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‘ Our Challenge Against Hoax, Hate Speech, And Social Media Abuse ‘

Ladies and Gentleman, How often we found hoax around us? Hoax may be sound
very familiar to us, as we live in this social media era, we may found a lot of hoax on the
internet which contain information that is actually incorrect, but made as if it were true.

Online misinformation and other forms of digital deception are contributing to a

crisis of trust in society. It’s getting more difficult for people to separate reality from fiction.
In fact, according to the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer, media is now the least-trusted
institution globally, and 7/10 people, “worry about false information or fake news being
used as a weapon.”

battling hoax is a continuous and uphill task. The problem is that people sometimes
belief in what they want to belief, even when the facts clearly disprove its existence

However, I am that optimistic that people are getting smarter by being careful of
provocative titles, very often it was used to make people curios. For that, we can take a
newspaper to ensure the truth or check the facts and the authenticity of the photos by
surfing the internet.

Also, take a look at the site's address, because according to the Press Council's
records, in Indonesia there are around 43,000 sites in Indonesia that claim to be news
portals. But only 300 of them which has been verified as an official news site. That means
there are more than a thousands sites that have the potential to spread false news on the
internet that must be watched out for.

So, ladies and gentlemen I’m standing here to tell you all, how important to read
the whole news, because nowadays there’s a lot of people who only read the title or
headline without reading the whole news and looking at the contents inside but then
trusting and sharing it. This is not only the wrong habit of reading, but it can also make us
become spreaders of the hoax itself right?
Okay, now enough about hoax. Now im gonna talk about hate speech, so basically
Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of protected attributes
such as race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Social media and hate speech is something that always be connected. I often found
a lot of hate speech in the comment section on any social media platform.

I want us to be more aware that words kill as surely as bullets, and that is why we
need to invest in education, to invest in youth so that the next generation will understand
the importance of living peacefully together.

we don’t want someone should’ve gone through terrible thing to realize that ‘the
thing’ we say in social media, even though we think it just nothing or kidding could be a
reasons for someone death.

To stop it, first, we need to always consider the consequences. How would you feel
if the person you target harms themselves or someone else after reading hurtful massage ?

Our digital footprint is forever and often public, think of it like a digital tattoo
forever ink in your forehead, is this something you want your family, friends or even others
to see?

Two, is to be able to speaking the truth –especially when it might help a victim of
online bias or harassment. If the person using biased speech doesn’t seem malicious, take
this opportunity to calmly explain why what they’re saying is false, unfair, insulting or

So if someday we see someone tweets a slur or uses nasty stereotypes, we can step
in and say, “ hey what you’re saying is racist and unfair, and here’s why…”

They will likely react defensively, but making them think is the right direction. And
maybe another internet user with an open mind may remember our words the next time
they consider using hateful speech or witness speech and bias online.
we need to use the verb to become a tool for peace, a tool for love instead being a
tool for crimes against humanity.

And the last one is, Social media abuse is defined by the National Domestic
Violence Hotline as the use of technologies such as texting and social networking to bully,
harass, stalk or intimidate a partner. Often this behavior is a form of verbal and emotional
abuse perpetrated online

If you're dealing with abuse on social media, don't suffer alone.

The only way to completely protect young people from abuse on social networks is
to banish Internet use all together. Since that is never going to happen, here are a few steps
we can take in order to help prevent abuse on social networks.

1. Never engage - Don't respond to unsolicited e-mail or friend requests. There

is no way of knowing who is asking to be your friend. Yes, it could be
someone you know, but it also could be a predator. Don't take the risk,
simply do not engage.
2. Make your account private - Only the people you choose will be on your
friends list.
3. Block users - If cyber bullying is occurring through e-mail, block the user's
4. Never give out personal information - This includes real name, home
address, phone number and age.
5. Report unwanted sexual solicitations - Sexual solicitations must be reported
to your local authorities. If you plan on doing so, be sure to keep a copy of
whatever the predator has been sending you.
6. Report cyber bullying - you can report cyber bulling to school officials and
law enforcement.
So Ladies and gentleman, come to my final word I just want to say, maybe there is
no sure fire way to stay 100 percent safe on the Internet, but us a user all we can do i stay
aware and alert of predators and cyber bullies, never afraid to report if we ever see
something inappropriate on the internet, be a smart users everyone! don't let us become
the abuser itself

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