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Jasmine G.


BSN 1-4

Writing Activity/ E-Journal: A short narrative of learning experience you had today.

The Parable of the Sower.

Do you think a seed will grow on the ground? on the rocks? Will it survive on thorn bushes? How
about on a soil? Whereas all four types of soil are basically the same, they are in distinct conditions and
respond to cultivation in different ways.

The story of the Parable of the Sower emanated from the bible in the gospels Matthew 13:1-23. This
story unveils allegorical representation where in the farmer represents as God and the seed as the message.
As the farmer dispersed the seeds, some of it falls on the path that is why the birds quickly eat it. Some other
seed falls on the rock where it did not have much soil. The seed germinated quickly, but when the sun rose,
it scorched the little plants. Other seed landed among thorns, which developed and smothered the plants.
While some seed dropped on good soil, and the plants grew that produced crops.

The parable of the sower revealed the different ways on how we live and accept with the message of
God to our lives. The seeds that went on the path that were quickly eaten by the birds which represents
Satan. The seed on the path depicts those people who hear the word of God but do not accept it. These are
people who have hardened their hearts toward God and refuse to listen to what He has to say. These are
people who were preoccupied with other things, some people do not live a decent Christian life.
Meanwhile, the other seeds that fell on the rock act as those people who exhibits and knowledge in
the Gospel but whose heart isn't thoroughly convicted, so that his faith isn't strong enough to stand when
hardship arises. They are aware to the word of God but when the difficult time (represented as the sun)
comes they tend to give up due to lack of faith and trust to Him. These types of people are unable to commit
to a Christian way of life. They are interested at first but give up when things get tough.

The third type of soil which the seed had landed were filled with thorns bushes. The message of God
is hindered by the thorns. They hear the message of God, but the plants die as a result of people's concerns
about wealth and their concerns about life. They cannot follow through since they are focused to the
material things on earth which includes money and luxury.

However, there were still some seeds that landed on the good soil. The good soil were people who
receive the word and put it into practice on a daily basis and just like how the seeds grow on soil. They hear
the message of God and obeys it. These people have strong faith and trust to God. These people are sincere
believer of God, who give up all their aspirations and placed their trust to Him even when difficult time
The allegory brought numerous life lessons to us humans. Just like livings things, plants need fertile,
saturated soil, sunlight, we too need to make sure we optimize the soil of our hearts for growth. We need
the word of God to attain healthy and prosperous life. The decision in is our hands whether what kind of soil
we live in. Human’s heart soil must be good so that deep roots can grow to support the word of God just like
how seed grow on good soil. With God, it will be easier to remove up the hard-packed zones and root out
the thorns and rocks if we only keep our heart soil well-tilled with His words.

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