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ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2010 Fall Technical Conference

September 12-15, 2010, San Antonio, Texas, USA




Robert Mergen Falko Langbein

Miba Gleitlager GmbH Miba Gleitlager GmbH
Laakirchen, Austria Laakirchen, Austria

Leopold Harreither
Miba Gleitlager GmbH
Laakirchen, Austria

ABSTRACT By a fundamental process analysis, the limiting effect

with regard to alloy tuning of the existing production
When looking at the performance criteria of bearings for technology for steel-babbitt bearing shells will be shown in
the application in Two-Stroke engines, properties like this paper. Further more, new process routings with the effect
emergency running capabilities, embedability and the fatigue of enabling the production of Babbitt bearings with never
properties are vital to the performance of these engines. The practized alloy compositions with enhanced mechanical
typical approach is to use materials with a soft Tin matrix and properties are presented.
hard intermetallic phases commonly known as “Babbitt”
alloys. In a second, more recent approach, Aluminium alloys INTRODUCTION
with elevated Tin content are more and more often chosen.
The recent developments of combustion engines are
Babbitts outmatch any bearing alloys by their outstanding mainly driven by the demand for lower emissions, extension
tribological performance but have very limited mechanical of engine life time and reduction of maintenance. Engine
properties. Oppositely, the Aluminium alloys have substantial bearings will especially have to cope with higher ignition
higher strength but leak somehow with regard to emergency pressures and surface speeds, reactants from alternative fuels
running properties. and new lube-oil additives and many other challenges.
Concerning large engines for power plants and sea-vessels,
Whereas the poorer running properties of Aluminium significant research programs on international scale have been
Alloys can be overcome by using suitable running-in coatings, started especially in the field of large four-stroke engines [1]
the strength increase of the Tin matrices of Babbitts is and since 2008 extended to two-stroke-engines also [2].
rigorously limited by the production technology of spin casting
and the ban of hazardous alloying elements such as Cadmium. Tin-based alloys are amongst the oldest known solutions
for slide bearing applications [3]. Babbitt bearings showed
already clear signs of performance limit when first engine
In order to satisfy the needs of engines manufacturers for upgrades were made starting in the late 1990’s. Then, bimetal
a material which combines the advantages of Aluminium- and bearings with AlSn40Cu-lining alloy have been proposed as a
Tin-base alloys, a new approach which combines both good solution especially to overcome the poor fatigue
metallurgical alloy development and process technology resistance of Babbitt linings [4]. Even though the seizure
redesign is necessary. resistance of AlSn40 is lower than Tin-based linings, this

1 Copyright © 2010 by ASME

solution is today widely used for main and cross head bearings CuPb22Sn2 = Standard Copper-Lead-based alloy for
and in up to mid size 2 Stroke engines as there is no Babbitt tri-metal bearings with 22 wt.% Lead
alternative. and 2 wt.% Tin
CuSn5Zn1+ = High Strength Copper-based Lead-
Due to the necessary tribological properties at assembly, free alloy for tri-metal bearings with 5
where high loads on not lubricated bearings destroy the wt.% Tin and 1 wt.% Zinc
running surface and to improve conformability for engine LC = Load cycles
operation polymer based overlays [5] have been added to this σwb = Compressive resp. Tensile bending
bearing type. This widely used bearing shows extraordinary stress
performance and has reduced bearing failure dramatically HB = Brinell Hardness
although failure consequences have become more severe
mainly also due to the higher loading.
The present paper will focus on alloy design which
State of the art laboratory testing facilities e.g. chemical
incorporates the high load carrying capability of AlSn40 with
and metallographic analysis, hardness and tensile testing are
the thick pad bearing concept of the standard Babbitt bearings
used for standard material characterization. Advanced bearing
and its tribological advantages. Figure 1 shows the
material developments require furthermore the use of special
development goals for the next generation of Babbitt materials
test equipment for performance evaluation before the first field
in terms of seizure load and fatigue strength.
test is done.

