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Dossier Recuperació Anglès 3r ESO 4 many / did / send / how / you / postcards?

Present simple and present continuous 5 miss / did / your / why / you / flight?
1 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple
or the present continuous.
Comparative and superlative adjectives
I can’t talk now. I’m doing (do) my homework.
1 She ____________ (practise) the guitar for at 4 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences to
least twenty minutes every day. compare A, B and C. Use comparative and
2 Dan ____________ (have) a shower, I think. superlative forms of the words.
He’ll be down in a minute.
3 They ____________ (come) to our house for
New Year every year. It’s a family tradition.
4 We ____________ (study) dinosaurs this week.
It’s really interesting.
5 My friend Beth ____________ (not eat) meat, so
can we have fish for dinner for the sleepover? short / tall
6 Why ____________ (you / stand) on that chair? A is shorter than B.
That isn’t very safe! C is the tallest.

Past simple

2 Complete the story with the correct past simple

form of the verbs.
be decide go hear listen not hear notice
push run stay you / break cheap / expensive
1 A is the ________________________________ .
One night last month my parents were out with
friends so I (1) ____________ at home with my little 2 B is not as ____________ as C.
brother. At about eleven o’clock, I
(2) ____________ a strange noise downstairs. I
(3) ____________ carefully, but I (4) ____________
it again. I was still worried, so I (5) ____________ to
go and check that it wasn’t an intruder. I
(6) ____________downstairs very slowly. I
(7) ____________ that the kitchen door was open a slow / fast
little. I (8) ____________ it open. Then our cat 3 C is the ________________________________ .
(9) ____________ past me, through the milk on the 4 B is ____________ than A but ____________
kitchen floor. ‘Oh Millie! It’s you! (10) ____________ than C.
that bottle of milk?’ I asked.

3 Put the words in the correct order to write

have / he / when / accident / his / did?
When did he have his accident?
1 a / parents / hire / did / car / your? small / big
______________________________________ 5 B is ____________ than C but ____________
2 go / where / on / did / they / holiday? than A.
6 A is the ________________________________ .
3 time / land / the / plane / did / what?
VOCABULARY STARTER UNIT 3 Complete the dialogues.
A: Why couldn’t you go to France last week?
Feelings and qualities
B: Because I’ve lost my passport.
1 Complete the sentences with the adjectives. 1 A: Let’s_____________ a hotel on this website.
B: No, let’s stay in a Bed and Breakfast. They’re
angry excited funny lonely
nervous relaxed surprised tired
2 A: Why are you so red?
That film was so funny! We laughed so much! B: I got _____________.
1 You feel __________ when something happens 3 A: Did you _____________ me a postcard?
which you weren’t expecting. B: No, sorry, but I can email you some photos.
2 He’s always so __________ . He doesn’t worry 4 A: What happened to your leg?
about anything. B: I had an _____________ when I was skiing.
3 I’m very __________ . I need to sleep. 5 A: Can we see some new places this time?
4 Do you get __________ and worried before an B: Yes, we’re going to _____________ a car and
exam? take a tour of the island.
5 Dad was very __________ when I broke his 6 A: Did you _____________ any souvenirs?
laptop. B: Yes, look! I got this T-shirt of New York!
6 We try to see Grandma at weekends because
she feels __________ without visitors. Food
7 I’m really __________ about our holiday. Dad
says that we’re going to Florida! 4 What is each person describing?

It’s white and you add it to make food taste

Holidays better, but it isn’t healthy to have a lot.

