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9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

CALENG2 - Ac vity # 4
Due Sep 26 at 23:59 Points 60 Questions 20
Available Sep 19 at 0:00 - Sep 26 at 23:59 8 days Time Limit 180 Minutes
Allowed Attempts 2

Instruc ons
Dear Students,

Good day. This is your assessment #4 and will serve as your review of the topics covered in Quiz # 4.
This assessment is worth a maximum of 50 points.

1. You are given a maximum of 3 hours to complete this assessment.

2. Choose the best (closest) answer from among the given choices.

Good luck and God bless. Stay Healthy and Safe.

- Your CALENG2 Professors

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A empt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 33 minutes 45 out of 60

Score for this attempt: 45 out of 60

Submitted Sep 19 at 14:55
This attempt took 33 minutes.

Question 1 3 / 3 pts 1/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS



Question 2 3 / 3 pts

Evaluate the triple integral:


Question 3 3 / 3 pts

To determine , it is best to

change coordinates 2/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

evaluate in the given order

change the given order

none of the choices

Question 4 0 / 3 pts

ou Answered No answer text provided.

No answer text provided.

orrect Answer No answer text provided.

No answer text provided.

Question 5 3 / 3 pts

The double integral:

is being integrated in the region ____________.

bounded by the parabola , the two coordinate axes, and the line

bounded by the parabola and the line 3/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

Depends on

bounded by the parabola , the two coordinate axes, and the line

Question 6 0 / 3 pts

Which of the following properties is not applicable to double integrals:

and ? Note: are
all constants.

ou Answered

orrect Answer

Question 7 3 / 3 pts

For the triple integral:

what is the order at which the integral should be evaluated? 4/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

with respect to y then x then z

with respect to z then y then x

with respect to x then y then z

with respect to z then x then y

Question 8 3 / 3 pts

To test for symmetry with respect to the yz plane, change

yz to -yz

z to -z

x to -x

y to -y

Question 9 3 / 3 pts

The surface is symmetric with respect to:




xy-plane 5/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

Question 10 3 / 3 pts

To test for symmetry with respect to the xy-plane, change

y to -y

xy to -xy

x to -x

z to -z

Question 11 0 / 3 pts

Evaluate the double integral:

using change of coordinates.

ou Answered

orrect Answer

Question 12 0 / 3 pts 6/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

Which of the following is a valid double integral?

orrect Answer

ou Answered

Question 13 0 / 3 pts

Using the change of coordinate system, the integral

would then take the form ______.

orrect Answer

ou Answered

Question 14 3 / 3 pts

For the double integral: 7/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

If the differential element used is , the integral becomes:


Question 15 3 / 3 pts



Question 16 3 / 3 pts

If the order of integration is reversed for the double integral

, the new limits will be:

y: from x/3 to 1, x: from 0 to 3

x: from 0 to 1, y: from 0 to 1 8/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

x: from 3y to 3, y: from 0 to 1

y: from 0 to x/3, x: from 0 to 3

Question 17 3 / 3 pts

Evaluate the double integral:

using change of coordinates.


Question 18 3 / 3 pts

To evaluate the double integral it is best to:

none of the choices

change coordinates

evaluate in the given order 9/10
9/19/2020 CALENG2 - Activity # 4: [1193_CALENG2_ED2] - INTEGRAL CALCULUS

Correct! change the order of integration

Question 19 3 / 3 pts

A _________ is a surface defined by a linear equation in x, y and




quadric surface

Question 20 3 / 3 pts

Which of the following is a valid triple integral?


Quiz Score: 45 out of 60 10/10

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