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FORMA AND INFROMAL, some tips and examples of writing

Structure of an Essay
1. Introduction Tips
a. General statement. To introduce the reader to
the topic of the essay. · Avoid “I” and “we”.
b. Definitions (optional). To explain any · More complex sentences
important technical words to the reader. · Passive voice
c. Thesis. Purpose of the essay. Writer’s · Key words:
opinion. - Discuss
i. Most important sentence of the - Explain
introduction. - Analyse
ii. Strong and clear - Summarise
iii. Examples:
1. BAD: “The Koran is the
perfect book for everyone”.
2. GOOD: “The Koran is one
of the most important religious books in the world”.
2. Body paragraph.
a. Between 2-3 paragraph. Each one contains only one idea.
b. Paragraph structure
i. Begin with a topic sentence
1. Examples:
a. BP1. Gnome-napping is stealing someone’s personal
property, and stealing is illegal
b. BP2. It is morally wrong to take anyone’s property,
whether it is a gnome or a car
c. BP3. The GLF is incredibly disrespectful because they
take items that do not belong them
ii. Explain, define, clarify by facts, examples, physical description and/or
personal experience
iii. End with a concluding sentence that draws the paragraph together.
3. Conclusion
a. Summary
b. Prediction, recommendation, and solution (optional)
c. No new information
d. Restate your thesis statement in different words

Useful language for essays

Expressing an opinion
- It is probably true to say that… Commonly held views
- There can be no doubt that…
- It is widely believed that…
- It is simply not the case that…

- No one would dispute the fact - Opponents/Supporters/Proponents
that… of (hunting) argue that…
- Few people would contest/dispute
(the fact) that…
- It is generally agreed that… Referring to sources
Saying what other people think - All the evidence suggests that…
- A recent survey proved that…
- There are those who argue that…
- Judging by the comments made
- It has been suggested that…
- It is often claimed that…
- Interviews with (students) have
revealed that…

Film review
Structure of a review
1. Intro
a. Facts and background information
concerning the film, such as: · Present tenses
i. The title · A variety of adjectives
ii. The name of actors/actresses and · Passive voice
· Style depends on the intended
readers. It could be semi-formal
iii. The type of movie
and formal.
iv. The place where story in the film
· Should be critical
2. Main body
a. Usually make up to 2 paragraphs
i. 1st: Describing the main features of
the plot (film mammary)
ii. 2nd: General comments and opinions
 Acting, music, photography, colour/animation (if it is a
cartoon), the setting, the costumes, special effects, etc.
3. Conclusion
a. Include a recommendation and reasons why you recommend the film or not

Useful language for essays

- The film is set in…
- This fascinating film is…
- This film originates from a novel named…
- The film is directed by…
- The film is based on a novel/ a real life story of a…
- This is a comedy/horror film/ love story/ cartoon/ science fiction/ was film/ Kung fu
film/ an action film/ a thriller/ a spy movie

Main points of the plot
- The plot focuses on…
- The story begins/ concerns about/ is about…
- The plot/ story has a twist in…
- The film reaches a climax when…
- The plot is thrilling/ exciting/ fascinating/ touching/romantic/ surprising…
General comments and opinions
- It is rather confusing/ long/ slow/ boring
- The cast is excellent/ weak/ awful/ unconvincing
- The script/ story is dull/diver/ exciting
- It has a tragic/ surprising/ dramatic ending
- It does not come across as true/ convincing
- The music/ sound effect is dull/ rich
- It is a catchy tune as backing music
- The theme song is powerful/ weak/ satisfying
- The colour in the photography is natural/ spectacular/ dull/ dark and frightening
- The acting is true to life/ powerful/ natural

Useful recommendations
- Don’t miss it!
- It is well worth seeing!
- It will change the way you see (e.g. young people) after watching this film.
- It is bound to be a box-office hit.
- I highly/ thoroughly/ strongly recommend it
- It is highly entertaining
- It is certainly at the top of my list of good movies
- Fans of… will no doubt be thrilled with this.
- It’s a must!
- I would not recommend this because…
- Wait until it comes out on video
- It’s boring movie. Don’t bother with this one.
- Only watch this film if you have plenty of time to spare-


1. First and foremost, 4. Lastly,
2. Firstly, / First of all, 5. Finally,
3. Secondly, / Third, 6. Next,
Generalising/ Making general points
1. In general, // Generally (N) 2. On the whole, (N)

