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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Discipline and Ideas

in the
Social Sciences
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Emergence of the Social Sciences




Address: San Joaquin Road, Poblacion, Malvar, Batangas

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module was designed and written with the learners in mind. This is meant to help them
understand the conduct of Quantitative Research. The scope of this module permits it to be used in
many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

For the success of modular instruction, utmost assistance from learning facilitators such as you;
the parents, guardians, siblings, tutors, and those considered “more knowledgeable others” is expected.
As the facilitator, your job is to help our learners to clearly understand the use of this module and how
to complete the learning tasks in each part of the lessons. Kindly remind our learners to use separate
sheets in answering the pre-test, self-check exercises, and post-test.
For the learner:

This module was designed and written with you in mind. This is meant to help you understand
the conduct of Quantitative Research. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons
are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. The following will guide you in the use of
this module:
• Answer the pretest activities at the beginning of each lessons. Use a separate answer sheet
for all the activities that you are asked to complete.
• Carefully read and understand the instructions for every learning task in this module. You
may ask the assistance of a facilitator if you are not sure on what to do.
• There are practice exercises and assessment activities after you have read the lessons, you
may scan the exercises and read again the lessons before you start answering.
• The module is intended for “self-learning”, you can study on your own phase, but always
put in mind the time frame intended for you to complete the module.
• There are activities in this module with corresponding answer keys at the end of the lesson,
you can use the answer keys to check your answers and assess your learning. Honesty is
expected from you in answering and checking your own work.
• Each part of the module comes with a corresponding icon that may guide in knowing your
phase and understanding the tasks that you are about to do while completing this module.


What I need to Know

This icon provides the description of what the lesson is about. This part
enumerates the contents and objectives of the lesson. It gives you the idea of what
concepts you should learn, skills you should be able to do, and values that you
can imbibe after completing the lesson.
What I Know
This icon signals a pre-test that you need to answer to determine how much you
know about the topic. At every pre-test, you will find questions to answer. Write
your answers on a separate answer sheet. Do not worry if you are not sure about
an answer to a question, may leave it blank, but see to it that you’ll go back to
answer it after you have studied or read the text.
What’s In
This icon signals preliminary activities to introduce the lesson using enabling and
prerequisite competencies. This may also mean activities that will help you
review on a previous topic to enable you to recognize its importance in
understanding the present lesson
What’s New
This icon signals the presentation of the new lesson. You will find this icon
before some chunks of text in the following pages. It tells you to carefully study
the concepts, principles, or processes discussed in the text. This part serves as the
discussion and composes the body of the lesson
What is It
This icon signals the activities that you need to do to check on how well you
understood the topic presented. It involves varieties of exercises to test your
comprehension of the discussed topic as well as your analysis on certain concepts
and ideas.
What’s More
This icon deals with formative assessments/exercises based on the intended
learning competencies. The goal is for you to master and develop the learning
outcomes stated as the objectives of the lessons.

What I Have Learned

This icon introduces a list of important ideas to remember. It serves as a
generalization of the concepts that you should have learned from the lesson. The
summary of the important concepts will help you identify the important points
that you should remember and keep in mind.

What I Can Do
This icon will instruct you do perform activities which applies your learned
knowledge to real life situations. This will introduce you to how can the new
knowledge be used in real life. The activities that you will accomplish
oftentimes promote synthesis of new knowledge to previous knowledge.
You will find this icon at the end of every lesson. It signals a self-test to
determine how well you have achieved the objectives set in the unit. Study the
lesson well and you will perform well in the self-test. The assessment part may
be composed of test questions which entails all the essential competencies that
you need to learn.
Additional Activities
This icon tells you of an additional activity that you may be asked to perform. The activities in this
part can be an additional assignment that may enrich your learning. Oftentimes activities for this part
promote self-reflection and creativity.
Answer Key
This icon provides you with the answers on most of the objective tests and
exercises in the module. You are expected to only go to this part after you have
finished answering the questions and completing the tasks. For activities which
requires reflections and sharing of opinions and insights no answer key will be

Are you now set to perform the activities, answer the questions, and read the texts? If so, then
you may get your pen and notebook and start. Always remember to be resourceful when it comes to
learning. You can supplement this module with other sources such as books, e-learning materials,
multimedia presentations, and alike. You have the power to decide your own phase so be responsible
in your own learning.

Good luck and enjoy learning!!!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read
them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module covers:
• Lesson 1 – Defining Social Sciences as the study of society
• Lesson 2 – Introducing the Disciplines within the Social Sciences

After going through this module, you are expected to:

• define Social Sciences as the study of society;
• distinguish Social and Natural Sciences and Humanities;
• compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields,
main areas of inquiry and methods;
What I Know

Activity 1: Pretest
Let us start your journey in learning more on the Emergence of the Social Science Disciplines. I am sure you are ready and
excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following events paved the way for the emergence of Social Sciences?
a. Age of Exploration c. Age of Enlightenment
b. Industrial Revolution d. World War II

2. The following are the psychologists who pioneered the study of sociology, except:
a. Adam Smith c. Emile Durkheim
b. Auguste Comte d. Max Weber

3. Which of the following best explains the emergence of Social Science disciplines?
a. Changes in society, economy and politics brought about by enlightenment and industrialization
led to the birth of Social Science.
b. Advancement in technology and production in Europe led to improved ways of looking at
things, which resulted to the birth of Social Science.
c. Monarchs in Europe obliged philosophers to come up with the solutions brought about by
changes in society hence resulting to the birth of social science.
d. Western countries needed to expand their military and political power, thus, there was a need
to examine their socio-political standing which led to the birth of Social Science.

