation culture" in opportunities
environmental matters among all levels of➢ Protect the productivity and capacity of natural
society shall be encouraged; systems and ecological processes which
15) Local, regional and international maintain their functions
environmental interdependence shall be➢ Ensure environmental concerns are explicitly
recognized; addressed and incorporated into the decision-
16) Natural resource and environmental making process
management activities shall be integrated➢ Develop, implement and measure programs
laterally across all sectors and vertically that promote management systems for the
among all levels of organization; environment
17) Species and their variants have the right to➢ Prevent or minimize or offset the adverse
continue existing, and are, or may be, useful impacts of municipal waste and other potential
now and/or for generations to come; pollutants
18) The wealth of crop and domestic animal as➢ Prevent the adverse effects of developmental
well as micro-organism and wild plant and proposals that may generate hazardous
animal germplasm is an invaluable and substances or waste (EPA, 2006).
inalienable asset that shall be cared for; and
EIA in Ethiopia is voluntary and is not legally
19) The integrated implementation of cross-
binding. It is only applicable to large projects,
sectoral and sectoral federal, regional and
and ascertains environmental impacts of
local policies and strategies shall be seen
development activities and how to mitigate
as a prerequisite to achieving the objectives
negative impacts early in the project planning
of this Policy on the Environment.
cycle. The developers of these large projects
Environmental Impact Assessment are required to take an “Initial Environmental
Unlike the Environmental Protection Policy Examination (IEE)” in order to determine
which lacks specific vision and mission whether or not a given project requires full
statements, the Environmental Impact Environmental Impact Assessment.
Assessment (EIA), begun by the Environmental As narrated by Tekelemichael (2006), however,
Protection Authority includes procedural the EPA was created to assist developers in
guidelines as a prerequisite for the approval of addressing environmental issues related to the
Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8
development of their projects and in meeting Again FDRE Constitution (1995) article (92)
environmental impact assessment stated under sub-article;
requirements. It is further alleged by the 1) Government shall endeavour to ensure that
Ethiopian Government that the environmental all Ethiopians live in clean and healthy
impact assessment process included the environment.
participation of local populations in project
(2) The design and implementation of
planning and design. Thus, properly-conducted
programmes and projects of development shall
EIA lessens conflicts by promoting community
not damage or destroy the environment.
participation and informing decision makers,
thus helping to lay a suitable foundation for (3) People have the right to full consultation and
environmentally sound projects (Tekelemichael, to the expression of views in the planning and
2006). implementation of environmental policies and
projects that affect them directly.
Development and Environment issues in
relation to FDRE Constitution (4) Government and citizens shall have the duty
to protect the environment.
The constitution of the FDRE, which was
enacted in 1995, is the umbrella for all Environmental Challenges of Ethiopia
legislative frame-works in the country. The The protection and improvement of the human
concept of sustainable development and the environment is a major issue which affects the
environmental rights of the people are clearly well- being of peoples and economic
stipulated in the constitution, along with many development throughout the world; it is the
other provisions. The concept of sustainable urgent desire of the peoples of the whole world
development and environmental rights are and the duty of all governments (Yared, 2009:
explicitly stated in article (43) the peoples of 4).
Ethiopia as a whole and each nation, nationality In Ethiopia, land degradation is a serious
and people in Ethiopia in particular have the problem affecting agricultural productivity.
right to improved living standards and to Overgrazing and the expansion of farming into
sustainable development. Again under sub marginal lands caused by an increasing
article (3), all international agreements and population pressure without increasing
relations concluded, established or conducted economic productivity have been leaving the
by the state shall protect and ensure Ethiopia’s land bare.
right to sustainable development. Under sub- Present key problems in land degradation
article (4) the basic aim of development include loss of vegetation cover and biodiversity
activities shall be to enhance the capacity of followed by escalating soil erosion, declining
citizens for development and to meet their basic soil fertility, expanding salanization as well as
needs. aridity through hydrological cycle disruption
Environmental sustainability is recognized in caused by unsustainable anthropogenic
the constitution and in the national economic practices exacerbated by climate change
policy and strategy as a key prerequisite for (BSAP, 2005 cited in FDREEPA, 2011:1).
lasting success. The right to live in a clean and Typical pressure factors leading to land
healthy environment has been promulgated in degradation include nutrient depletion from
the Constitution of the Federal Democratic agricultural lands, overgrazing and
Republic of Ethiopia. On FDRE Constitution deforestation.