2 Complete the words. salt

1 My cousins missed their f_____________ to
London so they’re waiting at the airport for
another one. These are orange vegetables. They are
crunchy and people say that they help you
2 We decided not to stay in a hotel or a Bed and
see in the dark!
Breakfast. We want cheap accommodation so
we’re staying in a h_____________. 1 ____________
3 My auntie doesn’t like flying. This makes it very
difficult for her to g_____ a_____________ on
Some people have this for breakfast, but
holiday. other people have it as a dessert. It’s
4 I lost my s_____________ on the way to the thicker than milk. Sometimes it has fruit in
hotel! It has all my clothes in it! What am I going it.
to do?
5 Abbey is a very sociable person so she chooses 2 ____________
holidays where it’s possible to m_____________
n_____________ p_____________.
It’s white and you add it to make tea and
6 I don’t like holidays where you spend all your coffee sweet. It isn’t good for your teeth.
time on the beach. I like to e_____________
new places. 3 ____________

This comes from milk and it’s yellow or

white. You can put it in sandwiches and it’s
usually on a pizza.

4 ____________
5 _______________________________________
GRAMMAR UNIT 1 6 _______________________________________

Modals of obligation, prohibition and Modals of advice: should and ought to

necessity: have to, must and need to
3 Read the sentences and choose the correct
1 Complete the sentences with the words.
1 My grandad smokes a lot and it’s making him ill.
didn’t need to doesn’t have to have to
He ought to/shouldn’t smoke.
must mustn’t need to 2 Marta arrived at school an hour late!
1 Maria _________ work after 5 p.m., it’s not She ought not to/should be late again.
obligatory. 3 I feel really tired but I can’t sleep.
2 There’s nothing in the fridge! We _________ go You should /shouldn’t read in bed. That will
to the supermarket! help you sleep.
3 You _________ wear protection glasses for 4 Ana needs help with her school project.
chemistry experiments. It’s obligatory. She shouldn’t/ ought to ask her older brother.
4 Oh, you _________ buy me a present, but thank 5 Martha sends texts when she’s driving.
you! That’s dreadful! She should/ ought not to
5 One of my mum’s house rules is that we do that!
_________ make our beds every morning.
6 You _________ use your phone in the cinema. Modals of ability and permission: can, will
It’s prohibited. be able to and allow / be allowed to
2 Write sentences about the signs.
1 4 Look at the table. Are the sentences True or
2 False? Correct the false ones.
able to able to able to
swim? cook? drive?
four years   
now   
four years - - (but her
3 from now mum won’t
give her

1 Four years ago Petra couldn’t swim, but she

could cook.
5 6 ______________________________________
2 Four years ago, Petra could drive.
3 Now, Petra can’t swim and she can’t cook.
4 Now, Petra can drive.
5 Four years from now, Petra will be able to drive
1 You mustn’t smoke.
but her mum won’t allow her to!
2 _______________________________________
3 _______________________________________
4 _______________________________________
VOCABULARY UNIT 1 Noun suffixes 1

Behaviour 4 Complete the words with -al, or -ion.

1 arriv__
1 Complete the definitions.
2 protect__
Something which is good enough or satisfactory 3 surviv__
is acceptable.
1 Someone who does not lie, cheat or steal is 5 Match the words from exercise 4 to the pictures.
h_______________ . 1 2
2 Something which often happens is
c_______________ .
3 Someone who likes rules and makes people
obey them is s_______________ .
4 Something which you know well is
f_______________ .
5 Something which is reasonable, right and 3
accepted by most people is f_______________ . 1 _______________
2 _______________
Personal qualities 3 _______________

2 Match the words to the definitions.

adventurous ambitious artistic confident
creative curious logical sociable
good at making things such as paintings or 6 Complete the sentences with the nouns and
drawings artistic verbs in the box.
1 friendly; enjoys being with people __________ arrive population position protect survive
2 determined to be successful or powerful
1 Anne is learning a new yoga ___________.
2 You should use a high-factor sunscreen to
3 wanting to learn or know about something
_________ your skin from sunburn.
3 The wild bird __________on the island is
4 sure that you can do something well _________
growing rapidly.
5 having lots of new ideas _________
4 What time does your train ____________?
6 enjoys doing new and exciting things _________
5 Some animal species ____________ the winter
7 reasonable and sensible _________
by hibernating.