4. The success of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution that resulted to the end of the Marcos
dictatorship is inspired by which political views?
a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. John Locke d. Thomas Hobbes

5. Samuel is a Sociology student doing ethnographic studies on the Ivatan tribe in Batanes. As a
researcher, he is always mindful to counter check his facts and avoid personal bias on his
studies. This approach in conducting study is inspired by which sociologist?
a. Auguste Comte c. Karl Marx
b. Emile Durkheim d. Max Weber

Directions. Answer the following question by writing your answers on your DISS notebook.
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Social Sciences is the study of
a. society
b. human relationship
c. societal groups
d. All of the above
2. Origin of the scientific studies of social interactions began as late as during
a. 16th century
b. 17th century
c. 18th century
d. 19th century
3. The subject of the study of Social Sciences includes
a. phenomena of social interaction and coexistence
b. understanding and studying of a social aspect of society
c. a group of individual or a single individual
d. All of the above
4. The methods use in Social Sciences includes the following except;
a. observation
b. measurement
c. case studies
d. surveys and interviews
5. Social Sciences limitations includes the following except;
a. The need to base findings on interpretations
b. The complexity of a field in which variables cannot be controlled easily
c. Ethical issues and financial problems
d. All disciplines of Social Sciences

What’s In
Activity 1 – Tell me about it!

Task: Look around. Ask your 5 significant adult people around you to describe our society
nowadays in just one word. Ask them why they have chosen such word. Then, complete the task on a
separate answer sheet.

1. Pick the word that strike you the most and write it on your worksheet
2. Then, think personally of a word that best describe our society as well
3. Compare and contrast the 2 words. Find the similarity or the difference. Explain briefly in 5

Guide questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Why did you choose such word?
3. Why do you consider the chosen word that best describe our society?
4. How do you define “society”?

Lesson Defining Social Sciences as the Study of

1 Society

• How do you define Social sciences?
• What is society?
• How do you distinguish Social and Natural sciences and Humanities?

What’s New


The Disciplines of social sciences are viewed as those that deal with
“human society, societal groups, individuals in their relationships with
others or institutions of societies and material goods as expressions of
human cohabitation”
(Bayer, 1992)”
Social Sciences Defined

Social Science refers to the systematic study of various aspects of human society. It is the
scientific study of human society and social relationships. It is a subject within the field of social
science, such as economics or politics.
It is a major category of academic disciplines, dealing with society and the relationships
among people within a society.

Other definition of social science includes:

1. a branch of science that deals with the institutions and functioning of human society and with the
interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society and;
2. a science (such as economics or political science) dealing with a particular phase or aspect of
human society.

On the other hand Disciplines of social sciences are viewed as those that deal with
* human society
* societal groups
* individual in their relationships with others or institutions of societies and material goods as
expression of human cohabitation

Discipline within the Social Sciences

The amount of knowledge gained in Social Sciences is so large that it has many disciplines. The
following table lists some of the major ones.

Table 1. Some Discipline of Social Sciences

Name Focus
Anthropology Study of humankind
Economics Study of scarcity of resources
Geography Study of earths’ description
History Study of the past
Linguistics Study of language
Political Science Study of the government
Psychology Study of human mind and behavior
Sociology and Demography Study of society and populations

Social Sciences Methods use are the following

* observation – the action or process of observing something or someone carefully or in order
to gain information
* interviews – a meeting of people face to face , especially for consultation
* surveys – investigate the opinions or experience of (a group of people by asking questions
* case studies – a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the
development of a particular person, group or situation over a period of time

Philosophical Stances

* Positivist position- first popular, which had been advocated by early social scientists like
Compte who argued that studies of social reality should apply the same methods as the natural
It was criticized by advocates of interpretivism, who argue that the social reality cannot be
measured in the same way as natural events. Rather, scientists have to aim at grasping the
subjective meaning of social actions. This thought is e.g., reflected in Max Weber’s notion of
Verstehen (Bryman, 2008).

Limitations include:
1. the need to base findings on interpretations
2. the complexity of a field in which single variables cannot be controlled for easily
3. ethical issues & financial problems
(e.g. extreme situations in which subjects were left uninformed may still have suffered from
its consequences many years later or even have died during the study



James High
“Social Sciences are those bodies of learning and study which recognizes the simultaneous
and mutual action of physical and no physical stimuli which produce social relation”

Charles Beard
“Social Sciences are body of knowledge and thought pertaining to human affairs as
distinguished from sticks, stones, stars and physical objects”
Bining & Bining

It is the subject that relate to the origin, organization and development of human society
especially to man in his association with other men”

Natural Science
- Is a major branch of science that deals with the description, prediction and understanding of
natural phenomena, basically based on observational and empirical evidence.
- a branch of science that deals with the physical world, e.g., physics, chemistry, geology, and
Other Definition

The natural sciences as define by Ledoux (2002, p.34) as the “disciplines that deal only with natural
events (i.e. independent and dependent variables in nature) using scientific methods”.

The birth of natural science is mark by changing world views introduced by Renaissance thinkers
who questioned earlier explanations about the world and turned to more systematic methods of
investigation according to Buchel (1992). Early leaders of this ‘Scientific Revolution’ included
Copernicus and Galileo who were concerned with problems of disciplines including astronomy and
physics, among others.

Natural sciences arouse from curiosity about the world, as well as the endeavor to transform nature in
favor of human necessities of life, both of which had not been possible to pursue freely in the era of
slavery of the ancient society (Buchel, 1992)

Subject of the Study

The aim of natural sciences is to discover the laws that rule the world (Buchel, 1992). The focus lies
hereby on the natural and not on the social worlds, although the differentiation is not always simple.
There are historically three core areas of the natural sciences:
Chemistry, Biology and Physics.

- are possibly the most popular methods of scientific investigation.
* observation -
* measurement -
* experiment -
* mathematically based methods –

Philosophical Stances
-finding is regarded as general truth when a sufficient number of experiments have led to the same
-paradigms – which exist when scientific investigations are carried out, and which are usually
accepted without any reflection by scientists.


