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Dalanon, Eljay M.


Living in today's world, we are dominated by the power of modern technology where
most people have access to. Sherry Turkle's “The Flight from Conversation” tells us how
technology changed us. People utilize technology like social media or gadgets to form
connection with one another. It seems that most of us depends on technology in terms of
communication without emphasizing the essence of having conversation face to face which can
develop intimate and strong relationship and even camaraderie. In Turkle's text, she said that
"These little devices are so powerful that they change not only what we do but also who we are"
which I agree the most. It is sad how technology controlled us and changed our ways. Face to
face connection slowly unfold and flies into virtual conversation which we thought that can form
into connection.

The statement that captivates me the most in the article was “We are tempted to think that
our little “sips” of online connection add up to a big gulp of real conversation. But they don’t.” I
totally agree on this statement because personally, I prefer forming a relationship with someone I
met personally than someone who I met online. In Philippines, a traditional courtship can be
shown in a way that if a guy wants to be a lover of a girl, he will do everything just to say yes to
his love. The guy will exert effort by bringing goods to the family of a girl or even playing a
music with guitar as instrument to the house of the girl personally. The guy will even talk or
express himself to the parents of a girl or what we call “pamamanhikan” just to evaluate if the
guy is sincere or not, or if he can give the girl a better life in the future. By looking at this
example, we can say that traditional conversation which is face to face is incomparable than
socializing online. No matter how valuable the internet is, it doesn’t substitute the conversation.

This article made me realize that even though we are dominated by social media, we
should value the essence of face to face conversation. It is the only way to express us to have a
better connection with one another. Instead of looking down at our phones, we should have
bonding with someone around us through the means of talking or having a deep conversation.
Just like what Charles Dricken said, “Electric communication will never substitute for the face of
someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.”

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