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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 1-2

Background Information for Learners:

It is quite easy to imagine life in the Internet age with what we have now, but 20 years ago, the
World Wide Web wasn't even known in the Philippines. Email was the entire trend in those
days. Never mind that it was limited and expensive, not to mention it required a lot more
computer-savvy to use than today's email clients.

But on March 29, 1994, the free and open Web first came to our country. To commemorate this
event, let us remember how we all begun that forever change how we communicate, consume
media, do commerce, and access information—basically, how we live our lives.

Learning Competency with Code:

Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and content to best achieve
specific class objectives or address situational challenges (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-1)

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Arrange and Rate.
Directions: How well do you know social media? You may be surprised on how many
applications are available online with different capabilities. If you want to find more, do this
activity. Using the jumbled letters in the first column, find the platform being identified in the
second column. Afterwards, indicate the advantages or disadvantages of using these platforms.
You can base your answers through your own experiences in using these platforms or other
references (books or internet). Use additional paper if necessary.

A. Social Network
These are sites that permit you to connect with other people with common interests or
background. Once a user creates an account, he or she can set up a profile, add people, form
groups and share content.
Platform Definition Advantage Disadvantage
It is an over rated
extremely popular
private messaging app
for sharing photos and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

short live videos having

a touch of fun elements
attached with it.
Being a messaging app
this application has
more users than
Linkedin, Instagram,
Twitter and Pinterest
This is easily the
largest social
networking site in the
world and one of the
most widely used.
Apart from the ability
to network with friends
and relatives, this app
can be used to sell
online and you can
even market or promote
your business, brand
and products by using
paid ads.

B. Bookmarking Sites
These are sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources.
Platform Platform Advantage Disadvantage
It is basically a discovery
engine of entertainment
that recommends
photography, art, humor,
fashion, sports,
technology and just
about every other topic
you can think of.
This is a photo sharing
and visual bookmarking
social media site or app
that enables you to find
new ideas for your
projects and save them.

C. Social News
These are sites that let users post their own news or links to news sources.
Platform Platform Advantage Disadvantage
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

It is a massive
collection of forums
where people can share
news and content or
comment on other
people‟s posts.
It is a news aggregator
with a curated front
page, aiming to select
stories specifically for
the Internet audience
such as science,
trending political
issues, and viral
Internet issues.

D. Media Sharing
These are sites that allow you to upload and share media content.
Platform Platform Advantage Disadvantage
It is an American
image hosting and
video hosting service,
as well as an online
It is a video sharing
website where users
can upload view and
share video clips.
It is an American photo
and video-sharing
social networking
service owned by
Facebook, Inc.

E. Microblogging
These are sites that emphasize on short updates from the user.
Platform Platform Advantage Disadvantage
It is one of the biggest
platforms to share real-
time news and get
connected with famous
personalities around the
word like CEOs of big
companies, politicians,
celebs etc.
It is a free social
networking and micro-
blogging service that
allows users to send
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

updates through short

messages or links,
which can be up to 360
text characters in

E. Blogs and Forums

These are sites that allow users to post their content.
Platform Platform Advantage Disadvantage
It is a blog-publishing
service that allows
multi-user blogs with
time-stamped entries.
It is the world‟s most
popular tool for
creating websites and
is capable of creating
any style of website,
from a simple blog to a
full-featured business
It is an American
microblogging and
social networking
website that allows
users to post
multimedia and other
content to a short-form

Guide Questions:
1. How did the World Wide Web affect your life?

2. What are the different applications in the computer or Internet that you need to know as a
student? Why? Give at least three (3).

Rubric for Scoring:

Essay (for Advantage/Disadvantage)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

References for Learners:

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 1-2

Background Information for Learners:

As online users, you are all exposed to too much stuff powered by the Internet. Whether it is
socializing, playing games, reading news, shopping or simply browsing, the Internet has given
you one of the most powerful tools that your parents did not have during their growing up times.

In our present times, the Internet can be categorized as one of the most powerful tools in history
of mankind. It has many uses like promoting business, meeting new people, and staying in touch
with your friends and family. But like any other things, it also has setbacks if not properly
managed. It can also be considered as one of the most dangerous places because it could access
all your personal or private information. To prevent this from happening, knowing how to
protect yourself is the key.