• Technical boundaries- are related to the inability to conduct precise measurements

(were pushed through the invention of telescope, microscope & Geiger counter
• Financial boundaries- can especially severe when expensive equipment has to be employed
(e.g. space shuttles)

Social Science Versus Natural Science

Things in Common:
• Both sciences employ the scientific model in order to gain information
• Both sciences use empirical and measured data evidence that can be seen and discerned by the
• Both sciences, theories can be tested to yield theoretical statements and general positions

Natural Science Social Science
th th
Started during the 16 and 17 century Arose 300 years later
Deals with object Deals with subject (Human Being)
Characterized by exactness, controlled variables It is spontaneous, unpredictable and
and predictability uncontrollable, as it deals with human emotions
and behavior
Experimental data Experimental data
The typical method of science is doing Typically involves alternative methods of
repetitive and conventional laboratory observation and interaction with people within
experiments. community
Closed system Open system

• are academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily
analytical, critical, or speculative. ancient and modern Languages, Visual and
Performing Arts such as music Theatre Arts. literature, history, philosophy, religion

Things in Common
• Both the humanities and social science are concerned with human aspects concerned with
human aspects like law, politics, linguistics, economics and psychology
• Both the humanities and social sciences are concerned with human lives and nature

Humanities Social Science
Emerged in the 15th century Influence by and developed after the French
revolution and the industrial revolution
Humanities involved a more of a scientific Social science deal with more scientific
approach approach
Deemed to be more philosophical and Involves application of an empirical, rational
concerned with heritage and the question of and objective methodology (such as the use of
what makes us human. Comprise application of validity and reliability test) to present facts
an interpretative methodology.

Humanities Social Science
1. To better appreciate the meaning and To analyzed, explain and possibly predict and
purpose of the human experience – both produce new knowledge of factual information
broadly in the nature of the human
condition as well as within each
2. To reveal wisdom and better explore To generate and produce new knowledge or
and address the big questions and meet factual information.
the challenges in human condition
What is It

Answer the following questions, follow the directions given.

I. Answer the following in your own words.

1. What is Social Sciences?

2. What are the different disciplines of Social Sciences?
3. What are the differences of Social to Natural sciences and Humanities.

What’s More

Activity: I Can Tell It!!!

Directions: Can you tell whether the given words are under social or natural sciences? Choose the best
answer by writing it on your worksheet.

1. Anthropology
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
2. National election
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
3. Chemicals
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
4. Psychology
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
5. Solar System
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
6. Geography
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
7. Physics
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
8. Marine Life
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
9. History
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences
10. Biology
A) Social Sciences B) Natural Sciences

What I Have Learned

Time for Action!

In a separate sheet of paper complete the table below.
Compare the following sciences by writing what is ask in each box.

Comparative: Social vs. Natural Science

Subject of Philosophical
Sciences Definition Origin the Study Methods Stances Limitations

What I Can Do

In your own words describe what you like most about the Philippine society by making a short poem
or essay and discuss its negative and positive sides. Include your suggestion and/or recommendations
as well on how our society become better. Discuss it in to two paragraphs.

. Assessment
This serves as your summative test. Answer the questions below following the instructions given in
each test.

I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is being asked in each number. Use a separate sheet for your
1. It refers to the systematic study of various aspects of human society. It is the scientific study of
human society and social relationships.
2. A Social sciences method which refers to the action or process of observing
something or someone carefully or in order to gain information
3. Another social sciences method which is a process or record of research in which
detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group or
situation over a period of time
4. Philosophical Stances of social sciences which is first popular, which had been
advocated by early social scientists like Compte who argued that studies of social
reality should apply the same methods as the natural sciences
5. He defines Social Sciences as those bodies of learning and study which recognizes the
simultaneous and mutual action of physical and no physical stimuli which produce
social relation”.
6. Is a branch of science that deals with the physical world, e.g., physics, chemistry, geology,
and biology.
7. The aim of natural sciences is to discover what? According to Buchel, 1992.
8. Natural sciences limitation which are related to the inability to conduct precise measurements
9. Another Natural sciences limitation which can especially severe when expensive equipment
has to be employed (e.g. space shuttles)
10. It refers to the academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are
primarily analytical, critical, or speculative. ancient and modern Languages, Visual and
Performing Arts such as music Theatre Arts. literature, history, philosophy, religion

II. Fill in the blanks. Fill the lines with the correct answer.

Some Discipline of Social Sciences

Name Focus
Study of scarcity of resources
Study of the past
Study of the government
Study of society and populations

Additional Activities

Look for the following disciplines of Social Sciences and describe each it through drawing. Use a
separate sheet for this task.
1. Anthropology 5. Psychology
2. Economics 6. Linguistics
3. Geography 7. Political Science
4. History 8. Sociology and Demography

Answer Key
5. - 5. - 5. -
4. - 4. - 4. -
3. - 3. - 3. -
2. - 2. - 2. -
1. - 1. - 1. -
Assessment What's More What I Know


Lesson Introducing the Disciplines Within

2 the Social Sciences
• What are the different disciplines of social sciences?
• What are their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods?
• How to compare and contrast each discipline?

What I Know

Activity 1: Pretest
Directions. Unscramble the letters to form the correct word. After, select the areas of study you think
it focuses at. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Rohtoganoply
2. Groyepgah
3. Tryshoi
4. Stiuignicls
5. seeincc liicotpla
6. Simnoeocc
7. Cohyygpsol
8. Ooogisylc & agpyhdomer

Man mind and behavior

Scarcity of resources government and politics
Language earths’ description
Past society and population

What’s In

Activity: Guess the Picture!!!

Directions: Can you guess the picture and write what discipline the picture is pertaining to? Write your
answer on your DISS notebook.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

What’s New

The social sciences are the fields of scholarship that study society. "Social science" is
commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields outside of the
natural sciences. These include: anthropology, archaeology, business administration,
communication, criminology, economics, education, government, linguistics,
international relations, political science, sociology and, in some contexts, geography,
Social Sciences Defined

Social science is an academic discipline concerned with society and the relationships among
individuals within a society, which often rely primarily on empirical approaches
• It includes anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.
• In a wider sense, it may often include some fields in the humanities such as archaeology,
history, law, and linguistics.