Growing up ceremonies

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the words.
hunt (v.) status tattoo tribe warrior
1 I’m thinking of getting a ______ of a rose to go
on my shoulder.
2 Achilles was one of the most famous ______ in
Ancient Greece.
3 Some Aborigine boys learn how to ______
animals when they’re 13.
4 Often, if you have a low ______ in society, you
don’t have a good job or much money.
5 Did you know there are over 500 Native
American ______ in the USA?
Reacting to news

7 Choose the correct option.

A: My exam results are a lot better than last
B: That’s fantastic/ dreadful!
1 A: My brother said that he won’t have a job
after April.
B: What a shame! / How exciting!
2 A: I went to the new burger bar last night.
B: What was it like?/That sounds terrible!
A: It was nice.
3 A: Grandma’s going to come and live with us
after the summer holidays.
B: That was sad. / Really?
4 A: When I got back home last night, my front
door was open. I was really afraid to go in.
B: What happened next? /How do you feel?
5 A: What do you think of the new ICT suite
at school?
B: That’s understandable. / I really like it.
6 A: Dad says we can have a swimming pool in
the garden next summer!
B: How exciting! / What a shame!
GRAMMAR UNIT 2 4 I really like _______ (read) novels on my
e-reader when I’m on holiday.
Quantifiers: too, too much, too many, (not) 5 Natalie seems _______ (be) upset. Do you know
6 You need to start _______ (watch) less TV! It’s
1 Complete the sentences using too or enough. not good for your eyes!

The music is too loud.

Past simple and past continuous
1 Her jacket is _______ small for her.
2 They haven’t got _______ money to buy 4 Choose the correct option and complete the
a burger. sentences with the correct past simple or past
continuous form of the verb.
3 This coffee is _______ hot to drink.
4 He wasn't tall _______ to climb over the wall. When / While I got (get) home I was really tired,
5 The film was _______ long so we left the so I went to bed.
cinema early. 1 Natalia phoned her dad when / while I _______
(try) to fix her laptop.
2 Complete the sentences. Use too, too much, too
many or enough and the words below. 2 She wasn't surprised when / while she
_______ (see) her friend, Harriet, at the concert.
money old predictable
3 When / While they _______ (go) into the
short special effects violence
kitchen, they saw some broken glass on
‘Shall we go to the cinema?’ ‘I can't. I haven't got the floor.
enough money.’ 4 What did you do when / while your family
1 What did you think of the story? I thought it was _______ (travel) at Christmas time?
just _____________ . You always knew what 5 Macek hurt his knee when / while he _______
was going to happen next. (play) football.
2 I didn't like the main character. He didn't look
_____________ to be a grandfather. 5 Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or
past continuous.
3 The film is _____________ . It leaves out lots of
good parts of the book. I arrived (arrive) while they were watching
4 I thought there was _____________ in the film. I (watch) a DVD of The Hobbit.
wanted to see less fighting and know more about 1 He _______ (lie) in the bath when he suddenly
the characters. _______ (have) a brilliant idea for a film.
5 To be honest, the film was a bit confusing. I 2 While my mum and dad _______ (travel) around
couldn’t understand the plot and there were South America, we _______ (go) to stay with my
_____________ . grandparents.
3 We _______ (tidy) up after the meal when my
Verbs with -ing and to brother _______ (start) playing his guitar.
4 When the police officer _______ (knock) on the
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of front door, Sarah _______ (have) lunch.
the verb in brackets.
My sister doesn’t mind studying (study) late into 6 Complete the story with the verbs in the correct
the evening. form of the past simple or past continuous.
1 She wanted _______ (stay) and watch the film bring celebrate move have take talk walk
with us but she had to go.
2 My auntie and uncle recommend _______ (visit) My worst childhood memory is from when I was ten
Australia. They had a fantastic time there. years old. My family (1) was having lunch in a very
3 Thank you for the invitation! I’d love _______ expensive restaurant. We (2) _______ my father's
(come) to your party! th
40 birthday. While I (3) ______ to my sister, the
waiter (4) ______ me my main course – a large
bowl of spaghetti bolognese. The waiter
(5) _______ away when I noticed something moving
in the bowl. A small insect (6) _______ around my The plot was quite difficult to follow. I never
spaghetti! The waiter immediately (7) _______ the understood why the man ran away to Brazil.
spaghetti back to the kitchen. My dad thought it was 1 My dad's a music _______ . He goes to see lots
very funny, but now I never order spaghetti! of new bands and writes about them.
2 Don't tell me the _______ of the book. I haven't
finished it yet.
3 The heroine is a really interesting _______ .
VOCABULARY UNIT 2 She's very strong but quite lonely.
Describing films 4 I want to be a _______ . I love writing stories.