Learning Competency with Code:

Apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it
would relate to their specific professional tracks (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-2)

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Essay:
Directions: What would you do to solve this scenario that you encounter online? Choose among
the following “Golden Rules” that you would apply and explain why you chose it. You can
choose more than one. Use additional paper if necessary.

Golden Rules

 Don't give out personal information such as your address or phone number.
 Don‟t send pictures of yourself to anyone, especially indecent pictures.
 Don't open emails or attachments from people you don't know.
 Don't become online „friends‟ with people you don't know.
 Never arrange to meet someone in person who you've met online.
 If anything you see or read online worries you, tell someone about it.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Scenario Golden Rule(s)

1. Social networking
Social networking websites and apps have
become incredibly popular in recent years.
Most users are genuine, but because it is so
easy to hide your real identity, it is possible
to come into contact with people you would
normally avoid.
2. The Risks
A young person tries to let their friends know
about their birthday party by posting the
information about when and where on their
social networking site. This means hundreds
of people end up knowing about the party and
turn up uninvited. The party could turn into
chaos with people getting angry and even
refusing to leave. The police would have to get
involved to turn people away.
3. Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying can work in the same way as
bullying in the playground; the victim feels
frightened and alone, while the bully tries to
hide from being caught
4. Cyber stalking
Harassment on the internet can be just as
frightening as other forms of stalking.
 Women and girls are usually the victims of
this kind of behavior.
 They might be harassed by an ex-boyfriend
or girlfriend who is upset about the
 end of their relationship, for example.
 It can also begin when a purely online
friendship turns sour.
 It can even begin entirely at random, by
one online stranger towards another.
5. Identity Theft
The more information you make available
online, the greater the risk of identity theft. It
can be very tempting to reply to an email or
open an attachment or post information about
yourself on social networking sites, but you
should never do it.
Personal information includes your:
 email address
 phone number
 postal address
 any banking information
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

 photos of yourself
6. Sexting
Sexting usually refers to sending and receiving
rude messages or videos of:
 naked pictures
 'underwear shots'
 any sexual texts, images or videos
These images or videos can be sent from a
boyfriend or girlfriend or a friend or someone
you've met online. You also may have sent a
sexual photo, video or text to someone else.

Guide Questions:
1. Do you agree or disagree with the copyright law? Why?

2. How would you feel if someone posted something embarrassing about you? What action
would you do?

Rubric for Scoring:


Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

References for Learners:

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 1-2

Background Information for Learners:

Data from the internet can be collected by researchers through the use of different online
research methods. As you have observed, almost all search engines is associated with a button
with the caption “Search.” But I want to give you more clear understanding about online
research. I think you already know about „search.‟ By typing topics in the input box and clicking
the search button paves the way in making an online search.

The term “re-search” means the order of search to reach specific search objective. So in a way,
finding or searching information using the Internet can be also considered as a research. Most
users have become dependent in such search engines looking for almost everything from
complicated queries up to simple, trivial clarifications. It is just a matter of how to look for it
and how to use information from very credible sources.

Learning Competency with Code:

Use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best achieve
specific class objectives or address situational (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-3)

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Matching Type:
Directions: How familiar are you with search engines? A search engine is an online tool that
searches for results in its database based on the search query (keyword) submitted by the
internet user. The results are usually websites that semantically match with the search query. But
how familiar are you with search engine attributes? Try to know it by answering this activity.
Match column A with column B.
___1. Finds web pages that contain all the terms that are A. NOT or -
preceded by this symbol.
___2. Finds the exact words in a phrase. B. ( )
___3. Finds or excludes web pages that contain a group of C. +
___4. Find web pages that contain all the terms or phrases. D. “ “
___5. Excludes web pages that contains a term or phrase. E. AND or %
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Activity 2: Modified True or False:

Directions: Familiarize yourselves on how to use the Internet as a tool for credible research and
information gathering by answering this activity. Write “True” if the statement is correct.
Otherwise, write “False” and encircle the word(s) that make the statement incorrect. Write your
answers on the space provided before each number.
__________1.Focus on a question you want answered in conducting online research.
__________2. Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo use few filters to determine the
most appropriate result for you.
__________3. The best way to filter information from certain search engines is by using
__________4. Non-credible sources of information allow anyone to edit its content.
__________5. One way of giving credit to original author of the page or information you used is
by citing the author or page as a reference.