130 Fatigue resistance

Min. Seizure Load (MPa)

AlSn40 The alternate bending test measures the quantities of load
cycles and thus the time until the sample fails by a given
Target Area New Babbitt
110 bending force. It is a very appropriate method to determine the
fatigue properties of flat samples consisting of a laminar
100 metallic compound structure as it is common for multilayer
90 bearings (see Figure 2).
To gain statistical results, two to three load levels each
80 with a minimum of four test samples are performed with every
material variant.
60 70 80 90 100 Technical requirements
Fatigue Strength at 2*105 LC (MPa) • Identifications of alternate fatigue strength on
bearing material to DIN 50142 at room temperature
Design features
Figure 1: Target values next generation of Babbitt alloys •Number of test equipments: 8
•Sample dimensions: L/W/H = 90/17,5/≤10mm
•Maximum bending moment: ± 15 Nm

NOMENCLATURE •Maximum swinging angle:

•Test frequency:
± 12°

[+σ wb ]
Babbitt = Tin or Lead based alloys
WM White-metal, Tin or Lead based alloys Tension

0 Cycles

HM07 = Standard Tin-based alloy with 7,5 Compression

wt.% Antimony, 3,5 wt% Copper and [-σ wb]

1,0 wt.% Cadmium

Figure 2: Test arrangement for alternate bending tests
WM89 = Standard Tin-based alloy with 7,5
wt.% Antimony and 3,5 wt% Copper
ASTM B23-2 = Standard Tin-based alloy with 7,5 LIMITATIONS OF TIN-BASED BEARING ALLOYS
wt.% Antimony and 3,5 wt% Copper
AlSn40 = Standard 40 wt.% Tin Aluminum- Typical bearing alloy properties such as running-in
based alloy for bi-metal bearings behaviour, embeddability, mechanical compliance and
AlSn20 = Standard 20 wt.% Tin Aluminum- corrosion resistance are outstandingly well covered by Babbitt
based alloy for bi-metal bearings alloys if one compares with Aluminum- or Copper-based
AlZn4SiPb = Standard 7000 series alloy for tri- alloys. The sole really restricting factor is the poor fatigue
metal bearing application resistance which leads to severe damages or premature

2 Copyright © 2010 by ASME

bearing exchange as soon as higher loads occur. Picture 3 The obvious question, why those new alloys are not
shows an example of bearing material which run above their widely used already for bearings, will be answered hereafter.



In the very specific case of bearing applications however,

the production process of the alloy is combined with the
bonding process to steel. Besides the principle of static
castings, in the case of large bearings, the spin casting
Figure 3: Failure of Tin-based lining alloy due to fatigue technology is most widely used. Figure 6 shows the principles
rupture of the spin casting processes.

If one compares the dynamic strength values of Babbitt

material against some other typical metallic bearing materials
(see figure 4), the enormous disadvantage becomes obvious.

Figure 6: Spin casting process [9]

Due to the combined action of alloy-specific phase

Figure 4: Fatigue strength of typical bearing alloys formations and the multi-g enhanced buoyancy effect, the
density segregation of some of the strength-enhancing phases
The reason for the low strength of Tin-based alloys is of towards the steel is inevitable. As a result, the final structure is
course the extreme softness of the matrix metal Tin [6, 7]. As a functionally graded material layer with unfortunately
for all metallic materials however, techniques as alloying or inverted properties as shown in Figure 7. The segregation
particle hardening are widely used and have come up with effect can go as far as to create in the area of the steel-alloy
quite remarkable results also for Babbitt materials as is shown interface a layer with bad bonding properties with the steel
in figure 5. leading to de-lamination during production or, worst case,
premature de-lamination in the engine leading to severe

Figure 5: Compressive Yield strength vs. temperature [8]

Figure 7: Segregation in a Tin-based bearing alloy

3 Copyright © 2010 by ASME

Besides the density driven formation of metallic-phases selection study has been executed in a first step with the aim
layers, the metallurgical process per se can lead to the of delivering an alloy formulation with superior mechanical
formation of compounds by reactions with the iron of the strength [11]. Figures 8a to 8c show a series of micrographs
backing steel-shell if some desirable alloying elements were to representing the metallurgical test field.
be added [10].

As a conclusion, the use of spin casting is not only a

critical process with regard to optimum production parameters
and settings but forbids any progress with regard to the matrix
strengthening as soon as phase-formation or particle
reinforcing is concerned.

The content of some alloying elements with the highest

strengthening potential such as Antimony and Copper are Figure 8a: New Babbitt SnSb15Cu6+ Var. A
restricted to 15 wt.% respectively 6wt.%.



After an intense joint study and analysis of both the

metallurgical and processing dependencies, interactions and
functions, the authors propose hereafter a new approach that
will overcome the known limitations. Basically, a substantial Figure 8b: New Babbitt SnSb15Cu6+ Var. B
alloy improvement on the basis of conventional production
technologies is impossible.

