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This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU),  
hereinafter referred to as the Memorandum, Navedeni Memorandum o razumijevanju, u
entered into on ______________, by and daljem tekstu: Memorandum, dana
between 25.3.2021.godine potpisali su:

_________________________________________ Javna ustanova Mješovita srednja škola „Safet

residing at
________________________________________ sa sjedištem u
________Bosanskoj Krupi____________________
(hereinafter referred to as the “Vocational
Training Institute” or “VTI”) (u daljem tekstu: ,,Ustanova za stručno
obrazovanje i obuku” ili „USOO”)
residing at
sa sjedištem u
(hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise no.1”)
(u daljem tekstu: ,,Preduzeće br. 1”)
residing at
________________________________________ sa sjedištem u
(hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise no.2”)
(u daljem tekstu: ,,Preduzeće br. 2”)

residing at
sa sjedištem u
(hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise no.3”)
(u daljem tekstu: ,,Preduzeće br. 3”)
collectively known as the "Parties"
zajedno: ,,strane“
S OBZIROM NA TO DA navedene strane žele da
WHEREAS, the aforementioned Parties desire to stupe u saradnju opisanu u ovom dokumentu radi
enter into the herein described cooperation in ostvarivanja ciljeva i namjera koje su pred njih
order to accomplish the goals and objectives set postavljene.
The aforementioned has been established with Sve navedeno je postavljeno imajući na umu
the following intended mission in mind: Increase sljedeću misiju: povećanje zapošljivosti
employability of vocational education and training maturanata ili diplomanata Ustanova za stručno
(VET) graduates, contribute to raising the overall obrazovanje i obuku (USOO), doprinos povećanju
quality of VET and align it with the market labour ukupnog kvaliteta USOO i njihovo usaglašavanje
needs. sa potrebama tržišta rada.


Memorandum of Understanding provides the
corner-stone of the mutual cooperation among Memorandum o razumijevanju pruža osnov za
Parties for the purpose of forming VET Consortia zajedničku saradnju strana u svrhu formiranja
and achieving common goals related to their grant konzorcija za stručno obrazovanje i obuku i
application placed with the Regional Challenge postizanje zajedničkih ciljeva u vezi sa njihovim
Fund (RCF). prijavama za grant koji daje Regionalni Challenge
Fund (Fond).

The Parties shall endeavour to work together to 3. CILJEVI
develop and submit the grant application with
RCF. Strane pristupaju zajedničkom radu na razvoju i
podnošenju prijave za grant koji daje Fond.
The application is going to be focused on
Prijava se fokusira na
(please briefly describe planned activity here) _________________________________________
(molimo da ukratko opšete planiranu aktivnost)
Parties take joint responsibility for the
preparation, planning, implementation, Strane preuzimaju zajedničku odgovornost za
monitoring, and reporting on the Cooperative pripremu, planiranje, provođenje, praćenje i
Training (CT). izvještavanje u okviru programa dvojnog ili
kooperativnog obrazovanja.
Participating enterprises enable in-company
training as a key element of the CT programme Preduzeća partneri omogućavaju obuku u svojim
during which trainees acquire practical workplace prostorijama kao jednu od ključnih stavki dvojnog
relevant skills. ili kooperativnog obrazovanja tokom koje
polaznici stiču praktična znanja i vještine
Practical skills assessments of trainees under CT relevantne za radno mjesto.
measures are jointly developed and conducted by
VTI and participating Enterprises. USOO i preduzeća iz programa zajedno razvijaju i
provode procjenu stečenih praktičnih vještina u
okviru mjera dvojnog ili kooperativnog
It is the desire and the wish of the
aforementioned Parties to this MOU Agreement Namjera i želja gore navedenih strana je da
that this document should not and thus shall not Memorandum ne stvara i niti će stvarati formalni
establish nor create any form or manner of a ugovor ili sporazum u bilo kojem obliku i na bilo
formal agreement or indenture, but rather an koji način, već izražava saglasnost strana da rade
agreement between the Parties to work together zajedno na način koji promoviše atmosferu
in such a manner that would promote a genuine saradnje i partnerstva u cilju efektivnog i
atmosphere of collaboration and alliance in the efikasnog partnerstva i liderstva usmerenog ka
support of an effective and efficient partnership održavanju, čuvanju i pomaganju temeljnog i
and leadership meant to maintain, safeguard and optimalnog, upravljačkog, finansijskog i
sustain sound and optimal managerial, financial administrativnog nastojanja da se pozabavi svime
and administrative commitment with regards to u vezi sa prijavom za grant koji daje Fond.
all matters related to the grant application with
RCF. Prema ovom Memorandumu, USOO i preduzeća
planiraju i provode programe dvojnog ili
In the frame of this MOU Agreement the VTIs and kooperativnog obrazovanja uz osiguranje učenika
Enterprises will plan and implement the CT od nesreća i isplatu naknada za učešće u učenju
programme with the learner’s accident insurance kroz rad u preduzeću, a u skladu sa nacionalnom
and payment of allowances for the participation regulativom. Konzorcij se prema svim učenicima
at in-company training in line with the national odnosi sa uvažavanjem i svim učenicima
regulations. The VET consortium will treat all podjednako pruža obuku bez obzira na njihovu
learners in the offered training equally, regardless rasu, etničku pripadnost, nacionalnost, klasu,
of their race, ethnicity, nationality, class, caste, kastu, religiju, vjeru, pol, rod, jezik, seksualnu
religion, belief, sex, gender, language, sexual orijentaciju, rodnu pripadnost, rodni identitet,
orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics, polne karakteristike, uzrast, zdravlje i druge
age, health or other status. statuse.

