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Тема: Я, моя сім’я, мої друзі

Підтема: First Сonditional for future outcomes of a present action or

Мета: - практична: закріпити та розширити лексику до теми «Я, моя
сім’я та мої друзі;
- освітня: розширити знання учнів про умовні речення І типу, навчити
складати речення, використовуючи умовний спосіб;
- розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію в аудіювання, говорінні,
читанні, письмі;
- виховна: виховувати ціннісне ставлення до сімейних цінностей.
Обладнання: підручник, роздатковий матеріал.
Тип уроку: комбінований
1. Introduction
2. Greeting
3. Aim
4. Check on Homework
5. Warm-up
Dear students, respected guests!
In today’s lesson we will examine another part of human condition.
Together we will enter the world of superstitions.
The word “Superstition” means “the irrational or absurd belief or fear that
something we do or say may cause an event to occur that will affect us in the
There are two types of superstitions. Good fortune or good luck and bad
fortune or bad luck.
The word “superstition” comes from the ancient language of Latin and literary
means “stand over”.
It would be true to say that most cultures around the world have their own
particular superstitions and beliefs and many of them have been around for
thousands of years and some are still around to this very day.
A person who believes in superstitions can be described as “superstitious”.
They really do believe something will happen to them if they do or say something
in a certain way.
Warm Up.
Are you superstitious?
Do you know any superstitions?
Here are some examples of superstitions that exist both in the UK and around the
(Presentations on the whiteboard)
Do you believe in any superstitions?
Do you know anyone who is very superstitious?
6. Vocabulary practice
Here are some words which you can use within the lesson.
Suggestion an idea, plan, or possibility that someone mentions, or the act of
mentioning it
ancient belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago
opposite modern
apostle one of the 12 people chosen by Jesus Christ to teach and spread the
Christian religion
mirror a piece of special glass that you can look at and see yourself in
reflection an image that you can see in a mirror, glass, or water:
spirit soul, the part of someone that you cannot see, which many people believe
continues to live after the person has died
to spill if you spill a liquid, or if it spills, it accidentally flows over the edge of a
valuable worth a lot of money opposite worthless:
salary money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for,
usually paid to you every month
sacred relating to a god or religion
witch a woman who is supposed to have magic powers, especially to do bad things
horseshoe a U-shaped piece of iron that is fixed onto the bottom of a horse's foot
crescent a curved shape that is wider in the middle and pointed at the ends
Celts a member of a race of people who lived in ancient Britain and Western
Europe before the Romans came, or a person living now whose ancestors were
members of this race
triangle a flat shape with three straight sides and three angles
to distort to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is
strange or unclear:
to curse to say or think bad things about someone or something because they have
made you angry
to bemoan to complain or say that you are disappointed about something
to dine to eat dinner
longbow a large bow made from a long thin curved piece of wood, used in the past
for hunting or fighting
crack a very narrow space between two things or two parts of something
7. Grammar Practice
First Conditional
Let’s revise grammatical material “First conditional”.
Ex.4. p.67. Complete the sentences (on the White Board)
Solutions Pre-Intermediate by Tim Falla, Paul A Davies. – Student’s Book. –
Oxford University Press, 2008. - 133p.
Complete the text
Now you will work in Groups. Complete the text, ex. 6 with the correct form of the
verbs, use the clue on the white board. How many mistakes have you found?
Work in groups
The task is to match the superstitions and read out them
Goup 1
If you right hand itches, you will earn money.
If you find a four-leaf clover, you will be lucky.
If you catch a falling leaf in autumn, you will have good luck the next year.
If you start a trip on Friday, you will meet misfortune.
If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck.

Group 2
If you drop spoon, a woman will come to visit you.
If you step on your shadow, it brings you good luck.
If you put the sugar into the cup first, before the tea, you will have good luck.
If a dog howls at night, death is near.
If your right foot itches, you are going on a journey.

Group 3
If the first butterfly you see in the year is white, it will bring you good luck all
If you cross your fingers, you will have good luck.
If a cat sneezes three times indoors, it will rain in 24 hours.
If you break a mirror, it will bring you seven years of bad luck.
If your right foot itches, you are going on a journey.

Group 4
If you blow all the candles on your birthday cake in one blow, you will have
whatever you want.
If you touch wood, you will have good luck.
If you spill salt on the table, you must throw it over your shoulder or you will have
bad luck.
If thirteen people sit to eat at a table, one will die
If you kill a spider, you will have bad luck
8. Video
Superstitions and their origin
Watch the video about superstitions and their origin Match the superstitions with
their origins.
1. Lighting three cigarettes with one match is unlucky
2. The number 13 is unlucky
3. It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors
4. Broken mirrors lead to seven years of bad luck
5. Walking under a ladder is bad luck
6. A black cat crossing your path is unlucky
a. Most historians trace the belief back to Victorian times when the clumsy
opening mechanism of metal umbrellas would be a legitimate indoor hazard.
b. A ladder resting against a wall formed a triangle and Egyptians regarded
triangles as sacred so walking through one was not cool.
c. This is said to have originated among soldiers who thought that by the third
cigarette a sniper would have time to find them.
d. Beginning with the Egyptians people formerly believed that cats were good
luck. It wasn’t until King Charles the I lamented over the death of his cat
claiming his luck was gone that the belief was shifted.
e. Originates in Norse mythology when 12 Gods were having a dinner and then
Loki, the God of strife and evil, crashed the party and ultimately caused the
death of Balder, one of the Gods.
f. When the Romans introduced the idea that people have 7 year alternating
cycles of health and sickness the modern superstition was born.
Read them.
9. Project work
Students´ Presentations.
It is probably impossible to know all of superstitions.
But certain groups of people tend to be very superstitions. Some students want to
tell us more about these superstitions.
1. Have you learnt anything new?
2. What superstitions do you consider to be the most interesting?
3. Thanks to girls.
10. Writing
Creative Work
Superstitions have been around for a very long time. It’s not Surprising that some
of them have become a little out-dated. Your task is to modernize them for our
times. Let’s see how imaginative you can be!
- if you keep a garlic in your pocket, it will protect you from vampires.
- If you keep a phone in your pocket, it will protect you from vampires.

1. If you leave empty bottle on the table it will bring financial bad luck.
2. If your ears are burning some is talking about you.
3. If you enter a newly built house send a cat in first to great the house spirit.
11. Listening
Song “Superstition”
Your task is to listen to the song and complete the song with words above.
Listen again
What do you think the song is saying?
What is the main idea of the song?
12. Summing up.
1. Are you still superstitions?
2. Is anybody in your family (friends) very superstitious?
3. Do you know any other superstitions?
So our lesson is coming to the end and we have to do our summing up. Some of
the superstitions are based on common sense, while others may leave your feeling
utterly battled.
Thankfully many people believe that a person who doesn’t know superstitions is
free from it. The study of superstitions may help to understand better certain
aspects of beliefs and conditions of life and even reveal some unexpected ‘shady
nooks’ of the human mind.
13. Homework
Your home assignment is to speak and to write about one of the superstitions with
the examples of your own experience.
Our lesson is over. We hope that our lesson will be useful for you.

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