- derived from the Greek words Anthropos meaning “human” and “logos” meaning “word or
study of. Therefore, Anthropology is “the study of man”
- Anthropologists study humans and their societies in the past and present

Two fields:
1. Physical Anthropology – which is the study of the past and present evolution of the human
species and is especially concerned with understanding the causes of present human diversity
2. Cultural Anthropology – is the branch of anthropology concerned with the study of human
societies and cultures and their development

Historical Foundation
- Traces its roots from natural history which is the study of plants, animals & humans with
reference to their history & native environment
- the discovery & contact to new
- Civilizations by European explorers & colonizers led to curiosity & questions of:
• who these people are
• who their ancestor were
• how they are related to other places
• what makes them distinct
• what similarities they share with the rest
• how they conduct their way of life
• and what culture they have in terms of knowledge they possess, their beliefs & technology that
have etc.
It was in the 19th century that the discipline began its formative years as a social science, though in the
ancient times, there were already many illustrations, chronicles & travelogues containing descriptions
of human culture & civilizations

Edward Burnett Taylor
- English Cultural Anthropologist
- 1st to hold the chair in the subject at Oxford University in the UK in 1896
- Coined the term “culture”
- Wrote “Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the development of Civilization”
published in 1865


- comes from Greek word oikos – house and nomos – custom or law
- aims to study how to manage the limited resources to satisfy the unlimited resources to satisfy the
unlimited wants of individuals. It is also seen as the production, consumption and transfer of goods
- it is how people interact with the market to attain or accomplish their certain goals
Two Major Fields
1. Macroeconomics- the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic
factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
2. Microeconomics - the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of
individual decisions

Historical Foundation
• It was not considered a separate discipline until the 19 th century
• Greeks examined wealth accumulation & inquiries on whether property should be in the hands
of private or publics institutions
• in medieval times scholars argued that it was a moral obligation of businesses to sell goods at
a just price
• Economic thought evolved through Feudalism in the Middle Ages to mercantilists theory in the
• when people were concerned to orient trade policy to further the national interest
• Changes in economic thought have always accompanied changes in the economy, just as
changes in economic thought can propel change in economic policy

Adam Smith (1723-1790)
- Founder of Classical School
- Constructed an explanation on how social behavior is regulated
- Saw a world where each person sought their own self-interest but was
constrained by morality, markets & government and Wrote “Wealth of the Nations” in 1776

3. Geography

• It features of the earth and the location of living things on the planet
- comes from Greek word geographia – to describe the earth (literal)
• Geo means earth; graphe means to describe. Geography is the earths’ description.
• Also deals with different human activities aside from studying mountains, rivers and plants
Fields of Geography
1. Systematic Geography - The study of a particular element in geography, such as agriculture
or settlement, seeking to understand the processes which influence it and the spatial patterns
which it causes.
1.1 Physical Geography – deals with natural features and processes
1.2 Cultural/Human Geography – study of the many cultural aspects found throughout the
world and how they relate to the spaces and places where they originate and then travel as
people continually move across various areas
2. Regional geography – branch of geography that studies the world’s regions

Historical Foundations
• It is an ancient & honorable field of learning with its roots firmly set in classical antiquity
• People engaged in the study of geography because it satisfies their natural curiosity about
foreign places & different ways of life
• The Ancient Greeks made the first contribution to the subject through measuring the earth using
grids and meridians

Eratosthenes (276 B.C. – 194 B.C.)
- Greek Geographer
- Became chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria
- Accepted the concept that the earth is round & calculated its
circumference to within 0.5 % accuracy
- Described the known areas of the world & divided the earth into five (5) climatic regions
- Prepared the earliest maps of the known world
- Founded scientific chronology


• Is a branch of knowledge that attempts to ascertain, record and explain facts and events that
happened in the past
• comes from Greek word historia meaning “to inquire or research”
• mainly focuses on the evolution of mankind and the events that
has taken place within that evolution
• the study of the past and its records about events
• “History is the bridge that connects the past with the present and future.”

Historical Foundations
• influences of Ancient Greeks have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history
which have evolved over the centuries & continue to change today
• The groundwork for professional historiography in East Asia was established by the Han
• Through the Medieval & Renaissance periods, History was often studied through a sacred or
religious perspective
• In the West, historians developed modern methods of historiography in the 17th & 18th centuries,
especially in France & Germany
• In the 20th century, academic historians focused less on epic nationalistic narratives,
• which often tended to glorify the nation the nation or great men, to more objective & complex
analyses of social & intellectual forces
• Recently the field of digital history has begun to address ways of using computer technology to
pose new questions to historical data & generate digital scholarships

(484 B.C. – 425 B.C.)
- Greek Historian
- Treated historical subjects as a method of investigation
- Collected historical materials systematically & critically and
arranged them into a historiographic narrative
- Wrote “Histories” which is the record of ancient traditions & culture of Greece, Asia & Africa

- is the scientific study of language and its structure, meaning, pronunciation, translations and
- it focuses on the three aspects of language; language form,
language meaning and language in context
- the word "linguistics" is derived from the Latin word for tongue.

Historical Foundation

• it was the old Babylon who first created linguistics texts called Sumerians
• Hindus also created text called Vedas
• the formal study of language began in India
• it started with the formulation of 3 959 rules of Sanskrit morphology
• early interest in language in the West was a part of Philosophy, not a grammatical description

Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)
-Swiss Linguist
-Posited that linguistic form is arbitrary & that all languages function
in a similar fashion
-published “memoire sur le systeme primitive des voyelles dans les
langues indo-europeenes”


-it deals with both theory and practice of politics, including analysis on public policies and laws
-study of governments and need for the institution, its form and its processes

- POLITICAL SCIENCE -was derived from the greek word POLIS which means city-state and the
latin word SCIRE which means science or to know
- it is a social science which deals with the system of governance and analysis of political activities,
political thoughts and political behavior.
- It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly thought of as
determining of the distribution of power and resources.