During the period of the implementation of CT, Za vrijeme provođenja programa dvojnog ili
the Enterprises will make available in-company kooperativnog obrazovanja, preduzeća čine
trainers and CT coordinators, commit to provide dostupnim instruktore u okviru preduzeća i
sufficient workplace learning capacities (e.g. koodinatore dvojnog obrazovanja, a obavezuju se
training space with the equipment), and materials da pruže dovoljno kapaciteta za učenje (npr.
necessary for the in-company training. prostor za obuku sa opremom) kao i materijale
potrebne za obuku u preduzeću.
VTIs will be responsible for all matters related to
approval of the curriculum applied in the CT, will USOO je odgovorna za sva pitanja u vezi sa
offer their resources, namely the VET teachers odobravanjem nastavnog plana koji treba da se
and CT coordinators. They will initiate and provede u okviru dvojnog programa obuke i daje
coordinate the implementation of the svoje resurse navedenim USOO nastavnicima i
Cooperative Training Plan (CTP) with the koordinatorima dvojnog ili kooperativnog
assistance of the Enterprise’s CT coordinators and obrazovanja. USOO pokreće i koordiniše
in-company trainers; support in-company trainers provođenje plana obrazovanja dok koordinatori iz
in terms of pedagogics; monitor and evaluate the preduzeća i instruktori u okviru preduzeća
learning results of the learners. asistiraju; USOO pruža podršku kroz pedagoška
sredstva i prati i ocjenjuje rezultate koje su učenici
All parties of the MOU will actively contribute to ili polaznici postigli.
the identification, planning, implementation,
monitoring, evaluation, assessment, and Sve strane Memoranduma aktivno doprinose
certification of the Cooperative Training. utvrđivanju, planiranju, provođenju, posmatranju,
ocjeni i certifikaciji obrazovnog programa.
5. TIMELINE Prethodno navedeni obim i ciljevi uslovljavaju
The above-outlined scope and objective shall be strane da osiguraju sredstva za poboljšanje
contingent on the Parties obtaining the necessary prostorne infrastrukture USOO, obuku nastavnika,
funds required for the improvement of the koordinatore dvojnog ili kooperativnog
physical infrastructure for VTIs, training of obrazovanja i instruktore iz preduzeća kako je i
teachers, CT coordinators, and in-company traženo u prijavi za grant. Obaveze iz
trainers as to be requested within the grant Memoranduma mogu da se podudaraju sa
application. Responsibilities under this periodom granta. Važenje Memoranduma počinje
Memorandum of Understanding may coincide od datuma potpisivanja i traje do okončanja
with the grant period. The term of this ugovora o grantu i može da se produžiti putem
Memorandum of Understanding commences with pismene saglasnosti strana.
the effective date of signing until the completion
of the grant agreement and may be extended
upon written mutual agreement of both Parties.

