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ICD-10: Prepare for the Unexpected

Presented by
Denise Cawley, MHA, CPC
Brigette LaBar

RBMA Spring Conference

May 22, 2012
Denise Cawley is the Vice President of Client Relations at GeBBS
Healthcare Solutions, a provider of RCM services.

Brigette LaBar is the Client Relations Director at GeBBS Healthcare

Solutions, a provider of RCM services.

This presentation does not intend to showcase GeBBS’ capabilities or solicit any
Learning Objectives:
• What impact ICD-10 will bring to our lives
• How Radiology Practice Management will be
• What you should do with the extra time until
What is the implementation date?
• October 1, 2013
• On February 16, 2012 HHS announced it delay
the implementation until some unknown date
• On April 12 HHS issued a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to delay the final compliance
date for ICD-10-CM/PCS by one year, from
October 1, 2013, to October 1, 2014
• The proposed rule was officially published in the
Federal Register on April 17, 2012. There will be
a 30-day comment period

• What is ICD-10?
• Prepare to implement
• Question & Answer
What is ICD-10?

• ICD-10-CM (Clinical Modification) is an updated

diagnosis code set, moving away from the 30-
year-old ICD-9 code set
– It contains over 65,000 diagnosis codes compared
to 4,000 ICD-9 codes
• ICD-10-PCS (Procedure Coding System)
consists of 72,081 codes
ICD-10 Code W61.92
Struck by a bird
How is it organized?
• ICD 10 codes are 3 to 7 characters, the first one is alphabetic, 2nd
through 7th are either alphabetic or numeric, with a decimal after 3
• These codes are arranged in chapters and sub-chapters with diseases
grouped by letter.
• ICD 10 codes are organized in 22 chapters

1. A00-B99 Infectious diseases 12. L00-L99 Skin

2. C00-D48 Neoplasms 13. M00-M99 Musculoskeletal
3. D50-D89 Blood & blood-forming organs 14. N00-N99 Genitourinary
4. E00-E90 Endocrine 15. O00-O99 Pregnancy & childbirth
5. F01-F99 Mental 16. P00-P96 Perinatal period
6. G00-G99 Nervous 17. Q00-Q99 Congenital
7. H00-H59 Eyes 18. R00-R99 Symptoms, signs etc.
8. H60-H95 Ear 19. S00-T98 Injury
9. I00-I99 Circulatory 20. V01-Y98 Morbidity & mortality
10. J00-J99 Respiratory 21. Z00-Z99 Health status
11. K00-K93 Digestive 22. U00-U99 Special codes
• R46.1 is "bizarre personal appearance" vs. R46.0
is "very low level of personal hygiene"
• W22.02XA "walked into lamppost, initial
encounter“ and W22.02XD, "walked into
lamppost, subsequent encounter”
• American doctors whose patients run afoul of birds
will be able to select from nine codes for each
• There are separate codes for "bitten by turtle" and
"struck by turtle"
Why change it?
Patient Benefits
• Enhance healthcare by tracking and trending diseases

Payer Benefits
• Enhance quality of care through utilization management
• Support innovation in payment design and contracting

Provider Benefits
• Improved care coordination
• More effective case management
• Improved utilization management
ICD-10 Myths and Facts
MYTH: There will be no hard copy ICD-10-CM code books. All coding will need to
be performed electronically
ICD-10-CM code books are already available and are a manageable size

Myth: ICD-10-CM/PCS was developed a number of years ago, so it is probably

already out of date
ICD-10 has been updated annually since its creation

MYTH: Each payer will be required to develop their own mappings between ICD-9-
CM and ICD-10
General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs) are a crosswalk tool developed by CMS
and CDC for use by ALL HIPAA-covered providers, payers, and data users. The
mappings are free of charge and are in the public domain
ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM Mapping
CMS and CDC have developed a
crosswalk (or mapping) tool from ICD-9
to ICD 10-CM and PCS codes
ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM Mapping
Diagnosis has a direct 1 to 1 mapping, but the diagnosis text has changed slightly
Diagnosis has a direct 1 to 1 mapping and the diagnosis text remains the same
Diagnosis maps to a set of diagnoses, from which one should be chosen

