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(Spyzie) Monitoring, Checklist

Cost: AUD 64$ for a month

Operating systems: Android
Features testings:

1. Location: Working and updated every 30 minutes.

2. Calls: working, Lists the incoming and outgoing calls
3. SMS Messages: working, the outgoing and the incoming sorted by the
4. WhatsApp: working, the outgoing and the incoming sorted by the user
5. WhatsApp Files: working, and it will upload the files to the system
6. Facebook: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that used in the
7. Facebook: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that used in the
8. Facebook messenger: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that
used in the software or chats.
9. Line: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that used in the software
10. Instagram: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that used in the
11. Viber: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that used in the
software or chats.
12. Kik: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that used in the software
or chats.
13. WeChat: Lists inputs and screenshots for the inputs that used in the
software or chats.
14. Capture Screenshots: Working, you can capture just if the device online
and unlocked.
15. Keylogger: a feature from Spyzie to lists the inputs for skype and google
chrome and phone contacts and other inputs used in the device.
16. Pictures & videos: will upload accordingly to the system monitoring.
17. Browser history: working, and listing the viewed websites.
18. Contacts: Working, lists the contacts
19. Clipboard: It lists all the copied texts
20. Blocked feature: Working and it will block instantly the application
21. Email: Lists the sending emails and the inbox.
1. Monitoring all the activities on a specific device.
2. Checking all the messages on WhatsApp and SMS.
3. Taking screenshots of the screen’s device.
4. Provide screenshots of activates that are happening on the device include
chatting, liking photos etc.
5. Blocking any application from usage instantly.

1. Taking quite a lot of time to sync the messages and calls.
2. The listing of chatting messages it can be confusing sometime (just for the
social apps).
3. It will take time to upload the videos and photos.
4. You need multiple user account to monitor multiple devices.

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