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How to activate your LdiSL CLIP account for the first time using:

Android Smartphone and Windows 10 PC

What do you need?

1. Android SmartPhone that can receive text messages (Android version 6 or newer)
2. Windows 10 PC (desktop or laptop)


1. On your Android smartphone, go to Play Store and get Microsoft Authenticator

2. On your Windows 10 PC, open a browser and go to:

Click Download for Desktop, Then click Download Teams.

3. Once Downloaded, go to your Downloads folder, and look for the Teams App installer, then click (or
double-click/tap) to install.

The Teams app will automatically be installed on your Desktop.

a. Once installation is done, you will be prompted with Microsoft Team’s Login Page.
b. Please enter your username (that looks like:, then click Sign in.
c. Enter your temporary password in the next page, click Next.

4. When prompted with “More information required”, click “Next”

5. On the Additional security verification page, click “Use verification code”, then click “Set up”

6. A window screen with QR code like the one below appears.

7. Get your Android and open the Microsoft Authenticator App. Refer below and the following page for
similar smartphone screenshots.

8. Tap to launch the Authenticator App. Click on Scan QR code, click OK allow use of Camera to be
able to scan. Click Add account and choose Work or school account, then scan the QR Code on
your screen (like the one on the last caption in the previous page/above). Click Next.

9. From step 8 above, Additional verification window screen appears like the one on the next page
below. Click Next.
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10. Check your Android and type-in the code on the “Additional security verification”. Click Next.

11. Click “Done”. You have successfully activated your MS Teams Account.

12. Next, Update your password. It is critical to complete the steps and carefully follow instructions below
and the following pages until the last page.

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13. When the window screen on the left appears, key in the temporary password issued to you in the
“Current password” line, enter the new password on the “New Password” line and the same new
password on the “Confirm password” line. Password must have combination of BIG and small
letters, number and special character like @$% etc. Please make it easy for you to remember and
hard for others to guess. Click “Sign in”

14. Click “Next” when “More information required” screen appears as it is on the caption above.

15. The screen below appears. Click “Verify” right after the pre-defined number with orange triangle icon
before it. The number indicated is the one you have shared with us.

16. On the next screen below, it is important to verify and update your mobile number. It will serve as
your backup authentication means if you lose your password. Click “Text me”
17. A text message with numeric code will be sent to you by Microsoft. Please check your phone for the
text message and complete the next steps within 10 minutes as the text code expires.


18. Copy the numeric verification code you received on your phone from Microsoft, to the verification
field/space, then click “verify”. Refer to the screenshots above.

19. Click Finish when the next screen appears with

“Authentication Phone” set and verified as indicated with
round ticked-green icon.

As additional and optional steps, you may setup

authentication email as well as Security
Questions to have additional backup means to gunsasa
recover your account if you lose your password.
20. If “Stay signed in to all your apps” pane appears, you may uncheck the “Allow my organization…”
box, then click “OK”

Your Microsoft 365 Education Account is NOW ACTIVATED with Liceo di San Lorenzo! You will
be automatically signed-in to Microsoft Teams.

You may stay Signed-in. Microsoft Teams App will remember you. If you need to Sign-in again,
please use your “new password”, and use the verification code generated from your Microsoft
Authenticator App when prompted.

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