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Joan R.

Amsula BSBA - MM 1 RS ll Lesson 12


Activity A: Check your Understanding
Instruction: Read carefully each statement below and write 1 if the statement is true; and 0 if the
statement is false on the space provided before each number.

_0_ 1. Stewardship of accountability is not related to the Stewardship of Obedience.

_1_2. Jesus’ stewardship of son ship is shown in his intimate relationship with the Father.

_1_ 3. After we account to our Creator the responsibility he entrusted to us in life we will

receive the award He allocated for us. This is what is all about stewardship of reward.

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_1_4. Jesus’ willingness to accept death upon the cross is one of his awesome models of

stewardship of obedience to his Father.
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_0_5. In Christianity when one aspires to be a leader there’s no need for himself/herself to be
the servant of all because a leader is the one to be served.
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_1_6. In stewardship, the essential behavior to give weight on is our faithfulness in utilizing the
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different talents entrusted to us by God.

_ 0_ 7. Jesus’ stewardship of divine blessing is not related to his being a God especially for all
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who are true professing Christians.

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_0_8. In the parable of talents it is explained that one talent is equivalent to a month salary.

_1_9. Jesus exemplified to us how important is repeatable prayer when he prayed to his Father

a prayer three times of the same words.


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Joan R. Amsula BSBA - MM 1 RS ll Lesson 12

Activity B: Essay rs e
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1. How is Jesus’ intimacy with the Father revealed in a prayer in the agony in the garden?

Jesus' intimacy with the Father is reflected in the way he prayed to the Father during his
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agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. In his prayer, he said, "Father, if it is possible, take this cup
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away from me." But not what I want; rather, what you want.” In this instance, Jesus
demonstrated to us that a prayer can be repeated many times. As a result, a repeatable prayer,
as shown by Jesus, is important for even in the Old Testament, especially in Psalms 136, a type
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of prayer that is repeated shows inspiration to all of us to practice and follow Jesus' stewardship
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of sonship.

2. How is Jesus’ stewardship of divine blessing manifested?


Jesus manifested Stewardship of Divine Blessing when Jesus began his ministry. His

beloved mother begged him to accomplish a miracle by turning water into wine, which signaled
the beginning of his journey. While, as he said, it is not yet time for him to perform some, his

mother was certain that her son would perform a miracle. And, of course, Jesus performed the
first miracle, converting water into wine, in response to his mother's request. This was
accompanied by numerous more miracles, such as healing many sick people, raising the dead,

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such as Lazarus (John 11ff. ), and forgiving sins. Such miracles are proof in Jesus' stewardship of
divine blessing. Jesus is, in reality, God.

3. In the Christian paradigm when anyone wants to be a leader one must be the servant
of all. In the reenactment of the washing of feet in the Catholic celebration of the Holy
Week in what way was Jesus’ stewardship of servant-leadership exemplified?

Jesus is the role model of every Christian leader. During the celebration of Holy
Week, we Catholic have witnessed or even experienced the reenactment of the washing of feet.
As Jesus way's exemplified the stewardship of servant-leadership. Until today Catholic has this
practice, as the priest's role is to serve all things in relationship to God. The priests are the one

who played the role of Jesus, who was washing the feet of the different servants in our society.

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Washing feet is a way of respecting and honoring every servant by our most honorable Servant

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of God such Priest and Obispo.

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As they have been Committed to serve the need of other before their own, Christ-
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centered in all aspects of life, Courageous to lead with power and love as an expression of
serving, Consistently developing others into servant leaders, and Continually inviting feedback
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from those that they want to serve in order to grow towards the ultimate servant leader, Jesus
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Christ. Jesus exemplified that stewardship in a way of respect, love and obey the God the father
to be a great leader.
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4. Being a son or daughter of your parents, what particular instance of your life as a student
that you can show your stewardship of obedience to them?

In my life as a daughter my parents taught me the value of respect, love and be mindful

in life. Way back when I was Senior High School I couldn't control that I went home late because
of the academic activities. I keep my parents informed where and what I do. As supportive

parents they let me do what I need to do. They never failed to remind and teach me to be
mindful and obey their rules such as, go home for the settled time.

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Be respectful and mindful of my actions specially, I am a girl. They keep me reminded to
study hard and make friends with those well respected one. I believe that specific instances in
my life showed my stewardship of obedience to my parents by obeying their
teachings\reminder and respect them for as I believe they do what is best for me and even to
my siblings.

5. Relate the four principles of stewardship to Jesus’ stewardship of obedience.

Jesus’ Stewardships are a mixture of his sonship, his divine blessing, his servant
leadership, and his faithful obedience to God, his Father. To relate that in Jesus stewardship of
obedience. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that we should use what God has given us to

serve, be obedient to, and glorify God. It is also obvious that if we respect God, we will live in

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submission to Him. God provides His grace, strength, and assistance. we must just be deeply

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faith in God the father, God the Son and God the Holy spirit.

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Activity C:
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My Prayer Instruction: Compose at least two paragraphs of a prayer of obedience for

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all humanity to be able to apply the stewardship of obedience. My Prayer of Obedience for all
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Dear God, today I pray for everyone currently struggling. I pray that humanity feel your
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presence God for us to have the comfort and peace. I pray that Humanity have the obedience as
we human surrounded by your love, strength and hope. In this midst of pandemic God I hope

that we all have the value of compassion, respect and being obedient. God I ask you to guide us,

to have that values for the right path for the unity of the humanity and the haleness of the

God guide the humanity with your love and guidance as we follow the commandment of
love with gratitude because Jesus has already saved us. May mankind be able to apply the
stewardship of obedience and to commit ourselves in your teaching and faith. God, please grant

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us a humble heart to follow your directions at all times, so that humanity can prosper. Help us
to please you and to be open to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Allow us to obey as you lead, and
allow us to be able to accept your blessings once you are ready to hand us over.

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