Historical Foundation

• it was once part of the many related fields of study like history, philosophy, law a\& economics
-the theoretical & practical study of the state & politics began way back to the time of the Ancient
Greeks, about 500-300B.C.
• During the ancient times, men had formed basic social linkages, inherently persuaded by the needs
to associate themselves to protect their survival & interests
• Families came to organize collective unions from simple bands to more organized associations
forming a village whose membership span to more than a hundred that in the process ushered the
birth of a city
• -The chieftain who headed a village was chosen from the ranks of leaders with the power to make
laws, judge & execute laws, judge & execute laws
- the chiefdom became a state

Aristotle (384-322B.C.)
-Political Scientist
-His contribution to the discourse had brought various philosophers to argue
that politics is not just about the structure of a state but also about civility,
order & organization in a state


-Deals with the nature of human behaviors, both internal and external factors that affects these
-comes from Latin word psychologia combining psych – spirit or soul; and logia – study of
- Literal meaning study of soul, mind and behavior

Historical Foundation
it has its roots in Ancient Greeks Philosophy such as epistemology, metaphysics, religion & oriental
• its seeds were sown from natural sciences such as biology & Physiology
• Over the centuries, psychology & physiology became increasingly separated resulting to the
two conceptions of psychology that is phenomenological (experimental) & mechanistic

School of Psychology
• Structuralism
• Functionalism
• Psychodynamic
• Behaviorism
• Cognitive
• Socio-cultural

Wilhelm Wundt
-German Psychologist
- Open the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University Of Leipzig Germany in 1879
- Argued that conscious mental states could be scientifically studied using instrospection
- Separated Psychology & Physiology by analyzing the workings of the mind in a more structured
way with the emphasis being on objective measurement & control

Sociology - Is a field of study dealing with systematic study of patterns of human interaction
- comes from Latin word socius which means companion and Greek word logos which means
word of study of
Demography- is the science and statistical study of human population and dynamics which include
components such as population size (actual head count of people on a given place of location),
population composition (age, sex, religion),population growth and population distribution
- comes from French word demographie derive from Greek word demos – people; and graphie

Historical Foundation

• the intellectual, scientific & industrial revolutions which happened in Europe in the middle of the
19th Century led to the development of Sociology
• the intellectual revolution opened new perspectives in society which offered the people new
principles, ideals & beliefs
• changing their outlook in life & the way they perceive themselves, environment & relations with
fellow men
• the scientific revolution empowered men to overcome their natural limitations & improve society
• the industrial revolution led to rapid progress & economic stimulus
• the revolutions in Europe brought rapid & radical changes which resulted to social problems, issues
& social unrest prompting some individuals to their attention & investigation of social phenomena

Auguste Comte
(1798 - 1857)
-French Sociologist
-Coined the term “Sociology”
-Advocated the application of scientific method to social life & positivism
-Wrote “Cours de Philosophie Positive published from 1830-1842 in 6 volumes

What is It?

1. Auguste Comte
2. Aristotle
3. Wilhelm Wundt
4. Herodotus
5. Edward Burnett Taylor
6. Erastosthenes
7. Adam Smith
8. Ferdinand de Saussure

What’s More

Direction: Choose 1 best discipline for you and make an art out of it by writing it on a separate sheet.
You may discuss the art in three to five (3-5) sentences only.

What I Have Learned

Direction: Learn how to summarize the lesson by writing what is asked. Do this on a separate sheet.

1. Discipline: Anthropology
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:
2. Discipline: Economics
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:
3. Discipline: Geography
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:
4. Discipline: Linguistics
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:
5. Discipline: Political Science
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:
6. Discipline: Psychology
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:
7. Discipline: History
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:
8. Discipline: Sociology & Demography
a. Definition
b. Father
c. Origin
d. Areas of concern:

What I Can Do
INDEPENDENT WORK!!! Assessment “Brochure”
• Study the disciplines of Social Sciences
• Choose two disciplines described in this lesson.
• Make your own “Brochure” containing information about the discipline in your own words. It
can be done digitally or on other material of your choice.
• Discuss through an essay by writing it on a separate sheet.


This serves as your summative test. Answer the questions below following the instructions given in
each test.

I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is being asked in each number. Use a separate sheet for your

__________ 1. It is the scientific study of human society and social relationships.

a subject within the field of social science, such as economics or politics.
__________ 2. A branch of science that deals with the physical world, e.g., physics, chemistry,
geology, and biology.
__________ 3. Refers to the study of the ways in which the human experience is processed and
__________ 4. It is “the study of man”.
__________ 5. He coined the term “culture”.
__________ 6. It aims to study how to manage the limited resources to satisfy the unlimited
resources to satisfy the unlimited wants of individuals. It is also seen as the
production, consumption and transfer of goods.
__________ 7. It is the study of governments and need for the institution, its form and its processes.
__________ 8. Literal meaning study of soul, mind and behavior.
__________ 9. Is a field of study dealing with systematic study of patterns of human interaction.
__________ 10. He is the father/Pioneer of Geography.
__________ 11. He is the father/Pioneer of Linguistics.
__________ 12. He is the father/Pioneer of Psychology.
__________ 13. Sociology and Demography started during what century?
__________ 14. He is the father/Pioneer of Political Science.

__________ 15. It is a discipline which studies the scarcity of resources, production, consumption
and distribution of resources.
__________ 16. Is a branch of knowledge that attempts to ascertain, record and explain facts and
events that happened in the past
__________ 17. Is the branch of anthropology concerned with the study of human societies and
cultures and their development.

__________ 18. The part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual
__________ 19. Field of anthropology which is the study of the past and present evolution of the
human species and is especially concerned with understanding the causes of present
human diversity

__________ 20. Is the science and statistical study of human population and dynamics which include
components such as population size (actual head count of people on a given place of

Additional Activities

Perform the following exercises:

1. What are the three (3) Social Science discipline the struck you most. Give a brief discussion
regarding its significance in dealing with our societal problems/issues.
2. Why do you think you need to study the Disciplines in the Social Sciences? Explain your answer.

Answer Key
5. 5. 10. -
4. 4. 9. -
3. 3. 8. -
2. 2. 7. -
1. 1. 6. -
Assessment What's More What I Know

For educational purposes only; All rights reserved for rightful owners:
Lesson Historical Context of the
3 Emergence of Each Discipline

• What are the major events of each Social Sciences disciplines?
• What are the Historical foundations of each disciplines?
• How did each discipline emerge?

