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Amelie (2001)
(In French: Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain)

Amélie is an innocent and naive girl in Paris with her own sense of justice. She decides to help those
around her and, along the way, discovers love.

Her father, an-ex-army doctor,

works at a spa in Enghien-Les-Bains.

อ็องเกียน เล แบง

Raphaël Poulain dislikes:

ราฟาเอล ปูแลง
Peeing next to someone
else. He also dislikes:

Catching scornful glances at his sandals.

Clingy wet swimming trunks

Raphaël Poulain likes:

Peeling off large strips of wallpaper.

Lining up all his shoes and polishing them.

Emptying his tool box.

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cleaning it out,

and putting everything back.

Amélie’s mother, Amandine,

a schoolmistress from Gueugnon,

has always had shaky nerves.

Amandine Poulain dislikes:

Getting puckered fingers in the bath.

When someone she doesn’t like

brushes against her hand.

Pillow marks on her cheek in the morning.

Amandine Poulain likes:

Figure skaters’ costumes on TV.

Polishing her parquet with slippers.

Emptying her handbags,

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cleaning it out.

and putting everything back.

Amélie is six.

Like all little girls,

She’d like to be hugged by her daddy.

But he veneer touches her,

except for a monthly checkup.

The thrill of this rare contact.

makes her heart beat like a drum.

As a result,

he thinks she has a heart defect.

Declared unfit for school,

Amélie is taught by her mother.


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Four hens brood…

Very good.

…hens fourth!

Deprived of playmates,

tossed about
between a neurotics and an iceberg,

Amélie retreats into her imagination.

In this world, LPs are made like pancakes.

The neighbors comatose wife

has chosen to get all her

life’s sleep in one go.
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After this, I can stay awake day and night.

Amélie has one friend, Bubbler.

Alas, the home environment
has made Bubbler suicidal.

Bubbler’s suicide attempts

destroy her mother’s nerves.

A decision is made.


To comfort Amélie, her mother

gives her a second-hand Insamatic camera.

Little girl! Look what you did!

A neighbor fools her into thinking

her camera causes accidents.

Because she’d been taking pictures

all afternoon, Amélie is petrified.

She stares at the TV, racked by the guilt

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of causing a huge fire,

two derailments,

and a jumbo jet crash.

A few days later,

realizing she’d been had,

Amélie gets her revenge.


One day tragedy strikes.

Amandine takes Amélie to Notre Dame to

light a candle and pray for a baby brother.

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Three minutes later, heaven sends,

alas, not a baby boy, but Marguerite,

a tourist from Quebec,

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bent on ending her life.

Amandine Poulain is killed instantly.

After her mother’s death,

Amélie lives alone with her father.

His unsociable tendencies increase.

He’s obsessed with building

a miniature shrine.

to house his wife’s ashes.

Days, months and years go by.

In such a dead world,

Amélie prefers to dream

unitl she’s old enough to leave home.

Five years later,

she’s a waitress in Montmarte

at The Two Windmills.

It is August 29th.
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In 48 hours, her life will change forever.

But she doesn’t know it yet.

She lives quietly among her colleagues

and the cafe’s regulars.

That’s Suzanne, the owner.

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She limps a little but
she’s never spilt a drink.

When she was younger, she was a circus rider.

She likes athletes who

cry with disappointment.

She dislikes seeing men humiliated

in front of their kids in her café.

Georgette is the tobacconist.

She’s a hypochondriac.

Migraines one day, sciatica the next.

She hates the words

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“fruit of thy womb”.

Gina works with Amélie.

Her grand mother was a healer.

She likes cracking bones.

She’s bringing a kir to

Hipolito, a failed writer.

He likes seeing bullfighters gored on TV.

Scowling at them is Joseph,

Gina’s rejected lover.

He’s always jealously spying on her.

All he likes

is popping bubble wrap.

And here’s Philomène, an air-hostess.

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Amélie looks after her cat Rodrigue
when she’s away. Philomène likes
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the sound of cat’s bowl on the tiles.

Rodrigue likes overhearing

children’s stories.

No, thanks, ma’am. I never work on Sundays.

At weekends, Amelie often takes a train

from the Gare du Nord to see her father.

- Why don’t you use your retirement to…?

- To do what?

Travel. You’ve never been away.

When we were young,

your mother and I longed to travel.

But we couldn’t.

- Because if your heart.

- Yes, I know.

So, now

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Some Friday evenings,

Amélie goes to the cinema.

I like turning round,

and looking at people’s faces in the dark.

I like noticing details

that no0one else ever sees.

But, I hate it in old American movies.

When drivers don’t watch the road.

Amélie doesn’t have a boyfriend.

She tried once or twice.

But the results were a let-down.

Instead, she cultivates a taste

for small pleasures.

Plunging her hand deep into a sack of grain.

Cracking a Crème brûlée

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with a teaspoon.

And skimming stone on the Canal St Martin.

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They call him the Glass Man.

He was born with bones as brittle as crystal.

All his furniture is padded.

A handshake would be enough

to crush his fingers.

He’s stayed indoors for 20 years.

Time has changed nothing.

Amélie still takes refuge in solitude.

She amuses herself with silly questions

about the world below,

such as: “How many couples

are having an orgasm now”?


Finally, on the night of August 39th 1997.

comes the event

that will change her lie forever.
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Lady Di, Princess of Wales,

died in a car crash in Paris last night

with her companion Dodi Al Fayed…

โดดี อัลฟาเยด
Only the first man
to discover Tutankamen’s tomb
ตุตนั คาเมน

would understand how she felt

on finding this treasure

hidden by a little boy 40 years ago.

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