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Following the cessation of its manufacturing operation in 1996, FILSYN CORPORATION primarily
focused on leasing of its investment properties as disclosed in the financial statements as of
December 31, 2020.

The Company is in the process of improving its financial status by means of undergoing financial
restructuring, which is pending approval of SEC, to eliminate its long-term obligations and to develop
its investment properties, which are located in Sta. Rosa, Laguna and GMA, Cavite. This will boost the
capability of the Company in relation to its sustainability efforts that focused on the well-being of its
employees and involvement in environmental and social advocacies. This is part of the corporate core
values of the Company as it moves forward in achieving its goal.

Company Details
Name of Organization FILSYN Corporation
Location of Headquarters Unit 8, 5B Floor, The Pearlbank Centre, 146 Valero St, Salcedo
Village, Makati City
Location of Operations Makati and Sta. Rosa, Laguna
Report Boundary: Legal entities
(e.g., subsidiaries) included in No subsidiaries included
this report*
Business Model,
including Primary
Leasing of Investment Properties
Activities, Brands,
Products, and Services
Reporting Period 2020

Highest Ranking Person

Jaime M. Sto. Domingo, President
responsible for this report

Economic Performance
Direct Economic Value Generated and Distributed
Disclosure Amount Units
Direct economic value generated (revenue) 36,411,089 PhP
Direct economic value distributed:
a. Operating costs 29,552,938 PhP
b. Employee wages and benefits 5,096,019 PhP
c. Payments to suppliers, other operating costs 16,895,156 Php

d. Dividends given to stockholders and interest

None PhP
payments to loan providers
e. Taxes given to government 7,561,763 PhP
f. Investments to community (e.g., donations, CSR)
None PhP

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders Management

does it occur? Whatis the are affected? Approach
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
Improvements of service to Clients, The Management underscores
the location Community bringing a good service to its
clients thru maintaining the
property in good condition.

Increase in payment of local Government The Management ensures that the

taxes Company is complying on its
obligation to the local government
What are the Risk/s Which stakeholders are Management
Identified? affected? Approach
Risk on the impact of the employees, Management ensures that
occurrence of economic downturn stockholders, safeguards are on place and adheres
that may result from events such community, to the practices and pronouncement
as Covid-19 epidemic government issued by the government.
What are the Which stakeholders Management Approach
Opportunity/ies are affected?
Increase in demand in the Employees, Management monitors economic
leasing industry community and conditions, updates and events,
stockholders which may create opportunities that
will benefit not only the Company but
also its employees, its stockholders
and the community.

Climate-related risks and opportunities

Governance Strategy Risk Management Metrics and Targets
Disclose the Disclose the actual and Disclose how the Disclose the
organization’s potential impacts16of organization metrics and
governance around climate-related risks and identifies, assesses, targets used to
climate-related risks opportunities on the and manages climate- assess and
and opportunities. organization’s related risks. manage relevant
businesses, strategy, and climate- related
financial planning where risks and
such information is opportunities
material. wheresuch
information is
The Management, with Climate related risks may The Company’s Ensure risks are
the broader guidance arise from day-to-day process for identifying address with
from the board of operation of the risk includes consideration to the
Company such as leveraging on full compliance with all
directors, is aware of
through consumption of multiple perspectives applicable laws,
climate-related risks and energy and commercial of the members of industry standards and
ensure that it will comply products that may the Board of Directors other legal
with the necessary actions unknowingly be harmful and on news and requirements.
and identify opportunities to the environment. updates of different
to help in addressing the government bodies. Metrics: Compliance
risks. These may include These will be Rate
consolidated to
following the practices set
identify risks as well
by the government and as the proper actions
other entities that to mitigate those
positively contributes to risks.
the environment.

Procurement Practices
Proportion of spending on local suppliers

Disclosure Quantity Units

Percentage of procurement budget used for significant
100 %
locations of operations that is spent on local suppliers

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders Management Approach

does it occur? What is the are affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
Augmentation of local Local suppliers The Company ultimately prefers
economy by creating value in Service Providers to acquire services of local
the community Community suppliers and service providers
What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

Other suppliers may not Local suppliers The Management ensures that
comply with the requirements Service Providers all services acquired by the
of the Company Company passed the average
standard at the very least.
What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Identified? affected?
Establishment of good Local suppliers Management ensures solid
business relationship with Service Providers communication with local
local suppliers and services suppliers and service providers.

