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Name : Mohammad Simar Kurniawan (41621010014)

& Hellio Dimas Danuarta. HS (41621010007)

Simar : “ Hello, good afternoon”

Dimas : “ Hi, good afternoon”
Simar : “ What’s your name? and where are you come from?”
Dimas : “ My name is Hellio Dimas Danuarta you can call me Dimas, i’m from south
sumatera, Indoensian. How about you ?”
Simar : “ My name is Mohammad Simar Kurniawan you can call me Simar, and i also
from South Sumatera, Indoensian.”
Dimas : “Wow, we are coming from the same city!”
Simar : “ Yeah, it’s really unexpected for me, cause we can meet in this country which
is melbourne university to attending this coneference”
Dimas : “ anyway, what is your job Simar? “
Simar : “ Now, i’m work at Adidas fashion company as a designer. How about you
Dimas : “ If me, i’m work at Uniqlo fashion company as a digital marketing”
Simar : “ wow, i think that’s one of the famous comapany. “
Dimas : “ Your praise over to me. I think it’s not only me. But, you also work in big
company in the wordl.”
Simar : “ I just be grateful with my self, i can work in that company. By the way how
long you wrok in that company.?”
Dimas : “ I think for about 3 years, and how about you simar.?”
Simar : “ I me, for about 2 years i already work in that company.”
Dimas : “Ok simar. I should go right now, cause i have another business.”
Simar : “Alright. Thanks for your time Dimas, see you later.”
Dimas : “see you later!”

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