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TIME - 1hr 10min M.M-30
NOTE-All questions are compulsory.
Q.1 Which of the following is NOT correct about Soil Conservation? (1)
a) Afforestation
b) Overgrazing
c) Shelter belts in desert
d) Rotation of Crops

Q.2 Write a technical term for the following: (1)

A substance formed by decomposed parts of plants and animals that adds fertility to the soil.

Q3. Identify true or false: (1)

“State can collect taxes for promotion of any particular religion.”

Q4. Find out the fundamental right violated in the following situation. (1)
“A group of people not allowing opening of a Telugu medium school in Kerala”.

Q.5 Which of the following statements regarding the Fundamental Rights is INCORRECT? (1)
a. They are granted to all citizens of India.
b. Any court can be approached if they are violated.
c. They are not absolute in nature.
d. They are justiciable and backed by law.

Q.6 Highlight the meaning of Single Citizenship. (1)

Q.7 ___________is a design/preliminary form of writing which is subject to revision/review. (1)

Q.8 "Soil is of immense value to the humans and living beings". Support the statement (3)
with three arguments.
Q.9 Describe any three purposes which the Constitution of India serves towards (3)
strengthening democracy
Q.10 Suggest any five methods for conservation of water. (5)

Q.11 Elucidate any five key features of the Indian Constitution. (5)

Q. 12 Explain five provisions given under the Right to Equality. (5)

Q.13. Two features A and B have been marked on the given outline political map of the (1+1)
world. Identify these features with the help of information given below and write their
correct names on the lines drawn on the map.
(A) A region of high rainfall
(B) A region of low rainfall

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