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Name: ________________

Mrs Browning’s Pre-Test

1. Order the following words in the likelihood of them occurring from least likely to most likely

Certain _____________________
Likely _____________________
Unlikely _____________________
Impossible _____________________
Equal chance _____________________

2. Use the following words to describe the likelihood of the following events occurring:
Certain, likely, unlikely, impossible, equal chance

It will rain today ________________________

I will go to the beach after school ________________________
I will have a birthday next year ________________________
I will be at school on Saturday ________________________
The next Olympics will be held in 2019 ________________________
It will snow at school tomorrow ________________________
The sun will rise ________________________
I will toss a coin and it will land on heads ________________________
I will have dinner tonight ________________________

3. Draw a line to match each event with its chance of happening on the line below.
I will grow wings I will win the lottery if Next month will be I will be at school
overnight and fly to buy one ticket September tomorrow
4. A coin is tossed, what are the possible outcomes?

List all the possible outcomes of the spinner below?

What are the chances of the spinner landing on the following: (Write as a fraction)
Blue ________________
Green ________________
Yellow ________________
Red _________________

What colour is the spinner most likely to land on? _________________________

Spinners can be designed to in different ways to suit different games or activities.

Colour the spinner below so that it meets the following criteria:
• Has two chances of landing on purple
• Has the least likely chance of landing of yellow
• Has more of a chance of landing on red
• Has equal chances of landing of green as it does purple

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