Undersigned Parties declare they are aware of the Strane potpisnice izjavljuju da su upoznate sa
relevant national regulations in the field of relevantnim državnim propisima iz oblasti
environmental and social management as well as upravljanja društvenom i životnom sredinom, kao
occupational, health and safety standards and i sa standardima bezbjednosti i zdravlja na radu te
commit to those as stipulated within the following se obavezuju da ih poštuju na način naveden u
guidelines: sljedećim smernicama:

A. RCF Guideline on environmental and social A. Smjernice za upravljanje životnom i

management društvenom sredinom koje je donio Fond
B. RCF Guideline on occupational, health and B. Smjernice za bezbjednost i zdravlje na radu
safety standards koje je donio Fond
Strane potpisnice se dodatno obavezuju na
In addition the undersigned parties declare their
poštivanje Spiska izuzeća i Sektorskih smjernica
commitment to respect the Exclusion List and
Grupe „KfW“ i na objavljivanje primjera dobre
Sectoral Guidelines of KfW Group and to publish
prakse i dijeljenje znanja sa zainteresovanim
good practises and share knowledge through a
stakeholder platform.

The Parties will fully comply with the above Strane su potpuno saglasne sa navedenim
commitments in any activities related to the obavezama u svim aktivnostima tokom pripreme,
preparation, implementation or follow-up of the provođenja i praćenja projekta koji je podržao
project supported by the RCF. Fond.


This Memorandum of Understanding may be Memorandum može da bude prepravljen ili
amended or modified at any time in writing by dopunjen u bilo kojem trenutku putem pismene
mutual consent of Parties. saglasnosti strana potpisnica.

No rights or limitation of rights shall arise or be
assumed between the Parties as a result of the Uslovi navedeni u Memorandumu ne
terms of this Memorandum of Understanding. pretpostavljaju i ne ograničavaju prava strana

Any notice or communication required or 9. DOPIS
permitted under this Memorandum shall be
sufficiently given if delivered in person or by Svaka objava ili druga vrsta komunikacije koja je
certified mail, return receipt requested, to the potrebna ili dozvoljena prema Memorandumu
address outlined in the opening paragraph or to smatra se vjerodostojnom ako je isporučena lično
such address as one may have furnished to the ili putem ovlaštene pošte uz povratnicu na gore
other in writing. navedenu adresu kako bi se na nju moglo


In the event that any provision of this
Memorandum of Understanding shall be deemed 10. KLAUZULA O ODVOJIVOSTI
to be severable or invalid, and if any term,
condition, phrase or portion of this Memorandum U slučaju da dio Memoranduma postane ništavan
shall be determined to be unlawful or otherwise ili nevažeći i gdje i jedna saglasnost, uslov ili dio
unenforceable, the remainder of the Memoranduma bude proglašen nezakonitim ili
Memorandum shall remain in full force and effect, neprimjenljivim, ostatak Memoranduma je
so long as the clause severed does not affect the punovažan sve dok odvojena klauzula ne utiče na
intent of the parties. namjere strana potpisnica.


The Bosnian language version of this

Memorandum shall be controlling in all respects 11. OSNOVNI JEZIK
and shall prevail in case of any inconsistencies
with English version, if any. Memorandum je pisan i važeći na bosanskom
jeziku i ta verzija nadvladava sve nedosljednosti sa
12. AUTHORIZATION AND EXECUTION verzijom na engleskom jeziku, u slučaju da ih ima.

The signing of this Memorandum of

Understanding does not constitute a formal 12. ODOBRENJE I PROVOĐENJE
undertaking, and as such it simply intends that the
signatories shall strive to reach, to the best of Potpisivanje Memoranduma ne predstavlja
their abilities, the goals and objectives stated in formalne obaveze, već samo izražava namjeru
this MOU. potpisnica da teže, u skladu sa svojim
mogućnostima, ostvarivanju svrhâ i ciljeva
This Agreement shall be signed by all Parties and navedenih u Memorandumu.
shall be effective as of the date first written
above. Memorandum potpisuju sve navedene strane i
stupa na snagu na prvi gore navedeni datum.
________________________ ____________ ________________________ _____________
(Vocational Training Institute (Date) (Ustanova za stručno (datum)
Signature) obrazovanje i obuku)
________________________ ____________ ________________________ _____________
(Enterprise no.1 Signature) (Date) (Preduzeće br. 1 potpis) (datum)
________________________ ____________ ________________________ _____________
(Enterprise no.2 Signature) (Date) (Preduzeće br. 2 potpis) (datum)
_________________________ ____________ ________________________ _____________
(Enterprise no.3 Signature) (Date) (Preduzeće br. 3 potpis) (datum)

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