3. It is often said that, 7. Generally speaking (N)
4. As a general rule (F) 8. It is usually the cause that,
5. For the most part (F) 9. The reality is that,
6. In most cases (N) 10. As a rule,
Raising an argument / Giving one side
1. Considering… 9. One argument in favour of this is…
2. On the question of… 10. In support of…
3. No one would dispute… 11. It is true that…
4. It is certainly true that … (F) 12. Without a doubt… (N)
5. It is certainly the case that… (F) 13. Clearly (N)
6. Undoubtedly (F) 14. Obviously… (I)
7. Undeniably (F) 15. Of course, … (I)
8. Unquestionably (F) 16. It goes without saying that… (I)
Giving the other side
1. At the same time … 8. Despite this (N)
2. In contrast to… 9. Nonetheless, (F)
3. This is not to say that … 10. Nevertheless (F)
4. It can be argued that… (F) 11. Set against this is…
5. However (N) 12. Be that as it may,
6. Even so.. (N) 13. But it might also be that
7. On the other hand (N)

Adding something
1. Additionally, 9. Another reason for this
2. Furthermore, (F) could/may/might be… (I)
3. It is also the case that… (F) 10. Besides (I)
4. In addition (F) 11. Moreover,
5. More importantly (F) 12. On the top of this (I)
6. More significantly (F) 13. Another thing (I)
7. It is also true that (N) 14. Not only is/was…, but also
8. What is more (N) 15. Also(I)
Specifying/Stating facts
1. From sb’s point of view, 8. Clearly (N)
2. It is certainly true that… (F) 9. Obviously (I)
3. It is certainly the case that… (F) 10. Of course (I)
4. Undeniably (F) 11. It goes without saying that (I)
5. Undoubtedly (F) 12. In terms of…
6. Unquestionably (F) 13. As far as … is concerned,
7. Without a doubt (N) 14. With respect to…

Given examples
1. Take for instance… 4. For instance, /example
2. Given that… 5. One definite (dis)advantage (of)
3. Take the area of is…

6. To illustrate

Giving personal opinions and reasons (Attitude)

1. It is my feeling that (F) 9. Obviously,
2. It is my opinion that (F) 10. Presumably,
3. From my perspective (F) 11. To tell the truth,
4. In my opinion (N) 12. From my point of view, (N)
5. In my view (N) 13. It seems to me that… (N)
6. I believe that (N) 14. I am convinced that (N)
7. To my mind, 15. I can honestly say that (I)
8. Personally, I think/believe/would 16. I think (I)
say/feel (N) 17. There is little to disagree with
1. Thus, (F) 5. As a result (N)
2. Consequently, (F) 6. For this reason (N)
3. This has the effect of… ((F) 7. So (I)
4. Therefore (N)

Suggesting causes
1. This could be a result of (F) 4. This could/may/might de due to (N)
2. This may be attributable to (F) 5. Perhaps this is because (I)
3. This could be because (N)

1. Equally, 4. In the same way,
2. Likewise, 5. By the same token
3. Similarly,

1. A great deal of + uncountable nouns
2. A large number of + countable nouns
3. To some extent
4. To a large extent
1. On the one hand/On the other hand, 7. Despite the + noun,
2. Whereas/While 8. Despite the fact that + clause,
3. However, 9. In spite of + noun
4. Nevertheless, 10. In the spite of the fact that + clause
5. Although/ Even though 11. In comparison with,
6. Contrary to

1. In other words, 3. Briefly,
2. In essence,
1. In short, 6. To introduce an ending,
2. In summary (F) 7. In conclusion, (F)
3. To conclude, 8. All in all
4. To sum up, (N) 9. In a nutshell (C1)
5. On balance (N)

Introducing supporting facts

1. Recent research has shown… (F)
2. There is evidence to suggest (F)
3. The lastest figures suggest that … (N)

Suggesting something is not true

1. It is not necessarily the case that.. (F)
2. It is not necessarily true that (N)
3. Not everyone agrees that (N)
4. It seems unlikely that… (N)
5. It is not vey likely that (I)

Writing about the present

1. Currently (F)
2. Nowadays (N)
3. These days (N)
4. Recently (N)
5. In recent years (N)
6. Today (I)

Qriting about the past

1. Formerly (F)
2. In the past (N)
3. In the previous years (N)
4. Previously (N)
5. At one time (N)
6. At that time (N)
7. At that time (N)
8. Over the past few years (N)

9. Once (N)
10. Back then (I)
Writing about the future
1. In years to come (F)
2. In a future time (F)
3. In the future (N)
4. The day will come when (N)
5. One day (I)
Writing about future plans
1. It is our intention to (F)
2. We hope to (N)

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