Diagnosis does not exist in the ICD-10 code set
Diagnosis matches to multiple sets of ICD-10 diagnoses
1 TO MANY: 2%
1 diagnosis code map to 2 or more ICD-10 codes

Source: 2011 GEMS mapping, CMS

Significant for Radiology
• ICD-10-PCS will be used for inpatient
hospital procedures, so Radiology practices
that validate charge capture will need to
! map ICD-10-PCS to CPT using the GEMs
(General Equivalence Mappings)
• Translation and Interface engines between
Radiology practices and physician EHR
systems will change
• Implementation is mandated for HIPAA
covered entities. Not all payers will adopt
ICD-10 on the same time schedule as
Federal and commercial payers
Reality Check
• ICD-10 is like a phone book: It’s all
there, but you don’t use every phone
• We’ve been through this before
(Y2K, HIPAA, S-OX, 5010, etc.)
• We just got another year to prepare

• What is ICD-10?
• Prepare to implement
• Question & Answer
You should already be doing…
• Inform key stakeholders of recent changes

• Create a governance structure

– Executive sponsor
– Project management team or interdisciplinary steering committee

• Evaluate the effect of ICD-10 on other projects

– Version 5010 transition
– Meaningful Use
– Clinical Documentation Improvement

• Complete an inventory of all databases

Where do diagnosis codes live?
• In Print
– Practice workflows
– Clinical documentation
– Encounter/charge forms and Job Aides
– Training documents, tools, media etc.
– Payer Contracts

• In the Cloud: Information technology

– Interface engines
Know your vendors’ plans
• Which of your vendors are impacted by ICD-10
• Do your vendors have a readiness plan
• What level of training support will be provided
• Will there be additional hardware/software retrofit requirements
• What support will be made available for data migration
• Will there be any assistance in practicing ICD-10 based workflows
• How will existing interfaces with other vendors be affected
• What additional configuration need to be done (claim rules, interfaces)
• What are the testing plans
• Currently, there is no single framework for testing between payers and
CDI – Clinical Documentation
• Documentation to support clinical and reimbursement
needs, as well as ICD-10 specificity
• Evaluate medical records to determine whether the
documentation supports the level of detail found in ICD-10
• Implement documentation improvement strategies to address
the areas where documentation is found to be lacking.
Additional specificity in coding injuries
More detail in fracture coding
Know your practice
• Determine top 80% of ICD-9 codes by use and devise
• What are your most frequently denied ICD-9 codes?
• Estimate and secure budget including costs associated with
implementation such as software license costs, hardware
procurement, and staff training costs
• Review Payer contracts for language related to diagnosis
– Exclusions
– Carve-outs
– Reporting requirements
Knowledge Assessment
• Assess staff knowledge: Coders, Billing
editors, Denial resolution teams
• Perform parallel coding analyses to determine
productivity by team and individuals
• Determine potential for loss of productivity

Readiness Assessments & Online Focus Training Courses

• Coder Readiness Assessment
• Anatomy and Physiology
• ICD-10 Focus Course: Neoplasms
• Musculoskeletal, Circulatory, Central & Peripheral Nervous Systems
Staff Training Plan
• Collect information from each department on current use of
ICD-9 and the number of staff members who need ICD-10
resources and training
• Who: RCM staff, coding staff, clinicians, management and
IT staff
• Provide individualized training based on knowledge gaps
• Anatomy, physiology etc.
• When? The actual "hands-on" staff training should start six
to nine months prior to implementation
• Educate staff on changes in documentation requirements
from health plans
• ICD10Watch:
• CMS:
• RBMA’s ICD-10-CM Toolkit
Review Learning Objectives
• What impact ICD-10 will bring to our lives
• How Radiology Practice Management will
be impacted
• What you should do with the extra time
until implementation
Who thought of this?!
ICD-10 Code V95.44
Spacecraft fire injuring pilot

• What is ICD-10?
• Prepare to implement
• Question & Answer
ASRT Code:

AAPC Code:

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