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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 September 16, 2021 – Yom Kippur

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART XCVII] – Corman/Dush Angst

Yesterday, the approved subpoenae were detailed and compared/contrasted with recommended
contents c/o “Audit the Vote PA”; the latter is far more extensive (containing specific rhetoric that
is educational, even for those who view themselves as students of this entire process), but both
are derivative of the comprehensive **list** that I gleaned from the distilling confessionals c/o
the House State Government Committee hearings. Within this context, listen to the 8-minute
interview of Corman by Bannon for what was/wasn’t said and instant discussion thereof, and then
compare/contrast both commentaries with the hearing video (that lacks a transcript, thus far).
Then note my instant-analysis of these data, and ponder how key-quotes are parsed thereafter:

Awareness of such granular detail is vital and, perhaps, reflects the approach that
Sen. Mastriano had wanted to adopt; that he was represented today with a proxy
is a sad commentary on how Sen. Corman has ostracized him unjustly. More
evidence of aberrations/fraud has been compiled, pulling key-info from national
resources into how these data impact PA’s experience; also noted is the predicta-
ble dispute of a PA legal group’s finding on ‘unknown’ ballots by the government.

Due to omission of key/expansive input of “Audit the Vote PA” and of myself, the
initial subpoenae are deficient; it’s possible this approach is intended to establish
a database upon which future subpoenae can be superimposed, for vulnerability
thereof was limited to decrying inclusion of personally identifiable data and to
alleged uncertainty as to the credibility of entities that may enjoy access thereto.
Regarding the former, what’s requested is basic info that permits x-ruffing data
from multiple sites; regarding the latter, the ability of lefties to access registration
sites yields the inevitable conclusion of hypocrisy again abounding among Dems.

Nevertheless, the “trust but verify” posture remains applicable to what Sens.
Corman/Dush did, particularly in the absence of a timeframe within which the
data (or litigation attacking the filing, a far more likely outcome) can emerge;
although it’s going to be necessary to review transcripts, I hope I mis-heard Sen.
Dush disclaim interest in probing—for example—blockage of oversight that
blatantly occurred in Philly @ the PA Convention Center, for under-oath
testimony by perps (again, note both House/Senate State Government
Committee admissions) cries for a probe.

In this regard, noted is how the “Audit the Vote PA” listing includes seeking Philly-
contracts; thus, in the regrettable absence of Sen. Mastriano from the public
hearings [today and last Thursday], it is all the more vital that each step-of-the-
way be monitored and demonstrably NOT dilatory.
First, Bannon was a deft interviewer, asking open-ended questions that led to Corman achieving
a comfort-level when expressing his having grown to “own” this effort personally; Bannon neither
asked him to justify his January-August hiatus while he slipped-in reference to Mastriano [b4:52],
nor did he broach the “decertification” outcome that Corman had explicitly discounted [h38:40].
[Note that these cites refer either to the audio of “B”annon’s podcast or to that of the “H”earing.]

Second, as feared, Corman conveyed a “tabula rasa” mindset, totally ignoring the prior hearings,
when he posited the possibility that the machines might be scrutinized [b7:25]; amazingly,
immediately prior to the end of the interview, he touted a website that promoted BIDEN [b:9:25]
as having won the POTUS-election []. Subsequent discussion of Biden
and Cortes was generally laudatory, again name-dropping Mastriano [b10:28] despite awareness
of the intensity/chronicity of their conflict; Bannon explicitly cited Philly “gangsters” [b13:40]

Third, Bannon restated my view that instant-results aren’t the priority and, thus, it’s preferable
to invoke paper-ballots rather than machine-counting and to eliminate mail-in voting; it would be
desirable were he to condemn pre-canvassing (as a subset issue) when recognizing the need to
tabulate votes solely on election day (again recognizing the primacy of precinct-level compilation).

During colloquy, Corman explained he didn’t invoke the Senate State Government Committee
because it’s focused on redistricting/reapportionment; citing an infamous adage [paraphrased]
that “one learns 99% of key-info during the last 1% of an interaction,” note persistent querying
by Dems led to a startling acknowledgement by the Chair that “bipartisan events on the ground”
aren’t to be challenged [noting faint audio] [h1:10:00]. This is a source of tremendous dismay
with regard to Philly, if true, and it may explain many omissions in the subpoena that emerged via
both “Audit the Vote PA” and my dense compilation of detailed procedural anomalies.

Two video-metaphors come to mind when processing this new dataset. Pacino’s lamentation
“Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In!” reminds the Deplorables that Corman
requires ongoing monitoring, and the following admonition conveys what results from lassitude:

Sadly, at the onset of this new Jewish year, 5782, it’s not possible to trust Corman/Dush and,
therefore, the need to monitor/influence this probe has—if this could be possible—GROWN!
Indeed, for myriad reasons, I’d hoped to complete composing memos before hitting “100” [“C”];
I can’t, for Corman conveyed the ability to be swayed by the grassroots and we must oblige him.
Lotsa people responded to my “Q” memo [excerpts coming] and, thus, y’all are invited to ensure
that this analysis/synthesis hasn’t missed anything vital regarding both the hearing and interview.

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