Anti Corruption
Training on Anti-corruption Policies and Procedures

Disclosure Quantity Units

Percentage of employees to whom the organization’s
anti-corruption policies and procedures have been 100 %
communicated to
Percentage of business partners to whom the
organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures 100 %
have been communicated to
Percentage of directors and management that have
None %
received anti-corruption training
Percentage of employees that have received anti-
None %
corruption training

Incidents of Corruption

Disclosure Quantity Units

Number of incidents in which directors were removed or
0 #
disciplined for corruption
Number of incidents in which employees were dismissed
or 0 #
disciplined for corruption
Number of incidents when contracts with business
0 #
were terminated due to incidents of

The Company ensures that communication of code of conduct to the employees.


Resource Management

Energy Consumption within the Organization

Disclosure Quantity (Ave./mo.) Units
Energy consumption (renewable sources) N/A GJ
Energy consumption (gasoline) N/A GJ
Energy consumption (LPG) N/A GJ
Energy consumption (diesel) N/A GJ
Energy consumption (electricity) 54,000 kWh

Reduction of Energy Consumption

Disclosure Quantity (Ave./mo.) Units
Energy reduction (gasoline) N/A GJ
Energy reduction (LPG) N/A GJ
Energy reduction (diesel) N/A GJ
Energy reduction (electricity) N/A kWh

Water Consumption within the Organization

Disclosure Quantity (monthly) Units
Water withdrawal N/A Cubic meters
Water consumption N/A Cubic meters
Water recycled and reused N/A Cubic meters
Note: The Company started to measure its water consumption in 2021.

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders are Management Approach
does it occur? What is the affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
The Company’s energy and N/A
water consumption has no N/A
material impact to the
environment. These are
consumed responsibly during the
day-to-day operation of the
What are the Risk/s Identified? Which stakeholders are Management Approach
No risk was identified as the N/A N/A
operation of the Company does
not rely to energy and water.
What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Identified? affected?

Materials Used by the Organization

Disclosure Quantity (monthly) Units

Materials used by weight or volume
Renewable N/A Kg/liters
Non-renewable N/A Kg/liters
Percentage of recycled input materials used to manufacture the N/A Kg/liters
organization’s primary products and service

The Company’s focused is on leasing of property, which does not involve the use of either renewable or non-renewable materials.

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders are Management Approach
does it occur? What is the affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
What are the Risk/s Identified? Which stakeholders are Management Approach
What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Identified? affected?

Ecosystems and Biodiversity

The location of the properties of the Company are not located in, or adjacent to protected areas, or areas of
high biodiversity value outside of protected areas.

Disclosure Quantity Units

Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or None has
adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high
biodiversity value outside protected areas
Habitats protected or restored None has.
IUCN17 Red List species and national conservation list None none
species with habitats in areas affected by operations

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders are Management Approach
does it occur? What is the affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
What are the Risk/s Identified? Which stakeholders are Management Approach
What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Identified? affected?

Environmental Impact Management

Air Emissions
Disclosure Quantity (Monthly) Units
Direct (Scope 1) GHG Emissions Tonnes
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG Emissions Tonnes
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) None Tonnes

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders are Management Approach
does it occur? What is the affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
There is no identified impact N/A N/A
on air emissions as the
Company is not engaged in
heavy industrial activities.
What are the Risk/s Identified? Which stakeholders are Management Approach
No identified significant risk. N/A N/A
What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Identified? affected?
Not engaged in activities that may Community Company will thoroughly
result to harmful air emissions review business
opportunities that will not
have bad impact to the

Air Pollutants
Disclosure Quantity (ave./week) Units
NOx None Kg
Sox None Kg
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) None Kg
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) None Kg
Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) None Kg
Particular Matter (PM) None

Solid and Hazardous Wastes

Solid Waste
The Company does not yet accurately measured the quantity of solid waste generated, or determined the
breakdown of that sum into reusable, recyclable, composted, incinerated, and landfilled component parts. The
Company is not engaged in any activity commonly known to produce high levels of solid waste.

