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bla Ve Tay] Sy @.1 Which of the below 2 PoDs are Part of #NAD? 1. DTas 2.64 DCD 30 IMs 40 DevOps G.2 Key Benefits of New Age Delivery ere____. 1. Smart planning ®. Reduction in project cycle time 3. ‘Complex delivery experience 4. Improved customer experience 4@'Option 1,2.& 4 2.0 Option 1,283 , Ny 3.0 Option2a3) | 4,© None of the above @.3 Collection of loosely coupled services, which implement business capabilities, is called? 5.4 Which development procedure is folowed to develop microservices in NAD? 1.0 Acceptance Test Driven Development 2. Test Driven Development 3.© Behavior Driven Development 4.0 Scrum &.5 Rapid prototyping with continuous delivery contributes to which theme. 1,0 Methods & Frameworks 2.Q Team construct & skills 3.0 Development philosophy 4.@ Speed of delivery G.8 Which PoD is responsible for implementing Continuous intagration? 4.0 Uaas 2.@ DiCD 3.Q APW A.eMePS G.7 Partner onboarding is one of the key features in 4. APWand DIcD 4,@ Cau$ and UaaS 6.) UanS & APW @.9 Which PoD provides a single view to all stakeholders? 4.@ APW . 2.0 MePS 3.0 CaaS 4.9 DicD Q.10 The #NAD prototype is available to all on, - 1.Q Mybeat 2.0 AWS 3.0 KEE 4@ Q.11 Smart Planning is a feature of 1.0 APW 2.@ CaaS 3.0 Uaas 4.OeMePS 5.Q Tas Q.12 Gamification is a key feature in 1.@ APW © CaaS O Usas © MePS © DTas oben PoD. men pepe oreeee ES Q.13 Which of the below is not a learning platform? 10 eax 2.Q Udemy 3.@ HackerRank 4.Q SumTotal 4.Q Methods & Frameworks 2.O Project management & Waterfall 3.© Reusabilty & BizDevOps 4.0 Skill & Agi | Q.14 What are the concepts of “Factory of Future"? G.15 Which of the following is an assessment platform? 1. .Udemy 2.0 Coursera 3.0 Lynda 4,@ Met! @.16 Which PoD is responsible for Smart Planning? 1.0 MePs Caas Uaas APW @.17 Which Out of these is not # feature of #NAD? aan .17 Which Out of thess le not a feature of aNAD? 1.0 Microservices 2.@ Telecommuting 3.0 Reusability 4. Virtual Reality @.18 An online space where Product or service information is Provided 1.0 Market place 2.0 online bazaar 3.0 online market 4@ Alllof the above G13 Who all can contribute to the platform? 1.0 Customer 2.0 Penner 3.0 College students 4@ Alllof the above’ . Q.20 New skill units will be dosignad by? 1,@ UaaS 20 Caas 30 APW 4.0 MEPS @.21 How many PoDs are there in #NAD? 103 205 3@6 404 @.22 What are the advantages of #NAD? 1.0 Enabling smart planning ‘ 2.0 Automated & Seamless delivery experience 3.0 Better clarity on the end product through prototyping 4@ Alllof the above Q.23 What are traits of a portfolio? 1.0 Set of colonies at 2. Reusable assets yr 3.0 Tagged for Industry, domain 4@ Alllof thé aboye, G.24 What does NAD stands for? 2.0) New Age Develo 31@) New Age Del 4.0) New Age DevOps 9.25 BDD stand for? 4,@ Allof the above @.23 What are traits of a portfolio? 4.0 Set of colonies 2.0 Reusable assets | 3.0 Tagged for Industry, domain 4,@ Allof the above - @.24 What does NAD stands for? 1.O New Age Design 2.O New Age Development 3.@ New Age Delivery 4.0 New Age DevOps document

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