Whereas some advanced research is currently made

proposing the use of rapidly solidified improved alloy powders
and the use of a laser cladding process for the bimetal
formation, the present paper presents a new concept based in
principle on decoupling the technological core processes of the
bearing production into less complex sub-processes.
Figure 8c: New Babbitt SnSb15Cu6+ Var. C

On very promising new routing which is currently under The performed hardness measurement (see figure 9)
further investigations is to use an adapted horizontal shows quite promising test results. Presently, more complex
continuous strip casting process; the casting and cooling tests, especially with regard to fatigue and tribological
conditions can be chosen without taking care of the performance are currently in progress and at the time of this
restrictions given by the compound forming parameters publication not completely finished.
dictated to the conventional production method. Also, the
alloy strip can be subjected to a wide variety of post- 60
Hardness as cast (HB)
processing techniques such as rolling and thermal treating for
example. The applicable cladding processes for the compound 50
Hardness (HB)

formation are numerous.

A second possibility of choice is to use in a first step a
base alloy which is easy to spin-cast and postpone the alloying + ~30% + ~20%
to the desired high-performance composition to a later stage.
Right now, the authors of the present paper are working on a
new alloying process by selective re-melting of the base-alloy.
HM07 Var. A Var. B Var. C
Alloy Variant

By decoupling casting process and compound formation, Figure 9: Hardness measurements SnSb15Cu6+ alloys
a wide material screening plan based on a theoretical pre-

4 Copyright © 2010 by ASME

Parallel to the alloy development, the compound State-of-the-Art fabrication methods for Babbitt Bearings
formation process is indeed the second subject of intense is shown as being the limiting factor to further performance
research activity. progress within this field of bearing types. The demand for
higher strength Tin-based bimetal bearings can only be
A meanwhile restricted number of different process satisfied when advanced production logics and technologies
variants have been elaborated covering following types of are used.
process routings:
Two newly developed approaches are now proposed which
Variant 1: enable significant progress achievements with regard to the
1. Compound formation by spin-casting with adapted bearing alloy metallurgy and structure. So far, hardness
alloy increases of up to 30% compared to HM07 have already been
2. Alloying by using a re-melting technology attained.

Variant 2: Parallel to ongoing refinements with regard to the new

1. Alloying & Continuous Casting (e.g. strip casting) family of bearing alloys, the chosen production processes will
2. Compound formation be further adapted to the specific case and analyzed with
regard to process stability, flexibility, costs and potential.
Figure 10 shows an example for an advanced alloy using
Process variant 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Re-melted structure The authors would like to thank the colleagues from the
Austrian Foundry Institute (ÖGI) for supporting this work.
40 HB

[1] Framework Program 6 of the European Commission

„HERCULES-A High Efficiency Engine R&D on
Combustion with Ultra Low Emissions for Ships”,
30 HB (2004)
As-cast structure
[2] Framework Program 7 of the European Commission
Figure 10: Alloyed Tin-based lining by re-melting process „HERCULES-B Higher-efficiency Engine with Ultra-
Low Emissions for Ships”, (2007)
Variant 2 includes some interesting options of thermo-
mechanical post-processing of the as cast material prior to the [3] I. Babbitt, Patent application US 1252 (1839)
compound formation operation with primarily the possibility
of shaping the hardening phases in order to improve their [4] W. Hilgers „Einfluß der Temperatur auf die
tribological behaviour. Figure 11 shows an example for an dynamische Festigkeit von Gleitlagerwerkstoffen auf
advanced alloy using Variant 2 compared to a standard Blei- und Zinnbasis“, Gleitlagertechnik, Th.
processed alloy. Goldschmidt AG (1992)

Std. Process New Process [5] R. Mergen, H. Lang, L. Harreither „Synthetic coated
bearings as future alternative for large engines“,
24th World Congress on Combustion Engine
Technology – CIMAC Kyoto (2004)

[6] W. Hilgers „Gleitlagerwerkstoffe“, Gleitlagertechnik,

Th. Goldschmidt AG (1992)
Figure 11: Microstructure development due to thermo- [7] B. F. Mueller „Zinn Taschenbuch“, Metall-Verlag
mechanical post-processing GmbH – Berlin 33, Duesseldorf (1981)

5 Copyright © 2010 by ASME

[8] R. Koring „Verbesserte Lagermetalle, ein
internationaler Vergleich“, ECKA Granulate Essen
GmbH, 4. Auflage (2004)

[9] Miba Bearing Group „Bearing Production“, Miba

Engine Bearing Manual (2005)

[10] K. Sueruel „Entwicklung von neuartigen

Bindeschichten zur Verbesserung der Bindefestigkeit
von Zinnbasis-Gleitlagermetallen“, PhD Thesis,
RWTH Aachen University (2009)

[11] F. Langbein, A. Eberhard „Gleitlagerlegierung aus

Weißmetall auf Zinnbasis“, Patent application WO
2009/108975 A1 (2009)

6 Copyright © 2010 by ASME

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