What I Know

Activity 1: Pretest
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following events paved the way for the emergence of Social Sciences?
a. Age of Exploration c. Age of Enlightenment
b. Industrial Revolution d. World War II
2. The following are the psychologists who pioneered the study of sociology, except:
a. Adam Smith c. Emile Durkheim
b. Auguste Comte d. Max Weber
3. Which of the following best explains the emergence of Social Science disciplines?
a. Changes in society, economy and politics brought about by enlightenment and
industrialization led to the birth of Social Science.
b. Advancement in technology and production in Europe led to improved ways of
looking at things, which resulted to the birth of Social Science.
c. Monarchs in Europe obliged philosophers to come up with the solutions brought
about by changes in society hence resulting to the birth of social science.
d. Western countries needed to expand their military and political power, thus, there
was a need to examine their socio-political standing which led to the birth of Social
4. The success of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution that resulted to the end of the Marcos
dictatorship is inspired by which political views?
a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. John Locke d. Thomas Hobbes
5. Samuel is a Sociology student doing ethnographic studies on the Ivatan tribe in Batanes. As a
researcher, he is always mindful to counter check his facts and avoid personal bias on his
studies. This approach in conducting study is inspired by which sociologist?
a. Auguste Comte c. Karl Marx
b. Emile Durkheim d. Max Weber
What’s In

Activity: Short Quiz

Let us refresh your knowledge from the previous discussion about the various disciplines in the Social
Sciences. Answering ALL the items correctly will give you one extra point for a total of 10 points for
this short quiz.
Direction: Read the descriptions below and identify which Social Science discipline is described in
each item. Write your answers on a coupon bond paper.

1. This discipline seeks to comprehend the origins of human beings, the adaptations, either cultural or
biological, that allow people to fit in with their surroundings.
2. It analyzes the different characteristics of the human population, such as the size, the density, the
territorial dispersion or spatial distribution, and the structure or composition.
3. It deals with the matters or problems related to the optimal allocation of limited resources, which
have alternative uses, in order to satisfy the infinite needs and desires of the people.
4. It investigates the distribution and location of the different natural or physical features of the earth.
5. This area of study reconstructs various recorded human events and natural phenomena and explains
the different human thoughts and actions in the past and the changes that these had experienced through
the analysis of and secondary sources of information.
6. This discipline investigates the origins of various natural languages, language acquisition procedures,
and the changes that have occurred in different human languages over a period of time.
7. This is the systematic analysis of various political institutions and processes, sources and limits of
political power and its manifestations, types of legitimate authority or rule, and systems of government.
8. This discipline is characterized as the study of the mind. It is the scientific
investigation of different human behaviors, physical structures, mental states and the ways they relate
to the surroundings of the people

9. Described as the study of society, this area of study is the systematic analysis of the various
developments, systems, structures, and functions of human society.

What’s New
Brief Introduction

Being a HUMSS student, you should be critically aware and concerned on the different issues that
demand attention and solution. It is essential that you possess the basic foundation on the specialized
area of your learning strand- which is the Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Having
equipped with the information on the concept of social sciences, it is also important that you have
the knowledge and understanding on the historical background of each discipline in the Social
This module is a journey back to the important events in world history that paved the way for the
emergence of Social Sciences. It is expected that after this module, you will have a clear
understanding on the development of each discipline. More so, you will also get to know the pioneers
who laid the foundation for each discipline in the social sciences.
The emergence of Social Science traces its root from the Age of Enlightenment (17(Perry, 1989, p.
407). This period stimulated interest in studying human society and behavior in a scientific way. The
need to examine society, politics, history and economic life paved the way for the birth of social
sciences. - 19 century). The Age of Enlightenment, also known as the “Age of Reason”, is a period in
th th

Western history when philosophers especially in Britain and France, tried to use reason to understand
and improve society, government and humanity

The term “Social Science” only appeared until the 19 to mid-20 century (New World Encyclopedia,
th th

2020). It initially appeared in 1842 in the book, An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of
Wealth Most Conducive to Human Happiness by William Thompson (1775-1833). The term “social
science” has come to refer generally to all disciplines that analyze society and culture; from
anthropology to political science to linguistics.


Let us look back on the events and the people who shaped and laid the
foundations for the nine disciplines of Social Sciences


•The emergence of anthropology as a discipline can be traced on the Ancient Greece during the time of
Herodotus (484 425BC) (delaCruzetal.,2016,p.23). When Herodotus recorded important events in the
Greek-Persian Wars, he took to account the cultural background of Greece and Persia.
•The study of anthropology was advanced by Franz Boas (1858 1942), known as the "Father of Modern
Anthropology". Boas introduced the concept of cultural relativism which is a point of view that sees all
cultures to be equal with each other. There is no such thing as superior or inferior
culture(Riodique,2016,p.67).He is also one of the pioneers who fought discrimination against
immigrants, blacks and indigenous peoples of America. Boas believed that through anthropology,
people would have a wider understanding of human interaction by studying its culture. His social
reforms and theories were adopted by anthropologists today

The study of human population has its roots as early as the ancient period. Kautilya,a contemporary of
Plato believed that a large population is a source of military, political and economic strength of a
nation.(delaCruzetal.,2016,p.35).This was also supported by IbnKhaldin, a 14th century Arab historian,
who believed that a large population is important or expansion of imperial power. However, this
thinking was also reversed when an increase in population growth is seen as a threat in developing
ThomasRobertMalthus(1766-1834) an economist and writer of An Essay on the Principle of
Population (1798) declared that population increases at a faster rate than the food supply. As a result,
humanity is never far from starvation (Perry,1989,p.531).
•JohnGraunt(1623-1687) is regarded as the founder of demography. His book Natural and Political
Observations Made Upon the Bills of Mortality (1662) laid the foundation for modern statistics and

3. Economics (study of efficient allocation of scarce resources)

•The period of Enlightenment has inspired the birth of Economics (delaCruzetal.,2016,p.26).
AdamSmith(1723-1790) regarded as the Father of Economics is credited for creating the field of
Economics. His book entitled An Inquiry to the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) lay
the foundations for economic theories and doctrine. Smith advocated the doctrine of laissez faire(let-
alone policy) which means that government should not interfere with business. This paved the way for
the creation of a free-market economy.

•TheIndustrialRevolution(1760-1840), a period in history characterized by rapid industrialization and

urbanization brought about by the advances in technology, saw the development of new economic
theories. 19th century thinkers spent a great deal in offering solutions to the impact of industrialization.

