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Bujal (played by Zamarul Hisyam) dream about visiting Madinah and Makkah. Despite his sub-normal IQ,
warm-hearted Bujal hoping his mother illness will be heal if he visited Madinah and Makkah. Bujal heard Pak
Imam (played by Mazlan Tahir) says about five thing even without thought or do it in purpose seeing Kaabah,
seeing prophet cemetary, seeing al-Quran, seeing zam-zam, or even looked into his mother face will get
reward from Allah.
With age pass 35 years old yet in level of intelligence like a kids making everyone in his village make fun of
him. Story ofKurma Ajwa for Najwa will leads us to a truly charmed life, with a ringside seat for many of the
most memorable events with Bujal dream and hope.
Entirely without trying, Bujal worked hard save money to make his dream come true. Until he meets
Najwa (played by Mila AF) accidently while running calling plane to take him with. Wanting for apologies he try
meet the girl that melt his heart, but end up getting into conflict with her brother, Naim  (played by Airil
AF). With his honest and determination Bujal opens Najwa‘s parents heart. Finally, Pak Jamil (played by Ahmad
Tarmimi Siregar) supports him to go to Madinah.
Discover about Najwa lung illness he decides to run back to his village bring Kurma Ajwa for Najwa after visited
Madinah but its too late because Najwa passed away soon after he arrived to his hometown.



CAIRO- 3 friends of true friendship.CITRA Maisarah, SERI & Waheeda. They can not run away from love and
affection. CITRA Maisarah fall in love with Azihan a man who adheres to the religion.
Soraya Egyptian girl dismissed from the University of the family because her daughter did not want to mingle
freely. Three of them making agreement to return to homeland to fight for the fate of women.
Soraya Egyptian girl dismissed from the University, because of her parents worried about their daughter
become social and mingle freely.A promised and agreement to return to homeland to fight for women’s right.
HOMECOMING- Families reject changes Citra Maisarah image as despised profession as an advocate of
sharia.Seri stuck with the sole commander Ustaz lend money to his father to finance the series of learning in

Waheeda mess up into trouble and stuck with her boyfriend Rizuan.

CONFLICT –Citra Maisarah want to show the image of herself, impartiality her entire life to her family that
fought for what was something that needed by women nowadays.Seri-falls in love for the first time with
Widjan, Ustaz Amirul son.Waheeda changed because of her lover.Citra Maisarah fight for her sister justice,
from mistreat by her husband.
Seri- sacrifice her love and forced to get married with for Ustaz Amirul and she becoming the 4 th wives for
him.Citra Maisarah fighting to save her best friends from continuing to drift out of love.Widjan want to save
Seri from the greed of his father's desire.
FAITH- How a man with higher education lost faith when his weaknesses conquer himself?
SEX ABUSE – Seri had been through a rough and sorrow  life.
BATTLEIs Widjan actually strike a blow for Seri right because of his love or because of preserve for
Allah amercement?
Will Waheeda come back home to the right way?
Citra Maisarah is the TRUE HEROIN that will save woman from mistreat especially her best friends that she
LOVE-Woman always deceived with love until they legitimize themselves remains trapped in the pain. The
pure love was born when the man recognizes himself and god.

CITRA MAISARAH-faith creative and able to maintain dignity without being washed away by love. She gave
birth to strength and power within themselves to rise up to defend women's rights on the road while enjoying
the love of God.

SERI -  Women who sacrificed his love for his devotion to family.

WAHEEDA – Love the direction of happiness in the search for it enough to release the sanctity and dignity.
WIDJAN- Sublimity and sincerity of his love for God led him ready to loved ones and the hormatinya for
defending the truth of Allah.
USTAZ AMIRUL- Stranded alone in a cage lust.
CITRA EMELDA –. Weakness in defending the rights of love.
And finally succeed this joint struggled to raise women for those who dare to claim rights declared are written
in the book of Allah. Islam is declared to racial justice and Adam Hawa. And loves are you had to sacrifice while
releasing goes.