1 Complete the sentences with the words. 4 Match words 1–5 to definitions A–E.
dull entertaining original predictable 1 joke C
realistic spectacular 2 performer __
The beginning of the film was fairly dull but then 3 legend __
it became more exciting. 4 gift __
1 We watched a ______________ documentary 5 live __
on emperor penguins. The underwater scenes A a traditional story
were so beautiful and dramatic. B a performance you see or hear at the same time
2 The plot was so ______________ . I knew it happens
exactly what the ending was going to be. C something funny you say to make people laugh
3 It was definitely an ______________ thriller. The D a natural ability to do something
plot was different and the ending was very E someone such as an actor or musician who does
surprising. things to entertain people
4 I like films to be __________ . I don’t like to
watch films that don’t reflect real life. Adverbs of degree
5 We watched a very ______________ comedy
last night. I enjoyed it and Mum and Dad thought 5 Choose the correct adverb to make the sentence
it was great fun. stronger () or weaker ().
This book is quite / incredibly long. 
Storytelling 1 My brother is incredibly / quite good at tennis. 
2 That film was a bit / very strange. 
2 Find six more words connected with storytelling 3 The main character was quite / very funny. 
in the word puzzle.
4 The director of this film is very / a bit young. 
S R O M A E W C N D 5 The ending was incredibly / a bit predictable. 

Expressing preferences
6 Complete the dialogue with the words.
not sounds to see watch watching

N L V E L I S C I T A: Why don’t we see a film tonight? I’ve heard there

are some good ones on.
G O V E L T T T S O B: OK. I’d prefer (1) ________ a comedy.
G T Y S U I T E T R A: Oh. I don’t really like (2) ________ comedies. I’d
rather (3) ________ an action film or a thriller.
B: OK. A thriller (4) ________ much better than an
action film.
3 Complete the sentences with four of the words
A: How about getting some food after?
in exercise 2.
B: I’d prefer (5) ________ to. I haven’t got enough
4 Look at Julia’s list of things to do before her
GRAMMAR UNIT 3 holiday. Write sentences to describe what she
Present perfect with for and since has already done () or hasn’t done yet ().
1 Cross out the ending that is not possible.
I haven’t seen you since I was in Peru / Things to do
since months. 1 print plane ticket
1 She’s been at this school for two weeks / 2 pack clothes 
for February. 3 find passport 
2 We haven’t played tennis for last year / 4 buy sunglasses 
for a long time. 5 change money 
3 He’s been in the team since two weeks / 6 take the hamster to Anna’s house 
since he scored his first goal.
4 There hasn’t been a good film at our local
cinema for years / since years.
5 I haven’t spoken to him since months / 1 She has already printed her plane ticket.
since the day of the party. 2 ______________________________________
3 ______________________________________
2 Rewrite the sentences using for or since. 4 ______________________________________
I am at school. I arrived two hours ago. 5 ______________________________________
I have been at school for two hours. 6 ______________________________________
1 We know Sam. We first met him in January. ______________________________________
We’ve known Sam… _____________________
5 Read the situations and complete the sentences
2 They are married. They got married a long time
with the past participle of the verb in brackets
ago. and already or yet.
They’ve been married _____________________
You and a friend are having a drink in a café.
3 She’s in hospital. She went in on Saturday.
The waiter thinks you’ve finished and starts to
She’s been in hospital_____________________
take your glasses. (finish / yet)
4 He lives in Madrid. He moved there eighteen
You say, ‘We haven’t finished yet.’
months ago.
1 You know that your friend is looking for a singer
He’s lived in Madrid ______________________
for their new band. Perhaps she has found
someone. (find / yet)
5 She’s a teacher. She trained three years ago.
You ask, ‘Have you ____________________ ?’
She’s been a teacher _____________________
2 Your mum leaves for work. A few minutes later
someone rings and asks to speak to her.
Present perfect with still, yet and already (already / leave)
You say, ‘I’m sorry but ___________________ .’
3 Rewrite the sentences with not … yet and the
3 You are thinking about where to go on holiday.
correct form of the verb in brackets.
You are not sure. A friend asks you where you
Mum and Dad are still asleep. (wake up)
are going. (decide / yet)
They haven’t woken up yet.
You say, ‘I ____________________________ .’
1 The plane is still on the runway. (take off)
4 You are going to the cinema this evening with
It ____________________________________ .
friends. You bought cinema tickets for you and
2 Bill and Sally are still here. (go)
your friends this morning. A friend says, ‘Shall I
They _________________________________ .
get the tickets?’ (already / buy)
3 She still doesn’t have any new friends. (made)
You say, ‘No, it’s OK. I ___________________ .’
She __________________________________ .
5 You’re waiting for a bus to go to your friend’s
4 Trisha is still looking for her scarf. (find)
house, but it’s late. You’re still waiting when your
Trisha ________________________________ .
friend calls you to ask where you are.
5 Brian is still doing his project. (finish)
(not arrive / yet)
Brian _________________________________ .
You say, ‘The bus _______________________ .’
VOCABULARY UNIT 3 5 k______g