•David Ricardo (1772-1823) applied the principles of laissez faire to wages to maximize profit while
Karl Marx(1818-1883) advocated socialism to protect the rights of the laborers from the abuses of the
capitalists. Ricardo and Marx were two of the pioneers who developed economic theories as a response
to the impact of industrialization.

4. Geography (study of the interaction between the natural environment and the people living in it)
•It was during the Hellenistic Age(323BC-30BC), a period when Greek cultural influence and power
reached the peak of its geographical expansion, that the science of geography emerged.

•Eratosthenes(276-194BC), chief librarian of the Alexandria Library, pioneered the study of

geography. He is the first person to use the term "geography" and is also regarded as the "Father of
Geography". He is also best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the earth.
He also created the first global projection of the world using parallels and meridians based on the
available geographic knowledge during his time (Britannica,2020). He also wrote the three-book
volume Geographika, a compilation of his study on the nature of the surface of the earth focusing on
the inhabited portions and the people living in it (delaCruzetal.,2016,p.27). His book became the
inspiration for the consequent works and studies of other geographers.
5. History (study of important recorded events)

•Herodotus (484-425 BC) is considered as the "Father of History". He is credited as the first historian
to employ historical methods in writing history. His vivid account of the Greek-Persian Wars set a new
standard then for reporting

•Thucydides (460-400 BC) improved the writing techniques of Herodotus and emphasized on factual
reporting when he recorded the events during the Peloponnesian War. (Perry, 1989, p. 84). He applied
strict standards of impartiality and evidence gathering to establish facts.

6. Linguistics (the scientific study of language)

The science of linguistics has been pioneered by the Sophists during ancient Greece. Sophists are
teachers who traveled from city to city teaching speech, grammar, poetry, gymnastics, mathematics and
music to the Athenian youth (Perry, 1989, p. 87). It is believed then that when a person masters the art
of public speaking, they have a higher chance to succeed in politics.
Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) laid the foundation of western linguistics as part of the study
of rhetoric on his book Poetics
Noam Chomsky (1928- ) regarded as the Father of Linguistics has published books in linguistics and
became a dominant model of formal linguistics in recent decades (Britannica, 2020).

7. Political Science (study of politics, power and government)

Analysis of politics started as early as the times of Confucius (551- 479 BC) in ancient China and of
Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle in ancient Greece.
Plato (427-347 BC) was the first thinker to analyze political systems. He expressed his political ideas
in his book, the Republic, which is a description of an ideal state (Perry, 1989, p. 89). While Aristotle
(384-322 BC) is regarded as the Father of Political Science, Plato is considered a pioneer in the field
of political inquiry. His book entitled Politics looked at different forms of government in terms of how
they were run and what benefits and responsibilities their citizens had. His political views became a
source of inspiration to political thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.
Thomas Hobbes (1558-1679) wrote the book Leviathan. He believed that a strong ruler is needed to
impose order in the state. On the other hand, John Locke (1632-1704) wrote Two Treatises of
Government. He believes that the purpose of the government is to protect the “natural rights” of its
citizens. According to Locke, all people are born free and equal with a right to life, liberty, property and
pursuit of happiness. He also believed that if a government fails to protect the rights of its citizens, the
people have the right or duty to overthrow the government and establish a better one. Locke’s theory of
government was immensely influential in modern political thinking. His principle that government
derives its power from the consent of the people became the foundation of modern democracy.
8. Psychology (study of behavior and mental processes)
The development of psychology could be dated back as early as the ancient Greece when Aristotle
(384-322 BC) claimed that the brain is the seat of the rational human mind.
The science of psychology was founded by Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), a German psychologist
and is considered as the Father of Modern Psychology. He distinguished psychology as a science from
philosophy and biology. He was also the first person to ever call himself a “psychologist”. Wundt also
founded the first formal laboratory for psychological research (dela Cruz, 2016, p. 33).

Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), a Russian experimental scientist, studied the behavior and nervous system
of animals. He found that an animal’s involuntary actions- its reflexes- could be changed, or conditioned
through training.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an Austrian neurologist pursued to understand the workings of an

unconscious mind, which he deemed to be the source of human actions. Freud developed the method
known as psychoanalysis, in which mental and emotional problems and disorders are treated by trying
to discover their sources in the unconscious mind (Perry, 1989, p. 627).

9.Sociology (study of social interactions)

The science of sociology was born as a result of social changes brought about by the impact of Industrial
Revolution. The Industrial Revolution created massive changes not only in the field of technology and
manufacturing processes, but also in the work and living pattern of the people. Factory life pulled people
away from their homes, changed their work schedule and weakened their family ties (dela Cruz et al.,
2016, p. 34). Given the existing condition, it required a new way of thinking to understand society and
improve social interactions.
Aside from Comte, Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) and Max Weber (1864-1920) were also considered
as pioneer thinkers in sociology in the early 1900’s. They did careful research, gathered information,
and analyzed their findings in attempts to find out what factors affect the ways people behave in groups.
Durkheim argued that sociology should be the study of social facts. This is the method he used in
studying why people commit suicides. Weber, on the other hand advocated a value-free sociology,
which means it has to be approached without the personal bias of the sociologist. He believed that
people must be critical in their concepts and evidences, and they must follow strict logical principles in
their reasoning.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

What is It?

Activity 1.1. Data Retrieval Chart

Objective: Trace the historical foundations that paved the way for the growth of social science
1.Fill-up the data retrieval chart below.
2.Answer the following guide questions on a separate sheet of paper.

Discipline Founder Major Event that led to the

emergence of the discipline
1. Anthropology
3. Economics
9. Sociology

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. What common pattern have you observed that led to the emergence of each discipline in the social
sciences? What do you think is the ultimate reason for the emergence of disciplines in social sciences?
2. Which event in world history do you think made a huge impact on the development of social sciences?
3. What social science discipline are you most fascinated to study? Why?

Address: San Joaquin Road, Poblacion, Malvar, Batangas

What’s More

Objective: Relate the disciplines of social sciences to the current issues in our society.

1. Think of a current issue that is related to any of the nine disciplines in the Social Sciences by
composing a tweet followed by a hashtag (#). For example, On Anthropology: “Respect each
other regardless of race and color. Say no to violence. Stop racial discrimination”
2. Whichever is available, you can print or write your answers in a short bond paper.