(1995) article (44); sub-article; Water and soil pollution, especially by
1. All persons have the right to a clean and agrochemicals, are becoming important in
healthy environment. some areas.

Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8
Pollution caused by municipal and industrial Ethiopia is ancient country practicing crop
waste is also a seriously growing environmental cultivation for centuries. As a consequence and
problem in urban and downstream areas. because of population growth coupled with
Conversely, the urban solid waste collection changing climate conditions over the past
and disposal system is inadequate. In the major several decades, environmental degradation
urban centers throughout the country, less than has drastically affected the natural resources
half of the solid waste generated is collected, and socioeconomic infrastructure of the
and the remaining increases urban dirt. The country. It is worthwhile to consider the
sanitation infrastructure is poor. The sewerage environmental challenges of Ethiopia in the
disposal service is very limited in its coverage. rural and urban setting (ibid, 17).
There is, however, a growing perception and In the rural setting, massive deforestation and
commitment towards improved environmental de- vegetation takes place for want of cultivable
management (EPA, 2011:2). land to accommodate the increasing rural
The government has prioritized ensuring population. This has exposed the soil for wind
environmental sustainability in its development and running water erosions thus depleting the
plans and programmes. Over the last four soil nutrients. Timber, lumber and other forest
decades, serious concerns have been products demands of the urban centers are
expressed pertaining to the accumulation of also a major cause for deforestation in Ethiopia
poorly stored, banned and obsolete pesticides, (ibid, 18).
which pollute the environment and affect Although the industrial sector is said to be at its
human health. These stocks have accumulated infant stage in Ethiopia, the few that are in and
for a number of reasons, including owing to lack around the urban centers especially Addis
of co-ordination in the donations and Ababa, the capital city, are releasing
procurement of pesticides, inappropriate untreated effluent/discharge into the stream
product supply, poor storage conditions and and other water bodies. For example, the
poor management, including oversupply and a textile, tannery and iron tools industries are
poor registration system. With regard to polluting the environment of the Akaki river
industrial chemicals, the study conducted by systems and underground water in south- east
EPA in 2006 in 28 organizations revealed that of Addis Ababa. Lack of sufficient system and
various types of chemicals and contaminated regulation for the management of hazardous
containers have been stored either as wastes, chemicals and radioactive substances.
unwanted or obsolete chemicals (ibid:2). In addition lack of environmental awareness
Many regions in Ethiopia are affected by concerning the linkage between environment
deforestation and a high degree of and development in general, weak participation
desertification. Greenhouse effect, warming of the people and community based
(rising of atmospheric temperature), loss of organizations in environmental management
biodiversity, air, water and soil pollution, soil activities are some of the environmental
degradation, reduction of surface water and challenges, Ethiopia is facing now-a-day (ibid,
fresh water problem, an increase number of 19).
crop failures, wind and ice damage to crops, The serious deficiencies in sanitation services
erosion, industrial pollution, hazardous and the inadequacy of sewerage infrastructure
chemicals and pesticides, coastal and marine and random defecation in urban areas have
pollution and general climate change etc. are created dangerous health and environmental
major environmental problems of Ethiopia like problems. Rivers and streams in the vicinity of
most African countries (Yared, 2009:18). Addis Ababa and other large urban centers
have become open sewers and is one of the
Kebede Lemu Bekelcha, GJEE, 2019; 1:8
main sources of infections resulting in diarrhea
and other diseases (EPE, 1997:2).
1. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Environmental Protection Authority (2011). GEF
Portfolio Identification Document: Addis Ababa:
2. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1997).
Environmental Policy. Addis Ababa: Ethiopia.
3. Kofi, T. and Desta, A. (1998). The Saga of African
Underdevelopment: A viable Approach for Africa’s
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century.
Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
4. Tekelemichael, Y. (2006). Current Status of the
Environmental Impact Assessment System in
Ethiopia” from UNEP EIA Training Resource Manual:
Case studies from Developing Countries.
5. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1995).
Constitution: Addis Ababa.
6. Yared, Beyene (2009). Environmental Problems and
Solutions in Ethiopia Generally and in Africa
Specifically: A case study on Ethiopia: Jimma
7. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Environmental Protection Authority (2004): The 3rd
National Report on the Implementation of the
UNCCD/NAP in Ethiopia: Addis Ababa.
Website Sources
1. Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
(2010). Environment for Development. About EPA.
Accessed on 26/11/2017 from EPA.htm


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