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders are Management Approach
does it occur? What is the affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
Best practices on the solid The management will ensure
wastes may bring improvement that good practices are being
not only in the environment but done in relation to the
also in the economy. Company’s operation.
What are the Risk/s Identified? Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Failure to
implement good
solid waste
management may
Community Same with Above
compromise effort
for gaining
positive impact in
the environment
What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Identified affected?
Contribute to the community in
maintaining good environment
thru simple and consistent good Community Same with above
practices in managing solid

Hazardous Waste
There is has neither material incidence of hazardous waste generation nor engaged in any activity commonly
known to produce material levels of hazardous waste, such as health care, heavy industrial processing,
chemical manufacturing. The Company ensure
Disclosure Quantity (ave. monthly) Units

Total weight of hazardous waste generated None Kg

Total weight of hazardous waste transported None Kg

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders are Management Approach
does it occur? What is the affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
What are the Risk/s Identified? Which stakeholders are Management Approach

What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach

Identified? affected?

Disclosure Quantity (ave. daily) Units

Total volume of water discharges (AMD from discharges Cubic meters

of old mine pits.)
Percent of wastewater recycled None N/A

What is the impact and where Which stakeholders are Management Approach
does it occur? What is the affected?
organization’s involvement in
the impact?
What are the Risk/s Identified? Which stakeholders are Management Approach
What are the Opportunity/ies Which stakeholders are Management Approach
Identified? affected?

Environmental Compliance
Non-compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations
Disclosure Quantity Units
Total amount of monetary fines for non-compliance with None PhP
environmental laws and/or regulations
No. of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with None PhP
environmental laws and/or regulations
No. of cases resolved through dispute resolution None PhP

As of 2020, the Company has two regular employees who are managing the business operation. It has seven
contractual employees who are former regular employees and rehired by the Company to assist in monitoring
and maintaining its investment property in Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

In 2021, the Company started hiring regular employees who will help the management in the process of
improving its financial status through financial restructuring and development of its investment properties.

Employee Management
Employee Hiring and Benefits

Employee data
Disclosure Quantity Units
Total number of employees
a. Number of female employees N/A Pax
b. Number of male employees N/A Pax
Attrition rate 0% %
Ratio of lowest paid employee against minimum N/A ratio

Employee benefits
List of Benefits Y/N % of female % of male employees
employees who who availed for the
availed for the year year
PhilHealth Y N/A N/A
Pag-ibig Y N/A N/A
Parental leaves Y N/A N/A
Vacation leaves Y N/A N/A
Sick leaves Y N/A N/A
Medical benefits (aside from N/A N/A
Housing assistance (aside from N/A N/A
Retirement fund (aside from SSS) Y N/A N/A
Further education support N N/A N/A
Company stock options N N/A N/A
Telecommuting N N/A N/A
Flexible-working Hours N N/A N/A
(Others) N/A N/A

Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Disclosure Quantity Units
% of female workers in the workforce N/A %
% of male workers in the workforce N/A %
Number of employees from indigenous communities and/or
vulnerable sector* N/A #

*Vulnerable sector includes, elderly, person with disabilities, vulnerable women, refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, people living with HIV
and other diseases, solo parents, and the poor or the base of the pyramid (BOP; Class D and E).

What is the impact and where does it occur? Management Approach

What is the organization’s involvement in the

Motivation, performance and well-being of The Management ensures that employees are
employees aware of their benefits and informed them for
any updates or changes.
What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

No material risk identified due to small number of Compliance with labor standards
employees dialogue with employees.
What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach

Employment for community members Compliance with labor standards.

Employee Training and Development

Disclosure Quantity Units
Total training hours provided to employees
a. Female employees None hours
b. Male employees None hours
Average training hours provided to employees
a. Female employees 0 hours/employee
b. Male employees 0 Hours/employee

What is the impact and where does it occur? Management Approach

What is the organization’s involvement in the

Performance improvement of employees Management are aware that trainings are

necessary for the growth of its employees. Thus, it
is open in sending employees to trainings.
What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

Risk that employees who were given training The Management formed safeguards for the risk
opportunities will left the Company for better by establishing agreement with the employees
opportunities with regard to retention upon acceptance of
What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach

Additional skills for employees Continue training for the development of


Labor-Management Relations
Disclosure Quantity Units
% of employees covered with Collective Bargaining
None %
Number of consultations conducted with employees
None #
concerning employee-related policies