Money and shopping Phrasal verbs

1 Complete the dialogues with the words.
afford bargain borrow brand 3 Complete the sentences with the words.
discount save shop online worth fill queue set turn wash
A: Do you often shop online? I don't like that restaurant. You always have to
B: Yes, I do. We live in a small village. queue up to get in.
1 A: Dad, can I have a new laptop? 1 I like Chinese food, but it doesn’t always
B: Yes, of course … if you ______ up for it! ________ me up! I should eat more rice!
2 A: What _________ are your trainers? 2 Sarah didn’t ________ up for the match on
B: Sport Run – they’re my favourite company. Saturday. I don’t know where she was.
3 A: How much is Mum’s old car ________ ? 3 Can you ________ up after lunch, please?
B: Not very much, I’m afraid! 4 They ________ up a huge screen in the park so
4 A: How much is this, please? that people could see the concert.
B: There’s a 50% __________ , so it’s now €13.
5 A: Why can’t we go abroad on holiday? Food adjectives
B: I’m sorry. We don’t have enough money so
we can’t ________ it. 4 Complete the underlined words.
6 A: Liam, can I ________ your phone? I’ll give it It’s curry – but don’t worry, it’s very mild.
back! 1 Mmm, this cake is de__________ !
B: Yeah, sure. 2 Which foods are most nu__________ ?
7 A: This phone was only €30 but I’ve seen them 3 This tea is incredibly sw________ . How much
in the shops for €60! sugar did you put in it?
B: Wow! That’s a great ________ . 4 Yuck! This milk has been out of the fridge for too
long. It tastes s_________ .
Free-time activities 5 The pasta came in a s_________ tomato sauce.
2 Which free-time activity are the people It was quite hot!

It involves cycling off the road – up and down Reaching an agreement

mountains or through forests.
5 Choose the correct option.
trail biking A: Why / How don’t we get Amy a DVD?
This is the sport of shooting arrows from a bow at a B: We don’t know which films she’s already got.
target. C: OK, so (1) why/how about a T-shirt?
1 a_____y D: That’s not a bad (2) idea/plan, but it's a bit
You often use ropes and you can’t be afraid of heights!
B: We (3) could / shall get her a necklace.
2 r__kc______g A: But she never wears jewellery.
C: I know, (4) let’s/shall organize a surprise party
This set of sports includes running, jumping, throwing for her!
and walking. D: That (5) works / sounds like a good plan. Is
everyone (6) happy/ agree to go with that idea?
3 a_______s
This is a combination of skiing and surfing. A motorboat
pulls the rider along.
Present perfect and past simple
4 w__________g 1 Write the verbs in the past simple or in the
present perfect.
This involves paddling a special kind of canoe down
rivers or in the sea.
GRAMMAR UNIT 4 Present perfect with ever, never and just