Karmila 23 years a popular actor and Tan Sri Fahrul Sani 64 years has led to a politician who is no longer in
love can be separated because Tan Sri Fahrul want to legitimize their relationship by marrying Karmila though
he knew the decision would destroy the heart of his first wife Waheeda. Women may be willing to co-wife lives.
There was never a co-wife is sweet. Waheeda hard at first rejected the application Tan Sri Sani let alone to
receive an artist as honey. Waheeda once felt so humiliated, but  finally
Waheeda prepare delegation woo Karmila with some journalists just to get publicity that she is an exemplary

Tan Sri promised to be fair to both his wife. As promised by Tan Sri Fahrul, they go to perform Umrah
A month after returning from Mecca, Karmila found pregnant and Tan Sri Fahrul is not quite old pet was so
happy with the news. Love and attention increasingly focused on Karmila indirectly. Waheeda began to be
accused of deliberately Karmila early pregnancy because her husband wanted clinched properties. Waheeda
trying to influence her children, but 22-year-footed in favor of his son Karmila. This makes Waheeda more
depressed. Their marriage become more happier in the second year once again, when Tan Sri get news
Karmila pregnant again. The joy only in the first 3 months because of the sudden Tan Sri Fahrul possible bowel
cancer and he was put into hospital.
One morning, Tan Sri Fahrul unconscious after a chemotherapy due to this conditions provide an opportunity
for revenge by Waheeda. Waheeda pay two security to guard in front of Tan Sri Fahrul room.No one allow to
go visiting. Karmila tried several times to visit her husband but was stopped. One morning Karmila getting
persistent phone calls from her husband's lawyers say that Tan Sri has dropped divorce 3 to Karmila Waheeda
further insult by saying Karmila Karmila cheating behind Tan Sri and child in the womb is not the son of Tan
Sri. Karmila also accused of having relations with another man while Tan Sri admitted to hospital.

Karmila helpless against because she was in pain while giving birth to premature. He was rushed to the
maternity ward and at the same time Tan Sri is fighting life until he died last Karmila same time with her
daughter's birth.Karmila first week in hospital to control feelings of sadness and accept the death of Tan Sri.
Waheeda come and he has charged that Waheeda and her son is bad luck to the life of Tan Sri. Karmila
distracted mind because of Waheeda words, and caused hate to her own son. She finally ends up killed her
own baby.

Karmila arrested. Karmila conditions such as those less insane and more difficult to cooperate with the police.
For nearly three months Karmila in psychiatric hospitals her memories more stable and ultimately discharged
Karmila. Marina and her mother tried to keep his emotions in order Karmila not get sick again like before.
Karmila have to accept that her son had died, and Tan Sri. Now he focuses entirely on Nurain first child. Marina
Karmila urged him to claim the property and Nurain of Waheeda Karmila but refused, and justifies it all as
before, what he wanted from Tan Sri is not wealth, but his affection. Qaryum always appear in Karmila life.
Waheeda life these days is more chaos and start fallen in love with a gigolo who knew Jay at a
nightclub. Waheeda urged Jay to marry him, but Jay gave various reasons. Waheeda one day to catch Jay
brings a woman to her apartment. Waheeda rampage and fought with Jay. Finally  realizes that she has lost,
and began to believe that one's sins to God more and more. It's time, she repents and asks forgiveness, more
so then the situation is so desperate to perform Umrah. Without the realize   Waheeda have registered under
the Travel Agency Karmila has work.

Waheeda in shock and not prepared to accept that his party is led by Karmila. Waheeda more emotionally
incoherent and did not propose that terkawal.Ustaz Khairulnizam Karmila Waheeda lead to a prayer of
repentance as soon as possible because that's the only way to stabilize their emotions. All memory is back and
this time ask for forgiveness, Waheeda roared Karmila. Indeed Karmila a pure heart and pure, he received all
the allegations of God and forgive all the mistakes Waheeda. That night, Waheeda can sleep with peace of
In front of the temple once again Waheeda Karmila and begged for forgiveness from all sins confessed over the
previous Karmila want to submit the pledge includes the assets of the deceased is actually part of his right
Karmila and taken by Waheeda before. Her forgiveness been accepted wholeheartedly by Karmila.
Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Waheeda front of the temple also has been able to move his body. Karmila very
pleased to see that change and Waheeda start enjoying the sense of gratitude for the first time in his life. So
bersemilah love of fellow human beings and Waheeda Karmila. They through a beautiful journey to Mecca and
Medina. That is the magic of a sincerity.



This story is about a villager named Pak Khamis and his wife Mak Timah who wanted to discharge Hajj and
Umrah but due to too their stingy nature finally had been fooled. Then story begin with introducing the main
actor, Pak Khamis and Mak Timah is among the rich man in the village of Trengganu Bowl.

One day Ismet come and bring in MLM direct sales of the package price of RM 6,000 Hajji and Umrah can

be enjoyed free of charge to residents. The most expensive package for Hajji is RM9, 000.00,
while Umrah is only half of price of RM5, 000. The offer wasbring excitement to Pak Khamis and his wife.
Without thinking more deeper the offer accepted by Pak Khamis and Mak
Timah.Although many of the villagers who wait to follow the pack but they are still not brave
enough to bet that much capital. Pak Khamis and mak Timah once again try to influence
the villagers but they failed.  Only  both of them follow the pilgrimage delegation. 

