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// BIM Based Scope Management / Quality control methodologies

(End of Module 2 and Module 3 Assignment)

Assignment #1 | 0019-B3-M2-M3

• You are provided with a Structural Model for a building (attached), you need to do the following:

• Develop a complete library to extract the full scope BOQ for the building provided (only structural discipline)
 Develop the required parts
 Develop the necessary components
 Use CSI coding for the BOQ (components) Code and for the part naming (object classes)
 Create the necessary equations and reporting formulas
 Assign the proper parts to the model
 Extract detailed and summary report
 Develop the BOQ for the building
 Please refer to the objects levels for assistance in case needed

• Apply adequate QA/QC procedure to ensure the quality of the BOQ delivered (show the QA/QC methods you have used)

Duration: 10 days
Due Date: 7.June.2019
// BIM Based Scope Management / Quality control methodologies
(End of Module 2 and Module 3 Assignment)

Assignment #1 | 0019-B3-M2-M3


You need to deliver the following:

1- the model in AECOSIM native format

2- the BOQ in Excel format
3- The Parts and Components Library
4- QA/QC Sheet

All files delivered should have the following “0019-B3-M2&3-ASSIGNMENT-01-STUDENT-NAME” as part of the file name

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