Guide Questions:
1. What ways can you provide to make your online research easier?

2. How would you know if the source of information you got from the Internet is a “credible”

Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

References for Learners:

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 3-4

Background Information for Learners:

At workplaces where ICT is a must, employers expect their current and future employees to
have a working knowledge and skills of Microsoft Office programs like Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint. As students, you must learn taught how to use these programs that will set you up
for success when you enter the workforce.

Using Microsoft Office suite can arm you with the technical skills you need to flourish in the
real world. You can organize data and information with Excel. Not only will you be able to
organize, evaluate, control, and present data within Microsoft Excel, but also be able to
communicate your perceptions in a way that supports in the building a industry‟s competitive
advantage. You can create refined business documents in Word. You can harness instinctive
editing features and advanced formatting possibilities to create documents and schemes. You
can present ideas to a group with PowerPoint. You are no stranger to PowerPoint. But
understanding the ins and outs of this software can turn a simple slideshow into a dynamic
presentation that will be very useful in business proposals.

Learning Competency with Code:

Uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques.

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Sequencing:
Directions: A mail merge is a method of taking data from a database, spreadsheet, or other form
of structured data, and inserting it into documents such as letters, mailing labels, and name tags.
It usually requires two files, one storing the variable data to be inserted, and the other containing
both the instructions for formatting the variable data and the information that will be identical
across each result of the mail merge. Identifying mail merge is one thing but knowing how to
use it is another. To determine how well you know how to use it, answer this activity. Write 1-
10 in the blanks provided before each number to show the proper sequence in utilizing Mail
_____1. Check the result of label placement.
_____2. Start writing and creating the template that you are going to use.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

_____3. Implement rules.

_____4. Select which sheet in the file contains the information.
_____5. Set up the rule.
_____6. Select the spreadsheet file you‟ve created.
_____7. Print the finished product (if possible).
_____8. Indicate the source of information in your word processor.
_____9. Create a new document.
_____10. Create a spreadsheet containing your information and make sure that the labels are
written in the first row.

Activity 2: Illustration:
Directions: Based on the answers you have given in activity 1, you can perform this next
activity which is creating a flow chart. Create a simple flow chart that shows the steps in how to
create a merged document. Using pencil, pen and paper is allowed.

Guide Questions:
1. Identify at least two (2) uses (not including in the lecture) of merged documents in any
institution (school, business, etc.).

Rubric for Scoring:



Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

References for Learners:

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 3-4

Background Information for Learners

Well-chosen images can enhance and add “power “to any Word document or PowerPoint
slideshow that you created. Choosing the right graphics is one thing but how to place these
images is another thing that could make your document and presentation much more effective.

Your goal will rarely be to impress your audience with stunning graphics. The primary purpose
of your images is to reinforce the goal identified from the document or presentation. If you‟re
selling a product or service, then your pictures need to reinforce your message. If you‟re training
employees, then your images need to make the spoken and written words more impressive and
more comprehensible. Remember, your images only support you and never the center of your
document or slideshow.

Learning Competency with Code:

Creates an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present data or
information related to specific professional tracks. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-5)

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Picture Collage:
Directions: Take some pictures of yourself (selfie) using a digital camera or cellphone. Transfer
these pictures to your computer and create a collage using Microsoft Word. To do this, please
watch this video entitled “How to Make Photo Collage in Microsoft Word 2013/2016”in the
following link:

Activity 2: Presentation:
Directions: Use the guide below to create your own presentation about a particular product or
service your company provides.
Slide No. Content
1 Company Name, Products or Services Offered, Name
2 Information about Products or Services Offered
Survey Questionnaire (at least 3 categories) on how customers think
about your Products or Services
4-5 Survey Results (using Pie Chart or Column Chart)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

6 Reflection on Results (Profitable or Not)

7 Improvements in Products or Services

You can refer to this link: entitled “How to

Do a Power Point Presentation”.