Workplace Conditions, Labor Standards and Human Rights

Occupational Health and Safety
Disclosure Quantity Units
Safe Man-hours N/A
No. of work-related injuries None #
No. of work-related fatalities None #
No. of work-related ill-health None #
No. of safety drills None #

What is the impact and where does it occur? Management Approach

What is the organization’s involvement in the

This have impact on the employees’ well-being Ensure the implementation of safety and health
What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

May result to accidents if not properly observed Observation of Safety inspection

What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach

Training of employees for preparedness Strict implementation of safety & health


Labor Laws and Human Rights

Disclosure Quantity Units
No. of legal actions or employee grievances none #
involving forced or child labor

Do you have policies that explicitly disallows violations of labor laws and human rights (e.g.
harassment, bullying) in the workplace?

Topic Y/N If Yes, cite reference in the company policy

Forced labor N The Company is currently updating its policy
Child labor N manual and will ensure that inclusion of violations
Human Rights N related to forced and child labor and human

Supply Chain Management

Do you have supplier accreditation policy? If yes, please attach the policy or link to the policy: - None

Do you consider the following sustainability topics when accrediting suppliers?

Topic Y/N If Yes, cite reference in the company policy
Environmental performance
Forced labor
Child labor N/A N/A
Human Rights
Bribery and corruption

What is the impact and where does it occur? Management Approach

What is the organization’s involvement in the

What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach


Relationship with Community

Significant Impacts on Local Communities
Business Location Vulnerable Impact on Community Mitigation (of
Operations Groups Impacted Indigenous Rights of Negative) and
with Significant People Particular Enhancement
Impact Concern (of Positive)
Land Property Sta. Rosa All residents of No material Ecological and Proper
host community impact due to environmental Compliance with
location concern local
policies and

Customer Management
Customer Satisfaction
Disclosure Score Did a third-party
the customer
study (Y/N)?
Customer satisfaction N/A N

What is the impact and where does it occur? Management Approach

What is the organization’s involvement in the

The Company considers customer satisfaction as The Company gives customers the best services
imperative in its operation and have positive impact in and treat them equally in accordance with the
the entire organization. This reflects the overall Company’s core values.
experience of the customer from the services
provided by the Company
What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

Company dissatisfaction Same as above

What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach

Build good relationship with customers Same as above

Health and Hazard

Disclosure Quantity Units
No. of substantiated complains on
None #
product or service health and safety*
No. of complains addressed None #
*Substantiated complains include complaints from customers that went through the organization’s formal
communication channels and grievance mechanisms as well as complains that were lodge to and acted upon by
government agencies.

What is the impact and where does it occur? Management Approach

What is the organization’s involvement in the

Customers/clients’ health and safety is one of the The Company gives customers the best services
Company’s top priority. and treat them equally in accordance with the
Company’s core values.

What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

No material risk identified Same as above

What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach

The company sees to continue improvement in areas Management accepts feedback from customers
of health and safety of customers. with regard to the services being performed.

Marketing and labelling

The Company has no implemented marketing practices.
Disclosure Quantity Units
No. of substantiated complaints on
None #
marketing and labelling*
No. of complains addressed None #
*Substantiated complaints include complaints from customers that went through the organization’s formal
communication channels and grievance mechanisms as well as complaints that were lodged to and acted upon
by government agencies.

What is the impact and where does it occur? Management Approach

What is the organization’s involvement in the


What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach


Customer Privacy
Disclosure Quantity Units
No. of substantiated complaints on None #
customer privacy*
No. of complains addressed None #
No. of customers, users, and account None #
holders whose information is used for
secondary purposes
*Substantiated complaints include complaints from customers that went through the organization’s formal
communication channels and grievance mechanisms as well as complaints that were lodged to and acted upon
by government agencies.

Data Security
Disclosure Quantity Units
No. of data breaches, including leaks,thefts none #
and losses
of data

What is the impact and where does it occur? What Management Approach
is the organization’s involvement in the impact?

Documents from customers are in safe places. These Orientation of employees with regard to data
documents can only be accessed by authorized security for proper implementation
What are the Risk/s Identified? Management Approach

Exposure of confidential information Same as above

What are the Opportunity/ies Identified? Management Approach

Enhancement of data protection measures Follow-up and continuous improvement

Instill discipline and responsible use of information
among employees

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