On Anthropology
On Economics
On History
On Political Science
On Sociology and Demography
On Geography
On Linguistics
On Psychology

The highest possible score for the nine items is 45 points.

Each written answer for every item will be graded based on
the following criteria:
Appropriateness (suitability) - 2 points
Organization (presentation of thought) - 1 points
Style (choice of words) - 1 points
Conventions (grammar, spelling) - 1 points
Total 5 points
What I Have Learned


Name _______________________________________ Grade and Section ______________
School: ______________________ Date: __________ Subj. Teacher: _______________
Quarter: 1st Module No.: 4 Week No.: 4
MELC: Explain the major events that led to the emergence of the social science
1. Appreciate the relevance of social science disciplines in our everyday life.
2. Create a journal entry reflecting the emergence and significance of Social Science disciplines to our
everyday life.

Topic: Historical Background of Social Science Disciplines

Journal Entry
Directions: Based on what you have learned from the lesson, create a journal entry based on the
guide questions below, which are all related to Social Science disciplines. Write your journal
entry on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The disciplines in social sciences emerged from the different periods in history. What
have you learned on the reasons behind the development of these disciplines? What
life lesson can we learn from this?
2. Upon learning the historical foundation of the nine disciplines in social sciences, what
particular discipline do you find interesting and willing to pursue on a higher
education? Why?
3. Select at least 3 social science disciplines and explain their relevance to our everyday
life. (For example: On Geography- I will avoid places and community where there is a
high concentration of COVID-19 cases. Knowledge of geography will help me create
good and sound decisions.)

Criteria for the written output:

Content (in-depth and comprehensive) - 20 points
Creativity - 20 points
Organization - 10 points
Total: 50 points
What I Can Do
Documentary Analysis
The emergence of social sciences two centuries ago is a response to the necessity of the society. Today,
these disciplines are still relevant and visible to our everyday living. The knowledge and understanding
of each discipline are helpful in forming wise and sound judgments on different issues. Let us apply
what you have learned in this task.
1. Watch the documentary “Nang Tumigil Ang Mundo” by Atom Araullo at
2. Discuss thru a semantic web the impact of the pandemic on the different aspects of life and
answer the guide questions that follow. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
3. For offline learners you may answer the semantic web and the guide questions based on the news
and your personal experience and observations.

Guide Questions:
1. Based on the documentary/ experience and observations, how did the pandemic figuratively stop the
2. How does geography relate to the pandemic crisis? What role did it play for the spread of the deadly
virus around the world?
3. Words such as “social distancing”, “lockdown”, “quarantine” and “ayuda” from the social
amelioration program (SAP) emerged as the most popular words during the pandemic crisis. In the field
of linguistics, which among those words should be recognized as “Word of the Year” Explain why.
4. This pandemic crisis is history unfolding right before our eyes. If you are going to write this historic
phenomenon, how would you intend to end it? Explain why.

Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. The sudden popularity of the social media app Tiktok and the increased subscription to the online
streaming device such as Netflix during the pandemic are manifestation of how Filipino’s cope up to
protect their mental health against depression and anxiety. This phenomenon is related and best
explained by which discipline in the social sciences?
a. Economics b. Geography c. Psychology d. Sociology

2. The Pomeranian pet dog of Francis always wags his tail whenever he comes home. This automatic
response of the dog whenever his owner arrives at home is best explained by which psychologist?
a. Ivan Pavlov b. Wilhelm Wundt c. Sigmund Freud d. William James
3. Which of the following reasons best explains why most disciplines in the social sciences originated
in ancient Greece?
a. Ancient Greeks considered themselves superior to other races.
b. Ancient Greece is known for its outstanding contributions in different fields of learning.
c. Ancient Greece is composed of different city-states such as Athens and Sparta with different forms
of government.
d. Ancient Greeks were known to be inquisitive with high desire to explore, analyze and investigate
phenomena and issues.
4. The big population brought negative impact in our economy during the pandemic crisis. It makes
difficult for the government to provide assistance such as the Social Amelioration Program (SAP). The
limited resources of the government are not enough to cover the needs of millions of Filipinos. This
scenario of mismatch between resources and population is associated to the study of ___________.
a. Aristotle c. John Graunt
b. David Ricardo d. Thomas Robert Mathus
5. The rise of strong leaders in the global politics such as Pres. Xi JinPing of China, Pres. Vladimir
Putin of Russia and Pres. Rodrigo Duterte who are known for their brand of decisive and strong
leadership is reflective to the political views of ___________.
a. John Locke c. Thomas Hobbes
b. Jean Jacques Rousseau d. Wilhelm Wundt

For educational purposes only; All rights reserved for rightful owners:

Dela Cruz, A R. et al. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House.
Deray, G. et al. (2011). Society and Culture. Caloocan City: Suatengco Publishing House.
Perry, M. (1989). A History of the World: Revised Edition. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore.
Riodique, F. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics: Exploring the Dynamics of Human
Diversity and Adaptation. Intramuros, Manila: Mindshapers Co., Inc.

Media Resource

Simbulan, I C. (Producer), & Mendoza, A. (Director). (2020). The Atom Araullo Specials COVID- 19:
Nang Tumigil ang Mundo [Video file]. Retrieved from

On-line sources
History of Demography. (2020, June 09). Retrieved from

History of Linguistics. (2020, June 09). Retrieved from
The History of Sociology. (2020, June 09). Retrieved from Lumen Learning:
New World Encyclopedia. (2020, June 08). History of Social Science. Retrieved from New World
Encyclopedia: entry/Social_sciences.
Sison, Gia & Lasco, Gideon (2020, May 08). Mental health amid COVID-19. Retrieved
from /mental-health-amid-covid-19.

Writer: Eduardo B. Noda Jr. - Teacher III
Editor: Amalia C. Solis - EPS
Reviewers: Ma. Teresa B. Berondo - MT II (Content)
Irish Mellie U. Nomorosa - Teacher III (Language)
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division Superintendent-Manila, Aida
H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo,
Librarian II-LRMS

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