Present perfect and past simple 4 Put the word in brackets in the correct place in
1 Write the verbs in the past simple or in the each sentence.
present perfect. I’ve seen so much food at a party. (never)
Mum’s spoken to my Music teacher several times I’ve never seen so much food at a party.
since September. (speak: present perfect) 1 Have you made your own website? (ever)
1 When we were small, our grandma __________ ______________________________________
us delicious ice cream every Sunday. 2 He’s bought a new tablet computer. (just)
(make: past simple) ______________________________________
2 My brother ___________ a fight with his best 3 We’ve been to see our uncle in Australia. (never)
friend during their holiday. (have: past simple) ______________________________________
3 ______ you ______________ your arm? ______________________________________
(break / ever: present perfect) 4 The bathroom’s free. I’ve finished with it. (just)
4 A: Do you know Barcelona? ______________________________________
B: No. I _________________ there. 5 Has she said why she was upset? (ever)
(be / never: present perfect) ______________________________________
5 She _____________ ten miles for charity 6 We’ve called his new phone. (never)
yesterday. (run: past simple) ______________________________________
6 Mike ____________ in five minutes ago. He’s in 7 I’ve come back from the most amazing holiday of
the bathroom. (come: past simple) my life! (just)
2 Complete the sentences with the words. ______________________________________
broken fell forgotten made 8 Have your parents heard your band? (ever)
put sent start worked ______________________________________
I worked from 8 a.m until 7 p.m. yesterday. 5 Correct the underlined present perfect grammar
1 Petra ________ off her bike during a ride around mistake in each sentence.
the village yesterday. Have you ever eat Japanese food?
2 I’ve _________ your English book in your locker. Have you ever eaten Japanese food?
3 That’s the second glass you’ve ________ today! 1 I’ve never be so embarrassed in my whole life.
4 I ____________ you a text an hour ago. ______________________________________
5 When did your school term __________ ? 2 My little cousin has just take her first steps!
6 I’ve __________ an enormous chocolate cake. ______________________________________
7 I’m so sorry. I’ve ____________ your name. 3 She haven’t never had a problem with her
Subject and object questions ______________________________________
4 Never I’ve seen so many people at a concert.
3 Write subject and object questions using the
past simple.
5 He’s gone out with some friends just.
Who / (go) / on the school trip yesterday?
Who went on the school trip yesterday?
6 Have they ever invite you round to their house?
1 Who / you / (meet) / at Drama Club?
7 What have you just did?
2 What / (happen) / in the last episode of Doctors?
8 She is never felt so happy.
3 Who / (tell)/ you about Gemma’s party?
4 When / Jack / (get)/ home?
5 Who / (see) / something strange in the garden?
VOCABULARY UNIT 4 Communicating

3 Complete the words in the sentences.

1 He wrote this letter to you because he finds it
difficult to ex__ __ __ __ __ his emotions face-
1 Match the adjectives to the situations.
amusing confusing embarrassing
2 If you sq __ __ __ __ __ this tube of toothpaste,
fascinating frightening irritating motivating I’m sure you’ll find more in there.
relaxing upsetting 3 Look at these marks! Your teacher wa __ __ ed
forgetting to buy a present for a friend’s birthday you that you needed to work harder!
embarrassing 4 Why don’t you in __ __ __ __ Raul to dinner?
1 having a long holiday 5 Can you spr __ __ __ the news about the party?
2 watching documentaries that interest you -ing and -ed adjectives
3 hearing a loud noise while watching a horror film 4 Choose the correct option.
___________________ You’re always late. It’s very irritated /irritating.
4 the phone ringing when you’re asleep 1 I’m not very excited / exciting about the school
___________________ trip because I’ve been there before.
5 hearing that someone has had an accident 2 It was frightening / frightened waiting for a bus
___________________ in the dark.
6 your teacher telling you that you’re doing well 3 Mum gets very irritating / irritated when we call
___________________ and chat to our friends while she’s watching TV.
7 two people giving you different answers 4 Are you frightened / frightening of big dogs?
8 watching The Simpsons Asking for help on the phone
5 Choose a word from each pair to complete the
Gadgets dialogues.

