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1. (1.500 Points)
In this part of the test, you will answer ONE question based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions
begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the
question. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each question.
Question 1: Hi! I have intention to take a course at your center. Could you tell me how
much do I have to pay for each class? And when is the deadline for registration?
Question 2: I’m interested in Introduction to painting. Who will teach this class and
when is it?
Question 1: What is your lowest price tour package and how much does it cost?
Question 2: Can you tell me in detail what is included in the package price? 

2. (1.500 Points)
In this part of the test, you will answer ONE question based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions
begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the
question. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each question.
Question 1: What’s the date of the annual symposium?
Question 2: I’ve heard there will be a lot of reports from various departments on that
day. So could you tell me about them in more detail?
Question 1:  I am going to attend the farewell party for Mr. Murray Jones, but I don’t
remember when and where exactly the party is taking place?       
Question 2: Why is he leaving our company?   


3. (3.000 Points)
(Students do this question at home, choose ONLY ONE picture and describe it;
record the answer and send the video to their teacher via “Assignment” before the
deadline given - Câu này sinh viên làm ở nhà, chỉ chọn MỘT TRANH để mô tả,
ghi hình phần trả lời rồi gửi đoạn phim đó cho giáo viên giảng dạy mình qua thư
mục “Assignment” trong thời hạn quy định). Describe a picture: In this part of the
test, you will describe a picture with as much detail as possible. You will have 30
seconds to prepare. You will have 45 seconds to describe the picture. Here are the

4. (4.000 Points)
Students do this question at home, Choose ONLY ONE PROBLEM and propose a
solution; record the answer and send the video to their teacher via “Assignment”
before the deadline given - Câu này sinh viên làm ở nhà, chỉ chọn MỘT VẤN ĐỀ
và nêu ra giải pháp, ghi hình phần trả lời rồi gửi đoạn phim đó cho giáo viên giảng
dạy mình qua thư mục “Assignment” trong thời hạn quy định).

Propose a solution: In this part of the test, you will be presented with 4 problems;
Choose ONLY ONE PROBLEM and propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds
to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak. Here are the problems.

Problem 1:

“Hi, Mark, this is Lara, did you call the technician yet? I need to send these reports to
our supplier today, but the fax machine is still not working.”

Problem 2:

“Hi, this is Lisa Jones. I was at the restaurant today and I think I left my jacket there. I
was sitting near the front door. My jacket is blue on the outside.”

Problem 3:

“Hi, this is Paul Williams from Eco-Travel Agency. I ordered some copy paper last
Monday and it still hasn’t arrived. I want to know when it will be delivered.”

Problem 4:

“Hi, this is Robert Thompson. I shopped at your supermarket and when I got home I
check my receipt and you charged me for two bottles of cooking oil but I only bought

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