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Lesson 2.1: Herstory/History: Name

Peace Education Framework: Personal Peace

Lead students to attain personal peace within them as they find out the significant meaning of
their names, value the name given to them.
Cross-Linked Concept/Values: Companionship
✔ Lead to students to listen with respect to their classmates. As each of them shares,
and listens to the different stories behind their names or the significant meaning of
their name, they will learn to appreciate their names and the names of their
classmates, value their classmates, start to get to know each other, and establish good
relationships with the class.
SACSI Principles: Authentic Humanism
● Students will realize that the image and likeness created by God
are equal in dignity and rights and therefore, should be respected
and recognized.

I. Introduction
❖ What is this lesson about?
This lesson is about knowing the meaning of your names, whether biblical,
historical or cultural concepts. You will find out the reason behind your name and
you can link it to what you are today. It is an appreciation of oneself and the
people that surrounds you. Also, you are destined to own that name because it is
not just like that but something that could change the world.
❖ What will you learn?
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
a. List down meanings of your name whether biblical, historical or cultural
b. Match the meaning of the given name to your personality today.
c. Relate your experiences to the meaning of your name.
d. Identify how these meanings affect your character.
e. Create a poem, song or an essay on the feeling after knowing the
meaning of your name.
II. Experience
❏ Asynchronous Activity:
1. Do an interview to your parents or someone in your family about the meaning of
your name. Ask the following questions:
A. Where does your name come from?
B. Is it from a biblical text, a combination of your parents’ name or a culture
you have?
C. Can you list down some meanings of your name?
2. Bring a paper, pen and crayon.
3. Choose the best or your most favorite picture of yourself.

❏ Synchronous Activity:

Let’s Try This!

Instructions: Write your name at the center of the heart and answer the following questions:
1. How do you feel about your name?
2. What are your feelings when you have an interview with your parents or someone with
your family that has given your name?

Linking Statement:
You are named uniquely. Your parents have their own way of crafting your name and
it is significant to them. You are named sometimes by a combination of your parents’ name, a
cultural belief or even from a bible or Qur-an, your parents have their own style, it may sound
old fashioned, unique or classy but it has a wonderful meaning behind it.
Sometimes, you may wonder, where does my name come from? And that name of
yours will be forever with you, wherever you may go and whatever you will be in your life.
Let’s Start!
Instructions: In the picture frame, paste your favorite picture of yours.

From the activity, answer the following questions:

Let’s think about this!
1. Do you think your picture describes you and your name according to the meaning you
have listed earlier?
I think my picture and the meaning of my name didn’t resonate since I don’t
consider myself flourishing every time, there’s always an ending to everything
and I’m kind of an outgoing person.
2. How did this meaning of your name define your life now?
The meaning didn’t define me since my name is deeply attach to spiritual views.
3. From your name and your picture, can you describe yourself now disregarding the
meanings given by your parents or relatives?
Disregarding my parents, I would say my name and my picture means outgoing since
even in school when I’m in Saud

Linking statement:
You have now found out the meaning of your name, why your parents name you in
that way and somehow it defines you today. Moreover, your life depends on how you handle it,
you are still the controller of it but you need to remember that your name is precious and it is

Let’s Read!
A. Psalm 139:14
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.”
God's creation of man was both marvelous and distinct from the creation of everything else. No
two persons are completely identical, and human beings are distinct from animals. David was
fully convinced that God had fearfully and wonderfully made him. He wrote: "My soul knows it
very well."
God's creation of man was both magnificent and unique from the rest of creation. Humans are
distinct from animals in that no two people are exactly alike.
In the eyes of our Creator, we are all unique in this world. We are marvelously and magnificently
constructed, and we are loved despite our flaws and defects.
❏ Click the link below for the meaning of the verse.
● For your reference, read the interpretation of the scripture below.

fearfully and wonderfully made ob/gyn

1313 MCCALLIE AVENUECHATTANOOGA, TN, 37404423-498-2300

In the book of Psalms, David writes in chapter 139 verses 13 and 14:

“for it was You who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been fearfully

and wonderfully made”.

Fearfully when translated from the hebrew means with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect. Wonderfully when translated

from the hebrew means unique and set apart.

The intention of FAWM ob/gyn is to be a unified practice that meets the gynecologic and obstetrical needs of our patients. We also seek

to empower our patients to live in the awareness that they are created with great reverence, heart-felt interest and respect to be unique

and set apart . Every human being was created to be Christ’s image bearer and to live a fulfilled life without rival for an amazing and
unique purpose.

Fearful in this context does not mean to be literally scared or afraid. We are immensely sorry for any confusion that this has created. It

means quite the opposite - that you were created with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and respect to be unique and set apart!

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Because of this, human life both before and after birth is sacred. The unborn child is not simply
tissue to be discarded at the mother's discretion. Since every human being is created in the
image of God, it is a heinous sin to commit murder, whether by aborting the unborn, killing
oneself, or taking someone else's life in an act of rage. Every person, whether male or female,
no matter the ethnicity, age, or political persuasion, is someone made in the image of God and
known completely by Him. Believers are called upon to love even our enemies (Matthew 5:44);
often that begins by first acknowledging their inherent worth as a human knit together by God.

Let’s Think about This!

1. Which line struck you the most? Why?
2. Can you relate your life with the line you have chosen? How?
3. How did this text help you appreciate your given name today?

Linking Statement:
In this world, we are all special in the eyes of our Creator. We are wonderfully
and beautifully made, whatever flaws and imperfections we have today, still we are
loved. As we go through life, we know the different attitudes and personalities, strengths
and weaknesses that made us today and it made us value ourselves more. May your
names be a reminder that you are always worth it and valuable to all the good things
here on earth.

III. Heart Talk (Reflection) Let’s Reflect On This!

1. How much do you value your name and yourself at this point in time? With this,
create a poem, song or an essay that describes you.

IV. Acts of Responsibility

List down 3 things you will do if someone will disrespect your name?
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________

V. Synthesis
1. After knowing the deeper meaning of your name today, encircle the emoji that
represents your feeling.

Link for the presentation of WEEK 2:

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