help / support say / speak

2 Find eight words connected with gadgets in the
word puzzle. 1 A: Good afternoon. Gary’s Garage. How can I
help you?
B: Could I (1) ___________ to Lee Jones,
need / problem talk / tell
2 A: I’ve just bought a watch from your online shop
and I’ve got a (2) ___________ with it.
B: Can you (3) ___________ me what’s wrong?
contacting / calling collect / take
3 A: I’m (4) ___________ because I haven’t
received the TV that I ordered.
B: Can I (5) ___________ your name, please?

request / need explain / inform

4 A: Hello. I (6) ___________ some help with
making an order.
B: Of course. How can I help?
A: Well, first of all, could you (7) ___________
how to pay by credit card, please?
Present simple and present continuous

1 1 practises
2 is having
3 come
4 are studying / ‘re studying
5 doesn’t eat
6 are you standing

Past simple

2 1 stayed
2 heard
3 listened
4 didn’t hear
5 decided
6 went
7 noticed
8 pushed
9 ran
10 Did you break

3 1 Did your parents hire a car?

2 Where did they go on holiday?
3 What time did the plane land?
4 How many postcards did you send?
5 Why did you miss your flight?

Comparative and superlative adjectives

4 1 cheapest
2 expensive
3 fastest
4 faster; slower
5 smaller; bigger
6 smallest
Vocabulary Modals of advice: should and ought to
Feelings and qualities 3 1 shouldn’t
2 ought not to
1 1 surprised 3 should
4 ought to
2 relaxed 5 ought not to
3 tired
4 nervous Modals of ability and permission: can,will be able
5 angry to and allow / be allowed to
6 lonely 4 1 T
7 excited 2 F. Four years ago, Petra couldn’t drive/wasn’t
able to drive.
Holidays 3 F. Now, Petra can swim and she can cook.
2 1 flight 4 F. Now, Petra (still) can’t drive.
2 hostel 5 T
3 go abroad
4 suitcase Vocabulary
5 meet new people Behaviour
6 explore
1 1 honest
3 1 book 2 common
2 sunburned 3 strict
3 send 4 familiar
4 accident 5 fair
5 hire
6 buy Personal qualities
2 1 sociable
Food 2 ambitious
4 1 carrots 3 curious
2 yoghurt 4 confident
3 sugar 5 creative
4 cheese 6 adventurous
7 logical

UNIT 1 Growing up ceremonies

Grammar 3 1 tattoo
2 warriors
Modals of obligation, prohibition and 3 hunt
necessity: have to, must and need to 4 status
5 tribes
1 1 doesn’t have to
2 need to
Noun suffixes 1
3 must/have to
4 didn’t need to 4 1 arrival
2 survival
5 have to/must
3 protection
6 mustn’t
5 1 arrival
2 1 You mustn’t smoke
2 survival
2 You must/have to turn right.
3 protection
3 You mustn’t feed the animals.
4 You must/have to wear a helmet. 6 1 position
5 You mustn’t walk on the grass.
2 protect
6 You mustn’t use your mobile phone.
3 population
4 arrive 5 was walking
5 survive 6 was moving
7 took
Reacting to news
7 1 What a shame! Vocabulary
2 What was it like? Describing films
3 Really?
1 1 spectacular
4 What happened next?
2 predictable
5 I really like it.
3 original
6 How exciting!
4 realistic
5 entertaining