Activity 3: ICT-Content Development:

Directions: Let us see how creative you are and try to design your own letter head and business
card. I know all of you are creative in your own way so take this opportunity to show what you
got. Perform the following tasks.
1. Create a letterhead using the following steps:
a. To make a letterhead, start by opening a new Microsoft Word document and saving it
as a template.
b. Then, click "Insert" and "Header" in the top menu bar.
c. Enter your letterhead text, like your company name, address, and phone number.
d. You can also add a logo by clicking on "Picture" in the "Insert" tab.
2. Create a business card using a Table in Microsoft Word.
a. Setup Your Document
b. Insert a Table
c. Adjust Your Table Properties
d. Insert Your Logo
e. Customize Your Text

Guide Questions:
1. What is the importance of using hyperlinks that helps you navigate around your presentation?
2. Cite at least three (3) instances where objects or images can improve your document or

Rubric for Scoring:

Picture Collage
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon


Letterhead/Business card

Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

References for Learners

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 5-6

Background Information for Learners

The first thing that attracts viewers or guests is a well-designed website that freshen their eyes.
Second, it should meet the needs of the user making them dependent on your website. Third, it
gives them a feeling of satisfaction wherein they were able to do what they really wanted to do.

Learning Competency with Code:

Evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic and
visual. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ie-f-6)

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Evaluation:
Directions: Do you consider yourself an “artist”? He or she can be a person or expert who
recognises the beauty in everything. Now, consider yourselves as artists or experts and try to
evaluate the following websites based on the following categories. You can visit the websites to
help you in your evaluation.

Category Definition
White space Refreshing to the eyes of the user because of its
Boxes, borders & graphical planes Information is properly placed or segmented into visual
An intuitive search method Reliable search engine
Grids May not always be necessary but very useful in keeping
your icons or display more formal
Strong information hierarchy Possess es information that is very clear and concise
Visual hierarchy Over-all presentation of both text and images that shows
balance and proper sequence
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Link Category Evaluation

White space
Boxes, borders &
graphical planes
An intuitive search
Strong information
Visual hierarchy

Link Category Evaluation

White space
Boxes, borders &
graphical planes
An intuitive search
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Strong information
Visual hierarchy

Link Category Evaluation

White space
Boxes, borders &
graphical planes
An intuitive search
Strong information
Visual hierarchy

Guide Questions:
1. Give at least three other (3) websites that you think are “attractive” to the users. Why?

Rubric for Scoring:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

References for Learners

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 5-6

Background Information for Learners

When you first heard the term “infographic,”, most likely you will think of Photoshop,
Photoscape and not “PowerPoint.” In fact, many people are unaware that they can create
amazing infographics with PowerPoint. And yet, it‟s an unbelievably useful tool that comes
with fully customizable options and does not carry any cost since it‟s a program most people

Learning Competency with Code:

Use image manipulation techniques on exiting images to change or enhance their current state to
communicate a message for a specific purpose. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ie-f-7)

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Make my Infographic:
Directions: Are you amazed on the infographics that you see around you and online? Why not
make your own and see how easy it is. Do this activity to make one.

How to Make Infographics with PowerPoint:

1. Create A Portrait Slide
Begin with a blank presentation and a new slide. The default in PowerPoint is for landscape
slides. You will need to change this. Navigate to the Design tab and click “Slide Size” followed
by “Custom Slide Size.” This will cause a dialogue box to appear. Change the orientation of
your slide to “Portrait” and add custom measurements:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

2. Format the Background for Your Infographic

Next, you will want to give your infographic an interesting background. There are a few ways to
do this. The simplest way is to select an attractive theme from the Design tab, allowing
PowerPoint to set your background and the complementary colors for you:

The other way to do it is manually by navigating to the “Format Background” option on the far
right of the Design tab. Clicking this option will display a dialogue box that gives you a few
different options, including setting a background image from an uploaded file of your choice
and creating gradient options:

3. Edit Your Title and Subheading

The slide will default to a standard format, including title and subtitle elements. You can edit the
text in each and move them to the area of the infographic you want them in. Putting them at the
top is usually a good idea, but you might want to play around with your designs and see what
looks best:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

4. Add New Elements Using SmartArt

Before we get into more complex functions, let‟s run through using SmartArt to insert
responsive elements. There are many ways to add custom shapes, charts, and vector graphics
when creating infographics with PowerPoint. However, the SmartArt application provides an
easy way of adding a wide range of items that looks amazing and is effortless to create:

Go to the insert tab and select “SmartArt”; then choose the type of element you would like to
include. You can play around and have fun, as there are many options. It‟s fully possible to
create everything else needed for a truly dynamic infographic using nothing but SmartArt. Pick
one to start with and click “OK”:

Finally, select the color you would like to use from the “Change Color” option. If you selected a
theme when choosing your background, your elements will all default to theme colors. If not,
you will need to choose them manually, and you can tweak colors even if you have a theme in
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

5. Create Unique Elements Using Shapes and Text Boxes

While the SmartArt options are extensive, you may also find there are certain things you want to
create that don‟t have a preset option that will work. To do this, you can combine shapes with
text boxes to create completely unique features for your infographic. Go to the Insert tab and
select “Shapes.” Then choose from the wide range of shapes on offer:

Once your shape has been inserted, use the options that appear at the top to choose your color.
You can use one of the preset options or the “Shape Fill” and “Shape Outline” options to select
custom colors. You can also use the “Shape Effects” function to make your shape a little more
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Once you have your shape looking exactly as you want it, add a text box by going to the Insert
tab and choosing “Text Box.” You can add multiple text boxes and tweak the fonts, sizes, and
colors, and then move them around so they are arranged as you want them over your shape.:

6. Add Original Images to Create Complex Elements

Another great way to ensure your infographics are completely unique to your brand is to add
original images. You might use photographs (particularly if you have brand photographs), or
choose relevant icons or graphics. Whatever you use, it‟s a good idea to add images to your
elements to make your infographic as visual and engaging as possible. There are two ways to do

You can use the Insert tab to add an image as you have added shapes and text boxes and
combine your images with both in exactly the same manner we used in step 5. The easier way,
however, is to take advantage of SmartArt elements that include images. Go back to the
SmartArt function and insert a new element that includes images; edit it, as we did in step 4; and
then click on any of the empty image icons:

A dialogue box will appear, giving you various options for choosing a source for your image.
Find the file you want to use and insert it. Repeat this as many times as necessary to replace all
empty images with custom images. This will help you create dynamic elements for your
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

7. Optimize the Layout of All Your Elements

Continue adding elements to your infographic until you have all the information on it that you
want and everything is formatted to your liking in terms of images, fonts, and colors. Once you
have everything on your infographic, play around with the layout until everything is presented
in the most logical and visually pleasing way. You may find there are elements you have
inserted using SmartArt that work better if you move around their various aspects. This is useful
for making them a little more unique and also for fitting things in:

8. Save Your Infographic

Once you‟re happy with your infographic, go to “File,” click “Save As,” and select the file type
you‟d like your infographic to be in. PowerPoint will default to saving it as a presentation, but
you can select various different file types from the dropdown list. You can publish your
infographic to a PDF; however, your file will be more versatile in JPG or PNG format. There‟s
no reason you can‟t save it in multiple formats, so you have different versions for platforms that
have different requirements.

When you click “Save,” PowerPoint will ask if you want to save the whole presentation or just
the one slide. Select the slide.

Guide Questions:
1. Identify at least two (2) other ways in creating an infographic. Explain why you chose those

Rubric for Scoring:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon


Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

References for Learners

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Section: ___________________________ Date: ________________


Quarter: 1ST Week: 5-6

Background Information for Learners:

Businesses that have received success from the past few years are those who learned to adapt to
changes to become more competitive. And venturing to the online world have given this
businesses to climb to the top and succumb all their competitors.

Learning Competency with Code:

Creates an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual image in an
online environment related to specific professional tracks. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ie-f-8)

The following are some reminders in using this activity sheets:
1. Use the activity sheets with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity
sheets. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises (if necessary).
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it, as instructed.

Activity 1: Develop your business:
Directions: As future (possible) entrepreneurs, try to create your own business. In starting a
business, you must first create a business proposal. In accomplishing this, you can create the
parts of a business proposal using either Word or PowerPoint. With regards to the images that
you will insert in your proposal, use an online image editor.

In using an online photo editor:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

How to edit images online?

1. Upload the image you want to edit.
2. Once your image is loaded, you can choose the editing options from the top navigation
of the canvas. Don't forget to click on "Apply" to save the changes to your canvas.
3. On the side, choose the format, filename, quality or DPI of the image (optional).
4. Click on "Save File".

Guide Questions:
1. Why do you think it is important to introduce your business through online? Why?

Rubric for Scoring:

Presentation of Business

Reflection: What can you say about this activity?

References for Learners

Empowerment Technologies
DIWA Senior High School Series

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc.

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