They departed immediately after Syawal and excitedly  to get in the hajj. They were pleased to be able

to perform their Umrah for the first timeand cannot wait to make some preparations to celebrate
the seasons. Somehow in sudden the head of the delegation ordered to all MLM members to submit their
passport and had to move to a village of Pattani. They lived in a house. The
situation refugees because they never allowed to go out of the area pending until the other pilgrims come.

Salleh, the head of the delegation suddenly disappeared deliberately. Other pilgrims had to take care of

themselves. There were also among the congregation who did heard Salleh order and came out of hiding
places, visit the Holy Mosque as long for the temple because cannot wait to perform the Hajj. A lots of rumors
been heard like some of them are missing out and had been returned home. Pak Khamis also
heard in newspaper received that police had arrested and deported certain pilgrims go
back to Malaysia.Living as refugees is actually a great pressure on Mak Timah and Pak Khamis is known to
be less temper about the nature of self-conscious so they are often arguing.

Sometimes Mak Timah voiced her intention to return back  immediately to her hometow but. Pak Khamis

was prevented muhrim to his wife. Meaning If she want to back mediators, he also had to returned home. This
is a cause make both of them fight. When they made decision come out ends up with a lots of thing happen
like prayer mat falls,  sprained ankles, falling unconscious, was arrested by officers and finallylater on the
consulate Malaysia Officials had to send both of  them to the airport and return back Malaysia.

The story is about "DIA BUKAN MARYAM" is a sacred meaning of two friendship.

"There comes a time, when we separated forever, but before the time comes to invite one of us, be happy

and blessed of my vows with ..."

... its wasn't totally Sarah mistake married to Nasir. If ony he knew how it feel like to have Zaimah, of course

she would only be sacrificed for the sake of true love with her best friend. A
week after diijabkabul with Nasir, a new everything is exposed. Nasir pushed Sarah for not seeing Zaimah in
the wedding day. Finally Sarah confess that although the statement was too bitter to swallow. Even
worse,when Nasir himself claimed to be afraid to confess Zaimah about the same way because afraid
that feeling crude declined by Zaimah.

Because of the vows, Eusoff Nur Iman, should be submitted to the Zaimah. Sarah reluctant to continue her

vows as her son is now in her lap. Sarah caught in a
very painful situation. Nasri himself repeatedly reminded Sarah for her vow of Zaimah, as if Sarah is
indeed guilty of the Zaimah. Sarah knows what effect, if not fulfilled the vow, but, if
the attitude that seems more thought about what her husband  thought
about Zaimah feelings, Sarah getting confused. She does not want marriage to Nasir, was charged
with extreme guilt, after she knew she had only Nasir physical, but not the heart and love.

That is always Nasir stressed on it, "Zaimah sacrificed the feelings and rights just because the appreciation

of the friendship ties that are too prominent to Sarah one time.Zaimah actions to hide her
feelings to Nasir and flatly rejected the love of Nasir because do not want
to see Sarah hearts shattered.Sacred meaning of friendship and  that was made by Zaimah." the
word,has pierced Sarah soul.

"Maryam is not she ..! and would no longer like the story again in this

world .. the words sometimes make it return to Eusoff Zaimah Nur Iman on the proprietary rights. If she
is just the insults insult, she do not care, but also dragged the family when she decided to move.

By unfortunately at Eusoff Nur Iman too, she "ran" in the hope that, Sarah and Nasir are unable to locate

him. Cruel? Indeed, what she is cruel, but Sarah alone has promised not to claim that Eusoff Nur Iman non-
urgent conditions. But Zaimah still afraid one day Sarah will tracked her again

The words saying "mom is not Maryam " once again the fact that scattered Zaimah heart. But difference this

time, the words come out from the mouth of Eusoff Nur Iman. Penalty? There are no words that
can describe what is perceived by Zaimah when Eusoff Nur Iman remove those words.

Can Zaimah run from reality? will the love between Zaimah in Nasir erased? will Sarah find her back again?

Story about "Dia bukan Maryam" will loosen the question mark.


Nasir-within the mid-40's. Quiet, speaking only when necessary. Feelings have long been forced

to put on Zaimah but because they fear disappointed. Sarah married with him because
of families choice. Working in the PTD and transferred to Istanbul. Against the backdrop
of a strong religious foundation.

Zaimah-in the range of late 30's. Simple, like to hide. Also feelings of Nasir, but do not hold to

the traditional letting out as well as the basic background of strong faith. Having a child
care center operated with his brother.

Sarah - age and a good friend Zaimah. Run their own businesses in the supply of stationery. The proposal met

with his brother, Nasir, Borhan. Straight. Never know withany man before Nasir.

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