Grammar 2 setting; ending; critic; character; novelist; director
Quantifiers: too, too much, too many, (not) 3 1 critic
enough 2 ending
1 1 too 3 character
2 enough 4 novelist
3 too 4 1 C
4 enough 2 E
5 too 3 A
2 1 too predictable 4 D
2 old enough 5 B
3 too short
4 too much violence Adverbs of degree
5 too many special effects 5 1 quite
2 a bit
Verbs with -ing and to 3 very
3 1 to stay 4 very
2 visiting 5 a bit
3 to come
Expressing preferences
4 reading
5 to be 6 1 to see
6 watching 2 watching
3 watch
Past simple and past continuous 4 sounds
5 not
4 1 while; was trying
2 when; saw
3 When; went
4 while; was travelling Grammar
5 while; was playing Present perfect with for and since
5 1 was lying; had 1 1 She’s been at this school for two weeks / for
2 were travelling; went February.
3 were tidying; started 2 We haven’t played tennis for last year / for a long
4 knocked; was having time.
6 1 was having 3 He’s been in the team since two weeks / since
2 were celebrating he scored his first goal.
3 was talking 4 There hasn’t been a good film at our local
4 brought cinema for years / since years.
5 I haven’t spoken to him since months / since the Food adjectives
day of the party. 4 1 delicious
2 1 We’ve known Sam since January. 2 nutritious
2 They’ve been married for a long time. 3 sweet
3 She’s been in hospital since Saturday. 4 sour
4 He’s lived in Madrid for eighteen months. 5 spicy
5 She’s been a teacher for three years.
Reaching an agreement
Present perfect with still, yet and already 5 1 how
3 1 It hasn’t taken off yet. 2 idea
2 They haven’t gone yet. 3 could
3 She hasn’t made any new friends yet. 4 let’s
4 Trisha hasn’t found her scarf yet. 5 sounds
5 Brian hasn’t finished his project yet. 6 happy
4 1 She has already printed her plane ticket.
2 She has already packed her clothes. UNIT 4
3 She hasn’t found her passport yet. Grammar
4 She has already bought some sunglasses.
Present perfect and past simple
5 She hasn’t changed any money yet.
6 She hasn’t taken the hamster to Anna’s house 1 1 made
yet. 2 had
3 Have you ever broken
5 1 found a singer for your new band yet?
4 ‘ve never been
2 she’s already left.
5 ran
3 haven’t decided yet.
6 came
4 ’ve already bought them.
5 hasn’t arrived yet. 2 1 fell
2 put
Vocabulary 3 broken
4 sent
Money and shopping
5 start
1 1 save 6 made
2 brand 7 forgotten
3 worth
4 discount Subject and object questions
5 afford
3 1 Who did you meet at Drama Club?
6 borrow
2 What happened in the last episode of Doctors?
7 bargain
3 Who told you about Gemma’s party?
4 When did Jack get home?
Free-time activities
5 Who saw something strange in the garden?
2 1 archery
2 rock climbing Present perfect with ever, never and just
3 athletics
4 1 Have you ever made your own website?
4 wakeboarding
2 He’s just bought a new tablet computer.
5 kayaking
3 We’ve never been to see our uncle in Australia.
4 The bathroom’s free. I’ve just finished with it.
Phrasal verbs
5 Has she ever said why she was upset?
3 1 fill 6 We’ve never called his new phone.
2 turn 7 I’ve just come back from the most amazing
3 wash holiday of my life!
4 set 8 Have your parents ever heard your band?
5 1 I’ve never been so embarrassed in my whole life. Asking for help on the phone
2 My little cousin has just taken her first steps! 5 1 speak
3 She has never had a problem with her phone. 2 problem
4 I’ve never seen so many people at a concert. 3 tell
5 He’s just gone out with some friends. 4 calling
6 Have they ever invited you round to their house? 5 take
7 What have you just done? 6 need
8 She has never felt so happy. 7 explain

1 1 relaxing
2 fascinating
3 frightening
4 irritating
5 upsetting
6 motivating
7 confusing
8 amusing


3 1 express
2 squeeze
3 warned
4 invite
5 spread

-ing and -ed adjectives

4 1 excited
2 frightening
3 irritated
4 frightened

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