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Bahasa Inggris Teknik

Materi Report 5

Nama : M. Ridho Andriansyah

NPM : 1907220043
Dosen : Drs.M Ali Prawiro,MA


Understanding Capacitors is an electronic component whose basic function is to store an electric charge
or current in an electric field for a limited time so that it functions similarly to a battery that is to store
current. Why can an electric current be stored in a capacitor?

A capacitor component consists of dielectric material which is connected to the pin / foot component
itself. The dielectric material can be in the form of ceramics, paper, mica and others while the
component legs are connected with a conductor plate. The definition of dielectric material is all
materials that cannot be electrified, even vacuum is one of the dielectric materials.

If the dielectric material is electrified at its electrode legs, positive and negative charges will gather. The
electric charge will remain in the capacitor as long as there is no conduction at the foot of the capacitor
terminal, the illustration can be seen in the picture below.

how the capacitor works

Capacitors have another name, Condensator, this name was given by an Italian national, Alessandro
Volta in 1782. This naming comes from the word condensatore which means to store an electric charge.

Capacitor Unit

Although Alessandro Volta named the capacitor with a condenser, but the original inventor was Michael
Faraday who was born in England in 1791 so that in honor of his services his name was made as a
capacitor unit namely Farad.

Keep in mind one Farad is the capacity of a very large capacitor so of course for use in electronic circuits
using smaller units

Capacitor Capacity

Understanding capacitor capacity is the ability of a capacitor to be able to store an electric charge when
connected to a certain potential / voltage difference. The amount of capacity is also called capacitance,
capacitance is a measure of the capacity of an electric charge stored in a certain potential difference.

The greater the electric charge, the greater the electrical potential,

Based on the above capacitor formula, it can be concluded that the greater the electric charge
contained in the conductor plates in this case the capacitor leg, the greater the potential difference
between the two plates, in other words the electric charge (Q) is directly proportional to the potential
difference (V).

What are capacitor capacity factors?

Based on the capacitor formula above, the capacitance value is very dependent on the size of the
conductor plate and its shape, the capacitance of a component of the capacitor also depends on the
type of material used as a separator / dielectric

Capacitor Symbol
In its use on electronic circuits, there are several capacitor symbols that are often used depending on
the type of capacitor itself, such as the following:

kinds of capacitor symbols

Frequently used symbol capacitors

Types of Capacitors

In full about the types of types of capacitors / types of capacitors and the benefits of capacitors have
been reviewed in the article types of capacitors and their functions, but in general can be divided into
based on the usefulness / functions, namely:

Fixed value capacitors are types of capacitors that have fixed / unalterable capacitance values such as
ceramic capacitors, mica capacitors, tantalum capacitors, capacitors etc.

Variable capacitors are types of capacitors whose capacitance value can be changed usually with a
knob or set with a small screwdriver, for example Varco (variable condensator) or trimmer.

While the types of materials used can be mentioned as follows:

Ceramic Capacitors

Ceramic capacitors or types of capacitors are made of ceramic materials and generally have very small
capacitance values ranging from 1pF - 0.1uF only. This type does not have positive and negative polarity.
The shape of the capacitor is as follows:

shape of ceramic capacitors

Polyester Capacitors

This capacitor is made of Polyester and the shape is similar to the type of ceramics, although most are in
the form of small boxes and also do not have polarity so that the installation is free. Here is the form of
polyester capacitors:

form of Polyester Capacitors

The function of polyester capacitors is that they are widely used in circuits that require large currents
such as power supply circuits, coupling / decoupling, as filters and are also widely used in audio amplifier

Paper Capacitors

Paper Capacitor or Paper Capacitor is a type of capacitor whose dielectric material is made of paper
which generally has a capacity value of around 300 pf - 4µF. Jensi also has no polarity, the following is
the form of paper capacitors:

form of paper capacitors

Mica Capacitors (Mica Capacitor)

Mica capacitors / Mica capacitors are made of mica material which is usually the value of the capacity
ranges from 50pF - 0.02µF. This type also does not have polarity, the benefits of mica capacitors are
widely used in order

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